I was debating about writing anything personal about 2008, but after reading Mike’s Security Incite today I figure a little personalization on the site won’t hurt. If you’re not interested in what I’m up to professionally and personally, this is a good post to skip. 2007 was a very intense year. I built a new house, moved, quit my job, traveled all over the freaking place, and tried my best to cling to a personal life. At times I was elated, completely burned out, inspired, bored, physically fit, and old fat and lazy. It was a heck of a year, and all in all I enjoyed it thoroughly. I’m not one for resolutions, but I’m really looking forward to 2008 and have some specific goals. Business-wise, Securosis is going better than I ever expected. I wasn’t one of those analysts that believed my own hype and assumed the world was just begging for my attention. Leaving a good job with a steady paycheck for nebulous reasons is always a little daunting, but after 4 full months on my own things are cruising along and at times I can barely keep up. I need to thank all of you for the support- from readers and commenters to paying customers. I’m well diversified in my client base (vendors, end users, and investment types), and the kinds of projects I’m engaged in. And I’m having a blast. There’s a lot on tap for 2008. I’ll be pumping out more free whitepapers through SANS- mostly focused on data and application security, with a few I hope to co-author on other topics. I have a bunch of speaking engagements lined up, and will promote those more heavily as they get closer (including RSA). If all goes well, I might even be able to self publish a book on data security before the end of the year. I’ll also continue to write over at Dark Reading, TidBITS, and other publications as opportunities come up. I’m already ecstatic about the consulting projects that are coming up- it’s been a long time since I did project-based work and I really enjoy digging in deeper on things (everything from product assessments to data security strategies). My main goal is to accomplish all of this while maintaining a good work/life balance. I’ve let that slip in the past, especially when I was an analyst. As far as I know we only have one shot on this planet and I don’t intend to spend it stressed out and working all the time. And, to be honest, the quality of work suffers if you aren’t happy. Personally the year is going to start a little rough- I have to get shoulder surgery to repair a SLAP tear. I’m a very physically active guy and it’s been torture to restrict my activities since I hurt it at the end out August. I even quit my martial arts training- can’t throw a punch. I’ll be on restricted duty for 3-6 months, and probably won’t be 100% for a year. On the upside, it gives me an excuse to return to base training, rebuild from the past years of abuse on airplanes, and enjoy some of my other hobbies. I have some woodworking projects in mind, want to finish wiring the house, and finally finish unpacking from the move. Maybe it’s selfish, but in 2008 I plan on having fun, helping others, making a living, and enjoying life. When you get down to it, what else is there? Share: