Someone at Google has created Mail Goggles. It’s a little Gmail utility to keep you from sending out email while, uh, under the influence. Jon Perlow, the author, had this to say …
[snip] “Sometimes I send messages I shouldn’t send. Like the time I told that girl I had a crush on her over text message. Or the time I sent that late night e-mail to my ex-girlfriend that we should get back together,” [/snip]
And who hasn’t, really? It’s no wonder I am not smart enough to work at Google. I would never have through this up, never mind actually coding it. I checked, and it’s really there, under the Lab’s section, along with a dozen or so other productivity tools. I really think they could be onto something here … just consider this from a ‘Reputational Risk’ perspective; this could be a hot product for Postini. One too many Martini’s with lunch? Drowning your sorrows as you watch your stock portfolio plunge? A little testy that your “spa day” executive retreat was cancelled? No problem, Google will quarantine your outbound email! And if your too drunk to remember to turn this off, your email probably should be sequestered. Hoff was right, Google really is becoming a security company. Now, where did I leave that glass of bourbon …