10 years since the creation of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, Paul Krill of Developer World asks: Did it deliver? Unfortunately I don’t think he adequately answered the question in his article. So let me say that the answer is an emphatic “Yes”, as it has provided several templates and tools for solving problems with people and process. And it has to be judged a success because it has provided a means to conquer problems other development methodologies could not.

That said, I can’t really blame Mr. Krill for meandering around the answer. Even Kent Beck waffled on the benefits:

“I don’t have a sound-bite answer for you on that.”

… and said Agile has …

“… contributed to people thinking more carefully about how they develop software, … There’s still a tendency for some people to look for a list of commandments”

It’s tough to cast a black or white judgement like “Success” or Failure” on Agile software development. This is partially because Agile is really a broad concept with different implementations – by design – to address different organizational problems. And it is also because each model can be improperly deployed, or applied to situations it is not suited to. Oh, and let’s not forget your Agile process could be run by morons. All these are impediments to success.

Of course ‘Agile’ does not fix every problem every time. There are plenty of Agile projects that failed – usually despite Agile tools that can spotlight the problems facing the development team. And make no mistake – Agile is there to address your screwy organizational problems, both inside and outside the development team.

Kent Beck’s quotes capture the spirit of this ongoing discussion – for many of the Scrum advocates I meet there is a quasi-religious exactitude with which they follow Ken Schwaber’s outline. To me, Agile has always been a form of object oriented process, and I mix and match the pieces I need. The principal point I am trying to make in my “Agile Development, Security Fail” presentation is that failure to adapt Agile for security makes it harder to develop secure code.
