

It’s Time for Enterprises to Support a “Backup” Browser

In today’s news we see yet another zero-day Internet Explorer exploit being used in the wild. And once again, soon after becoming public, an exploit was added to Metasploit. Well, sort of. While the in-the-wild attack only works against Windows XP, the Metasploit version works against Windows 7 and Vista. (Note that IE 10 isn’t affected). You can read the article linked above for the details, but this gets to something I have been recommending privately for a while: support 2 browsers, even if one is only for emergencies. First of all, ideally you’ll be on a modern operating system. I’m not one to blame the victim, but allowing XP is a real problem – which I know many of you fight every day. Second, this advice doesn’t help with all browser-based attacks, especially Java. But you can configure it in a way that helps. Choose a secondary browser that is allowed for web browsing. Chrome is most secure right now, but make sure you set its privacy defaults to not bleed info out to Google. Ideally block Java in the browser. Maybe even Flash, depending on how you feel about the Chrome sandbox. If something like this IE flaw hits, notify users to use the secondary browser for outside websites (odds are you need IE for internal web apps programmed by idiots or 19th-century transplants, and so cannot ban it completely). If you can, set a network policy that (temporarily) blocks IE from accessing external sites (again, you can make exemptions for partners). Unfortunately I don’t believe many tools support this. I know this advice isn’t perfect. And there are tools like Invincea and (soon) Bromium that can likely stop this stuff cold in the browser – as well as a few network tools, although history shows signature-based defenses aren’t all that effective here. But if you can pull it off you aren’t stuck waiting for a patch or another workaround. Especially if you go with the “block Java / isolate or block Flash” option. This approach allows you to still only support one browser for your applications, and use a secondary one when needed without users having to violate policy to install it themselves. Share:

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Friday Summary: September 14, 2012

Rich here. Way **way** back in my earliest Gartner days one of my first speaking engagements was a series of three-city tours where I was paired up with an extremely experienced telecom analyst. I was still in my twenties, and probably wasn’t qualified to wash my privates — never mind advise anyone on their security strategy. This was an awesome training ground for a number of reasons. First of all, the stakes were low — these were smaller audiences, out for a free event. Second was all the practice I got, giving the same talk three days in a row to different groups. And it was great to work with an exceptionally good speaker with oodles of experience. But that’s not what I’m going to talk about. The best part for me, as someone with an unhealthy attraction to wireless devices, was spending time with someone who’d been on the inside of the telecom industry for over 20 years. The tech part I could understand easily enough, but the business side was far more fascinating than I expected. And this was after I had worked in Europe for a few months helping design the first system to sell and activate mobile phones over the Internet. Nick hammered one rule into my head that hasn’t changed in the dozen-odd years since. “Telecom providers are greedy and stupid”. Every single decision they make is dependent on those baseline traits. This is especially relevant as I try and figure out just what combination of iPhone 5 and data plan will best fit my needs. First there are the relevant technology limitations. Such as the fact that LTE is a data-only standard, and carriers around the world haven’t really figured out the voice details. So the phones have to support their *old* voice and data standards (GSM or CDMA) *plus* LTE, and your phone might behave differently depending on your coverage. The best example is that Verizon only supports voice and data at the same time if you are on LTE, but not on 3G. Then there are all the roaming agreements and spectrum issues for us world traveler types. Like when I was in Russia and it was $5 per minute for voice calls *on the discounted plan*. For comparison a satellite phone is around $1 per minute, but you need a clear view of the sky. Then there are the plan and transition issues. All the carriers hooked us with unlimited data, then said “f*** off — you are over-using what you paid for”. So we have things like shared data plans, which look better but probably cost more for most people. And then there is the very special case of AT&T, who will change their iPhone 5 signal indicator to a big fat middle finger. (Or the other 2-finger gesture, if you are roaming from the UK). Want FaceTime over cellular? Just switch to our more expensive plan and consider yourself lucky we **let** you install Angry Birds! You want 4G? Fine, we’ll change the display to say 4G to shut you up. Not that Verizon is innocent. They might make a big deal over not restricting FaceTime, but they have to allow it (and Personal Hotspot) thanks to agreements they made with the US government for LTE spectrum. It’s only a feature because they were forced. And those of you in Europe and Asia? Man, when I worked in Europe back around 2000 it was paradise compared to the US. Now I hear it’s more like paying for a high-priced dominatrix who beats the crap out of anyone else who looks at you funny. And that still beats Australian providers, who are friggin’ Mother Theresas compared to *Canadian* providers. So I hear. Then again, us Apple folks live in paradise compared to all the hacked-together Android phones you can’t update, which carriers load down with their “value add” user interfaces and crapware. I don’t mind the carriers making money, and I don’t mind paying for my data, but they clearly haven’t figured out that brand loyalty and happy customers might, just possibly, come from a positive user experience beyond “Oh good, I didn’t lose this call.” Instead of adopting the traits that made Apple so popular, they are trying their damndest to maxmize revenue and reduce churn through penalty-based lockin. But it could be worse. They *could* start smashing your head against a wall of glass shards while calmly stating “your call is very important to us,” like cable companies. On to the Summary: ##Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences * [Mike quoted in this Silicon Angle series on CyberWars]( Probably too much hype here and overuse of buzzwords, but decent perspectives on the attackers. [Part 1](, [Part 2](, [Part 3]( * Rich quoted [about a not-so-great mobile study]( ##Favorite Securosis Posts * Adrian Lane: [The Five Laws of Data Masking]( I pulled another classic Securosis post for this week’s fave. * Mike Rothman: [Incite 1/25/2012: Prized Possessions]( Evidently we don’t blog any more (doh!), so we have taken to digging through the archives and highlighting pieces from the past. Here is an Incite I wrote back in January, and it reminds me of what’s important. To me, anyway. * Rich: Mike starts his new DDoS series — [Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks]( ##Favorite Outside Posts * Mike Rothman: [It’s More Important to be Kind than Clever]( Most businesses are always striving for improvement. But at what cost? This HBR post puts things in the proper context. _”Just make sure all their efficiency doesn’t come at the expense of their humanity.”_ * Adrian Lane: [Tracking Down the UDID Breach Source]( The thoughtful quest to figure out the UDID breach source. Well done! * Rich: Verizon’s [third post in a series on opportunistic attacks]( I may pick on the wireless side, but the Verizon Business security guys are our best industry source for data driven reports right now. ##Research Reports and Presentations * [Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions](

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Friday Summary: August 31, 2012

Rich here. Yesterday I published an article over at Macworld on the New Java exploits, and why Mac users likely aren’t at risk. As with many previous articles on Mac security, I’m getting really positive feedback. Heck, I have even had people tell me that I’m currently writing the best stuff out there on Apple security overall. (Probably not true, but I’ll take it.) When I asked some people privately about this, they told me they like my articles because they are accurate, hype free, and practical. The thing is, there really isn’t anything special about how I write this stuff up. Some days I feel like it’s some of the easiest prose I put on the screen. I think there is one compelling reason there are so many bad security articles out there in general (when we write about attacks), and even more crap about Apple products. Page views. Anytime anything remotely related to security and Apple comes up, there is a bum rush to snag as many mouse clicks as possible, which forces those writers to break pretty much every rule I have when writing on the issue. Here’s how I approach these pieces: Know the platform. Don’t hype. Research, and don’t single source. Accurately assess the risk. Accurately report the facts. This isn’t hard. It really comes down to understanding the facts and writing without unnecessary hype. From what I can tell, this also results in solid page views. I don’t see my Macworld or TidBITS stats, but from what they tell me the articles do pretty well, even if they come a day after everyone else. Why? Because many of the other articles suck, but also because users will seek out information that helps them understand an issue, rather than an article that just scares them. These are the articles that last, as opposed to the crap that’s merely thinly-disguised plagiarizing from a blog post. I get it. If it bleeds, it leads. But I would rather have a reputation for accuracy than for page views. There are also a bunch of articles (especially from AV vendors) that are technically accurate but grossly exaggerate the risk. Take all the calls for the impending Mac Malware Epidemic… by my count there have only been two large infections in the past two years, neither of which resulted in financial losses to consumers. I really don’t care how much Elbonian porn is back-doored with trojans. (I have been waiting 5 years to write that sentence). Anyway, for those of you who read these articles rather than writing them, here are a few warning signs that should raise your skepticism: Are all the quotes from representatives of security companies with something to gain from scaring you? Does the headline end in a question mark? Is it cross-platform, but ‘Mac’ or ‘iPhone’ got shoehorned into the headline to snag page views? Is more than one source cited? Multiple blog posts which all refer back to the same original source don’t count. Does the article provide a risk assessment in the lead or only in the conclusion? Does it use phrases like “naive Apple users”? Then again, I don’t get paid by hit counts. Or maybe I just underestimate how many people download Elbonian porn. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Mike quoted in this Silicon Angle series on CyberWars. Probably too much hype and overuse of buzzwords, but decent perspectives on the attackers. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Mike’s Dark Reading column on making tough choices. Rich covered the Java exploit for Macworld. Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Ur C0de Sux. Seeing as we have not been able to blog much lately, I pulled out an old favorite. Mike Rothman: Always on the Run. When I read my intro to this week’s Incite again, I realized it’s pretty good advice. To me. So I’ll bookmark it and get back to it every time I start dragging a bit. Just keep running and good things happen. David Mortman: Pragmatic WAF Management – Securing the WAF. Other Securosis Posts Slow week – and to be honest, next week will also be slow thanks to way too much travel. We promise to get back to annoying you more consistently soon. Maybe. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: How to set up two step verification on Dropbox. You probably use Dropbox. You probably don’t want anyone else in that file store. You probably should use two-step authentication. If it works as cleanly and easily as Gmail 2FA this is a no-brainer. I’ll be testing it over the weekend. Adrian Lane: Schneier on Security Engineering. “‘Security’ is now a catch-all excuse for all sorts of authoritarianism, as well as for boondoggles and corporate profiteering.” Excellent post. Dave Lewis: Identity is Center Stage in Mobile Security Venn. David Mortman: Don’t build a database of ruin. Rich: The rise of data-driven security. Scott Crawford is A Very Smart Dude and has been tracking this issue longer than any other analyst. The report is for-pay only, but there is a lot of good info in the long (and free) intro post. Research Reports and Presentations Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions. Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection: Dealing with Advanced and Targeted Attacks. Implementing and Managing a Data Loss Prevention Solution. Defending Data on iOS. Malware Analysis Quant Report. Report: Understanding and Selecting a Database Security Platform. Vulnerability Management Evolution: From Tactical Scanner to Strategic Platform. Top News and Posts New Java 0day With Maynor statements like “This is as about a bad a bug as I’ve ever seen,” and “This exploit is awesome,” you know it’s good. German police buy stolen data, accuse Swiss of aiding tax evaders. It sounds like German investigators not only sought out stolen financial data, but will continue to do so. New Trojan Discovered. Chrome: Blocked Plug-ins. For those who want a little more granularity than ‘On’ or ‘Off’. ISC(2) Board Petition Snafu. Oh, why am I not surprised? Project Viglio

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Friday Summary: August 17, 2012

Rich here… Some weeks I can’t decide if I should write something personal, professional, or technical in the Summary intro. Especially when I’m absolutely slammed and haven’t been blogging. This week I’ll err on the side of personal, and I’m sure you all will give me a little feedback if you prefer the geeky. Last summer and fall I had a bit of a health scare, when I thought I was, well, dying, at breakfast with Mr. Rothman. Now I know many people think they’ve felt that way while dining with Mike, but I seriously thought I was going out for the count. Many months and medical tests later, they think it was just something with my stomach, and beyond a more-than-fair share of indigestion, I have moved on with life. I have always tried to be a relatively self-aware individual (well, not counting most of my life before age 27 or so). Some people blow off scares like that, but I figured it was a good way to review my life priorities. I came up with a simple list: 1 Family/Health 2 Fitness 3 Work … … … … … … 4 Everything else Yes, in that order. I can’t be there for my family if I’m not healthy, and my wife and kids matter a lot more to me than anything else. I don’t begrudge people who prioritize differently – I know plenty of people who put work/career in front of family (although few admit it to themselves). That’s their decision to make, and some of them see financial health the way I look at physical health. That’s also why I put fitness ahead of work. For me, it is intrinsically tied to health, but the difference is that I will skip a workout if necessary to be there for my family. But aside from the health benefits (not counting the injuries), I want to be very active and very old someday, which I can’t do without working out. A lot. And it keeps me sane. Then comes work. As the CEO of a startup facing its most important year ever, work has to come before everything else. This Securosis thing isn’t just a paycheck – it is long-term financial security for my family. I can’t afford to screw it up. The upside of The List is that it makes decisions simple. Can I carve out 2 hours for a workout during business hours so I can be home with my family that night? Yes. Do I skip a Saturday morning ride because I have been traveling a lot and need to spend time with the kids? Yes. Can I travel for that conference during a birthday? No. The downside of my list is that “everything else” is a distant fourth to the top three items. That means less contact with friends; dropping most of my hobbies that don’t involve pools, bikes, or running shoes; and not having the diversity in my life that I enjoyed before my family. Other than the part about friends, I am okay with those sacrifices. When the kids are older I can start woodworking, recreational hacking, and playing with the soldering iron again. I don’t have much of a social life and I work at home, which is pretty isolating, and maybe I will figure that out as the kids get older. It also means I dropped nearly all my emergency services work, and for the first time since I was 18 I might drop it completely for a few years. And, in case you were wondering, The List is the reason I haven’t been writing as much. We are completing some seriously important long-term projects for the company and those need to take priority over the short stuff. But I like algorithms. Keeps things simple, especially when you need to make the hard choices. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Quiet. Must be summer. Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Pragmatic WAF Management: Policy Management. I don’t normally pick my own posts but I like this one. And there was so much ground to cover I am afraid I might have left something out, so I would appreciate feedback. Mike Rothman: Pragmatic WAF Management: Policy Management. WAFs still ain’t easy, nor are they going to be. But understanding how to build and manage your policies is the first step. Adrian lays out what you need to know. Rich: Always Assume. This is an older post, but it came up in an internal discussion today and I think it is still very relevant. Other Securosis Posts Pragmatic WAF Management: Application Lifecycle Integration. Incite 8/15/2012: Fear (of the Unknown). Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide: Ongoing Controls – Device Control. Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide: Ongoing Controls – File Integrity Monitoring. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: Triple DDoS vs. krebsonsecurity. You know you have friends in high places when a one man operation is blasted by all sorts of bad folks. Krebs describes his battle against DDoS in this post and it’s illuminating. We will do some research on DDoS in the fall – we think this is an attack tactic you will need to pay much more attention to. Adrian Lane: Software Runs the World. I’m not certain we can say software is totally to blame for the Knight Capital issue, but this is a thought-provoking piece in the mainstream media. Although I am certain those of you who have read Daemon are unimpressed. Rich: Gunnar’s interview with Jason Chan of Netflix security. A gold mine for cloud security nuggets. Project Quant Posts Malware Analysis Quant: Index of Posts. Research Reports and Presentations Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection: Dealing with Advanced and Targeted Attacks. Implementing and Managing a Data Loss Prevention Solution. Defending Data on iOS. Malware Analysis Quant Report. Report: Understanding and Selecting a Database Security Platform. Vulnerability Management Evolution: From Tactical Scanner to Strategic Platform. Watching the Watchers: Guarding the Keys to the

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Friday Summary, TdF Edition: August 3, 2012

Rich here. Two weeks ago I got to experience something that wasn’t on the bucket list because it was so over the top I lacked the creativity to even think of putting it on the bucket list. I’ve been a cycling fan for a while now. Not only is it one of the three disciplines of triathlon, but I quite enjoy cycling for its own sake. As with tri, it’s one of the only sports out there where you can not only do what the pros do, but sometimes participate in the same events with them. You might run into a pro football player at a bar or restaurant, but it isn’t uncommon to see a pro rider, runner, or triathlete riding the same Sunday route as you, or even setting up in the same start/transition area for a race. Earlier this year Barracuda networks started sponsoring the Garmin-Sliptream team (for a short time it was Garmin-Barracuda, and now it’s Garmin-Sharp-Barracuda). I made a joke to @petermanmc about needing analyst support for the Tour de France, and something like 6 months later I found myself flying out to France for a speaking gig… and a little bike riding. I won’t go into the details of what I did outside the speaking part, but suffice it to say I got a fair bit of road time and caught the ends of a few stages. It was an unbelievable experience that even the Barracuda folks (especially a fellow cyclist from the Cuda exec team) didn’t expect. One of the bonuses was getting to meet some of the team and the directors. It really showed me what it takes to play at the absolute top of the game in one of the most popular sports on the planet (the TdF is the single biggest annual sporting event). For example, during a dinner after the race about half the team was also lined up for the Olympics. We heard the Sky team (mostly UK riders) all hopped on a plane mere hours after winning the Tour so they could continue training. None of the Garmin riders competing in the Olympics had as much as a single celebratory drink as far as I could tell. After three weeks of racing some of the hardest rides out there, they didn’t really take one night off. Earlier in the day, watching the finish to the Tour, I was talking with one of the development team riders who is likely to move up to the full pro team soon. Me: “Have you ever seen the Tour before?” Him: “Nope, it’s my first time. Pretty awesome.” Me: “Does it inspire you to train harder?” Him: “No. I always train harder.” That was right up there with one of the pros who told me he doesn’t understand all the attention the Tour gets. To him, it’s just another race on the schedule. “We’ll be riding these same stages in a few months and no one will be out there”. That’s the difference between those at the top of the game, and those who wonder why they can’t move up. It doesn’t matter if it’s security, cycling, or whatever else you are into. Only those with a fusion reactor of internal motivation, mixed with a helping of natural talent, topped off with countless hours of effective training and practice, have any chance of winning. And trust me, there are always winners and losers. I’d like to think I’m as good at my job as those cyclists are at theirs. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, but the day I start thinking I get to do things like snag a speaking gig at the Tour de France because of who I am or where I work, rather than how well I do what I do, is the day someone else gets to go. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich presented at Black Hat and Defcon, but we have otherwise been out of the media. Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: New Series: Pragmatic WAF Management. WAFs have a bad name, but it’s not entirely due to the technology. Adrian and I will be doing a series over the next couple weeks to dig into a more effective operational process for managing your WAF. PCI says buy it, so you may as well get the most value out of the device, right? Adrian Lane: Earning Quadrant Leadership. What a great post. Do you have any idea how often vendors and customers ask us this question? Rich: Pragmatic WAF Management: the Trouble with WAF. Ah, WAF. Other Securosis Posts Endpoint Security Management Buyers Guide: the ESM Lifecycle. Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide: The Business Impact of Managing Endpoints. Incite 8/1/2012: Media Angst. Incite 7/25/2012: Detox. Incite 7/18/2012: 21 Days. Proxies –Meet the ‘Agents’ of Cloud Computing. Heading out to Black Hat 2012! FireStarter: We Need a New Definition of Dead. Takeaways from Cloud Identity Summit. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: Tagging and Tracking Espionage Botnets. I’m fascinated by botnets – both because of the solid architectures they employ as well as plenty of clever secure coding. I wish mainstream software development was as good. Mike Rothman: Q2 Earnings Call Transcripts. I’m a sucker for the quarterly earnings calls. Seeking Alpha provides transcripts, which can be pretty enlightening for understanding what’s going on with a company. Check out a sampling from Check Point, Fortinet, Symantec, SolarWinds, and Sourcefire. Pepper: The Power Strip That Lets You Snoop On An Entire Network. I want one! Adrian Lane: Top Ten Black Hat Pick Up Lines. OK, not really security per se, but it was funny. And we need more humor in security. TSA jokes only go so far. Mike Rothman: Lessons Netflix Learned from the AWS Storm. You can learn from someone else, or you can learn the hard way (through painful personal experience). I prefer the former. Go figure. It’s truly a huge gift that companies like Netflix air their dirty laundry about

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Friday Summary: June 29, 2012

Rich here. I’m starting to think I might be dealing with a bit of burnout. No, not the “security burnout” that keeps cropping up on Twitter and in blog posts, but a bit of a personal burnout. I just find myself lacking a bit of general enthusiasm and creativity that usually keeps me plowing away at a productive rate. This burnout doesn’t have anything to do with security. I still freaking love our profession, even if some of our debates are getting a bit stale. We are long past the early days of the social dialog created by blogs, Twitter, and podcasts. So our discussions lack a certain freshness as we beat postmortem horse after postmortem horse. It also isn’t related to my job, which is freaking awesome. Aside from the usual advantages of working for myself, I have a flexibility I still can’t believe is possible. It stuns me that our business model works, because we seem to be doing everything independent analyst firms supposedly cannot get away with. Seriously, it doesn’t make sense – not that I’m complaining. Plus, how many analysts get to manage software projects and build technical labs? Personal life? All is good there. Awesome wife and kids. I get to race triathlons despite a full time job and young kids. Although I won’t lie – I could get out of the house a little more (aside from my workouts). A little social interaction somewhere other than a security conference won’t hurt. But as I write this I realize what the problem might be. I am seriously freaking tired. Bone weary, can barely function from day to day tired. The culprit? A cute little three year old and her younger sister who have taken to waking us up at 5am every day. For 3 years. And they demand constant attention every waking hour. I know I’m far from the first to go through this, and those of you with older kids can stop grinning with the superiority of someone who managed to swim to shore after the Titanic went down. I’d appreciate it if you would just quietly enjoy my pain and keep it to yourself. Aside from the lack of sleep, I also realized that Securosis has now been in business almost exactly five years. It all started in a Margaritaville during Black Hat when I got the word my condo in Boulder had sold and I now had enough financial runway to survive for 6 months. Ask Chris Hoff – he was there and didn’t believe me when I said I was resigning from Gartner the following Monday (he also hooked me up with my first project, which didn’t hurt). I had wanted to do something different for a while, and that cash cushion was exactly what I needed. But 5 years is 5 years and I am fully willing to admit that some of the enthusiasm of that first year has worn off. It isn’t new or different anymore, even though I get to do new and different things almost daily. Okay – so I’ve identified two problems, and I’m not the kind of person to sit back and wait for change. Step 1 is getting one of those “okay to wake” clocks for the kiddo. They have lights that change color when it’s okay to get out of the room in the morning. The thought of sleeping in until 6am consistently is more exciting than… well, pretty much anything. Seriously, far more exciting than even my various teenage male fantasies. After that? Time to pull a Rothman and get out of the house and work at coffee shops a bit more. I love the cats, but they don’t give a crap about oracle padding attacks or cloud APIs. I need to get a little creative with the research and writing again, and that probably means slowing down the day to day distraction schedule and turning off RSS and Twitter. Those two things and launch our damn SaaS product finally. I’m pretty sure every day will be new and interesting again when I suddenly have to support customers and start acting like a software company. Oh, heck, just watching Rothman’s head explode when he realizes he’s a vendor again will give me at least a month or two of daily amusement. And if that comes with 8 hours of sleep and a good workout every day? So much the better. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich’s monstrous sandboxing article at TidBITS. Adrian’s 15 Ways to Get More From Log Files on Dark Reading. Mike’s monthly Dark Reading blog: Time to deploy the FUD weapon?. Rich in a New York Times blog on Apple. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Mike’s Can You Stop a Targeted Attack?. Mike: Returning the favor, Rich’s Thoughts on Active Defense, Intrusion Deception, and Counterstrikes. Mike (again): Answering Questions about Sandboxing, Gatekeeper, and the Mac App Store – It’s not really an internal post but Rich wrote it, so it counts. A great overview of what Mountain Lion adds from a security standpoint. Adrian: And here I thought Empty Nest was the best post for the analysis. Other Securosis Posts Incite 6/27/2012: Empty Nest. Understanding and Selecting Data Masking: Buyer’s Guide. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Dennis Fisher’s LeBron James, Advanced Attackers and the Best Man Theory. Nails it, and boy does Dennis show off his background as a sports writer! Mike: Nora Ephron’s 1996 Wellesley Commencement Speech. A must-read, especially if you have daughters. Brutally honest about herself, her life, and the state of society back in 1996. Adrian: From a security standpoint, Rich’s monstrous sandboxing article at TidBITS was a really good read, but the most thought provoking was The Many Pivots of Justin.TV – a couple weeks old but I just ran across it. Project Quant Posts Malware Analysis Quant: Index of Posts. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Monitor for Reinfection. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Remediate. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Find

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Thoughts on Active Defense, Intrusion Deception, and Counterstrikes

Earlier this week Joseph Menn published a confusing article over at Reuters that conflated “active defense” with “strike back” technologies. As Chris Hoff said on Twitter: “active defense” is not the same as “strike back.” The first sentence is a bullshit premise. Active defense, deception, and counterattacks are things I have been interested in for a long time. The principles aren’t new – just go read the Cuckoo’s Egg – but we are seeing a small revival as the nature of attackers cycles back to data theft from the decade-plus distraction of website defacements and low-end phishing & malware. Mike and I talk a lot about reacting faster and better (see React Faster and Better: New Approaches for Advanced Incident Response). As is now being recognized more broadly, no security toolset can eliminate successful attacks, so we need to focus just as heavily on incident response. The problem? We generally lack mechanisms to identify the attacks that our tools miss. I wrote in Force Attacker Perfection that we can put in more barriers and monitors to increase our chances of detecting an attack. But my premise was a bit flawed – we still need some sort of trigger to identify real attacks, with far fewer false positives than we have come to accept from our tools. No one has time to look through every SIEM or IDS alert on a day to day basis, never mind logs. One way around this is to implement active defenses, honeypots, and tripwires. To avoid Menn’s mistake, here are some possible definitions we can work with: Active defense: Altering your environment and system responses dynamically based on the activity of potential attackers, to both frustrate attacks and more definitively identify actual attacks. Try to tie up the attacker and gain more information on them without engaging in offensive attacks yourself. A rudimentary example is throwing up an extra verification page when someone tries to leave potential blog spam, all the way up to tools like Mykonos that deliberately screw with attackers to waste their time and reduce potential false positives. Intrusion deception: Pollute your environment with false information designed to frustrate attackers. You can also instrument these systems/datum to identify attacks. DataSoft Nova is an example of this. Active defense engages with attackers, while intrusion deception can also be more passive. Honeypots & tripwires: Purely passive (and static) tools with false information designed to entice and identify an attacker. Counterstrike: Attack the attacker by engaging in offensive activity that extends beyond your perimeter. These aren’t exclusive – Mykonos also uses intrusion deception, while Nova can also use active defense. The core idea is to leave things for attackers to touch, and instrument them so you can identify the intruders. Except for counterattacks, which move outside your perimeter and are legally risky. You don’t need to be highly advanced to implement some of these ideas, and you certainly don’t necessarily need products. We are starting to integrate some of these concepts into our environment, and doing so creatively with no real budget. But my biggest fear isn’t being attacked, or even breached – I worry about finding out on Pastebin or in the morning news. I know I can’t keep all attackers out, and I can’t review our forensic logs every day, and I know that no signature-based tool can detect everything, so my only choice is to drop some tripwires to hopefully figure out when someone makes it in. I’m not saying my definitions are canonical – and they need work – but it’s important to distinguish between passive deception, active deception/defense, and offensive activity. Share:

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Choosing Your Key Management Strategy

In our last post we covered the four enterprise key management strategies. Today we will finish off Pragmatic Key Management with recommendations on how to pick the right strategy for your project or organization. To recap, there are four key management strategies: Local management Silo management Key management service Enterprise key management As much as I would like to drag this out into a long and complex assessment process, it’s actually fairly simple: You should never use local key management for anything other than development, testing, and one-off applications. About the only thing I use it for is some personal encryption, and not even much of that. Stick with silo management if it meets your needs, but this generally only works for encryption-oriented silos such as full disk encryption, email, and a couple other cases. By ‘needs’ I mean everything from basic manageability and auditing/reporting all the way through administrator separation of duties, key rotation/backup/restore, multi-location key synchronization and replication, and all sorts of other requirements beyond the scope of this series. When local and silo won’t work, a key management service is the way to go. Full enterprise key management is nice to have, but not something to focus on at the start. If you do stick with silo management but need a key manager for another project, it is often worthwhile to transition your siloed applications over to the key manager; once you have a key manager you might as well take advantage of it for backup, restore, redundancy, and other management features. The key is to think strategically. Once you start managing multiple encryption applications, you will eventually move into some sort of dedicated key manager. To build a key management service, pick a platform that will grow as you increase usage – even if the first deployment is narrowly scoped. People often start with a single application, database, or storage encryption project – a silo where key management is poor or doesn’t exist. But don’t choose purely based on immediate requirements – pick something that meets your immediate needs and can expand into other areas, for example by providing a backup key manager for disk encryption. We see two common problems when people build key management strategies. The first is that they don’t build strategically. Everyone buys or builds key management for each project, rather than offering and taking advantage of a central service whenever possible. On the other end of the spectrum, organizations obsess over implementing enterprise key management but forget to properly managing their silos and projects. We see the best success when organizations plan strategically and then grow into broader key management. Practically speaking, this typically starts with a single project using a dedicated key manager, which is then expanded and leveraged for other complementary projects. It’s fine to keep some silos, and it’s okay to have key managers in their own silos when there is no need to plug them into something larger. For example, you don’t necessarily need to have both your database encryption and full disk encryption projects report up to a single enterprise key manager. We have mentioned this before, but sweet spots which may justify moving up to a key manager include: Backup encryption Database encryption Application encryption In all three areas we tend to see strong need for encryption but weak key management. To recap: avoid local management; silos are fine when they meet your needs; step projects up to key managers when it makes sense for the project; expand coverage over time; and stick with one platform for cleaner management when feasible. Key management and how you structure your crypto system both matter more than the encryption engine itself. We haven’t discussed key manager selection criteria (fodder for a future report); but it should be obvious that deployment is easier when products support standards, include good APIs and plugins, and play well out of the box with common platforms and software. You should now have a much better idea of how data encryption systems work, the different strategies for managing encryption keys, and how to pick the best one for your organization. Share:

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New Paper: Implementing and Managing a DLP Solution

Yes, folks, at long last, here is my follow-up to Understanding and Selecting a DLP Solution. As you might guess from the title, this one is focused on implementation and management. After you have picked a tool, this will help you get up and running, and then keep it running, with as little overhead as possible. I would like to thank McAfee for licensing the paper and making it possible for us to give this stuff out for free (and by now we hope you’ve figured out that all the content is developed independently and objectively). McAfee is hosting the paper and you can download it from us: Landing page PDF (direct) Share:

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The Four Enterprise Key Management Strategies

In our last post we covered the components of data encryption systems and ran through some common examples. Now it’s time to move on to key management itself, and dig into the four different key management strategies. We need to start with a discussion of the differences between encryption operations and key management; then we will detail the different enterprise-level strategies. The differences between key management and encryption operations As we focus on data encryption across the organization rather than isolated applications of basic encryption, it is time to spend a moment on what we mean when we discuss key management vs. encryption operations. Every data encryption operation involves a key, so there is always a key to manage, but a full-fledged management system is the most important aspect of building a multipart encryption system. Many data encryption systems don’t bother with “real” key management – they only store keys locally, and users never interacts with the key directly. For example, if you encrypt data with a passphrase using one of the many common command-line tools available, the odds are good that you don’t do anything with the key beyond choosing an encryption algorithm and key length. Super-simple implementations don’t bother to store the key at all – it is generated as needed from the passphrase. In slightly more complex (but still relatively simple) cases the key is actually stored with the data, protected by a series of other keys which are still generated from passphrases. There is a clear division between this and the enterprise model, where you actively manage keys. Key management involves separating keys from data for increased more flexibility and security. It does not require you to move to keys to an external system, but that is one of the more important options. You can have multiple keys for the same data, the same key for multiple files, key backup and recovery, and many more choices. The four key management strategies There are four main approaches to managing data encryption keys within an organization. These apply to individual cryptosystems, to various different kinds of applications, and to larger and more complicated cryptography systems. Many of them also apply to other kinds of encryption operations, such as digital signatures and certificates, but we aren’t concerned with those for this paper. Local key management This option is the closest to doing nothing at all for key management. Keys are all managed locally (on a single system or a cluster of systems), with all key functions handled within a single application. Local key management is actually quite common, even though it isn’t always the best idea. Common examples include: Full disk encryption managed by a single user (e.g., Bitlocker or FileVault without tying into a key management server) Transparent database encryption Building encryption into an application server Basic backup encryption File server or SAN/NAS encryption In each of these cases all keys can be managed locally – in which case any key rotation, backup/restore, or auditing also must be built into the local system, but more often these capabilities are simply nonexistent. Local key management isn’t necessarily bad, in particular isolated scenarios. For example, if you back up your data unencrypted, or with a system that uses its own keys, there may be no reason to worry about managing local keys. But for anything serious – including anything with compliance requirements – relying on local key management is asking for trouble. Silo key management This refers to separating the keys a the local system and managing them within a multi-system application. Whatever software stack/system you run manages its own keys for its own client software. Full disk encryption is one of the most common enterprise examples. A central management server handles configuration and keys for all encrypted laptops and desktops. This key management system is never used for anything else, such as databases, but may manage other data encryption features supported by the product (including file/folder encryption). All important key management functions, including administrative and recovery keys, rotation, backup/restore, and audit, are built into the silo key manager. Other typical uses include email encryption, some backup encryption tools, and even enterprise Digital Rights Management – DRM is implemented through cryptography. Silo key management is totally suitable when it meets the particular requirements of the situation. When encryption is the key function of a product, as with full disk encryption, this approach often works perfectly – with no need for additional key management. On the other hand, when encryption is merely a feature of an existing product, key management is often minimal at best – typified by encryption products bolted onto exiting backup systems. Key management services So far the two strategies we have discussed keep the keys within a single system or application stack. The next couple strategies introduce a new component: a dedicated key management system. When local or silo key management is inadequate, it’s time to bring in a tool specifically to address the problem. Move keys outside the silo and integrate dedicated key management with one or more applications. This used to be incredibly difficult, but more and more products (both commercial and free software / Open Source) now support key management standards that make it much easier to use external management. Before standards we had to either rely on the vendor to provide proprietary hooks, or reverse engineer the entire thing. A variety of dedicated key management options are available – including hardened hardware appliances, software, virtual appliances, and even Software as a Service (SaaS). We are focusing on key management strategies rather than products, so we won’t go into all the various features and functions, but suffice it to say they tend to have far more robust capabilities (and often stronger security) than all but the best silo tools. Aside from all the added functionality of an external service, the external service can manage keys for multiple different silos. This can be important for unifying auditing/reporting and meeting other compliance requirements. Key management services

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