

Good SSL Resources, And A Congrats To Chris Pepper

From Chris Pepper: His TidBITS article on SSL A post on some handy commands Chris is my first resource when I need help with the command line. On a separate note, Chris managed to hit his goal of 1500 bug reports before the release of Leopard. Very cool. Share:

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Short DLP Article Up At Network World

Just a quick note that I have a short article up on Network World on DLP. I answered the question, “With all the recent news about acquisitions in the DLP space, I’m unsure if now is the time to select a solution or if I should wait. How can I tell the right time to get into DLP?” A short clip: The decision to invest in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) should be based on how ready you are as an organization, not the internal wranglings of a young market in the midst of a growth spurt. I like to describe DLP as an adolescent market- it’s one that provides high value even though the market and the solutions aren’t as mature as some other areas of technology. (Full disclosure- I was connected to Network World by Reconnex, but I don’t currently have a business relationship with them and I was not paid by anyone for the article). Share:

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Network Security Podcast, Episode 82: The Scary Halloween/Mac Episode

Okay, it’s not that scary, other than the fact Martin isn’t even in the episode this week. That’s right, I flew solo and invited Glenn Fleishman from TidBITS and Wi-Fi Networking News to join me in an episode dedicated to the security issues around the release of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Glenn Fleishman is a TidBITS contributing editor and a Seattle journalist who covers technology for publications like The New York Times, Popular Science, and The Economist. He blogs daily about Wi-Fi and other wireless networking at Wi-Fi Networking News. Glenn lives in Seattle with his wife Lynn, sons Ben and Rex, two iPhones, and a dozen Macs of various vintages. This is one of the most significant updates to the OS X series of the Mac operating system, with more dedicated security updates than any other version. But although Apple clearly invested in security, they didn’t necessarily finish the job. A combination of incomplete security feature implementations and some new operating system features with security implications make this a release for us security geeks to keep our eyes on. Show Notes: Rich’s pre-release TidBITS article on Security Improvements in Leopard Thomas Ptacek’s article evaluating the Leopard security features, post-release The ISFYM (Internet Security For Your Mac) post on Back to My Mac security problems by Open Door Networks Leopard firewall article from Heise Security Rich’s follow up article on Leopard Security Network Security Podcast, Episode 82, October 31, 2007 Share:

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Quick Leopard Update

We have some guests in town so it will be a couple more days until I’m back to the regular blogging schedule, but I did manage to install Leopard this weekend. As an OS, so far it looks great. The upgrade went without a hitch and everything seems to be working well. I still need to dig into my Unix tools and the less-frequently used applications, but the day to day stuff is all working fine. The security updates are a bit of a mixed bag. Tom at Matasano posted a really good technical summary of how Apple implemented some key new security features. I’ve also talked to a couple other researchers who have dug in. The summary is that Apple is dipping their toes, but needs to fully implement the features if we’re to see the security benefits. Library Randomization seems to be only a partial implementation. Check out Tom’s details, but I validated this through another source and it’s unlikely this will offer the buffer overflow protection we’re looking for. As Tom describes, it’s more of a speed bump than a wall. The firewall may be better, but we’ll never know. The user interface is so simple as to be nearly useless and despite the simplicity is more confusing. It’s all or nothing (block all incoming connections, or allow all incoming connections, or select applications to secure). Later this week or next weekend I’ll have time to play with it more, but the firewall changes don’t look good and may place more people at risk. There are a bunch of other implementation problems. I’d say, right now, my earlier statements that this is the most significant security improvement in the OS X line are premature. The components are there, but the execution is off. It’s nothing they can’t easily fix in some regular updates, and we (the customers) need to stay on Apple to finish the job. Share:

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Twitter For Disasters

It hasn’t taken long, but I’m a Twitter convert. I didn’t realize how useful a short-message broadcast tool could be, especially one linked to mobile phones and IM with a persistent web page. No, I don’t really care what people are eating for lunch, but as Threat Level reports, it’s become amazingly useful in dealing with the California fires. I’ve been on more than my fair share of disaster responses, and would have killed for a tool like this. The ability for people to register their wellness and location in one central location, as supported by Twitter and the Red Cross, is simply astounding. Tracking people and families is one of the most difficult aspects of disaster response. At Katrina we had to do things like pack entire families (of 11) into a single ambulance if one person needed medical care, because you never knew where someone would end up and if they’d be able to find their loved ones again. Cell phones were the first technology tool of recent days to really impact emergency services and crisis response. Remember the days when you’d have to drive to the next exit and find an open gas station to report a highway car accident? At Katrina those with cell phones were essentially 100% likely to find their families, while those without waited weeks or months for word. IM and email showed themselves as essential tools on 9/11. It was through email, an asynchronous communications channel, that I was first able to get word from my friends in New York (I think Chris Pepper was the first to give me an update). Once the initial wave of panic ended, I was able to communicate via Instant Message long before the phone lines freed up. Text messaging is also often more reliable, since it’s asynchronous and on some phone systems uses dedicated channels that aren’t as degraded by large call volumes. Twitter is now on the list- it combines many of the best factors of email, IM, and cell phones. You get asynchronous communications that can queue and still deliver within a reasonable time, persistence via a web page, broadcast to large groups, private messaging, and burst traffic that doesn’t require as much bandwidth. Twitter also leverages multiple channels- a key factor in any emergency communications tool- IM, web, and mobile phone. Next time I deploy, Twitter will be where I send my family to track me. Read the article. Share:

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DLP Happenings: Trend Grabs Provilla

Good news for Provilla, but this one could go either way on the whole good/bad scale. I’d heard some good things about Provilla’s technology, but if Trend thinks they can solve this with an endpoint-only solution they won’t succeed and those with hybrid solutions will trounce them. Thoroughly. I wonder how much they paid? Share:

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Information Security vs. Information Survivability: Retaking Our Vocabulary

Chris Hoff and I (and a few others, like Adrian Lane and Gu er Peterson) have started waxing philosophic quite a bit lately. From debates over Jericho to emotional rants on staying motivated in security, to the security vs. survivability debate, we’ve strayed from our more practical advice and wandered into the land of coffee shops, security jazz, and stupid black berets on our heads. While I realize many of you just want advice on how to secure virtualization, or which DLP tool to buy, these discussions are more than simple intellectual masturbation or self-promotional BS. We work in a complex profession that’s constantly challenged to manage the baggage of the past while preparing for a nebulous future. It’s just as important to gut check how we’re doing today and plan for the future as it is to keep the bad guys out today. I’m working on a longer post for tomorrow on security and innovation, but today Hoff posted his primer on information security vs. information survivability. In it, he uses part of a discussion we had on the phone earlier this week: It’s very important to recognize that I’m not saying that Information Security is “wrong” or that the operational practitioners that are in the trenches every day fighting what they perceive to be the “good fight” are doing anything wrong. However, and as Rich Mogull so eloqently described, we’ve lost the language to describe what it is we should be doing and the title, scope, definition and mission of “Information Security” has not kept up with the evolution of business, culture, technology or economics. I’d like to elaborate for a moment on what I said during that call. I (and I believe Chris) firmly believe that information security is the correct term for what we do. “Survivability” conjures images in my head of scrambling, half-starved proto-mammals clinging to the underbrush as the predators roam the jungle. Survival is little more than the process of not dying. A noble goal, but sometimes a half-rodent wants a little more out of life. “Security” brings images of the predators. No, scrap that, not a mangy predator forever hunting for that next meal, but the farmer (with a well armed security force) that merely needs to wander over to the barn with an axe for a full belly. According to the dictionary, security is the state of being free from danger or threat. The definition of survivable is “not fatal”. The problem is that we’ve lost control of our own vocabulary. “Information security” as a term has come to define merely a fraction of its intended scope. Thus we have to use terms like security risk management and information survivability to re-define ourselves, despite having a completely suitable term available to us. It’s like the battle between the words “hacker” and “cracker”. We’ve lost that fight with “information security”, and thus need to use new language to advance the discussion of our field. When Chris, myself, and others talk about “information survivability” or whatever other terms we’ll come up with, it’s not because we’re trying to redefine our practice or industry, it’s because we’re trying to bring security back to its core principles. Since we’ve lost control of the vocabulary we should be using, we need to introduce a new vocabulary just to get people thinking differently. To me this is all security, but I fully recognize that to break us out of bad habits, we need to break in with some new language to retake control of our profession and mission. Share:

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What Drives Security Innovation?

According to the time tracking feature of my Wii (which you can’t disable, nice parental feature), I played 3 hours and 46 minutes of Guitar Hero III last night after picking it up at Target. I have to fully admit I was skeptical of the whole Guitar Hero thing when it first came out, but it’s incredibly addictive. And not just when I’m drunk at a Christmas party. Not that I’d drink at a Christmas party and play video games. That wouldn’t be proper behavior for a non-practicing Jew. I’ve been gaming my entire life but have definitely strayed the past few years. Sure, there was plenty of compelling game content, but nothing really innovative. I don’t have the time for something like World of Warcraft, and some of the coolest games were so difficult that us mere mortals who just wanted to pick them up for an hour or two a week were totally excluded. Then comes the Wii, where the simplest of games take no learning but entertain for hours on end. Sure, the graphics aren’t that great, but that’s not the point. I’m loving that I can pick it up for 15 minutes and actually get something out of it; be it a quick game of te is, a few rounds of golf, or a couple of songs on the guitar. Nintendo rethought gaming and made it fun again. For everyone, not just the hard core. Oh wait, this is my security blog. Got it, so what the heck does the Wii have to do with security? Other than fuzzing the browser? Innovation my friends, innovation. (This post is inspired by some conversations over the past few months with Chris Hoff, based on his disruptive innovation series). Nintendo knew they couldn’t beat Sony and Microsoft head-on, so they tossed out the rules and changed the game. By focusing on casual gaming and a younger audience they didn’t fight for existing market share- they grew the entire market. Innovation in business is nearly always driven by the same need- competitive advantage. Either you innovate to create it, innovate to regain it, or innovate to increase efficiency and thus profitability. Nintendo made two major breaks with the rest of the industry- they designed a console they could sell at a profit out of the gate (MS and Sony lose money on every box and make it up with games). Then they changed the entire game interaction mechanism to appeal to a wider audience. But security follows different rules. We have very little control of the environment around us in security. As much as we like to get ahead of the game, we are responsive by the nature of our mission. Innovation is driven through three needs: Improving Efficiency: The one driver we share with the business. By increasing efficiency, we reduce costs and improve effectiveness, thus contributing to the bottom line. Responding to Threats: The bad guys are just like a business- they innovate to improve the top line, but at the expense of our bottom line. We can never fully predict their innovation, and as they come up with new attacks we are forced to respond with new defenses. Responding to Business Innovation: Just as the bad guys are looking for competitive advantage, so are the businesses we support. They adopt new technologies before we’re fully able to understand and protect them. Just when we have our program operationalized, someone comes up with a new business initiative (Web 2.0 anyone?) or internal technology. Most pundits (and startups, and investors, and…) fail to accurately predict the future of security because they fail to account for all three drivers. Most often, they look at pure threats without accounting for either efficiency or business innovation. Or, they look at business innovation solely as a threat, rather than an opportunity for security innovation (or the related problem- by the time they recognize the business innovation it’s already in production, and thus a new risk/threat). When you look at security innovation, either to predict next year’s budget or to predict the market in three years, study the world around you. Understand your business and general technology trends as deeply as the threats. Pay particular attention to business technology trends, like the consumerization of IT, that change the game. In many cases we can make decisions today that make our lives much easier when that business or threat innovation is in full swing. It’s your opportunity to get ahead of the curve and look like a freaking genius. < p style=”text-align:right;font-size:10px;”>Technorati Tags: Security Innovation Share:

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Data Security Lifecycle- Technologies, Part 2

In our last post on this topic we covered the technologies that encompass the Create and Store stages of the Data Security Lifecycle. Today we’ll detail out the tools for Use and Share. As a reminder, since we’ll be delving into each technology in more detail down the road, these posts will just give a high-level overview. There are also technologies used for data security, such as data-in-motion encryption and enterprise kay management, that fall outside the lifecycle and will be covered separately. Use Activity Monitoring and Enforcement: Probably one of the most underutilized tools in the security arsenal. Application Activity Monitoring and Enforcement is more than simply collecting audit logs, although it can include that, but uses more advanced techniques to capture all user activity within the application or database context. Database Activity Monitoring: Monitoring all database activity, including all SQL activity. Can be performed through network sniffing of database traffic, agents installed on the server, or via external monitoring, typically of transaction logs. Many tools combine monitoring techniques, and network-only monitoring is not recommended. DAM tools are managed externally to the database to provide separation of duties from database administrators (DBAs). All DBA activity can be monitored without interfering with their ability to perform job functions. Tools can alert on policy violations, and some tools can block certain activity. Application Activity Monitoring: Similar to Database Activity Monitoring, but at the application level. Third-party tools that can integrate with a number of application environments, such as standard web application platforms, SAP, and Oracle, and monitor user activity at the application level. As with DAM, tools can use network monitoring or local agents, and can alert and sometimes block on policy violations. Many Application Activity Monitoring tools are additional products or features from Database Activity Monitoring vendors. Endpoint Activity Monitoring: Watching all user activity on a workstation or server. Includes monitoring of network activity, storage/file system activity, and system interactions like cut and paste, mouse clicks, application launches, etc. Provides deeper monitoring than endpoint DLP/CMF tools that focus only on content that matches policies. Capable of blocking activity- such as launching a P2P application or pasting content from a protected directory into an instant message. Extremely useful for auditing administrator activity on servers. Will eventually integrate with endpoint DLP/CMF. File Activity Monitoring: Monitoring access and use of files in enterprise storage, such as file servers, SAN, and NAS. Gives an enterprise the ability to audit all file access and generate reports (which can sometimes aid compliance reporting). Capable of independently monitoring even administrator access and can alert on policy violations. Portable Device Control: Tools to restrict access to portable storage such as USB drives and DVD burners. Also capable of allowing access but auditing file transfers and sending that information to a central management server. Some tools integrate with encryption to provide dynamic encryption of content passed to portable storage. Will eventually be integrated into endpoint DLP/CMF tools that can make more granular decisions based on the content, rather than blanket policies that apply to all data. Some DLP/CMF tools already include this capability. Endpoint DLP: Endpoint data loss prevention/content monitoring and filtering tools that monitor and restrict usage of data through content analysis and centrally administered policies. While current capabilities vary highly among products, tools should be able to monitor what content is being accessed by an endpoint, any file storage or network transmission of that content, and any transfer of that content between applications (cut/paste). For performance reasons endpoint DLP is currently limited to a subset of enforcement policies (compared to gateway products) and endpoint-only products should be used in conjunction with network protection in most cases. Rights Management: Rights are assigned and implemented in the Create and Store phases, while policies are enforced in the Use phase. Rights are managed by labels, metadata, and tagging- as opposed to more complex logic enforced by logical controls. Label Security: Access to database objects (table, column, row) is enforced based on the user/group and the label. For example, in a healthcare environment employees without manager access can be restricted from seeing the records of famous patients that are labeled as sensitive. Enterprise DRM: Discussed more extensively in Part 1, Enterprise DRM enforces complex use rights based on policies assigned during creation. During the Use phase, EDRM limits the actions a user can perform with a given piece of content (typically a file). For example, the user may be able to add, edit, and delete parts of the document but not cut and paste to another document. A user might be allowed to view the document, but not print it, email it, or store it on a portable device. Logical Controls: Logical controls expand the brute-force restrictions of access controls or EDRM that are based completely on who you are and what you are accessing. Logical controls are implemented in applications and databases and add business logic and context to data usage and protection. While we expect to see logical controls for unstructured content there are currently no technology implementations. Object (Row) Level Security: Creating a rule-set restricting use of a database object based on multiple criteria. For example, limiting a sales executive to only updating account information for accounts assigned to his territory. While you can always do this through queries, triggers, and stored procedures, some database management systems offer it as an enforcement feature applied to the database object, outside of having to manually add it to every query. Today most DBMSs offer this only for rows, but the feature is expected to expand to other database objects. Structural Controls: Taking advantage of database design features to enforce security logic. For example, using the database schema to limit integrity attacks or restricting connection pooling to improve auditability. Application Logic: Enforcing security logic in the application through design, programming, or external enforcement. Today needs to be implemented by the application itself, but over time certain types of logic may be enforced through external services or tools. Application Security: Effective data

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Latest TidBITS Article Posted- Leopard Security

I just posted an explanation of Leopard Security (that’s Mac OS X 10.5 for you non-Apple geeks) up on TidBITS. It’s based on my original blog post here, but expanded and simplified to appeal to a more general audience. I realize I took some liberties with the explanations of buffer overflows, ASLR, vulnerabilities, and exploits, but I had to tailor the content for a less-security-geek audience. Check it out, and feel free to flame me here. I do believe that if everything works as advertised this is a very significant release. There are still some big holes (Quicktime anyone?), but Apple seems to be taking security more seriously than in the past few versions. Share:

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