Ironically, I was calling to activate my new credit card yesterday – as the number was considered compromised by BofA – when I read about the credit card scam in Spain.

Very little information is coming out about the EU Credit Card Breach. Seems to be Visa specific; some 100k cards are being recalled in Germany, and police efforts are focused in Spain. And it seems every news agency and security blog in the country is reliant on this tiny amount of data provided by the BBC. Given this is a multi-country effort, I would have bet some tangible news would have slipped out somewhere, but nothing more than these nuggets of almost nothing yet.

On the home front it is pretty much the same: no news of what happened. I was pretty sure that BofA recalling the Visa card meant a serious breach because this is a card I have not used in more than a year. Yes, I am making some assumptions here, but this was not an issue with skimming at a local restaurant or gas station. So someone was breached; going back through two years of records of very limited use, as there are two large firms who had this number in their databases (without my consent) and I am guessing one of them leaked it. This is not directly related to the Citigroup/BofA breach. I was trying to find out what their disclosure responsibilities were here in Arizona, but you could drive a big truck full o’ sensitive data through the holes in the Breach Notification Bill. And the BofA Disclosure Page basically says “we don’t know ‘nuthin ‘bout ‘nuthin’”, but don’t worry, your money will be returned to you. Let’s hope the Europeans get more data than we do.

On a more lighthearted note, this video is pretty funny, but I bring it up because I want a third opinion. Do you think a crime was committed? The Mogull pointed something out to me after I watched this … that the girl in the white shirt appears to shoplift in the video. I was skeptical but I think he’s right. At 2:14 in, the girl drops a shopping bag off he shoulder, grabs something off the table, and it places into the bag. She then shoves what looks like a pad of paper on top, pulls the strap back on her shoulder, dancing the entire time. She even performs this maneuver the moment the rest of the ‘dance troupe’ has their backs turned. She is one of a few without a badge and so I assume she was not an employee. Anyway, the whole thing is a little like a car wreck … it’s hard to look away.

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Blog Comment of the Week

It was hard to pick this week, but this week’s best comment comes from our own David Mortman’s in response to David Meier’s post What the Renegotiation Bug Means to You:

Okay I tried it:

openssl s_client -connect -ssl2
New, SSLv2, Cipher is DES-CBC3-MD5
Server public key is 1024 bit
Protocol : SSLv2
Cipher : DES-CBC3-MD5
Session-ID: D5F3FA4A3750154014CE495E96E36139
Master-Key: 35F5ED93B6FC890AA84EBFCE849E9EE54919C8D3FA38D35F
Key-Arg : 63826612A872A6AD
Start Time: 1258654301
Timeout : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)

So something thinks it can speak sslv2, however if I force my browser to use only sslv2 it loops before dying so there’s some business logic stopping it. On the other hand, yahoo and hotmail/ both allow ssl2 connections no problem as does twitter and lenovo. Btw, so does Bank of America and Fidelity. So while clearly some folks are getting it (because of PCI?), there are some major players who don’t. Btw even the security vendors don’t do it right, McAfee allows SSLv2 only connections (Symantec doesn’t) as does HiTrust (gotta love an organization dedicated to security that screws it up). And my all time favorite, the IRS allows SSLv2 connections and has an invalid cert. So lots of potentially vulnerable sites, which in general make MitM attacks much easier, renegotiation bug or not.
