Securosis is officially declaring February as the “Month of No Bugs”.

This follows the trend started by HD Moore with the Month of Browser Bugs, then continued by LMH with the Month of Kernel Bugs, and now the Month of Apple Bugs. During the month of February no security researcher will release any vulnerabilities on any systems, giving IT departments and vendors valuable time to make a dent in their backlog of existing vulnerabilities to fix and patch. All cybercriminals will refrain from using any of their 0-day exploits and limit themselves to previously reported public vulnerabilities.

“We feel that the Month of No Bugs will force improvements in information security by giving vendors time to create patches for existing flaws while allowing users to catch up on updating their systems.” Stated Securosis, “an additional advantage is providing security researchers a full month off to relax, recharge, and explore new hobbies or scan the Microsoft Robotics Studio for any back-door code from Skynet.”

The Month of No Bugs will not release a bug on each day in February.

Seriously folks, while I have tremendous respect for security researchers I think this “Month of” stuff is getting out of hand. HD started with hacks that disclosed a flaw without a direct path to remote code execution, but it looks like a number of the flaws released by LMH will come with working exploits. I’ve had positive discussions with him in the past, and think his heart’s in the right place, but this isn’t the way to make things better. As messed up as the industry’s disclosure approaches may be, dumping code isn’t the answer. One of my first posts was on the dirty little secrets of disclosure, and while there is sometimes a time and place for releasing code, this clearly isn’t it.

Apple, or any vendor for that matter, that doesn’t respond well to reported vulnerabilities isn’t about to change their practices due to ending up in the crosshairs of a lone gunman (or even several), whatever their intentions. It’s only when the end users start getting hurt and either complain enough, or start switching to other products enough, that a vendor starts to think differently. It’s what moved Microsoft, and it’s what will move Apple when the time comes. Releasing code without reporting it to the vendor does little more than ga er attention and place end users at risk. I highly doubt it will change any vendor’s patching policies.

This is turning into the cyber equivalent of a self-declared vigilante smashing everyone’s doors down while they’re away on vacation, leaving them as burglar-bait, to prove to them how weak their lock vendor is. Either that or handing out bump keys and instructional videos in the worst part of town and pretending that the lock vendors will get it all fixed before the bad guys watch the DVD and put it to work.

I’ve never hidden that I think our disclosure process, if we can even call it that, needs serious work. And I’ve called some big vendors to the carpet more than once. But spending a month dumping exploit code is only going to make us end users less secure, and make it even harder to deal with those vendors.

It might be the right intent, but it’s definitely the wrong approach.
