I’m a pretty typical guy. I like beer, football, action movies, and power tools. I’ve never been overly interested in kids, even though I wanted them eventually. It isn’t that I don’t like kids, but until they get old enough to challenge me in Guitar Hero, they don’t exactly hold my attention. And babies? I suppose they’re cute, but so are puppies and kittens, and they’re actually fun to play with, and easier to tell apart.

This all, of course, changed when I had my daughter (just under 6 months ago). Oh, I still have no interest in anyone else’s baby, and until the past couple weeks was pretty paranoid about picking up the wrong one from daycare, but she definitely holds my attention better than (most) puppies. I suppose it’s weird that I always wanted kids, just not anyone else’s kids.

Riley is in one of those accelerated learning modes right now. It’s fascinating to watch her eyes, expressions, and body language as she struggles to grasp the world around her (literally, anything within arms reach + 10). Her powers of observation are frightening… kind of like a superpower of some sort. It’s even more interesting when her mind is running ahead of her body as she struggles on a task she clearly understands, but doesn’t have the muscle control to pull off. And when she’s really motivated to get that toy/cat? You can see every synapse and sinew strain to achieve her goal with complete and utter focus. (That cats do that too, but only if it involves food or the birds that taunt them through the window).

On the Ranting Roundtable a few times you hear us call security folks lazy or apathetic. We didn’t mean everyone, but it’s also a general statement that extends far beyond security. To be honest, most people, even hard working people, are pretty resistent to change; to doing things in new ways, even if they’re better. In every industry I’ve ever worked, the vast majority of people didn’t want to be challenged. Even in my paramedic and firefighter days people would gripe constantly about changes that affected their existing work habits. They might hop on some new car-crushing tool, but god forbid you change their shift structure or post-incident paperwork. And go take any CPR class these days, with the new procedures, and you’ll hear a never-ending rant by the old timers who have no intention of changing how many stupid times they pump and blow per minute.

Not to over-do an analogy (well, that is what we analysts tend to do), but I wish more security professionals approached the world like my daughter. With intense observation, curiosity, adaptability, drive, and focus. Actually, she’s kind of like a hacker – drop her by something new, and her little hands start testing (and breaking) anything within reach. She’s constantly seeking new experiences and opportunities to learn, and I don’t think those are traits that have to stop once she gets older. No, not all security folks are lazy, but far too many lack the intellectual curiosity that’s so essential to success.

Security is the last fracking profession to join if you want stability or consistency. An apathetic, even if hardworking, security professional is as dangerous as he or she is worthless. That’s why I love security; I can’t imagine a career that isn’t constantly changing and challenging. I think it’s this curiosity and drive that defines ‘hacker’, no matter the color of the hat.

All security professionals should be hackers. (Despite that silly CISSP oath).

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And now for the week in review:

Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences

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Project Quant Posts

We are close to releasing the next round of Quant data… so stand by…

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Blog Comment of the Week

This week’s best comment comes from Arthur in response to the New Details and Lessons on Heartland Breach post:

Great advice. Remember folks, that vulnerability scanning is more then just running Qualys or nessus, you need web app scanning tools and database scanning tools as well, to look for issues there as well. Similarly, you want to be looking for more then just vulns per se, but services and tools you don’t need (case in point xp_cmdshell stored procedures)
