How to Tell If Your Cloud Provider Can Read Your Data (Hint: They Can)
Over at TidBITS today I published a non-security-geek oriented article on how to tell if your cloud provider can read your data. Since many of you are security geeks, here’s the short version (mostly cut and paste) and some more technical info. The short version? If you don’t encrypt it and manage keys yourself, of course someone on their side can read it (99+% of the time). There are three easy indicators that your cloud provider (especially SaaS providers) can read your data: If you can see your data in a web browser after entering only your account password, the odds are extremely high that your provider can read it as well. The only way you could see your data in a web browser and still have it be hidden from your provider would require complex (fragile) JavaScript code, or a Flash/Java/ActiveX control to decrypt and display the data locally. If the service offers both web access and a desktop application, and you can access your data in both with the same account password, the odds are high that your provider can read your data. The common access indicates that your account password is probably being used to protect your data (usually your password is used to unlock your encryption key). While your provider could architect things so the same password is used in different ways to both encrypt data and allow web access, that doesn’t really happen. If you can access the cloud service from a new device or application by simply providing your user name and password, your provider can probably read your data. This is how I knew Dropbox could read my files long before that story hit the press. Once I saw that I could log in and see my files, or view them on my iPad without using an encryption key other than my account password, I knew that my data was encrypted with a key Dropbox that manages. The same goes for the enterprise-focused file sharing service Box (even though it’s hard to tell from reading their site). Of course, since Dropbox stores just files, you can apply your own encryption before Dropbox ever sees your data, as I explained last year. And iCloud? With iCloud I have a single user name and password. Apple offers a rich and well-designed web interface where I can manage individual email messages, calendar entries, and more. I can register new devices and computers with the same user name and password I use on the web site. So it has always been clear that Apple could read my content, just as Ars Technica reported recently (with quotes from me). That doesn’t mean that Dropbox, iCloud, and similar services are insecure. They generally have extensive controls – both technical and policy restrictions – to keep employees from snooping. But such services aren’t suitable for all users in all cases – especially for businesses or governmental organizations that are contractually or legally obligated to keep certain data private. Now let’s think beyond consumer services, about the enterprise side. Salesforce? Yep – of course they can read your data (unless you add an encryption proxy). SaaS services nearly always – so they can do stuff with your data. PaaS? Same deal (again, unless you do the encryption yourself). IaaS? Of course – your instance needs to boot up somehow, and if you want attached volumes to be encrypted you have to do it yourself. The main thing for Securosis readers to understand is that the vast majority of consumer and enterprise cloud services that mention encryption or offer encryption options, manage your keys for you, and have full access to your data. Why offer encryption at all then, if it doesn’t really improve security? Compliance. It wipes out one risk (lost hard drives), and reduces compliance scope for physical handling of the storage media. It also looks god on a checklist. Take Amazon S3 – Amazon is really clear that although you can encrypt data, they can still read it. I suppose the only reason I wrote this post and the article is because I’m sick of the “iWhatever service can read your data” non-stories that seem to crop up all the time. Duh. Share: