

Insider Threat Alive and Well

Is it me or has the term “insider threat” disappeared from security marketing vernacular? Clearly insiders are still doing their thing. Check out a recent example of insider fraud at Bank of America. The perpetrator was a phone technical support rep, who would steal account records when someone called for help. Awesome. Of course, the guy got caught. Evidently trying to sell private sensitive information to an undercover FBI agent is risky. It is good to see law enforcement getting ahead of some issues, but I suspect for every one of these happy endings (since no customers actually lost anything) there are hundreds who get away with it. It’s a good idea to closely monitor your personal banking and credit accounts, and make sure you have an identity theft response plan. Unfortunately it’s not if, but when it happens to you. Let’s put our corporate security hats back on and remember the reality of our situation. Some attacks cannot be defended against – not proactively, anyway. This crime was committed by a trusted employee with access to sensitive customer data. BofA could not do business without giving folks access to sensitive data. So locking down the data isn’t an answer. It doesn’t seem he used a USB stick or any other technical device to exfiltrate the data, so there isn’t a specific technical control that would have made a difference. No product can defend against an insider with access and a notepad. The good news is that insiders with notepads don’t scale very well, but that gets back to risk management and spending wisely to protect the most valuable assets from the most likely attack vectors. So even though the industry isn’t really talking about insider threats much anymore (we’ve moved on to more relevant topics like cloud security), fraud from insiders is still happening and always will. Always remember there is no 100% security, so revisit that incident response plan often. Share:

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Understanding and Selecting SIEM/LM: Reporting and Forensics

Reporting and Forensics are the principal products of a SIEM system. We have pushed, prodded, and poked at the data to get it into a manageable format, so now we need to put it to use. Reports and forensic analysis are the features most users work with on a day to day basis. Collection, normalization, correlation and all the other things we do are just to get us to the point where we can conduct forensics and report on our findings. These features play a big part in customer satisfaction, so while we’ll dig in to describe how the technology works, we will also discuss what to look for when making buying decisions. Reporting For those of us who have been in the industry for a long time, the term ‘reporting’ brings back bad memories. It evokes hundreds of pages of printouts on tractor feed paper, with thousands of entries, each row looking exactly the same as the last. It brings to mind hours of scanning these lines, yellow highlighter in hand, marking unusual entries. It brings to mind the tailoring of reports to include new data, excluding unneeded columns, importing files into print services, and hoping nothing got messed up which might require restarting from the beginning. Those days are fortunately long gone, as SIEM and Log Management have evolved their capabilities to automate a lot of this work, providing graphical representations that allow viewing data in novel ways. Reporting is a key capability because this process was just plain hard work. To evaluate reporting features included in SIEM/LM, we need to understand what it is, and the stages of a reporting process. You will notice from the description above that there are several different steps to the production of reports, and depending on your role, you may see reporting as basically one of these subtasks. The term ‘reporting’ is a colloquialism used to encompass a group of activities: selecting, formatting, moving, and reviewing data are all parts of the reporting process. So what is reporting? At its simplest, reporting is just selecting a subset of the data we previously captured for review, focused analysis, or a permanent record (‘artifact’) of activity. Its primary use is to put data into an understandable form, so we can analyze activity and substantiate controls without having to comb through lots of irrelevant stuff. The report comprises the simplified view needed to facilitate review or, as we will discuss later, forensic analysis. We also should not be constrained by the traditional definition of a report, which is a stack of papers (or in modern days a PDF). Our definition of reporting can embrace views within an interface that facilitate analysis and investigation. The second common use is to capture and record events that demonstrates completion of an assigned task. These reports are historic records kept for verification. Trouble-ticket work orders and regulatory reports are common examples, where a report is created and ‘signed’ by both the producer of the report and an auditor. These snapshots of events may be kept within, or stored separately from, the SIEM/LM system. There are a couple basic aspects to reporting that we that we want to pay close attention to when evaluating SIEM/LM reporting capabilities: What reports are included with the standard product? How easy is it to manage and automate reports? How easy is it to create new, ad-hoc reports? What export and integration options are available? For many standard tasks and compliance needs, pre-built reports are provided by the vendor to lower costs and speed up product deployment. At minimum, vendors provide canned reports for PCI, Sarbanes-Oxley, and HIPAA. We know that compliance is the reason many of you are reading this series, and will be the reason you invest in SIEM. Reports embody the tangible benefit to auditors, operations, and security staff. Just keep in mind that 2000 built-in reports is not necessarily better than 100, despite vendor claims. Most end users typically use 10-15 reports on an ongoing basis, and those must be automated and customized to the user’s requirements. Most end users want to feel unique, so they like to customize the reports – even if the built-in reports are fine. But there is a real need for ad-hoc reports in forensic analysis and implementation of new rules. Most policies take time to refine, to be sure that we collect only the data we need, and that what we collect is complete and accurate. So the reporting engine needs to make this process easy, or the user experience suffers dramatically. Finally, the data within the reports is often shared across different audiences and applications. The ability to export raw data for use with third party-reporting and analysis tools is important, and demands careful consideration during selection. People say end users buy interface and reports, and that is true for the most part. We call that broad idea _user experience_m and although many security professionals minimize the focus on reporting during the evaluation process, it can be a critical mistake. Reports are how you will show value from the SIEM/LM platform, so make sure the engine can support the information you need to show. Forensics It was just this past January that I read an “analyst” report on SIEM, where the author felt forensic analysis was policy driven. The report claimed that you could automate forensic analysis and do away with costly forensic investigations. Yes, you could have critical data at your fingertips by setting up policies in advance! I nearly snorted beer out my nose! Believe me: if forensic analysis was that freaking easy, we would detect events in real time and stop them from happening! If we know in advance what to look for, there is no reason to wait until afterwards to perform the analysis – instead we would alert on it. And this is really the difference between alerting on data and forensic analysis of the same data. We need to correlate data from multiple sources and have a

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Incite 6/9/2010: Creating Excitement

Some businesses are great at creating excitement. Take Apple, for instance. They create demand for their new (and upgraded) products, which creates a feeding frenzy when the public can finally buy the newest shiny object. 2 million iPads in 60 days is astounding. I suspect they’ll move a bunch of iPhone 4 units on June 24 as well (I know I’ll be upgrading mine and the Boss’). They’ve created a cult around their products, and it generates unbelievable excitement whenever there is a new toy to try. Last week I was in the Apple store dropping my trusty MacBook Pro off for service. The place was buzzing, and the rest of the mall was pretty much dead. This was 3 PM on a Thursday, but you’d think it was Christmas Eve from looking at the faces of the folks in the store. Everything about the Apple consumer experience is exciting. You may not like them, you may call me a fanboy, but in the end you can’t argue with the results. Excitement sells. If you have kids, you know all about how Disney creates the same feeling of excitement. Whether it’s seeing a new movie or going to the theme parks, this is another company that does it right. We recently took the kids down to Disneyworld, and it sure didn’t seem like the economy was crap inside the park. Each day it was packed and everyone was enjoying the happiest place on Earth, including my family. One night we stayed at a Disney property. It’s not enough to send a packet of information and confirmations a few months ahead of the trip. By the time you are ready to go, the excitement has faded. So Disney sends an email reminding you of the great time you are about to have a few days before you check in. They give you lots of details about your resort, with fancy pictures of people having a great time. The message is that you will be those people in a few days. All your problems will be gone, because you are praying in the House of the Mouse. Brilliant. I do a lot of business travel and I can tell you I’m not excited when I get to Topeka at 1am after being delayed for 3 hours at O’Hare. No one is. But it’s not like any of the business-oriented hotels do anything to engage their customers. I’m lucky if I get a snarl from the front desk attendant as I’m assigned some room near the elevator overlooking the sewage treatment facility next door. It’s a friggin’ bed and a place to shower. That’s it. It just seems to me these big ‘hospitality’ companies could do better. They can do more to engage their customers. They can do more to create a memorable experience. I expect so little that anything they do is upside. I believe most business travelers are like me. So whatever business you are in, think about how you can surprise your customers in a positive fashion (yes, those pesky users who keep screwing everything up are your customers) and create excitement about what you are doing. I know, we do security. It’s not very exciting when it’s going well. But wouldn’t it be great if a user was actually happy to see you, instead thinking, “Oh, crap, here comes Dr. No again, to tell me not to surf pr0n on the corporate network.”? Think about it. And expect more from yourself and everyone else you do business with. – Mike. Photo credits: “Magic Music Mayhem 3 (Explored)” originally uploaded by Express Monorail Incite 4 U Microsoft cannot fix stupid – The sage Rob Graham is at it again, weighing in on Google’s alleged dictum to eradicate Microsoft’s OS from all their desktops, because it’s too hard to secure. Rob makes a number of good points in the post, relative to how much Microsoft invests in security and the reality that Windows 7 and IE 8 are the most secure offerings out there. But ultimately it doesn’t matter because it’s human error that is responsible for most of the successful attacks. And if we block one path the attackers find another – they are good that way. So what to do? Do what we’ve always done. Try to eliminate the low hanging fruit that makes the bad guy’s job too easy, and make sure you have a good containment and response strategy for when something bad does happen. And it will, whatever OS you use. – MR Fight the good fight – Apparently “Symantec believes security firms should eradicate ‘false positives’ ”. I imagine that this would be pretty high on their list. Somewhere between “Rid the world of computer viruses” and “Wipe out all spam”. And I love their idea of monitoring social network sites such as Facebook and online fora to identify false positives, working tirelessly to eliminate the threat of, what was it again? Yeah, misdiagnosis. In fact, I want to help Symantec. I filled out my job application today because I want that job. Believe me, I could hunt Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all day, looking for those false positives and misdiagnosis thingies. Well, until the spam bots flood these sites with false reports of false positives. Then I’d have to bring the fight to the sports page for false positive detection, or maybe check out those critical celebrity false positives. It sounds like tough work, but hey, it’s a noble cause. Keep up the good fight, guys! – AL Good intentions – I always struggle with “policy drift”; the tendency to start from a compliant state but lose that over time due to distractions, pressure, and complacency. For example, I’m pretty bad at keeping my info in our CRM tool up to date. That’s okay, because so are Mike and Adrian. As Mathias Thurman writes over at Computerworld, this can be a killer for something crucial like patch management. Mathias describes his difficulties in keeping

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FireStarter: Get Ready for Oracle’s New WAF

We have written a lot about Oracle’s acquisition of Secerno: the key points of the acquisition, the Secerno technology, and some of the business benefits Oracle gets with the Secerno purchase. We did so mainly because Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) is a technology that Rich and I are intimately familiar with, and this acquisition shakes up the entire market. But we suspect there is more. Rich and I have a feeling that this purchase signals Oracle’s mid-term security strategy, and the Secerno platforms will comprise the key component. We don’t have any inside knowledge, but there are too many signals to go unnoticed so we are making a prediction, and our analysis goes something like this: Quick recap: Oracle acquired a Database Activity Monitoring vendor, and immediately marketed the product as a database firewall, rather than a Database Activity Monitoring product. What Oracle can do with this technology, in the short term, is: “White list” database queries. Provide “virtual patching” of the Oracle database. Monitor activity across most major relational database types. Tune policies based on monitored traffic. Block unwanted activity. Offer a method of analysis with few false positives. Does any of this sound familiar? What if I changed the phrase “white list queries” to “white list applications”? If I changed “Oracle database” to “Oracle applications”? What if I changed “block database threats” to “block application threats”? Does this sound like a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to you? Place Secerno in front of an application, add some capabilities to examine web app traffic, and it would not take much to create a Web Application Firewall to complement the “database firewall”. They can tackle SQL injection now, and provide very rudimentary IDS. It would be trivial for Oracle to add application white listing, HTML inspection, and XML/SOAP validation. Down the road you could throw in basic XSS protections and can call it WAF. Secerno DAM, plus WAF, plus the assessment capabilities already built into Oracle Management Packs, gives you a poor man’s version of Imperva. Dude, you’re getting a WAF! We won’t see much for a while yet, but when we do, it will likely begin with Oracle selling pre-tuned versions of Secerno for Oracle Applications. After a while we will see a couple new analysis options, and shortly thereafter we will be told this is not WAF, it’s better than WAF. How could these other vendors possibly know the applications as well as Oracle? How could they possibly protect them as accurately or efficiently? These WAF vendors don’t have access to the Oracle applications code, so how could they possibly deliver something as effective? We are not trying to be negative here, but we all know how Oracle markets, especially in security: Oracle is secure – you don’t need X. All vendors of X are irresponsible and beneath consideration. Oracle has purchased vendor Y in market X because Oracle cares about the security of its customers. Oracle is the leading provider of X. Buying anything other than Oracle’s X is irresponsible because other vendors use undocumented APIs and/or inferior techniques. Product X is now part of the new Oracle Suite and costs 50% more than before, but includes 100% more stuff that you don’t really need but we couldn’t sell stand-alone. OK, so we went negative. Send your hate mail to Rich. I’ll field the hate mail from the technologists out there who are screaming mad, knowing that there is a big difference between WAF policies and traffic analysis and what Secerno does. Yes and no, but it’s irrelevant from a marketing standpoint. For those who remember Dell’s “Dude” commercials from the early 2000s, they made buying a computer easy and approachable. Oracle will do the same thing with security, making the choice simple to understand, and covering all their Oracle assets. They’d be crazy not to. Market this as a full-featured WAF, blocking malicious threats with “zero false positives”, for everything from Siebel to 11G. True or not, that’s a powerful story, and it comes from the vendor who sold you half the stuff in your data center. It will win the hearts of the security “Check the box” crowd in the short term, and may win the minds of security professionals in the long term. Do you see it? Does it make sense? Tell me I am wrong! Share:

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Draft Data Security Survey for Review

Hey everyone, As mentioned the other day, I’m currently putting together a big data security survey to better understand what data security technologies you are using, and how effective they are. I’ve gotten some excellent feedback in the comments (and a couple of emails), and have put together a draft survey for final review before we roll this out. A couple things to keep in mind if you have the time to take a look: I plan on trimming this down more, but I wanted to err on the side of including too many questions/options rather than too little. I could really use help figuring out what to cut. Everyone who contributes will be credited in the final report. After a brief bit of exclusivity (45 days) for our sponsor, all the anonymized raw data will be released to the community so you can perform your own analysis. This will be in spreadsheet format, just the same as I get it from SurveyMonkey. The draft survey is up at SurveyMonkey for review, because it is a bit too hard to replicate here on the site. To be honest, I almost feel like I’m cheating when I develop these on the site with all the public review, since the end result is way better than what I would have come up with on my own. Hopefully giving back the raw data is enough to compensate all of you for the effort. Share:

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White Paper Released: Endpoint Security Fundamentals

Endpoint Security is a pretty broad topic. Most folks associate it with traditional anti-virus or even the newfangled endpoint security suites. In our opinion, looking at the issue just from the perspective of the endpoint agent is myopic. To us, endpoint security is as much a program as anything else. In this paper we discuss endpoint security from a fundamental blocking and tackling perspective. We start with identifying the exposures and prioritizing remediation, then discuss specific security controls (both process and product), and also cover the compliance and incident response aspects. It’s a pretty comprehensive paper, which means it’s not short. But if you are trying to understand how to comprehensively protect your endpoint devices, this paper will provide a great perspective and allow you to put all your defenses into context. We assembled this document from the Endpoint Security Fundamentals series posted to the blog in early April, all compiled together, professionally edited, and prettified. Special thanks to Lumension Security for licensing the report. You can download the paper directly (PDF), or visit the landing page, where you can leave comments or criticism, and track revisions. Share:

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The Public/Private Pendulum Keeps Swinging

They say the grass is always greener on the other side, and I guess for some folks it is. Most private companies (those which believe they have sustainable businesses, anyway) long for the day when they will be able to trade on the public markets. They know where the Ferrari deal is, and seem to dismiss the angst of Sarbanes-Oxley. On the other hand, most public companies would love the freedom of not having to deal with the quarterly spin cycle and those pesky shareholders who want growth now. Two examples in the security space show the pendulum in action this week. First is Tripwire’s IPO filing. I love S-1 filings because companies must bare their innards to sell shares to public investors. You get to see all sorts of good stuff, like the fact that Tripwire has grown their business 20-30% annually over the past few years. They’ve been cash flow positive for 6 years, and profitable for the last two (2008 & 2009), although they did show a small loss for Q1 2010. Given the very small number of security IPOs over the past few years, it’s nice to see a company with the right financial momentum to get an IPO done. But as everyone who’s worked for a public company knows, it’s really about growth – profitable growth. Does 20-30% growth on a fairly small revenue base ($74 million in 2009) make for a compelling growth story? And more importantly for company analysis, what is the catalyst to increase that growth rate? In the S-1, Tripwire talks about expanding product offerings, growing their customer base, selling more stuff to existing customers, international growth, government growth, and selective M&A as drivers to increase the top line. Ho-hum. From my standpoint, I don’t see anything that gets the company from 20% growth to 50% growth. But that’s just me, and I’m not a stock analyst. Being publicly listed will enable Tripwire to do deals. They did a small deal last year to acquire SIEM/Log Management technology, but in order to grow faster they need to make some bolder acquisitions. That’s been an issue with the other public security companies that are not Symantec and McAfee – they don’t do enough deals to goose growth enough to make the stock interesting. With Tripwire’s 5,400 customers, you’d figure they’ll make M&A and pumping more stuff into their existing base a key priority once they get the IPO done. On the other side of the fence, you have SonicWall, which is being taken private by Thoma Bravo Group and a Canadian pension fund. The price is $717 million, about a 28% premium. SonicWall has been public for a long time and has struggled of late. Momentum seems to be returning, but it’s not going to be a high flyer any time soon. So the idea of becoming private, where they only have to answer to their equity holders, is probably attractive. This is more important in light of SonicWall’s new push into the enterprise. They are putting a good deal of wood behind this Project SuperMassive technology architecture, but breaking into the enterprise isn’t a one-quarter project. It requires continual investment, and public company shareholders are notoriously impatient. SonicWall was subject to all sorts of acquisition rumors before this deal, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see Thoma Bravo start folding other security assets in with SonicWall to make a subsequent public offering, a few years down the line, more exciting. So the pendulum swings back and forth again. You don’t have to be Carnac the Magnificent to figure there will be more deals, with the big getting bigger via consolidation and technology acquisitions. You’ll also likely see some of the smaller public companies take the path of SafeNet, WatchGuard, Entrust, Aladdin, and now SonicWall, in being taken private. The only thing you won’t see is nothing. The investment bankers have to keep busy, don’t they? Share:

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Friday Summary: June 4, 2010

There’s nothing like a crisis to bring out the absolute stupidity in a person… especially if said individual works for a big company or government agency. This week alone we’ve had everything from the ongoing BP disaster (the one that really scares me) to the Israeli meltdown. And I’m sure Sarah Palin is in the mix there someplace. Crisis communications is an actual field of study, with many examples of how to manage your public image even in the midst of a major meltdown. Heck, I’ve been trained on it as part of my disaster response work. But it seems that everyone from BP to Gizmodo to Facebook is reading the same (wrong) book: Deny that there’s a problem. When the first pictures and videos show up, state that there was a minor incident and you value your customers/the environment/the law/supporters/babies. Quietly go to full lockdown and try to get government/law enforcement to keep people from finding out more. When your lockdown attempts fail, go public and deny there was ever a coverup. When pictures/video/news reports show everyone that this is a big fracking disaster, state that although the incident is larger than originally believed, everything is under control. Launch an advertising campaign with a lot of flowers, babies, old people, and kittens. And maybe some old black and white pictures with farms, garages, or ancestors who would be the first to string you up for those immoral acts. Get caught on tape or in an email/text blaming the kittens. Try to cover up all the documentation of failed audits and/or lies about security and/or safety controls. State that you are in full compliance with the law and take safety/security/fidelity/privacy/kittens very seriously. As the incident blows completely out of control, reassure people that you are fully in control. Get caught saying in private that you don’t understand what the big deal is. It isn’t as if people really need kittens. Blame the opposing party/environmentalists/puppies/you business partners. Lie about a bunch of crap that is really easy to catch. Deny lying, and ignore those pesky videos showing you are (still) lying. State that your statements were taken out of context. When asked about the context, lie. Apologize. Say it will never happen again, and that you would take full responsibility, except your lawyers told you not to. Repeat. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Mike Rothman on Tabnapping at SC Magazine. The Network Security Podcast, Episode 199. Rich presented on Data Breaches for; it should show up on their archive page soon. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: NSO Quant: Monitor Process Map. These Quant projects keep getting bigger each time we do one, but it’s nice to do some real primary research. Adrian Lane: The Hidden Costs of Security. Mike Rothman: Understanding and Selecting SIEM/LM: Correlation and Alerting. We are working through the SIEM/Log Management research. Check it out and provide comments, whether you agree or disagree with our perspectives. Other Securosis Posts The Public/Private Pendulum Keeps Swinging. White Paper Released: Endpoint Security Fundamentals. Thoughts on Privacy and Security. Incite 6/2/2010: Smuggler’s Blues. On “Security engineering: broken promises”. FireStarter: In Search of… Solutions. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Inside the heart of a QSA. As much as we complain about bad PCI assessors are, the good ones often find themselves struggling with organizations that only want a rubber stamp. The bad news is there are very few jobs that don’t end up being driven by rote over time. That’s why I like security – it is one of the few careers with options to refresh yourself every few years.. Pepper: Android rootkit is just a phone call away. It’s actually triggered by a call, not installed by one, but still very cool – in a bad way. Adrian Lane: Detecting malicious content in shell code. Mike Rothman: Windows, Mac, or Linux: It’s Not the OS, It’s the User The weakest link in the chain remains the user. But we can’t kill them, so we need to deal with them. Project Quant Posts DB Quant: Secure Metrics, Part 1, Patch. NSO Quant: Monitor Process Map. DB Quant: Discovery Metrics, Part 4, Access and Authorization. DB Quant: Discovery and Assessment Metrics, Part 3, Assess Vulnerabilities and Configuration. Research Reports and Presentations White Paper: Endpoint Security Fundamentals. Understanding and Selecting a Database Encryption or Tokenization Solution. Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins with Data Loss Prevention. Top News and Posts MS plans 10 new patches. Sharepoint and IE are the big ones. Cyber Thieves Rob Treasury Credit Union. Ukrainian arrested in India on TJX data-theft charges These incidents go on for years, rather than days or even months. iPhone PIN code worthless Rich published on this a long time ago, and while it was a known flaw, the automounting on Ubuntu is new and disturbing. Previously it looked like you had to jailbreak the iPhone first. Viral clickjacking ‘Like’ worm hits Facebook users. ATM Skimmers. Another installment from Brian Krebs on ATM Skimmers. 30 vs. 150,000 Adam teaches Applied Risk Assessment 101. Trojan targets Anti-Phish software. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to Michael O’Keefe, in response to Code Re-engineering. Re-engineering can work, Spolsky inadvertently provides a great example of that, and proves himself wrong. I guess that’s the downside to blogs, and trying to paint things in a black or white manner. He had some good points, one was that when Netscape open sourced the code, it wasn’t working, so the project got off to a slow start. But the success of Mozilla (complete rewrite of Netscape) has since proved him wrong. Once Bill Gates realized the importance of the internet, and licensed the code from Spyglass (I think) for IE, MS started including it on every new release of Windows. In this typical fashion, they slowly whittled away at Netscape’s market share, so Netscape had to innovate. The existing code base was

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Incite 6/2/2010: Smuggler’s Blues

Given the craziness of my schedule, I don’t see a lot of movies in the theater anymore. Hard to justify the cost of a babysitter for a movie, when we can sit in the house and watch movies (thanks, Uncle Netflix!). But the Boss does take the kids to the movies because it’s a good activity, burns up a couple hours (especially in the purgatory period between the end of school and beginning of camp), and most of the entertainment is pretty good. Though it does give me some angst to see two credit card receipts from every outing. The first is the tickets, and that’s OK. The movie studios pay lots to produce these fantasies, so I’m willing to pay for the content. It’s the second transaction, from the snack bar, that makes me nuts. My snack bar tab is usually as much as the tickets. Each kid needs a drink, and some kind of candy and possibly popcorn. All super-sized, of course. And it’s not even the fact that we want to get super sizes of anything. That’s the only option. You can pay $4 for a monstrous soda, which they call small. Or $4.25 for something even bigger. If you can part with $4.50, then you get enough pop to keep a village thirst-free for a month. And don’t get me started on the popcorn. First of all, I know it’s nutritionally terrible. They may use different oil now, but in the portions they sell, you could again feed a village. But don’t think the movie theaters aren’t looking out for you. If you get the super-duper size, you get free refills of both popcorn and soda. Of course, you’d need to be the size of an elephant to knock down more than two gallons of soda and a feedbag of popcorn, but at least they are giving something back. So we’re been trying something a bit different, born of necessity. The Boss can’t eat the movie popcorn due to some food allergies, so she smuggles in her own popcorn. And usually a bottle of water. You know what? It works. It’s not like the 14 year old ticket attendant is going to give me a hard time. I know, it’s smuggling, but I don’t feel guilty at all. I’d be surprised if the monstrous soda cost the theater more than a quarter, but they charge $4. So I’m not going to feel bad about sneaking in a small bag Raisinettes or Goobers with a Diet Coke. I’ll chalk it up to a healthy lifestyle. Reasonable portions and lighter on my wallet. Sounds like a win-win to me. – Mike. Photo credits: “Movie Night Party” originally uploaded by Kid’s Birthday Parties Incite 4 U Follow the dollar, not the SLA – Great post by Justin James discussing the reality of service level agreements (SLAs). I know I’ve advised many clients to dig in and get preferential SLAs to ensure they get what they contract for, but ultimately it may be cheaper for the service provider to violate the SLA (and pay the fine) than it is to meet the agreement. I remember telling the stories of HIPAA compliance, and the reality that some health care organizations faced millions of dollars of investment to get compliant. But the fines were five figures. Guess what they chose to do. Yes, Bob, the answer was roll the dice. Same goes for SLAs, so there are a couple lessons here. 1) Try to get teeth in your SLA. The service provider will follow the money, so if the fine costs them more, they’ll do the right thing. 2) Have a Plan B. Contingencies and containment plans are critical, and this is just another reason why. When considering services, you cannot make the assumption that the service provider will be acting in your best interest. Unless your best interest is aligned with their best interest. Which is the reality of ‘cloud’. – MR It just doesn’t matter – I’m always pretty skeptical of poorly sourced articles on the Internet, which is why the Financial Times report of Google ditching Microsoft Windows should be taken with a grain of salt. While I am sometimes critical of Google, I can’t imagine they would really be this stupid. First of all, at least some of the attacks they suffered from China were against old versions of Windows – as in Internet Explorer 6, which even isolated troops of Antarctic chimpanzees know not to touch. Then, unless you are running some of the more-obscure ultra-secure Unix variants, no version of OS X or Linux can stand up to a targeted attacker with the resources of a nation state. Now, if they want some diversity, that’s a different story, but the latest versions of Windows are far more hardened than most of the alternatives – even my little Cupertino-based favorite.– RM Hack yourself, even if it’s unpopular… – I’ve been talking about security assurance for years. Basically this is trying to break your own defenses and seeing where the exposures are, by any means necessary. That means using live exploits (with care) and/or leveraging social engineering tactics. But when I read stories like this one from Steve Stasiukonis where there are leaks, and the tests are compromised, or the employees actually initiate legal action against the company and pen tester, I can only shake my head. Just to reiterate” the bad guys don’t send message to the chairman saying “I IZ IN YER FILEZ, READIN YER STUFFS!” They don’t worry about whether their tactics are “illegal human experiments,” they just rob you blind and pwn your systems. Yes, it may take some political fandango to get the right folks on board with the tests, but the alternative is to clean up the mess later. – MR Walk the walk – A while back we were talking about getting started in security over at The Network Security Podcast, and one bit of consensus was that you should try

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Thoughts on Privacy and Security

I was catching up on my reading today, and this post by Richard Bejtlich reminded me of the tension we sometimes see between security and privacy. Richard represents the perspective of a Fortune 5 security operator who is tasked with securing customer information and intellectual property, while facing a myriad of international privacy laws – some of which force us to reduce security for the sake of privacy (read the comments). I’ve always thought of privacy from a slightly different perspective. Privacy traditionally falls into two categories: The right to be left alone (just ask any teenage boy in the bathroom). The right to control what people know about you. According to the dictionary on my Mac, privacy is: the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people : she returned to the privacy of her own home. My understanding is that it is only fairly recently that we’ve added personal information into the mix. We are also in the midst of a massive upheaval of social norms enabled by technology and the distribution and collection of information that changes the scope of “free from being observed.” Thus, in the information age, privacy is now becoming as much about controlling information about us as it is about physical privacy. Now let’s mix in security, which I consider a mechanism to enforce privacy – at least in this context. If we think about our interactions with everyone from businesses and governments to other individuals, privacy consists of three components: Intent: What I intend to do with the information you give me, whether it is the contents of a personal conversation or a business transaction. Communication: What I tell you I intend to do with said information. Capability: My ability to maintain and enforce the social (or written) contract defined by my intent and communications. Thus I see security as a mechanism of capability. The role of “security” is to maintain whatever degree of protection around personal information the organization intends and communicates through their privacy policy – which might be the best or worst in the world, but the role of security is to best enforce that policy, whatever it is. Companies tend to get into trouble either when they fail to meet their stated policies (due to business or technical/security reasons), or when their intent is incompatible with their legal requirements. This is how I define privacy on the collection side – but it has nothing to do with protecting or managing your own information, nor does it address the larger societal issues such as changing ownership of information, changing social mores, changes in personal comfort over time, or collection of information in non-contracted situations (e.g., public movement). The real question then emerges: is privacy even possible? As Adam Shostack noted, our perceptions of privacy change over time. What I deem acceptable to share today will change tomorrow. But once information is shared, it is nearly impossible to retract. Privacy decisions are permanent, no matter how we may feel about them later. There is no perfect security, but once private information becomes public, it is public forever. Isolated data will be aggregated and correlated. It used to require herculean efforts to research and collect public records on an individual. Now they are for sale. Cheap. Online. To anyone. We share information with everyone, from online retailers, to social networking sites, to the blogs we read. There is no way all of these disparate organizations can effectively protect all our information, even if we wanted them to. Privacy decisions and failures are sticky. I believe we are in the midst of a vast change in our how society values and defines privacy – one that will evolve over years. This doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as privacy, but does mean that today we do lack consistent mechanisms to control what others know about us. Without perfect security there cannot be complete privacy, and there is no such thing as perfect security. Privacy isn’t dead, but it is most definitely changing in ways we cannot fully predict. My personal strategy is to compartmentalize and use a diverse set of tools and services, limiting how much any single one collects on me. It’s probably little more than privacy theater, but it helps me get through the day as I stroll toward an uncertain future. Share:

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