

Black Hat Preview 2: Software Defined Security with AWS, Ruby, and Chef

I recently wrote a series on automating cloud security configuration management by taking advantage of DevOps principles and properties of the cloud. Today I will build on that to show you how the management plane can make security easier than traditional infrastructure with a little ruby code. This is another example of material covered in our Black Hat cloud security training class. Abstraction enhances management People tend to focus on multitenancy, but the cloud’s most interesting characteristics are abstraction and automation. Separating our infrastructure from the physical boxes and wires it runs on, and adding a management plane, gives us a degree of control that is difficult or impossible to obtain by physically tracing all those wires and walking around to the boxes. Dev and ops guys really get this, but we in security haven’t all been keeping up – not that we are stupid, but we have different priorities. That management plane enables us to do things such as instantly survey our environment and get details on every single server. This is an inherent feature of the cloud, because if you can’t find a server the cloud doesn’t know where it is – which would mean a) it effectively doesn’t exist, and b) you cannot be billed for it. There ain’t no Neo hiding away in AWS or OpenStack. For security this is very useful. It makes it nearly impossible for an unmanaged system to hide in your official cloud (although someone can always hook something in somewhere else). It also enables near-instant control. For example, quarantining a system is a snap. With a few clicks or command lines you can isolate something on the network, lock down management plane access, and lock out logical access. We can do all this on physical servers, but not as quickly or easily. (I know I am skipping over various risks, but we have covered them before and they are fodder for future posts). In today’s example I will show you how 40 lines of commented Ruby (just 23 lines without comments!) can scan your cloud and identify any unmanaged systems. Finding unmanaged cloud servers with AWS, Chef, and Ruby This examples is actually super simple. It is a short Ruby program that uses the Amazon Web Services API to list all running instances. Then it uses the Chef API to get a list of managed clients from your Chef server (or Hosted Chef). Compare the list, find any discrepancies, and profit. This is only a basic proof of concept – I found seen far more complex and interesting management programs using the same principles, but none of them written by security professionals. So consider this a primer. (And keep in mind that I am no longer a programmer, but this only took a day to put together). There are a couple constraints. I designed this for EC2, which limits the number of instances you can run. Nearly the same code would work for VPC, but while I run everything live in memory, there you would probably need a database to run this at scale. This was also built for quick testing, and in a real deployment you would want to enhance the security with SSL and better credential management. For example, you could designate a specific security account with IAM credentials for Amazon Web Services that only allows it to pull instance attributes but not initiate other actions. You could even install this on an instance inside EC2 using IAM roles, as we discussed previously. Lastly, I believe I discovered two different bugs in the Ridley gem, which is why I have to correlate on names instead of IP addresses – which would be more canonical. That cost me a couple hours of frustration. Here is the code. To use it you need a few things: An access key and secret key for AWS with rights to list instances. A Chef server, and a client and private key file with rights to make API calls. The aws-sdk and ridley Ruby gems. Network access to your Chef server. Remember, all this can be adapted for other cloud platforms, depending on their API support. # Securitysquirrel proof of concept by # This is a simple demonstration that evaluates your EC2 environment and identifies instances not managed with Chef. # It demonstrates rudimentary security automation by gluing AWS and Chef together using APIs. # You must install the aws-sdk and ridley gems. ridley is a Ruby gem for direct Chef API access. require “rubygems” require “aws-sdk” require “ridley” # This is a PoC, so I hard-coded the credentials. Fill in your own, or adjust the program to use a configuration file or environment variables. Don’t forget to specify the region… AWS.config(access_key_id: ‘your-access-key’, secret_access_key: ‘your-secret-key’, region: ‘us-west-2’) # Fill in the ec2 class ec2 = AWS.ec2 #=> AWS::EC2 ec2.client #=> AWS::EC2::Client # Memoize is an AWS function to speed up collecting data by keeping the hash in local cache. This line creates a list of EC2 private DNS names, which we will use to identify nodes in Chef. instancelist = AWS.memoize { } # Start a ridley connection to our Chef server. You will need to fill in your own credentials or pull them from a configuration file or environment variables. ridley = server_url: “http://your.chef.server”, client_name: “your-client-name”, client_key: “./client.pem”, ssl: { verify: false } ) # Ridley has a bug, so we need to work on the node name, which in our case is the same as the EC2 private DNS name. For some reason node.all doesn’t pull IP addresses (it should) which we would prefer to use. nodes = ridley.node.all nodenames = { |node| } # For every EC2 instance, see if there is a corresponding Chef node. puts “” puts “” puts “Instance => managed?” puts “” instancelist.each do |thisinstance| managed = nodenames.include?(thisinstance) puts ” #{thisinstance} #{managed} ” end Where to go next If you run the code above you should see output like this: Instance => managed? true true true false That

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Google may offer client-side encryption for Google Drive

From Declan McCullagh at CNet: Google has begun experimenting with encrypting Google Drive files, a privacy-protective move that could curb attempts by the U.S. and other governments to gain access to users’ stored files. Two sources told CNET that the Mountain View, Calif.-based company is actively testing encryption to armor files on its cloud-based file storage and synchronization service. One source who is familiar with the project said a small percentage of Google Drive files is currently encrypted. Tough technical problem for usability, but very positive if Google rolls this out to consumers. I am uncomfortable with Google’s privacy policies but their security team is top-notch, and when ad tracking isn’t in the equation they do some excellent work. Chrome will encrypt all your sync data – the only downside is that you need to be logged into Google, so ad tracking is enabled while browsing. Share:

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Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) Is Mighty Interesting

I am in a bit over my head here, but take a look at the first two presentations at the Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy. Intel is preparing to introduce a new capability in their processors to support use of secure encrypted memory spaces on commodity CPUs. Their objective is to provide applications with a secure ‘enclave’ (their term) with a protected memory and execution space. It’s called Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). This could be significant – especially for battling malware and cloud computing. Think secure key management in the cloud with hardware-enforced sandboxes on endpoints. Developers will need to code their software to use the feature, so this isn’t an overnight fix. However… It seems like a powerful tool to battle malware on endpoints, especially if operating system manufacturers leverage the capability in Windows and OS X to further improve their sandboxes. And imagine a version of Java or Flash that’s fully isolated. This could offer material improvements to hypervisor security – for example by eliminating memory parsing attacks. And encrypted memory should mean volatile memory (RAM) is even protected from cloud administrators trying to peek at encryption keys. HSM vendors should also keep an eye on this because it might offer comparable security to hardware-based key managers (but probably not for key generation and a few other important pieces, for those who need them). Think of virtual HSMs and key managers that run within the cloud, without the worry of keys being compromised in memory. It looks extremely interesting but I freely admit that some of it is over my head. But if I am reading right, the long-term potential to improve security is impressive. Share:

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Summary: Here’s to the Defenders

I was reading Roger Grimes’ interview with an offensive cybersecurity operator, and one key quote really stood out: I wish we spent as much time defensively as we do offensively. We have these thousands and thousands of people in coordinate teams trying to exploit stuff. But we don’t have any large teams that I know of for defending ourselves. In the real world, armies spend as much time defending as they do preparing for attacks. We are pretty one-sided in the battle right now. As much as I enjoy playing offensive security guy once a year at Defcon, I find defense to be a much more interesting challenge. Unfortunately many in our community don’t consider it as ‘sexy’ as penetration testing or vulnerability research. We need to change that. Most of us started our exploration of technology as hackers. I am fully willing to admit I was fascinated by cracking systems, and engaged in activities as a kid that could land me in jail now. Nothing major – I always assumed it was much easier to catch hackers and phreaks than it really was. I mean seriously, it wouldn’t have been all that hard back then. It turns out no one was looking – who knew? That’s what I get for assessing national computer law enforcement capabilities based on repeated viewings of War Games. But breaking things is, in many ways, far less challenging than protecting them. I am sick and tired of seeing researchers and pen testers on various mailing lists brag about how easy it is to get into their clients’ systems. I suspect the ones who understand the complexity of defending complex environments with limited resources keep their mouths shut. Breakers, with very few exceptions, aren’t accountable. Outside of movies, there are no consequences if they fail. Not yet, at least. No guns to the head as you sit in front of 32 widescreen monitors with 8 keyboards spread out in front of you and a coked- megelomaniac watching you waste part of your 60-second window on a visualization so your code looks good for the cameras. Nope. Builders? Defenders? Our lives are nothing but accountability. We are the firefighters, doctors, cops, and engineers all wrapped into one. Without us who would keep the porn flowing? It is a far more complex challenge, with nowhere near enough disciples. Many of our smartest focus on offensive security for obvious economic reasons. If you are good there is more money, less accountability, and more freedom. Smart defenders, even if they come up with a groundbreaking idea, need time and resources to build it – which often means productizing it and dealing with idiotic investors and bureaucracies. There are far fewer opportunities for smart defenders to perform research leading to practical tools and techniques. The only thing that can change this is money. Sure, I’d love to lead a cultural revolution, but that is more my desire to send people to re-education camps than any inherent belief we will all suddenly focus on defense due to some higher calling. (I’m serious about the camps – I have some awesome ideas). We need some serious investment – and not in academic institutions who often fail to remember sh*t needs to work outside a lab. Breaking and offensive research are important. Doing them well is hard. But defending? That is a challenge. I suspect I will be talking about this at Defcon. But with more beer. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian’s DR Post Why Database Assessment. Rich has another article at Macworld on security for switchers. Rich’s DR post: Security Needs More Designers. Mike’s article at Information Week. Dave Lewis on Disaster Recovery at CSO Online Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Using Amazon IAM Roles to Distribute Security Credentials (for Chef). Holy crap. A blog post from an analyst with code and screen shots! OMG… See, some analyst have some kung fu after all. David Mortman: Rich’s first post on security automation. Rich: Continuous Security Monitoring: Classification. This is a good series. Other Securosis Posts The Endpoint Security Buyer’s Guide [New Series]. Living to fight another day…. Another Disclosure Debacle, with a Twist. Using cloud-init and s3cmd to Automatically Download Chef Credentials. Incite 7/10/2013: Selfies. Kudos: Microsoft’s App Store Security Policy. How Not to Handle a Malware Outbreak. RSA Acquires Aveksa. Multitenancy is the Least Interesting Security Property of Cloud Computing. Continuous Security Monitoring: Defining CSM. Calendar Bites Google Security in the Ass. Proactive WebAppSec. Why. Continuous. Security. Monitoring? [New Series]. New Paper: Quick Wins with Website Protection Services. Database Denial of Service: Attacks. OpenStack Security Guide Released. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: Proving the skeptics wrong. You can only achieve true success when you do things for the right reasons. Seth Godin reminds me that proving someone wrong isn’t one of them. At some point you run out of people to rail against… Adrian Lane: Data Leakage In A Google World. People forget that Google is a powerful tool and often finds data companies did not want exposed. It’s a tool to hack with, and yes, a tool to phish with. Chris Pepper: Solaris patching is broken because Oracle is dumb and irresponsible. David Mortman: Dear Speaker, I Loathe You. Sincerely, Your Event Planner. Funny. Rich: No, Hacker Really Does Mean Hacker. Yep. Get over it. Research Reports and Presentations Quick Wins with Website Protection Services. Email-based Threat Intelligence: To Catch a Phish. Network-based Threat Intelligence: Searching for the Smoking Gun. Understanding and Selecting a Key Management Solution. Building an Early Warning System. Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Pragmatic Key Management for Data Encryption. Top News and Posts Google releases fix to OEMs for Blue Security Android security hole. This is seriously ugly. How the US (probably) spied on European allies’ encrypted faxes. Researcher finds way to commandeer any Facebook account from his mobile phone. Crimelords: Stolen credit cards… keep ‘em. It’s all about banking logins now. DEF CON to Feds. Aeroplan Provides Proactive Customer Alerting A Black Hat,

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Tips on SQL Azure Security

@gepeto42 had a good post: Windows Azure SQL Database, formely known as SQL Azure, is Microsoft’s managed database platform in Azure. While it is based on Microsoft SQL Server, it has various limitations that can impact how you secure and manage it. It also has some features that can help improve security. Helpful details. I am really hunting for more real-world cloud security examples, so please keep them coming… Share:

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Another Disclosure Debacle, with a Twist

I picked this one up from Slashdot (yes, I still read it sometimes): Following a blog post by security company Secunia, VideoLAN (vendor of popular VLC media player) president Jean-Baptiste Kempf accuses Secunia of lying in a blog post titled ‘More lies from Secunia.’ It seems that Secunia and Jean-Baptiste Kempf have different views on whether a vulnerability has been patched. Read the VideoLAN response. It has specifics on the bugs, response times, and patches. Seems like Secunia is at fault here, and while we often ding vendors for poor disclosure responses, researchers also have responsibilities. Share:

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Black Hat Preview: Automating Cloud Security Policy Compliance

Many people focus (often wrongly) on the new risks of cloud computing, but I am far more interested in leveraging cloud computing to improve security. I am deep into creating the advanced material for our Cloud Security Fundamentals class at Black Hat and want to toss out one of the tidbits we will cover. This is a bit more than a sneak peek, so if you plan to attend the class, don’t read this or you might get bored. A couple parts of this process are useful for more than security, so I will break it up into a few shorter pieces, each as self-contained as possible. The process is very easy once you piece it together but I had a very hard time finding necessary instructions, and there are a few tricks that really racked my analyst brain. But this isn’t about SEO – I want to make it easier for future IT pros to find what they are looking for. Overview In this example we will automate hooking into cloud servers (‘instances’) and securely deploying a configuration management tool, including automated distribution of security credentials. Specifically, we will use Amazon EC2, S3, IAM, and OpsCode Chef; and configure them to handle completely unattended installation and configuration. This is designed to cover both manually launching instances and autoscaling. With very minor modification you can use this process for Amazon VPC. With more work you could also use it for different public and private cloud providers, but in those cases the weakest link will typically be IAM. There are a few ways you can bridge that gap if necessary – I don’t know them all, but I do know they exist. First, let’s define what I mean by cloud security policy compliance. That is a broad term, and in this case I am specifically referring to automating the process of hooking servers into a configuration management infrastructure and enforcing policies. By using a programmatic configuration management system like Chef we can enforce baseline security policies across the infrastructure and validate that they are in use. For example, you can enforce that all servers are properly hardened at the operating system level, with the latest patches, and that all applications are configured according to corporate standards. The overall process is: Bootstrap all new instances into the configuration management infrastructure. Push policies to the servers, including initial and update policies. Validate that policies deployed. Continuously scan the environment for rogue systems. Isolate, integrate, or remove the rogue systems. The example we will cover in the next few posts only covers the first couple steps in detail. I have the rest mapped out but may not get it all ready in time for Black Hat – first I need to dust off some programming skills, and I learned a long time ago never to promise a release date. All of this is insanely cool, and only the very basics of Software Defined Security. Here is specifically what we will cover: Using cloud-init to bootstrap new Amazon EC2 instances. Use Amazon IAM roles to provide Temporary rotating security credentials to the instance to access the initial configuration file and digital certificate for Chef. Automatic installation of Chef, using the provided credentials. Instances will use the configuration file and digital certificate to connect to a Chef server running in EC2. The Chef server is locked down to only accept connections from specified Security Groups. S3 is configured to only allow read access of the credentials from instances with the assigned IAM role. The tools in use and how to configure them manually. I will start with how IAM roles work and how to configure them, next how to lock down access using IAM and Security Groups, then how to build the cloud-init script with details on the command-line tools it installs and configures, and finally how it connects securely back up S3 for credentials. Okay, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started… Part 2: Using Amazon IAM Roles to Distribute Security Credentials (for Chef) Part 3: Using cloud-init and s3cmd to Automatically Download Chef Credentials Share:

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Using Amazon IAM Roles to Distribute Security Credentials (for Chef)

As I discussed in Black Hat Preview: Automating Cloud Security Policy Compliance, you can combine Amazon S3 and IAM roles to securely provision configuration files (or any other files) and credentials to Amazon EC2 or VPC instances. Here are the details. The problem to solve One of the issues in automating infrastructure is securely distributing security credentials and configuration files to servers that start automatically, without human interaction. You don’t want to embed security credentials in the images that are the basis for these running instances (servers), and you need to ensure that only approved instances can access the credentials, without necessarily knowing anything about the instance. The answer is to leverage the cloud infrastructure itself to identify and propagate the credentials. We can handle it all in the management plane without manually touching servers or embedding long-term credentials. In our example we will use these to distribute an initial Chef configuration file and validation certificate. Securely bootstrapping Chef clients A Chef node is a server or workstation with the Chef agent running on it. This is the application that connects to the Chef server to accept configuration pushes and run scripts (recipes). There are four ways to install it on a cloud instance: Manually log into the instance and install the chef-client software, then transfer over the server’s validation certificate and configuration file. Almost nobody does this in the cloud, outside of development and testing. Embed the client software and configuration files in the machine image for use at launch (instantiation). This is common but means you need to maintain your own images rather than using public ones. Remotely bootstrap the instance. The Chef management software (knife) can connect to the instance via ssh to configure everything automatically, but that requires its `ssh private key. Use cloud-init or another installation script to install Chef onto a clean ‘base’ (unconfigured) instance, and IAM roles to allow the instance to connect to a repository such as S3 to download the initial configuration file and server certificate. This is what I will explain. Configuring AWS IAM roles to distribute credentials Amazon recently added a feature called IAM roles. Amazon Web Services (like some other public and private cloud platforms) supports granular identity management down to the object level. This is critical for proper segregation and isolation of cloud assets. AWS previously only supported users and groups, which are (and I’m simplifying) static collections of users, servers, and other objects in AWS. Users and groups are great, but they provide users or servers with static security credentials such as an Access Key and Secret Key, X.509 certificate, or a username and password for web UI access. IAM Roles are different. They are temporary credentials applied to AWS assets, such as a running instance. They include an Access Key and Secret Key provided to the object via an API call, and a token. You need all three to sign requests, and they are rotated (approximately every 24 hours in my experience). So if someone steals the keys they won’t work without the token. If they also get a token it expires in a day. In our example we will create an S3 bucket to hold our Chef configuration client.rb configuration file and validation.pem digital certificate. We will then switch over to AWS IAM to create a new role and assign it read privileges to S3. Then we will tweak the policy to only allow access to that bucket. Finally we will launch an instance, assign the role, then log in and show the credentials. You wouldn’t do this in production, but it illustrates how roles work. Step by step I assume you have some knowledge of AWS here. If you want granular instructions, take our class. I also assume you have a Chef server set up in EC2 someplace, or use Hosted Chef. If you want to know how to do that, take the class. 🙂 AWS Console Log in and ensure your Chef server has its own Security Group. Create a new Security Group for your instances (or pick any group you already have). Our example is very locked down, which may not be appropriate for your environment. Open ports 4000, 4040, and 80 in the Chef Server security group from your instance security group. I haven’t had time to play with it, but we might be able to double down and allow access by role. I will test before Black Hat – it doesn’t take long, but I just got the idea. Return the favor and open 4000 and 4040 into the instance group from the server group. Amazon S3 section of AWS Console Create a new bucket (e.g., cloudsec). Load a random file for testing later if you want. If you have a Chef server place client.rb and validation.pem here – you will need these to complete our example. IAM section Create a new role called ChefClient. You can do this all via API or by write the policy by hand, but we use the GUI. Select AWS Service Roles, then Amazon EC2. This grants the designated rights to EC2 assets with the assigned role. Continue. Select Select Policy Template and then Amazon S3 Read Only Access. Continue. After this you can name the policy, then adjust it to apply to only the single bucket – not your entire Amazon S3 account. Change the entry “Resource: *” to “Resource: arn:aws:s3:::your_bucket”. I also added a safety wildcard, so your policy should look like the screenshot below EC2 section Launch a new instance. Ubuntu is a safe bet, and what we use to demonstrate the temporary credentials. On the Instance Details screen assign your IAM role. You also probably want to put it in the same availability zone as your Chef server, and later on into the right security group. Instance Once everything is running, log into your instance. Type wget -O — -q ‘’, replacing ‘myrole’ with the name of your role (case sensitive). You should see your temporary AWS credentials, when they were issued, and when they expire. You have now configured your environment to support transfer of the security credentials only to instances assigned the appropriate role (ChefClient in my case). Your instance has temporary credentials that Amazon rotates for you, minimizing exposure. AWS also requires a token so the Access Key

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Using cloud-init and s3cmd to Automatically Download Chef Credentials

Our last post described how to use Amazon EC2, S3, and IAM as a framework to securely and automatically download security policies and credentials. That’s the infrastructure side of the problem, and this post will show what you need to do to the instance to connect to this infrastructure, grab the credentials, install and configure Chef, and connect to the Chef server. The advantage of this structure is that you don’t need to embed credentials into your machine image, and you can use stock (generic) operating systems are on public clouds. In private clouds it is also useful because it reduces the number of machine images to maintain. These instructions can be modified to work in other cloud platforms, but your mileage will vary. They also require an operating system that supports cloud-init (Windows uses ec2config, which I know very little about, but also appears to support user data scripts). I will walk through the details of how this works, but you won’t use any of these steps manually. They are just explanation, to give you what you need to adapt this for other circumstances. Using cloud-init cloud-init is software for certain Linux variants that allows your cloud controller to pass scripts to new instances as they are launched from an image (bootstrapped). It was created by Canonical (the Ubuntu guys) and is very frequently packaged into Linux machine images (AMIs). ec2config offers similar functionality for Windows. Users pass the script to their instances, specifying the User Data field (for web interface) or argument (for command line). It is a bit of a pain because you don’t get any feedback – you need to debug from the system log – but it works well and allows tight control. Commands run as root before anyone can even log into the instance, so cloud-init is excellent for setting up secure configurations, loading ssh keys, and installing software. Note that cloud-init is a bootstrapping tool for configuring an instance the first time it runs – it is not a management tool because after launch you cannot access it any more. For an example see our full script at the bottom of this post. You can download and manipulate files easily with cloud-init, but unless you want to embed static credentials in your script there is an authentication issue. That’s where AWS IAM roles and S3 help, thanks to a very recent update to s3cmd. Configuring s3cmd to use IAM roles s3cmd is a command-line tool to access Amazon S3. Amazon S3 isn’t like a normal file share – it is only accessible through Amazon’s API. s3cmd provides access to S3 like a local directory, as well as administration of S3. It is available in most Linux repositories for packaged installation, but the bundled versions do not yet support IAM roles. Version 1.5 alpha 2 and later add role support, so that’s what we need to use. You can download the alpha 3 release, but if you are reading this post in the future I suggest checking for a more recent version on the main page, linked above. To install s3cmd just untar the file. If you aren’t using roles you now need to configure it with your credentials. But if you have assigned a role, s3cmd should work out of the box without a configuration file. Unfortunately I discovered a lot of weirdness once I tried to out it in a cloud-init script. The issue is that running it under cloud-init runs it as root, which changes s3cmd’s behavior a bit. I needed to create a stub configuration file without any credentials, then use a command-line argument to specify that file. Here is what the stub file looks like: [default] access_key = secret_key = security_token = Seriously, that’s it. Then you can use a command line such as: s3cmd –config /s3cmd-1.5.0-alpha3/s3cfg ls s3://cloudsec/ Where s3cfg is your custom configuration file (you can see the path there too). That’s all you need. s3cmd detects that it is running in role mode and pulls your IAM credentials if you don’t specify them in the configuration file. Scripted installation of the Chef client The Chef client is very easy to install automatically. The only tricky bit is the command-line arguments to skip the interactive part of the install; then you copy the configuration files where they are needed. The main instructions for package installation are in the Chef wiki. You can also use the omnibus installer, but packaged installation is better for automated scripting. The Chef instructions show you how to add the OpsCode repository to Ubuntu so you can “apt-get install”. The trick is to point the installer to your Chef server, using the following code instead of a straight “apt-get install chef-client”: echo “chef chef/chef_server_url string http://your-server-IP:4000” \ | sudo debconf-set-selections && sudo apt-get install chef -y –force-yes Then use s3cmd to download client.rb & validation.pem and place them into the proper locations. In our case this looks like: s3cmd –config /s3cmd-1.5.0-alpha3/s3cfg –force get s3://cloudsec/client.rb /etc/chef/client.rb s3cmd –config /s3cmd-1.5.0-alpha3/s3cfg –force get s3://cloudsec/validation.pem /etc/chef/validation.pem That’s it! Tying it all together The process is really easy once you set this up, and I went into a ton of extra detail. Here’s the overview: Set up your S3, Chef server, and IAM role as described in the previous post. Upload client.rb and validation.pem from your Chef server into your bucket. (Execute “knife client ./” to create them). Launch a new instance. Select the IAM Role you set up for Chef and your S3 bucket. Specify your customized cloud-init script, customized from the sample below, into the User Data field or command-line argument. You can also host the script as a file and load it from a central repository using the include file option. Execute chef-client. Profit. If it all worked you will see your new instance registered in Chef once the install scripts run. If you don’t see it check the System Log (via AWS – no need to log into the server) to see where you script failed. This is the script we will use for our training, which should be easy to adapt. #cloud-config apt_update: true #apt_upgrade: true packages: — curl fixroutingsilliness: – &fix_routing_silliness | public_ipv4=$(curl -s ifconfig eth0:0 $public_ipv4 up configchef: — &configchef | echo “deb precise-0.10 main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opscode.list apt-get update curl | sudo apt-key add – echo “chef chef/chef_server_url string” | sudo debconf-set-selections && sudo apt-get install

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Multitenancy is the Least Interesting Security Property of Cloud Computing

Today I was mildly snarky on the Security Metrics email list when a few people suggested that instead of talking about cloud computing we should talk about shared infrastructure. In their minds, ‘shared’ = ‘cloud’. I fully acknowledge that I may be misinterpreting their point, but this is a common thread I hear. Worse yet, very frequently when I discuss security risks, other security professionals key in on multitenancy as their biggest concern in cloud computing. To be honest it may be the least interesting aspect of the cloud from a security perspective. Shared infrastructure and applications are definitely a concern – I don’t mean to say they do not pose any risk. But multitenancy is more an emergent property of cloud computing rather than an essential characteristic – and yes, I am deliberately using NIST terms. In my humble opinion – please tell me if I’m wrong in the comments – the combination of resource pooling (via abstraction) and orchestration/automation creates the greatest security risk. This is primarily for IaaS and PaaS, but also can apply to SaaS when it isn’t just a standard web app. With abstraction and automation we add a management layer that effectively network-enables direct infrastructure management. Want to wipe out someone’s entire cloud with a short bash script? Not a problem if they don’t segregate their cloud management and harden admin systems. Want to instantly copy the entire database and make it public? That might take a little PHP or Ruby code, but well under 100 lines. In neither of those cases is relying on shared resources a factor – it is the combination of APIs, orchestration, and abstraction. These aren’t fully obvious until you start really spending time using and studying the cloud directly – as opposed to reading articles and research reports. Even our cloud security class only starts to scratch the surface, although we are considering running a longer version where we spend a bunch more time on it. The good news is that these are also very powerful security enablers, as you will see later today or tomorrow when I get up some demo code I have been working on. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
  • Comments are enabled for posts. All comments are kept except for spam, personal insults of a clearly inflammatory nature, and completely off-topic content that distracts from the discussion. We welcome comments critical of the work, even if somewhat insulting to the authors. Really.
  • Anyone can comment, and no registration is required. Vendors or consultants with a relevant product or offering must properly identify themselves. While their comments won’t be deleted, the writer/moderator will “call out”, identify, and possibly ridicule vendors who fail to do so.
  • Vendors considering licensing the content are welcome to provide feedback, but it must be posted in the comments - just like everyone else. There is no back channel influence on the research findings or posts.
    Analysts must reply to comments and defend the research position, or agree to modify the content.
  • At the end of the post series, the analyst compiles the posts into a paper, presentation, or other delivery vehicle. Public comments/input factors into the research, where appropriate.
  • If the research is distributed as a paper, significant commenters/contributors are acknowledged in the opening of the report. If they did not post their real names, handles used for comments are listed. Commenters do not retain any rights to the report, but their contributions will be recognized.
  • All primary research will be released under a Creative Commons license. The current license is Non-Commercial, Attribution. The analyst, at their discretion, may add a Derivative Works or Share Alike condition.
  • Securosis primary research does not discuss specific vendors or specific products/offerings, unless used to provide context, contrast or to make a point (which is very very rare).
    Although quotes from published primary research (and published primary research only) may be used in press releases, said quotes may never mention a specific vendor, even if the vendor is mentioned in the source report. Securosis must approve any quote to appear in any vendor marketing collateral.
  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.