

Security is Reactive. Learn to Love It.

Few things make me happier than getting to publicly disagree with one of my coworkers. Earlier today Mike suggested that security is too reactive and tactical to succeed. Then we hear the usual platitudes about treating security as a risk management function, better metrics, blah blah blah. Not that there is anything wrong with all that, but it needs to be discussed in context of the fundamental nature of security. Which is an ongoing state of disruptive innovation. Security is reactive by nature – the moment it isn’t is the moment you really lose. The question is how to best provide yourself with the most time to plan your reactions, and what kind of infrastructure you can put in place to reduce the cost and complexity of any course corrections. Business innovation tends to result from three primary drivers: Competitive response. A competitor does something; you need to respond to stay in the game. Competitive advantage. You do something to gain an edge, and force others to respond. Efficiency/effectiveness. You streamline and improve your processes to reduce overhead. But security only shares one of those drivers. Security innovation is dominated by externalities: Business innovation. The business does something new, so you need to respond. Attacker innovation. Internal efficiency/effectiveness. “Doing security better”. Two of the three forces on a business are internal, with only competitive response driven by an outside actor. Security flips that. We can’t ever fully predict what the business or attackers will do down the road, so we need to scramble to react. That’s why we can never seem to skate ahead of the puck. You can’t skate ahead of a quantum field state that will eventually collapse into a single wave function – there are too many options to choose one. The trick, as Chris Hoff and I have been talking about at RSA for about 6 years now, is to take a strategic approach to prediction. This is why even a risk-based security approach is, in reality, just another tactical piece. The strategic piece is building a methodology to inform your working assumptions for what the future holds, and building your program to respond quickly once a direction is set. It isn’t magic, and some of you do this intuitively. You stay up to date on the latest research, both in and out of security. You track both new attack and general technology trends. You engage heavily with the business to understand their strategic direction before they make the tactical technology choices you later have to secure. A lot of this looks almost identical to Mike’s recommendations, but the reason organization after another fails in their risk-based, metrics-driven, incident response programs is they to and run them in a bubble, and assume situations are static on at least an annual basis. If you build your program assuming everything will change underneath you, you will be in much better shape. And I absolutely believe this is a realistic and pragmatic goal that others have achieved. Share:

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Reactionary Idiot Test

We generally avoid talking about the NSA, Snowden, and such, but this piece is actually illuminating, without any sort of political commentary. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols points out that moving your stuff outside the US gives the NSA more freedom to snoop: Because, in the United States, the NSA and friends need to jump through the FISC hoops to listen in to your e-mail, cloud data transfers, phone calls, whatever. If you’re doing any of the above to someone or some site outside of the US, any of your communications are pretty much fair game. I always like to out reactionary foolishness like this. Just a little bit of knowledge and analysis make clear that your data isn’t safer overseas. Consider this a commentary on reactionism – not on the scope of NSA monitoring. Share:

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PCI 3.0 is coming. Hide the kids.

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council recently released a preview of potential changes in PCI 3.0 that will go into effect in 2014. It looks like they read the Verizon DBIR: The PCI Standards are updated based on feedback from the industry, per the standards development lifecycle as well as in response to current market needs. Common challenge areas and drivers for change include: Lack of education and awareness Weak passwords, authentication Third-party security challenges Slow self-detection, malware Inconsistency in assessments Nothing is final, but a few highlights worth understanding now, since they may sure as heck nail you later: Better current documentation of cardholder data flow and everything within PCI scope. Penetration testing is a requirement. If they are serious about this I am not sure how that will play out for the SMB side of the world. This one I’m darn curious to see how they handle. I predict total failure: To address compromises where the organization had been PCI DSS compliant but did not maintain that status. Recommendations focus on helping organizations take a proactive approach to protect cardholder data that focuses on security, not compliance, and makes PCI DSS a business-as-usual practice. An emphasis on consistency of assessments. More specifics on “daily log reviews”. Oh my. PCI isn’t totally worthless, but I don’t expect much practical improvement to come out of the 3.0 updates. These are very reasonable holes to address, and will help, but we may be about to burden many organizations with activities they cannot possibly support. Start your SaaS engines now… Share:

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VMWare Doubles Down on SDN

VMWare is pushing hard on the virtual datacenter concept this week at VMWorld, with the first release of their new SDN networking approach based on the Nicira acquisition. Greg Ferro has a good take (hat tip to @beaker/Hoff for the link): VMware NSX is a solution for programmable and dynamic networking service that interoperates with VMware vCloud director, OpenStack or Hyper-V–this is where the real value is derived. In the near future, servers will no longer be “operating systems” but “application containers.” Instead of installing an application onto a operating system, the application will part of a service template that will do most or all of these: Three things: I don’t think it is a game changer itself, but it is a (sort of new) entry by a major player into an area of growing interest. It will certainly create a lot more dialogue. Oh crap, now I need to brush up on networking again. And you networking types need to brush up on programming and APIs. SDN coupled with the cloud can enable seriously cool security capabilities. Like a couple API calls to identify every server on every network segment, every path to said servers, and all the firewall rules around them. In real time. Share:

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China Suffers Large DNS DDoS Attack

From the Wall Street Journal (via The Verge): The attack began at 2 a.m. Sunday morning and was followed by a more intense attack at 4 a.m., according to the China Internet Network Information Center, which apologized to affected users in its statement and said it is working to improve its “service capabilities.” The attack, which was aimed at the registry that allows users to access sites with the extension “.cn,” likely shut down the registry for about two to four hours, according to CloudFlare No idea on the motivation yet, which is interesting. China has one of the most sophisticated filtering systems in the world and analysts rate highly the government’s ability to carry out cyber attacks. Despite this, China is not capable of defending itself from an attack, which CloudFlare says could have been carried out by a single individual. Dear mass media, offense isn’t defense. They come out of different budgets with different motivations. China has IT silos just like we do, get over it. Share:

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Research Scratchpad: Stateless Security

Here’s another idea I’ve been playing with. As I spend more time playing with various cloud and infrastructure APIs, I’m starting to come around to the idea of Stateless Security. Here’s what I mean: Right now, a reasonable number of our security tools rely on their own internal databases for tracking state. Now for something like IPS this isn’t a problem, but there are a lot of other functions that have to rely on potentially stale data since there are only so many times we can run security checks before pissing off the rest of the infrastructure. Take configuration and vulnerability management — we tend to lack even an accurate idea of our assets and have to scan the heck out of our environment to keep track of things. But as both security tools and infrastructure expose APIs, we can use Software Defined Security to pull data, in real time, from the most canonical source, rather than relying on synchronization or external scanning. Take the example I wrote up in my SecuritySquirrel proof of concept. We pull a real time snapshot of running instances directly from the cloud, then correlate it with a real time feed from our configuration management tool in order to quickly identify any unmanaged servers. I originally looked at building a simple database to track everything, but quickly realized I could handle it more quickly and accurately in memory resident code. Even 100,000 servers could easily be managed like this with the memory in your laptop (well, depending on the responsiveness of the API calls). The more I think about it, the more I can see a lot of other use cases. We could pull data from various security tools and the infrastructure itself, performing real time assessments instead of replicating databases. Now it won’t work everywhere, and maybe not even in the majority of cases, but especially as we add more API enabled infrastructure and applications it seems to open a lot of doors. Using a software defined network? Need to know the real-time route to a particular server and correlate with firewall rules based on a known vulnerability? With stateless security this is potentially a few dozen lines of code (or less) that could trigger automatically anytime a new vulnerability is either detected or an advisory released (just add your threat intelligence feed). The core concept is, wherever possible, pull state in real time from the most canonical source available. I’m curious what other people think about this idea. Share:

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Two Apple Security Tidbits

Two interesting items. First up, whatever actual vulnerability was used, the Apple Developer Center was exploited with a code execution flaw: On the site, Apple credits and SCANV of for reporting the bug on July 18, which is the same day the Developer Center was taken offline. During the downtime, Apple reported that the Developer Center website had been hacked, with an intruder attempting “to secure personal information” from registered developers. The company noted that while sensitive information was encrypted, some developer names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses may have been acquired. Expect to see constant developer targeting, on all platforms, as operating systems themselves become hardened. No details on the flaw other than that, but I didn’t even expect them to release that much. They also credit the researcher who pulled user account info using, it turns out, a different flaw. That’s the guy some expected them to go after legally, which is even more interesting. Item number 2. Researchers from Georgia Tech slipped some test malware into Apple’s App Store: A group of researchers from Georgia Tech developed an app that masqueraded as a news reader that would phone home to reprogram itself into malware – something that was apparently not picked up in Apple’s security screening procedures, reports the MIT Technology Review. Charlie Miller did this once before, and I’m sure it will happen again. It’s a big cat and mouse game, and Apple is in for constant battles (as are Google, Microsoft, and Amazon with their stores). It will keep getting harder, but likely never impossible. The real question is mitigation. Apple yanks apps when needed, but generally won’t claw them back off a device. For Macs that requires a software update, and I am investigating whether it is more automated for iOS. Share:

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Lockheed-Martin Trademarks “Cyber Kill Chain”. “Cyberdouche” Still Available

It appears that Lockheed Martin has trademarked the term “Cyber Kill Chain”. This should be no surprise, and you can read my House of Cybercards post if you want to know why this isn’t merely humorous. In an interview, James Arlen, creator of the term ‘Cyberdouche’, confirmed his term “is still free to use, as also demonstrated by Lockheed.” Share:

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Friday Summary: Career Highlight

I got my first computer back in the mid-80’s, a few years after I started playing and programming in the back half of elementary school. It was a shiny new Commodore 64 a friend of my Mom’s gave me – we weren’t financially lucky enough to afford one ourselves. In retrospect, I probably owe that man more than anyone else outside family. I quickly fancied myself a ‘hacker’ because, after getting my first modem, I was mentally capable of logging into bulletin board systems with the word ‘hack’ in the title. As with most things in life, I had no idea what I was doing. In college I played with tech, but emergency medicine, martial arts, NROTC, and other demands ate up my time. Even when I started working in tech professionally, in the mid-to-late 90’s, I never connected with the 303 crew or any of the real hackers surrounding me. I was living and working in a bubble. I knew I wasn’t a real hacker at that point, but you could call me “hacking curious”. Fast forward to two weeks ago at Black Hat. Thursday morning at 8:22 I woke up, looked at my phone, and realized I had missed 2 calls and a text message from the Black Hat organizers. I spent the weekend and first part of the week teaching our cloud security class, and had, at some point, agreed to be a backup speaker after my session pitch didn’t make it through the process. I figured it was a sympathy invite to make me feel good about myself, that would never possibly come to fruition. Nope. They offered me a slot at 10:15 if my demo and presentation were ready (based on this software defined security research). Another speaker had to pull out. I said yes, forgetting that it wasn’t ready, because I broke part of it in the class. Then I pulled up my slides and realized they were demo slides only, and not an actual session and concept narrative. Then I went to the bathroom. Three times. Number 2. I managed to pull it together over the next 90 minutes, and made my very first Black Hat technical presentation on time. The slides worked, the demo worked, and after the session I got some major validation that this was good research on the leading edge of defensive security. To be honest, I was worried that it was so basic I would be laughed out of there. It was a career highlight. A wannabee script kiddie from Jersey managed to hold his own on the stage at Black Hat, with 90 minutes warning. I can’t stop talking about it – not because of my prodigious ego but because I’m still insanely excited. It’s like being the smallest kid on the football team and, years later, finding yourself in the NFL. Except a lot more people have played in NFL games than have spoken at Black Hat. I am a very lucky and thankful person. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Mike in SC Magazine on the Trusteer deal. Adrian on mainframe hacking at Dark Reading. Dave Lewis: Hitting The Panic Button. Mike and I are both quoted by Alan Shimel in this article about whether we would want our kids to work in infosec. Another one from Mike in Dark Reading on Innovation at Black Hat. Mike’s column in Dark Reading: Barnaby Jack & the Hacker Ethos. Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Is Privacy Now Illegal? It depends on who you ask, I guess. A thought-provoking post from Rich. David Mortman: Rich’s Incomplete Thought: Is the Cloud the Secproasaurus Extinction Event? And Are DevOps the Mammals? Betteridge’s law does not apply. Rich: Credibility and the CISO. Yup. Other Securosis Posts Research Scratchpad: Outside Looking In Incite 8/14/2013: Tracking the Trends. HP goes past the TippingPoint of blogging nonsense. Incite 8/7/2013: Summer’s End. Continuous Security Monitoring: Migrating to CSM. Continuous Security Monitoring: Compliance. Continuous Security Monitoring: The Change Control Use Case. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: Godin: More Gold on Human Behavior. “Your first mistake is assuming that people are rational.” LOL. He must be a part-time security person… David Mortman: “Big Filter”: Intelligence, Analytics and why all the hype about Big Data is focused on the wrong thing. Dave Lewis: NSA “touches” more of Internet than Google. Rich: Unsealed court-settlement documents reveal banks stole $trillions’ worth of houses. Crime takes all forms, and justice doesn’t apply equally. Mike Rothman: HowTo: Detecting Persistence Mechanisms. Figuring out how your Windows machines are pwned is critical. I learn a lot from this cool windowsir blog. This post deals with detecting new persistence mechanisms. Research Reports and Presentations Defending Cloud Data with Infrastructure Encryption. Network-based Malware Detection 2.0: Assessing Scale, Accuracy and Deployment. Quick Wins with Website Protection Services. Email-based Threat Intelligence: To Catch a Phish. Network-based Threat Intelligence: Searching for the Smoking Gun. Understanding and Selecting a Key Management Solution. Building an Early Warning System. Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments. Top News and Posts Every Important Person In Bitcoin Just Got Subpoenaed By New York’s Financial Regulator. 2003 Blackout: An Early Lesson in Planetary Scale? Cisco readies axe for 4,000 employees. Assessment of the BREACH vulnerability. ‘Next Big’ Banking Trojan Spotted In Cybercrime Underground. How the US (probably) spied on European allies’ encrypted faxes. Researcher finds way to commandeer any Facebook account from his mobile phone. Crimelords: Stolen credit cards… keep ‘em. It’s all about banking logins now. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment goes to Marco, in response to Incomplete Thought: Is the Cloud the Secproasaurus Extinction Event? And Are DevOps the Mammals? I think this is a valid point. My take on it is that whether we like it or not, external compliance requirements drive a majority of security initiatives. And seeing that e.g. PCI DSS is still trying to react to internal virtualization gives you an idea on how up to date that is. Simply no big

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Research Scratchpad: Outside Looking in

I have bunch of random research thoughts I am working on. I think they are building into a cohesive whole but cannot make any promises. I’m branding these forming ideas as my “research scratchpad”, and will appreciate any feedback. Yesterday, while working with a client, I was asked to define Software Defined Security. This won’t be that post, but as part of discussing the definition and characteristics we got into another concept that has really been standing out to me for a while, and I suspect is on the verge of changing in a big way. Early security was pretty much just another aspect of infrastructure. Access controls, networking, and our minimal other controls were built into the infrastructure. This started changing in the 90’s, into what I call our “outside looking in” posture. The vast majority of security controls starting moving to external tools that are often desynchronized from the underlying infrastructure. This isn’t an absolute rule – the balance has shifted materially to a security control layer, not merely a security management layer… added to infrastructure, not necessarily embedded within it. A heck of a lot of our security involves cutting wires between boxes and inserting new boxes, or adding software agents where no one really wants them. This was a natural, proper evolution – not a mistake or stupidity. It was all we had. But the cloud and virtualization blow this apart in two ways: We are regaining hooks, thanks to APIs, into the infrastructure itself. The security management plane doesn’t necessarily need to be as decoupled as in ‘traditional’ infrastructure architectures. We are losing the ability to insert external security controls into the infrastructure. Adding these integration/choke points adds performance and functional costs beyond those we have learned to generally work around over the past couple decades. The ability to manage large swatches of infrastructure security using the same tools, techniques, and interfaces as those building and maintaining the infrastructure is a major opportunity to remediate many perceived shortcomings of existing security methods. Share:

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