Announcing the CloudSLAW Patreon!
TL;DR: Support CloudSLAW Here! I know that as most of you lay your weary heads to rest every night (or morning, for you night shifters), the last thought that fires through your synapses is, “I really wish I could get more CloudSLAW!” Well, now you can! I’ve been debating for a while on the best way to keep this crazy thing going. With over a year of content and nearly 60 labs, it’s time to take things to the next level, and set this project up for longevity. Each 15-30 minute lab takes me about 5-8 hours to produce, and that number is only going up as we get into more advanced content. Plus there are various tool and hosting costs. I’m not complaining — it’s what I signed up for — but it would also be nice to cover the costs. And if things blow up enough I’ll be able to get a little support. My first goal would be to get some video editing help to speed up that part of the process. Second I’d like to hire someone to help maintain the older labs with screenshot updates. I’m sure some of you noticed that AWS rolled out a user interface update a couple months ago, so now all the square buttons are… less square, and sometimes different colors. It sure would be nice to have those updated, and at some point even deeper changes will hit. This is where the Patreon comes in. It’s an opportunity to support the project and get a little extra in return. To be clear, CloudSLAW itself isn’t changing and everything is still free — this is all just an add-on. We have two tiers: CloudSLAW Pro The Pro tier is all about extras to help you learn even more. For $10 a month you get to support the project and: Gain access to our lab support and community Discord. Where I’ll probably be hanging out… more than I should. I’ll hold weekly official office hours when I’ll be online to answer questions and help with any lab issues. We’ll even pop open a screen share if needed. (Note that this is most weeks — sometimes I travel or vacation). Access to periodic subscriber-only webinars. These will be live, and I’m shooting for roughly monthly. Some will be presentations I’ve given at conferences, and others will be CloudSLAW-specific. For the first one I’ll walk through the current lab block on Advanced Cloud Problem Solving and talk in more depth on the architecture and decision-making behind it. Access to previous webinars. It turns out you can record them! You’ll get to propose and vote on future labs! There are a zillion directions where I can take this, and Pro members will help steer content. To put things in perspective, baseline pricing for most of my trainings ranges from $1600-$4500 for classes which are 2-3 days long. This is relatively standard for live technical training. I’ve always been a little uncomfortable asking individuals for money, but these are all purely optional add-ons, and they will help me keep producing the core content for free. CloudSLAW Tipper $2 per month just because you like me, and you don’t get anything in return except for warm fuzzies. Not everyone wants or needs the Pro benefits, so this is just a way to let me know you really care. 😀 Thank you for reading and considering! Sign up for the Patreon Here! Share: