

Reactionary Idiot Test

We generally avoid talking about the NSA, Snowden, and such, but this piece is actually illuminating, without any sort of political commentary. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols points out that moving your stuff outside the US gives the NSA more freedom to snoop: Because, in the United States, the NSA and friends need to jump through the FISC hoops to listen in to your e-mail, cloud data transfers, phone calls, whatever. If you’re doing any of the above to someone or some site outside of the US, any of your communications are pretty much fair game. I always like to out reactionary foolishness like this. Just a little bit of knowledge and analysis make clear that your data isn’t safer overseas. Consider this a commentary on reactionism – not on the scope of NSA monitoring. Share:

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PCI 3.0 is coming. Hide the kids.

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council recently released a preview of potential changes in PCI 3.0 that will go into effect in 2014. It looks like they read the Verizon DBIR: The PCI Standards are updated based on feedback from the industry, per the standards development lifecycle as well as in response to current market needs. Common challenge areas and drivers for change include: Lack of education and awareness Weak passwords, authentication Third-party security challenges Slow self-detection, malware Inconsistency in assessments Nothing is final, but a few highlights worth understanding now, since they may sure as heck nail you later: Better current documentation of cardholder data flow and everything within PCI scope. Penetration testing is a requirement. If they are serious about this I am not sure how that will play out for the SMB side of the world. This one I’m darn curious to see how they handle. I predict total failure: To address compromises where the organization had been PCI DSS compliant but did not maintain that status. Recommendations focus on helping organizations take a proactive approach to protect cardholder data that focuses on security, not compliance, and makes PCI DSS a business-as-usual practice. An emphasis on consistency of assessments. More specifics on “daily log reviews”. Oh my. PCI isn’t totally worthless, but I don’t expect much practical improvement to come out of the 3.0 updates. These are very reasonable holes to address, and will help, but we may be about to burden many organizations with activities they cannot possibly support. Start your SaaS engines now… Share:

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Ecosystem Threat Intelligence: Use Cases and Selection Criteria

We touched on the Risks of the Extended Enterprise and the specifics of Assessing Partner Risk, so now let’s apply these concepts to a few use cases to help make the concepts a little more tangible. We will follow a similar format for each use case, talking about the business needs for access, then the threat presented by that access, and finally how Ecosystem Threat Intelligence (EcoTI) helps you make better decisions about specific partners. Without further ado, let’s jump in. Simple Business Process Outsourcing Use Case Let’s start simply. As with many businesses, sometimes it is cheaper and better to have external parties fulfill non-strategic functions. We could be talking about anything, from legacy application maintenance to human resources form processing. But almost all outsourcing arrangements require you to provide outsiders with access to your systems so they can use some of your critical data. For any kind of software development an external party needs access to your source code. And unless you have a very advanced and segmented development network, developers have access to much more than just the (legacy) applications they are working on. So if any of their devices are compromised, attackers can gain access to your developer’s devices and build systems, and a variety of other things that would probably be bad. If we are talking about human resources outsourcing, those folks have access to personnel records, which may include sensitive information including salaries, employment agreements, health issues, and other stuff you probably don’t want published on Glassdoor. Even better, organizations increasingly use SaaS providers for HR functions, which moves that data outside your data center and removes even more of your waning control. The commonality between these two outsourcing situations is that access is restricted to just one trading partner. Of course you might use multiple development shops, but for simplicity’s sake we will just talk about one. In this case your due diligence occurs while selecting the provider and negotiating the contract. That may entail demanding background checks on external staffers and a site visit to substantiate sufficient security controls. At that point you should feel pretty good about the security of your trading partner. But what happens after that? Do you assess these folks on an ongoing basis? What happens if they hire a bad apple? Or if they are attacked and compromised due to some other issue that has nothing to do with you? Thus, the importance of an ongoing assessment capability. If you are a major client of your outsourcer you might have a big enough stick to get them to share their network topology. So at least you won’t have to build that yourself. In this scenario, you are predominately concerned with bot activity (described as Sickness from Within in our previuos Risk Assessment post) because that’s the smoking gun for compromised devices with access. Compromised Internet-facing devices can also cause issues so you need to consider them too. But as you can see, in this use case it makes sense to prioritize internal issues over the public-facing vulnerabilities when you calculate a relative risk score. In this limited scenario it is not really a relative risk score, because you aren’t really comparing the provider to anyone else, because only one external party has access any particular dataset. So if your Ecosystem Threat Intelligence alerts you to an issue with this partner you will need to act quickly. Their access could cause you real problems. Many Partners Use Case To complicate things a bit let’s consider that you may need to provide access to many trading partners. Perhaps external sales reps have access to your customer database and other proprietary information about your products and services. Or perhaps your chain of hospitals provides access to medical systems to hundreds of doctors with privileges to practice at your facilities. Or it could even be upstream suppliers who make and assemble parts for your heavy machinery products. These folks have your designs and sales forecasts, because they need to deliver inventory just in time for you to get the product out the door (and hit your quarterly numbers). Regardless of the situation, you have to support dozens of trading partners or more, offering them access to some of your most critical enterprise data. Sometimes it’s easier for targeted attackers to go after your trading partners, than to target you directly. We have seen this in the real world, with subassembly manufacturers of defense contractors hacked for access to military schematics and other critical information on a particular weapons program. In this situation, as in the use case above, the security team typically cannot refuse to connect with the partner. Sales executives frown on the security team shutting down a huge sales channel. Similarly like the security team cannot tell the final assembly folks they can’t get their seats because the seat manufacturer got breached. Although you can’t stop the business, you can certainly warn the senior team about the risks of connecting with that specific trading partner. But to substantiate those concerns, you need data to back up your claim. This is where calculating relative risk scores for multiple trading partners can really help make your case. It’s probably not a bad assumption that all trading partners are compromised in some fashion. But which ones are total fiascos? Which partners cannot even block a SQLi attack on an ecommerce site? Which has dozens of bots flooding the Internet with denial of service attacks? Specifics from your Ecosystem Threat Intel efforts enable you to make a fact-based case to senior executives that connecting to a partner is not worth the risk. Again, you can’t make the business decision for that executive, but you can arm them with enough information for them to make a rational decision. Or you could suggest an alternative set of security controls for those specific partners. You might force them to connect into your systems through a VDI (virtual desktop) service on your premises (so your data never leaves your network) and monitor everything they do in

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Random Thought: Meet Your New Database

Something has been bugging me. It’s big data. Not the industry but the term itself. Every time I am asked about big data I need to use the term in order to be understood, but the term itself steers the uninitiated in the wrong direction. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s wrong. It’s time to stop thinking about big data as big data, and start looking at these platforms as the next logical step in data management. What we call “big data” is really a building block approach to databases. Rather than the pre-packaged relational systems we have grown accustomed to over the last two decades, we now assemble different pieces (data management, data storage, orchestration, etc.) together in order to fit specific requirements. These platforms, in dozens of different flavors, have more than proven their worth and no longer need to escape the shadow of relational platforms. It’s time to simply think of big data as modular databases. Big data has had something a chip on its shoulder, with proponents calling the movement ‘NoSQL’ to differentiate these platforms from relational databases. The term “big data” was used to describe this segment, but as it captures only one – and not even the most important – characteristic, the term now under-serves the entire movement. These databases may focus on speed, size, analytic capabilities, failsafe operation, or some other goal, and they allow computation on a massive scale for a very small amount of money. But just as importantly, they are fully customizable to meet different needs. And they work! This is not a fad. It is are not going away. It is not always easy to describe what these modular databases look like, as they are as variable as the applications that use them, but they have a set of common characteristics. Hopefully this post will not trigger any “relational databases are dead” comments. Mainframe databases are still alive and thriving, and relational databases have a dominant market position that is not about to evaporate either. But when you start a new project, you are probably not looking at a relational database management system. Programmers simply need more flexibility in how they manage and use data, and relational platforms simply do not provide the flexibility to accommodate all the diverse needs out there. Big data is a database, and I bet within the next couple years when we say ‘database’ we won’t think relational – we will mean big data modular databases. Share:

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