

Twitter security for media companies

Twitter is worried about all the media company accounts being hacked, and has released some guidance. These aren’t exploits of Twitter itself, but of media companies, typically through phishing. Twitter suggests that companies employ a pretty standard set of password security practices in response: changing current passwords, using new ones that are at least 20 characters long and are made up of either randomly-generated characters or random words, and to never email said passwords, even internally … Given that email accounts are used to reset passwords, Twitter also suggests users change those passwords and implement two-factor authentication on their email accounts if available Here is what I suggest on top of Twitter’s suggestions: Use a dedicated email account for your Twitter account, and don’t make it public. Disable all Twitter email updates to that account, and rely on in-app notifications. Use strong authentication for that email account, and limit access. If you need to authorize a new app or employee for Twitter, change the Twitter account password to a new random password after every time you use it to authorize an app. Check your app authorizations daily. You are a media company, and this is one of your biggest channels. I don’t make this recommendation for everyone, but if you are the AP you need to take super extra precautions. Have an incident response process for suspicious tweets or account access, and make sure you pre-contact Twitter with the right contact info for those authorized to check on the account. Again, if you are a big media company, use a designated device for tweeting that isn’t used for other things. Notice I said “device”. An iPad is great because you don’t need to worry about background malware. I’m sure people have other good ideas to add in the comments… Share:

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Google Glass Has Already Been Hacked By Jailbreakers

Courtesy of Forbes: Freeman, who goes by the hacker handle “Saurik” and created the widely-used app store for jailbroken iOS devices known as Cydia, told me in a phone interview that he discovered yesterday that Glass runs Android 4.0.4, and immediately began testing previously-known exploits that worked on that version of Google’s mobile operating system. Within hours, he found that he could use an exploit released by a hacker who goes by the name B1nary last year to gain full control of Glass’s operating system. As David Mortman said in our internal chat room: Love that it’s a slightly modified year old exploit. Google couldn’t even bother to release an up to date version of android with the device. Here is why it matters – Glass will be open to most, if not all Android exploits unless Google takes extra precautions. Glass is always on, with a persistent video camera that isn’t blacked out when you drop it in your pocket. This offers malware opportunities beyond even the risks of a phone. Since every jailbreak is a security exploit, this is a problem. Share:

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Gaming the pirates—literally

This is too good not to share, albeit only tangentially related to our usual SMB and enterprise focus: A software development company posted a cracked version of their new game to pirate sites, but with a twist: However, in the pirated version, the in-game developers begin to run into crippling piracy that eventually drives them into bankruptcy. In-game CEO’s receive this message: “Boss, it seems that while many players play our new game, they steal it by downloading a cracked version rather than buying it legally.” If players don’t buy the games they like, we will sooner or later go bankrupt. Players who downloaded the game illegally then began posting questions in the game’s support forums asking how to better fight the pirates. After the first weekend, the company had 3100 gamers playing the cracked version, with 214 playing the genuine edition. Pay for your f-ing software, people, that’s all I have to say. Heck, I have even started paying for things I can get free review licenses for, when they are something I use on a regular basis and want to support. Share:

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Security Funding via Tin Cup

Folks struggling to get funding to implement security programs are a hot button of mine. I know it’s hard. I know we are expected to protect stuff with tighter budgets and fewer resources. A cornerstone of our research is effective prioritization so you can focus on the things most important to your organization. I get all that. But most folks aren’t a lot more sophisticated than passing around a tin cup during the budgeting process and hoping they get sufficient funding. If you want any chance of success in security, you need to be able to get funding for your key projects. And passing a virtual tin cup doesn’t cut it. I recently saw an article on NetworkWorld that hits on these topics, 10 tips to secure funding for a security program, and figured it was another one of these lightweight slide shows meant to drive a bunch of page views. But when I started reading and almost immediately saw a discussion of ROI for getting security funding I was a bit chagrined. If you talk ROI you have very little chance of success. Although the author (Dominic Nessi) makes a good point: However, cyber security budget requests are more difficult to quantify. Security ROI is typically expressed by comparing security investments with the potential liability caused by security breaches. This is similar to calculating the financial benefit of insurance for physical assets, such as buildings and equipment. Insurance. Awesome. But it is what it is. It’s about risk – either minimizing or transferring your risk. Don’t even waste time thinking about eliminating risk. Dominic talks about putting a program framework in place and relating the goals of the security framework to the goals of the business. Yup. So read these 10 tips, and understand they aren’t really 10 tips – these are all basic things that go along with having a strong security program. But I’m not sure why getting a CISSP is important for getting funding. If you are looking at a certification to prove competence to your senior management you’re doing it wrong. But railing on certifications is another topic for another day. Photo credit: “Beggar girl” originally uploaded by Taifighta Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

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