

Security’s Future: Implications for Cloud Providers

This is the fifth post in a series on the future of information security, which will be the basis for a white paper. You can leave feedback here as a blog comment, or even submit edits directly over at GitHub, where we are running the entire editing process in public. This is the initial draft, and I expect to trim the content by about 20%. The entire outline is available. See the first post, second post, third post and fourth post. Implications for Cloud and Infrastructure Providers Security is (becoming) a top-three priority for cloud and infrastructure providers of all types. For providers with enterprise customers and those which handle regulated data, security is likely the first priority. As important as it is to offer compelling and innovative services to customers, a major security failure has the potential to wipe out clients’ ability to trust you – even before legal liabilities. If you handle information with value on behalf of your customers, you are, for nearly all intents and purposes, a form of bank. Trust Is a Feature Enterprises can’t transition to the cloud without trust. Their stakeholders and regulators simply won’t support it. Consumers may, to a point, but only the largest and most popular properties can withstand the loss of trust induced by a major breach. There are 5 corollaries: Customers need a baseline of security features to migrate to the cloud. This varies by the type of service, but features such as federated identity, data security, and internal access controls are table stakes. Cloud providers need a baseline of inherent security to withstand attacks, as well as customer-accessible security features to enable clients to implement their security strategies. You are a far bigger target than any single customer, and will experience advanced attacks on a regular basis. Centralizing resources alters the economics of attacks, inducing bad guys to incur higher costs for the higher rewards of access to all a cloud provider’s customers at once. User own their data. Even if it isn’t in a contract or SLA, if you affect their data in a way they don’t expect, that breaks trust just as surely as a breach. Multitenancy isolation failures are a material risk for you and your customers. If a customer’s data is accidentally exposed to another customer, that is, again, a breach of security and trust. People have been hunting multitenancy breaks in online services for years, and criminals sign up for services just to hunt for more. Trust applies to your entire cloud supply chain. Many cloud providers also rely on other providers. If you own the customer trust relationship you are responsible for any failures in the digital supply chain. It isn’t enough to simply be secure – you also need to build trust and enable your customers’ security strategies. Building Security in The following features and principles allow customers to align their security needs with cloud services, and are likely to become competitive differentiators over time: Support APIs for security functions. Cloud platforms and infrastructure shouldn’t merely expose APIs for cloud features; but also for security functions such as identity management, access control, network security, and whatever else falls under customer control. This enables security management and integration. Don’t require customers to log into your web portal to manage security – although you also need to expose all those functions in your user interface. Provide logs and activity feeds. Extensive logging and auditing are vital for security – especially for monitoring the cloud management plane. Expose as much data, as close to in real time, as possible. Transparency is a powerful security enabler provided by centralization of services and data. Feeds should be easily consumable in standard formats such as JSON. Simplify federated identity management. Federation allows organizations to extend their existing identity and access management to the cloud while retaining control. Supporting federation for dozens or hundreds of external providers is daunting, with entire products available to address that issue. Make it as easy as possible for your customers to use federation, and stick to popular standards that integrate with existing enterprise directories. Also support the full lifecycle of identity management, from creation and propagation to changing roles and retirement. Extend security to endpoints. We have focused on the cloud, but mobility is marching right alongside, and just as disruptive. Endpoint access to services and data – including apps, APIs, and web interfaces – should support all security features equally across platforms. Clearly document security differences across platforms, such as the different data exposure risks on an iOS device vs. Android device vs. laptops. Encrypt by default. If you hold customer data encrypt it. Even if you don’t think encryption adds much security, it empowers trust and supports compliance. Then allow customers who want, to control their own keys. This is technically and operationally complex, but becomes a competitive differentiator, and can eliminate many data security concerns and smooth cloud adoption. Maintain security table stakes. Different types of services handling different types of workflows and data tend to share a security baseline. Fall below it and customers will be drawn to the competition. For example IaaS providers must include basic network security on a per-server level. SaaS providers need to support different user roles for access management. These change over time so watch your competition and listen to customer requests. Document security. Provide extensive documentation for both your internal security controls and the security features customers can use. Have them externally audited and assessed. This allows customers to know where the security lines are drawn, where they need to implement their own security controls, and how. Pay particular attention to documenting the administrator controls that restrict your staff’s ability to see customer data and audit when they do. These are nothing near all the security features and capabilities cloud providers should consider, but they strongly align with the way we see enterprise security evolving. Conclusion Once, many years ago, I had the good fortune to enjoy a few beers with futurist and science fiction author Bruce Sterling. That night he told me that his job as a futurist is to try to

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Incite 2/5/2014: Super Dud

I’m sure long-time Incite readers know I am a huge football fan. I have infected the rest of my family, and we have an annual Super Bowl party with 90+ people to celebrate the end of each football season. I have laughed (when Baltimore almost blew a 20 point lead last year), cried (when the NY Giants won in 2011), and always managed to have a good time. Even after I stopped eating chicken wings cold turkey (no pun intended), I still figure out a way to pollute my body with pizza, chips, and Guinness. Of course, lots of Guinness. It’s not like I need to drive home or anything. This year I was very excited for the game. The sentimental favorite, Peyton Manning, was looking to solidify his legacy. The upstart Seahawks with the coach who builds his players up rather than tearing them down. The second-year QB who everyone said was too short. The refugee wide receiver from the Pats, with an opportunity to make up for the drop that gave the Giants the ring a few years ago. So many story lines. Such a seemingly evenly matched game. #1 offense vs. #1 defense. Let’s get it on! I was really looking forward to hanging on the edge of my seat as the game came down to the final moments, like the fantastic games of the last few years. And then the first snap of the game flew over Peyton’s head. Safety for the Seahawks. 2-0 after 12 seconds. It went downhill from there. Way downhill. The wives and kids usually take off at halftime because it’s a school night. But many of the hubbies stick around to watch the game, drink some brew, and mop up whatever deserts were left by the vultures of the next generation. But not this year. The place cleared out during halftime and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in protest at the chili peppers parading around with no shirts. The game was terrible. Those sticking around for the second half seemed to figure Peyton would make a run. It took 12 seconds to dispel that myth, as Percy Harvin took the second half kick-off to the house. It was over. I mean really over. But it’s the last football game of the year, so I watched until the end. Maybe Richard Sherman would do something to make the game memorable. But that wasn’t to be, either. He was nothing but gracious in the interviews. WTF? Overall it was a forgettable Super Bowl. The party was great. My stomach and liver hated me the next day, as is always the case. And we had to deal with Rich being cranky because his adopted Broncos got smoked. But it’s not all bad. Now comes the craziness leading up to the draft, free agency, and soon enough training camp. It makes me happy that although football is gone, it’s not for long. –Mike Photo credit: “Mountain Dew flavoured Lip Balm and Milk Duds!!!” originally uploaded by Jamie Moore Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can get all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. The Future of Information Security What it means (Part 3) Six Trends Changing the Face of Security A Disruptive Collision Introduction Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Security Monitoring The Threat Intelligence + Security Monitoring Process Revisiting Security Monitoring Benefiting from the Misfortune of Others Reducing Attack Surface with Application Control Use Cases and Selection Criteria The Double Edged Sword Advanced Endpoint and Server Protection Assessment Introduction Newly Published Papers Eliminating Surprises with Security Assurance and Testing What CISOs Need to Know about Cloud Computing Defending Against Application Denial of Service Security Awareness Training Evolution Firewall Management Essentials Continuous Security Monitoring API Gateways Threat Intelligence for Ecosystem Risk Management Dealing with Database Denial of Service Identity and Access Management for Cloud Services Incite 4 U Scumbag Pen Testers: Check out the Chief Monkey’s dispatch detailing pen testing chicanery. These shysters cut and pasted from another report and used the findings as a means to try to extort additional consulting and services from the client. Oh, man. The Chief has some good tips about how to make sure you aren’t suckered by these kinds of scumbags either. I know a bunch of this stuff should be pretty obvious, but clearly an experienced and good CISO got taken by these folks. And make sure you pay the minimum amount up front, and then on results. – MR Scumbags develop apps too: We seem to be on a scumbag theme today, so this is a great story from Barracuda’s SignNow business about how they found a black hat app developer trying to confuse the market and piggyback on SignNow’s brand and capabilities. Basically copy an app, release a crappy version of it, confuse buyers by ripping off the competitor’s positioning and copy, and then profit. SignNow sent them a cease and desist letter (gotta love those lawyers) and the bad guys did change the name of the app. But who knows how much money they made in the meantime. Sounds a lot like a tale as old as time… – MR He was asking for it: As predicted and with total consistency, the PCI Security Standards Council has once again blamed the victim, defended the PCI standard, and assured the public that nothing is wrong here. In an article at, Bob Russo of the SSC says: “As the most recent industry forensic reports indicate, the majority of the breaches happening are a result of some kind of breakdown in security basics – poor implementation, poor maintenance of controls. And the PCI standards [already] cover these security controls”. Well, it’s all good, right? Except nobody is capable of meeting the standard consistently, and all these breaches are against PCI Certified organizations. But nothing wrong with the standard – it’s the victim’s fault. You

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