

A Good (Potential) Risk Management IQ Test For Management

It looks like China is thinking about requiring in-depth technical information on all foreign technology products before they will be allowed into China. I highly suspect this won’t actually happen, but you never know. If it does, here is a simple risk related IQ test for management: Will you reveal your source code and engineering documents to a government with a documented history of passing said information on to domestic producers who often clone competitive technologies and sell at lower than the market value you like? Do you have the risk tolerance to accept domestic Chinese abuse of your intellectual property should you reveal it? If the answer to 1 is “yes” and 2 is “no”, the IQ is “0”. Any other answer shows at least as basic understanding of risk tolerance and management. I worked a while back with an Indian company that engaged in a partnership with China to co-produce a particular high value product. That information was promptly stolen and spread to other local manufacturers. I don’t have a problem with China, but not only do they culturally view intellectual property differently than us, there is a documented history of what the western world would consider abuse of IP. If you can live with that, you should absolutely engage with that market. If can’t accept the risk of IP theft, stay away. (P.S.- This is also true of offshore development. Stop calling me after you have offshored and asking how to secure your date. You know, closing barn doors and cows and all). Share:

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Mortality, Integrity, and Risk Management

I despise the very concept of mortality. That everything we were, are, and can be comes to a crashing close at some arbitrary deadline. I’ve never been one to accept someone telling me to do something just because “that’s the way it is”, and I feel pretty much the same way about death. Having seen far more than my fair share of it, I consider it nothing but random and capricious. For those that follow Twitter, yesterday afternoon mortality bitch slapped me upside the head. I found out that my cholesterol is two points shy of the thin black line that defines “high”. Being thirty seven, a lifetime athlete, and relatively healthy eater since my early twenties, my number shouldn’t even be on the same continent as “high”, never mind the same zip code. I clearly have my parent’s genes to blame, and since my father passed away many years ago of something other than heart disease, I get to have a long conversation with mother this weekend on her poor gene selection. I might bring up the whole short thing while I’m at it (seriously, all I asked for was 5’9”). I tend to look at situations like this as risk management problems. With potential mitigating actions, all of which come at a cost, and a potential negative consequence (well, negative for me), it slots nicely into a risk-based approach. It also highlights what is the single most important factor in any risk analysis- integrity. If you deceive yourself (or others) you can never make an effective risk decision. Let’s map it out: Asset Valuation – Really fracking high for me personally, $2M to the insurance company (time limited to 20 years), and somewhere between zero and whatever for the rest of the world (and, I suspect, a few negative values circulating out there). Risk Tolerance – Low. Oh sure, I’d like to say “none”, but the reality is if my risk tolerance was really 0, I’d mentally implode in a clash of irreconcilable risk factors as fear of my house burning around me conflicts with the danger of a meteor smashing open my skull like a ripe pumpkin when I walk outside. Since anything over 100 years old isn’t realistically quantifiable (and 80 is more reasonable), I’ll call 85 the low end of my tolerance, with no complaints if I can double that. Risk/Threat Factors – Genetics, lifestyle, and medication. This one is pretty easy, since there are really only 3 factors that effect the outcome (in this dimension, I’m skipping cancer, accidents, and those freaky brain eating bacteria found in certain lakes). I can only change two of the factors, each of which comes with both a financial cost, and, for lack of a better word, a “pleasure” cost. Risk Analysis – I’m going to build three scenarios: Since some of my cholesterol is good to normal (HDL and triglycerides), and only part of it bad (LDL and total serum), I can deceive myself into thinking I don’t need to do anything today and ignore the possibility of slowly clogging my arteries until a piece of random plaque breaks off and kills me in excruciating pain at an inconvenient moment. Since that’s what everyone else tends to do, we’ll call this option “best practices”. I can meet with my doctor, review the results, and determine which lifestyle changes and/or medication I can start today to reduce my long term risks. I can reduce the intake of certain foods, switch to things like Egg Beaters, and increase my intake of high fiber food and veggies. I’ll pay an additional financial cost for higher quality food, a time cost for the extra workouts, and a “pleasure” cost for fewer chocolate chip cookies. In exchange for those french fries and gooey burritos I’ll be healthier overall and live a higher quality of life until I’m disemboweled by an irate ostrich while on safari in Africa. I can immediately switch to a completely heart-healthy diet and disengage from any activity that increases my risk of premature death (and isn’t all death premature?). I’ll never eat another cookie or french fry, and I’ll move to a monastery in a meteor-free zone to eliminate all stress from my life as I engage in whatever the latest medical journals define as the optimum diet and exercise plan. I will lead a longer, lower quality life until I’m disemboweled by an irate monk who is sick of my self righteous preaching and mid-chant calisthenics. We’ll call this option the “consultant/analyst” recommendations. Risk Decision and Mitigation Plan – Those three scenarios represent the low, middle, and high option. In every case there is a cost- but the cost is either in the short term or the long term. None of the scenarios guarantees success. This is where the integrity comes in- I’ve tried to qualify all the appropriate costs in each scenario, and don’t try and fool myself into thinking I can avoid those costs to steer myself towards the easy decision. It would be easy to look at my various cholesterol levels and current lifestyle, then decide that maybe if I read the numbers from a certain angle nothing bad will happen. Or maybe I can just hang out without making changes until the numbers get worse, and fix things then. On the other end, I could completely deceive myself and decide that a bunch of extreme efforts will fix everything and I can completely control the end result, ignoring the cost and all the other factors out there. But if I’m really honest to myself, I know that despite my low tolerance for an early death, I’m unwilling to pay the costs of extreme actions. Thus I’m going to make immediate changes to my diet that I know I can tolerate in the long term, I’ll meet with my doctor and start getting annual tests, and I’ll slip less on my fitness plan when work gets out of control. I’m putting metrics in place

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The Biggest Difference Between Web Applications And Traditional Applications.

Adrian and I have been hard at work on our web application security overview series, and in a discussion we realized we left something off part 3 of the series when we dig into the differences between web applications and traditional applications. In most applications we program the user display/interface. With web applications, we rely on an external viewer (the browser) we can’t completely control, that can be interacting with other applications at the same time. Which is stupid, because it’s the biggest, most obvious difference of them all. Share:

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Friday Summary: 12-03-2008

Adrian and I are hard at work on our Building a Web Application Program series, and it led to an interesting discussion this morning on writing and writing styles. I’m fortunate that I’ve always been a pretty good writer; likely because I was a total bookworm as a kid. As with many things in life, if you are good at writing you often gain the opportunity to write more frequently. And the more you write, the better you write, and the more likely you are to develop and understand writing styles. Today we talked about passive voice, passive language, and brevity. Brevity is something I always struggle with. Most professional writers I talk with agree that it is more difficult to write a shorter piece than a longer one. As a college student in history, I didn’t worry too much about that since professors usually set minimum page counts and I wrote to fill that space as much as to cover the topic. At Gartner, we targeted 3-5 pages with a max of 14,000 words for a normal research note. When I write my online articles and columns for people like Macworld and Dark Reading, they typically ask for 500-800 words. It often takes me more time to write shorter than longer since I’m forced to focus more on the meat. I’ve become fascinated with the use of language now that I get paid to put my words on the page. How word and grammar choices affect the interpretation of my work, and audience receptiveness, as much or more than the content. For example, I find that passive voice makes you sound indecisive, confusing, and less authoritative. Passive voice is also closely tied to passive language in general- which although grammatically correct, is inefficient for communicating. For example, the first time I wrote this post I started with, “Adrian and I have been hard at work”. Now it reads, “Adrian and I are hard at work”. The language acts, it’s not acted upon. An example of passive voice is, “the risk of data loss is reduced by DLP”, as opposed to the active variant, “DLP reduces the risk of data loss”. One just sounds stronger and clearer. I could spend all day talking about writing and writing styles. My personal goals in writing are to keep a conversational style, use active language, be direct, avoid bullshit, and focus on clarity and simplicity. Sometimes that means breaking traditional grammar rules which can be too constraining and force sacrifices of effective style choices. I’m not perfect (just ask our editor Chris), but it seems to work well, Even in my “pontification” posts I try and focus on the main points and reduce extraneous language. Although Gartner left me free (in terms of style) to write how I wanted, I’m a bit more of a taskmaster here at Securosis and require contributors to follow those guiding principles. You pay us (not that most of you pay us) to save you time and money by providing insight and advice to help you do your job, not to write crap that’s hard to understand. And for those of you who write, and want to be successful, learn to say more with less, write to the correct audience, write with structure (don’t wander around), and always have a goal with each piece- be it an email, blog post, article, or novel. Develop your own writing style, rather than trying to channel someone else’s, and constantly critique your own work. Now that I’ve wasted four paragraphs on writing with brevity, here is the week’s security summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences: The print and online editions of Wired include a main feature article on Dan Kaminsky’s big DNS disclosure. I’m mentioned near the end of the article due to my involvement. Speaking of writing styles, Wired tends to focus on drama and personalities, and I was disappointed in how they portrayed some of what occurred. Dan comes across as some sort of mad/fringe hacker who almost decided to use the DNS vulnerability to take down banks, not a professional researcher who tried his best to handle an unusually sensitive bug. Anyway, you can judge for yourself, and I need to go buy another copy for my mom. I was interviewed at (IN)SECURE magazine. It’s a great publication, and I am excited to be included. On the Network Security Podcast this week, it’s just Martin and myself. At the end, we talk a fair bit about our home networks and my use of the Drobo. I wrote a TidBITS article on the Mac antivirus controversy this week. I was also interviewed about it by CNET and was in a hundred other articles, but my favorite take is by the Macalope. I’m happy to watch that game and drink that beer any time… I was interviewed on safe online holiday shopping for the Your Mac Life show. Yes, I was the total media whore this week. I also did a dozen interviews on the RSA/Microsoft partnership. Here’s Dark Reading, Information Week, CSO Magazine, and TechTarget/SearchSecurity. Favorite Securosis Posts: Rich: I’d like to say my How to be An Analyst post, but for this week it has to be my take on the Microsoft/RSA deal. This one has serious long term implications. Adrian: The Business Justification for Web Application Security: It may not be sexy, but it is important. Favorite Outside Posts: Adrian: This Rational Survivability post on ZoHo’s CloudSQL may not have been all that interesting to most, but after I read it, I must have spent half the day looking over the documentation, getting my API key and testing it out. This has a lot of ramifications for not only how we might provide data, how we implement SOA, and as Chris points out, security as well. More to come on this topic. Rich: The EFF guide for security researchers. Anyone who engages in any primary research absolutely must read this article. Although I do very little

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Analysis Of The Microsoft/RSA Data Loss Prevention Partnership

By the time I post this you won’t be able to find a tech news site that isn’t covering this one. I know, since my name was on the list of analysts the press could contact and I spent a few hours talking to everyone covering the story yesterday. Rather than just reciting the press release, I’d like to add some analysis, put things into context, and speculate wildly. For the record, this is a big deal in the long term, and will likely benefit all of the major DLP vendors, even though there’s nothing earth shattering in the short term. As you read this, Microsoft and RSA are announcing a partnership for Data Loss Prevention. Here are the nitty gritty details, not all of which will be apparent from the press release: This month, the RSA DLP product (Tablus for you old folks) will be able to assign Microsoft RMS (what Microsoft calls DRM) rights to stored data based on content discovery. The way this works is that the RMS administrator will define a data protection template (what rights are assigned to what users). The RSA DLP administrator then creates a content detection policy, which can then apply the RMS rights automatically based on the content of files. The RSA DLP solution will then scan file repositories (including endpoints) and apply the RMS rights/controls to protect the content. Microsoft has licensed the RSA DLP technology to embed into various Microsoft products. They aren’t offering much detail at this time, nor any timelines, but we do know a few specifics. Microsoft will slowly begin adding the RSA DLP content analysis engine to various products. The non-NDA slides hint at everything from SQL Server, Exchange, and Sharepoint, to Windows and Office. Microsoft will also include basic DLP management into their other management tools. Policies will work across both Microsoft and RSA in the future as the products evolve. Microsoft will be limiting itself to their environment, with RSA as the upgrade path for fuller DLP coverage. And that’s it for now. RSA DLP 6.5 will link into RMS, with Microsoft licensing the technology for future use in their products. Now for the analysis: This is an extremely significant development in the long term future of DLP. Actually, it’s a nail in the coffin of the term “DLP” and moves us clearly and directly to what we call “CMP”- Content Monitoring and Protection. It moves us closer and closer to the DLP engine being available everywhere (and somewhat commoditized), and the real value in being in the central policy management, analysis, workflow, and incident management system. DLP/CMP vendors don’t go away- but their focus changes as the agent technology is built more broadly into the IT infrastructure (this definitely won’t be limited to just Microsoft). It’s not very exciting in the short term. RSA isn’t the first to plug DLP into RMS (Workshare does it, but they aren’t nearly as big in the DLP market). RSA is only enabling this for content discovery (data at rest) and rights won’t be applied immediately as files are created/saved. It’s really the next stages of this that are interesting. This is good for all the major DLP vendors, although a bit better for RSA. It’s big validation for the DLP/CMP market, and since Microsoft is licensing the technology to embed, it’s reasonable to assume that down the road it may be accessible to other DLP vendors (be aware- that’s major speculation on my part). This partnership also highlights the tight relationship between DLP/CMP and identity management. Most of the DLP vendors plug into Microsoft Active Directory to determine users/groups/roles for the application of content protection policies. One of the biggest obstacles to a successful DLP deployment can be a poor directory infrastructure. If you don’t know what users have what roles, it’s awfully hard to create content-based policies that are enforced based on users and roles. We don’t know how much cash is involved, but financially this is likely good for RSA (the licensing part). I don’t expect it to overly impact sales in the short term, and the other major DLP vendors shouldn’t be too worried for now. DLP deals will still be competitive based on the capabilities of current products, more than what’s coming in an indeterminate future. Now just imagine a world where you run a query on a SQL database, and any sensitive results are appropriately protected as you place them into an Excel spreadsheet. You then drop that spreadsheet into a Powerpoint presentation and email it to the sales team. It’s still quietly protected, and when one sales guy tries to email it to his Gmail account, it’s blocked. When he transfers it to a USB device, it’s encrypted using a company key so he can’t put it on his home computer. If he accidentally sends it to someone in the call center, they can’t read it. In the final PDF, he can’t cut out the table and put it in another document. That’s where we are headed- DLP/CMP is enmeshed into the background, protecting content through it’s lifecycle based on central policies and content and context awareness. In summary, it’s great in the long term, good but not exciting in the short term, and beneficial to the entire DLP market, with a slight edge for RSA. There are a ton of open questions and issues, and we’ll be watching and analyzing this one for a while. As always, feel free to email me if you have any questions. Share:

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Apple Antivirus Thing: Much Ado About Nothing

All right, people, here’s the deal. I just published my take on the whole “Apple he said/she said you do/don’t need antivirus” thing over at TidBITS. Here’s my interpretation of what happened: Back in 2007 some support guy posted a list of major AV products supported on the Mac. On November 21st, it was updated to reflect current version numbers. Whoever wrote it is a shitty writer, and didn’t realize how people would interpret it. The press found it and trumpeted it to the world. Apple management went, “WTF?!? We don’t tell people they should install three different AV programs all at once. Hell, we never tell them they need AV at all. Not that we’re going to tell them *not* to use it…” The support article was pulled and statements issued. Some people called it a conspiracy, because they like that sort of thing. Somewhere deep in the bowels of 1 Infinite Loop, there is a pike, holding a bloody head, on prominent display. So no, most of you don’t need antivirus. You can read my article on this from back in March if you want more help deciding if you should take a look at AV on your Mac. Alan Shimel is one of a group of people who think it’s about time Mac users payed attention to security and installed AV. I like to break that argument into two sections. First, as I’ve learned since writing for TidBITS and Macworld, the average Mac user is definitely worried about security. But (second) this doesn’t mean desktop AV is the right answer. Right now, the risk of malware infection on the Mac is so low for the average user that AV really doesn’t make sense. That can change, heck, it probably will change, but that’s the situation today. Thus I recommend most people use mail filtering and browse safely rather than installing desktop AV. Not recommending AV isn’t Apple’s ego (and I don’t deny they have an ego), it’s a reflection of the risk to users in the current environment. Now the odds are us Mac security types will recommend AV long before Apple does, but that day definitely isn’t here yet. Apple didn’t reverse their policies- something slipped out from the lower levels by accident, and all the hubbub is much ado about nothing. The day will likely come when Mac users need additional malware protection, but today isn’t that day, and even then, AV may not be the answer. Read my older article on this, and keep up with the news so you’ll know when the time comes. Share:

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The Network Security Podcast, Episode 130

It’s just Martin and myself again this week as we discuss PCI, online identities, telecom immunity, and one wacky data breach. We also spend a fair bit of time talking about our home network setups and Martin’s adventures in protecting his kids from YouTube. I also dig into how I’m using our Drobo and how we manage backups here at Securosis HQ. Network Security Podcast, Episode 130, December 2, 2008 Show Notes: PCI Compliance Services FAQ The End of Online Anonymity – It’s not the end, it’s a change in how we look at it. EFF to fight against telecom immunity in Tuesday hearing – I hope everything went well for Jennifer Granick and friends Cybercrime servers selling billions of dollars worth of stolen information & illicit services Canadian IT exec accused of stealing customer database There is always a back story … – Richard digs into the Canadian IT story Share:

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Local Politics

‘It’s official- Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano is President-Elect Obama’s choice for Secretary of Homeland Security. I’ve only been living in Arizona for about 5 years now and have been consistently impressed with Napolitano. She’s a Democratic gove or in a mostly-red state and well respected by everyone except the extreme end of the GOP. Very pragmatic, organized, and level headed. I realize most of you readers aren’t very familiar with her, but as a local constituent she’s a strong choice, known for teaming up with California, New Mexico, and the great nation of Texas to work on plugging some of the federal failures in managing border security. The only loser is Arizona- our Secretary of State will be taking over, switching the state government to single party control with a governor who isn’t really known as a strong leader. Hopefully she’ll rise to the occasion. It’s always an open question how much even the president and cabinet-level positions can change the bureaucracy of our government, but I have high expectations that some of the silliness we’ve seen in DHS- from FEMA to TSA- will slowly be weeded out of the system. As for cybersecurity, it’s still a big question mark. She has experience with border security, law enforcement, and disaster management, but I haven’t noticed IT security to be the biggest priority here in AZ. Can’t win them all… Share:

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The Asset Recovery/Phone Home Software Algorithm

Happy Monday everyone. This year I broke with tradition and actually ventured outside of the house of Black Friday. We didn’t see too many deals, but I did manage to grab a new rolling tool chest for the garage. That was before I heard about the disgusting hoard of lowlifes that killed some poor temp worker in Long Island because he had the gall to stand between them and a plasma TV at Wal-Mart. That incident represents everything that can go wrong with a capitalist society, and this is the last year I’ll be feeding the beast with any Black Friday purchases. Sorry, that really got to me this weekend. Back to cybersecurity… A friend of Any the IT Guy’s is facing a bit of a problem at work. They are replacing their PC infrastructure and are looking at building out new workstation images with a full load of security tools. One they are looking at are asset recovery/phone home tools. You know, the ones that will register their location (as best they can) if someone loses one or it’s stolen and connected to the Internet again. No surprise, I’m not the biggest fan of these tools. Andy raises a series of questions about them: 1. Just how many systems do actually go missing every year? 2. Are they really missing or are they just not being tracked properly as they are moved, replaced, etc? 3. How many systems can they afford to lose per year before they actually see any real value in this program? 4. Can they replace any other applications with this software? Asset tracking, System Monitoring, etc 5. How much of an investment in infrastructure and personnel resources will be required to manage this program. I prefer to use a simple algorithm to measure their value: IF (cost of tool < ((average number laptops recovered/laptops lost) X (average value of laptop X average number laptops lost))) THEN tool != crap Now the tool in question also sounds like a regular asset management tool that also manages software deployments, inventory, and so on. But if this feature costs extra, or you are looking at a dedicated tool, hit the vendor up with my little algorithm to measure value. Share:

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Our Annual Black Friday/Safe Shopping Post

Hard to believe we’ve been around to post this yet a third time, but here you go. Our list of advice for shopping safely online this year; and we even updated it this time: Yes folks, Black Friday is only days away and the silly season is upon us. As someone born and bred in good old North Jersey (until I could legally escape), land of honey and shopping malls, this is a time so deeply ingrained into my subconscious that I’ve occasionally found myself sleepwalking around the nearest parking lot, looking for our old wood-paneled station wagon. These days, thanks to the wonder of the Internet, anyone can experience the hustle and bustle of the Paramus malls from the comfort of their own home. And to help keep your shopping experience authentic, there’s no shortage of cheats and thieves ready to yank your painstakingly chosen gifts right out of the virtual trunk of your web browser. Of course they might take your house with them, which, even in Jersey (despite the legends) is somewhat rare. In the spirit of safe and happy holidays, Securosis presents our top 6 tips for safe online shopping, simply presented for the technical or non-technical consumer. Some of these tips also apply to the real world for those of you who just can’t restrain the draw to the mall. Spread the fun, and feel free to post your own tips in the comments. Use a dedicated credit card, temporary credit card number, or PayPal account for holiday shopping. Our first tip is also useful for the physical world- still the origin of most credit card fraud. Take your card with the lowest limit and use it exclusively for holiday shopping. Use one you can monitor online, and check the activity daily through the holidays (weekly at a minimum). Make sure it isn’t a debit card, and turn off any automatic payments (so you can dispute any charges before making payments). Keep tracking activity at least weekly for 12 months after the holidays are over, or cancel the card. DON”T USE A DEBIT CARD!!! These don’t have the same protections as credit cards, and you’re responsible for fraudulent charges. As for temporary credit cards or PayPal, read on to our second tip. Only use credit cards at major online retailers; use a PayPal debit account or temporary credit card for smaller shops . Sure, you might get a better deal from, but many smaller retailers don’t follow appropriate security practices. Those hosted with a major service are often okay, but few consumers really want to check the pedigree for specialty shops. Instead, create a dedicated PayPal account that’s not linked to any of your bank accounts or credit cards. Credit it with as much cash as you think you need and use it for those riskier online payments. Worst case, you only lose what’s in that account, and you can easily cancel it anytime. Another option, depending on your credit card company, is a temporary credit card number for online shopping. These are single use, or single retailer/session numbers that can’t be used again or leveraged to run up your account. Charges still appear on your same bill and are tied to your main credit card account. Check with your credit card company to see if they offer this service, but most of the major card issuers have it as an option. I like these better than account passwords (e.g. Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode) since they work everywhere, and you don’t have to worry about anyone sniffing them. Never, ever, ever ,ever click on ANYTHING in email. It doesn’t matter if your best friend sent you a really good deal in email. It doesn’t matter if it’s your favorite retailer and you’ve always gotten email offers from them. Repeat after me, “I will never click on anything in email.” No special offers. No Ebay member to member emails. No “fraud alerts” to check your account. No nothing. Ever. Nada. Attackers are getting more and more refined in their attacks, some of which are very hard to distinguish from legitimate emails. Spam waves over the holidays are expected to break records this year. When you see an interesting offer in email, and it’s a business you want to deal with, just open your web browser, type in the address manually, and browse to the item, offer, or account area. Email is the single biggest source of online fraud; never click on anything in email! Update your browser- use Firefox 3.1, IE 7 or 8, Safari 3.2.1, or Opera 9.6. Turn on the highest security settings. Over the past few months or so we’ve seen big updates of all the major browsers to include enhanced security features. Since the Safari update last week, all major browsers include features to help detect fraudulent sites- if you see a warning, shut down the browser and don’t go back to that site. All of these browsers will ask you before installing any software when you visit a site; when shopping, never allow the site to install anything. Either it’s a fraud or they don’t deserve your business. Pay particular attention to plugins to watch video, or free games unless you know it’s a trusted site (both are usually trojans). Most browsers now install with security enabled by default, so we won’t be providing detailed instructions here. Just download them. Now. Then come back and read the rest of this list. We’ll wait. Download and install NoScript for Firefox. This is a free plugin for Firefox that blocks anything from running in your browser that you don’t allow (like Javascript, Flash, and so on). You won’t need it if you just stick with Amazon, but if you use Google to help you find that can’t-miss Drink-With-Me Elmo, you shouldn’t be trolling the Internet without it. If you don’t want it bothering you all the time, at least use it during your holiday shopping and turn it off later.

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

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  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.