iOS Data Security: Managed Devices
In our last post, on data security for partially-managed devices, I missed one option we need to cover before moving onto fully-managed devices: User-owned device with managed/backhaul network (cloud or enterprise) This option is an adjunct to our other data security tools, and isn’t sufficient for protecting data on its own. The users own their devices, but agree to route all traffic through an enterprise-managed network. This might be via a VPN back to the corporate network or through a VPN service. On the data security side, this enables you to monitor all network traffic – possibly including SSL traffic (by installing a special certificate on the device). This is more about malware protection and reducing the likelihood of malicious apps on the devices, but it also supports more complete DLP. Managed Devices When it comes to data security on managed devices, life for the security administrator gets a bit easier. With full control of the device we can enforce any policies we want, although users might not be thrilled. Remember that full control doesn’t necessarily mean the device is in a highly-restricted kiosk mode – you can still allow a range of activities while maintaining security. All our previous data security options are available here, as well as: MDM managed device with Data Protection Using a Mobile Device Management tool, the iOS device is completely managed and restricted. The user is unable to install unapproved applications, email is limited to the approved enterprise account, and all security settings are enabled for Data Protection. Restricting the applications allowed on the device and enforcing security policies makes it much more difficult for users to leak data through unapproved services. Plus you gain full Data Protection, strong passcodes, and remote wiping. Some MDM tools even detect jailbroken devices. To gain the full benefit of Data Protection, you need to block unapproved apps which could leak data (such as Dropbox and iCloud apps). This isn’t always viable, which is why this option is often combined with a captive network to give users a bit more flexibility. Managed/backhaul network with DLP, etc. The device uses an on-demand VPN to route all network traffic, at all times, through an enterprise or cloud portal. We call it an “on-demand” VPN because the device automatically shuts it down when there is no network traffic and brings it up before sending traffic – the VPN ‘coverage’ is comprehensive. “On-demand” here definitely does **not* mean users can bring the VPN up and down as they want. Combined with full device management, the captive network affords complete control over all data moving onto and off the devices. This is primarily used with DLP to manage sensitive data, but it may also be used for application control or even to allow use of non-enterprise email accounts, which are still monitored. On the DLP front, while we can manage enterprise email without needing a full captive network, this option enables us to also manage data in web traffic. Full control of the device and network doesn’t obviate the need for certain other security options. For example, you might still need encryption or DRM, as these allow use of otherwise insecure cloud and sharing services. Now that we have covered our security options, our next post will look at picking a strategy. Share: