

Low Hanging Fruit: Endpoint Security

Getting back to the Low Hanging Fruit series, let’s take a look at the endpoint and see what kinds of stuff we can do to increase security with a minimum of pain and (hopefully) minor expense. To be sure we are consistent from a semantic standpoint, I’m generally considering computing devices used by end users as “endpoints.” They come in desktop and laptop varieties and run some variant of Windows. If we had all Mac endpoints, I’d have a lot less to do, eh? Yes, that was a joke. Run Updated Software and Patch We just learned (the hard way) that running old software is a bad idea. Again. That’s right, the Google hack targeted IE6 on XP. IE6? Really? Yup. A horrifyingly high number of organizations are stuck in a browser/OS time warp. So, if you need to stick with XP, at least make sure you have SP3 running. It seems Windows 7 finally makes the grade, so it’s time to start planning those upgrades. And yes, maybe MSFT got it right this time. Also make sure to use IE7 or IE8 or Firefox (with NoScript). Yes, browsers will have problems. But old browsers have a lot of problems. Also make sure your Adobe software remains up to date. The good news is that Adobe realizes they have an issue, and I expect they’ll make big investments to improve their security posture. The bad news is that they are about 5 years behind Microsoft and will emerge as the #1 target of the bad guys this year. Finally, make sure you tighten patch windows as tightly as possible for the high risk, highly exploitable applications, like browsers and Adobe software. Studies have proven that it’s more important to patch thoroughly, as opposed to quickly. But as seen this past week, it takes one day to turn a proof of concept browser 0-day into a weaponized exploit, so for these high risk apps – all bets are off. As soon as a browser (or Adobe) patch hits, try to get it deployed within days. Not weeks. Not months! Use Anti-Exploitation Technology Microsoft got a bad rap on security and some (OK, most) of it was deserved. But they have added some capabilities to the base OS that make sense. Like DEP (Data Execution Prevention – also check out the FAQ) and ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization). These technologies make it much harder to gain control of an endpoint through a known vulnerability. So make sure DEP and ASLR are turned on in your standard build. Make sure your endpoint checks confirm these two options remain selected. And most importantly, make sure the apps you deploy actually use DEP and ASLR. IE7 and IE8 do. IE6, not so much. Adobe’s stuff – not so much. And there you have it. To be clear, anti-exploitation technology is not the cure for cancer. It does help to make it harder to exploit the vulnerabilities in the software you use. But only if you turn it on (and the applications support it). Rich has been writing about this for years. Enforce Secure Configurations I have to admit to spending a bit too much time in the Center for Internet Security’s brainwashing course. I actually believe that locking down the configuration of a device will reduce security issues. Those of you in the federal government probably have a bit of SCAP on the brain as well. You don’t have to follow CIS to the letter. But you do have to shut down non-critical services on your endpoints. And you have to check to make sure those configurations aren’t being messed with. So that configuration management thingy you got through Purchasing last year will come in handy. Encrypt Your Laptops How many laptops have to be lost and how many notifications sent out to irate customers because some jackass leaves their laptop on the back seat of their car? Or on the seat of an airplane? Or anywhere else where a laptop with private information will get pinched? Optimally you shouldn’t allow private information on those mobile devices (right, Rich, DLP lives!), but this is the real world and people take stuff with them. Maybe innocently. Maybe not, but all the same – they have stuff on their machines they shouldn’t have. So you need to encrypt the devices. Bokay? VPN to Corporate Let’s stay on this mobile user riff by talking about all the trouble your users can get into. A laptop with a WiFi card is the proverbial loaded gun and quite a few of your users shoot themselves in the foot. They connect on any network. They click on any emails. They navigate to those sites. You can enforce VPN connections when a user is mobile. So all their traffic gets routed through your network. It goes through your gateway and your policies get enforced. Yes, smart users can get around this – but how many of your users are smart that way? All the same, you probably have a VPN client on there anyway. So it’s worth a try. Training Let’s talk about probably the cheapest of all the things you can do to positively impact on your security posture. Yes, you can train your users to not do stupid things. Not to click on those links. Not to visit those sites. And not to leave their laptop bags exposed in cars. Yes, some folks you won’t be able to reach. They’ll still do stupid things and no matter what you say or how many times you teach, you’ll still have to clean up their machines – a lot. Which brings us to the last of the low hanging fruit… When in doubt, reimage… Yes, you need to invest in a tool to make a standard image of your desktop. You will use it a lot. Anytime a user comes in with a problem – reimage. If the user stiffs you on lunch, reimage. If someone beats you with a pair of aces in the hole, right – reimage. Before you go on a reimaging binge,

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Pragmatic Data Security: The Cycle

Back in Part 1 of our series on Pragmatic Data Security we covered some of the guiding concepts of the process, and now it’s time to dig in and show you the process itself. Before I introduce the process cycle, it’s important to remember that Pragmatic Data Security isn’t about trying to instantly protect everything – it’s a structured, straightforward process to protect a single information type, which you then expand in scope incrementally. It’s designed to answer the question, “How can I protect this specific content at this point in time, in my existing environment?” rather than, “How can I protect all my sensitive data right now?” Once we nail down one type of data, then we can move on to other sensitive information. Why? Because as we mentioned in Part 1, if you start with too broad a scope you dramatically increase your chance of failure. I previously covered the cycle in another post, but for continuity’s sake here it is, slightly updated: Define what information you want to protect (specifically – not general data classification). I suggest something very discrete, such as private customer data (specify which exact fields), or engineering documents for a specific project. Discover where it’s located (using any of various tools/techniques, preferably automated, such as DLP, rather than manually). Secure the data where it’s stored, and/or eliminate data where it shouldn’t be (access controls, encryption). Monitor data usage (various tools, including DLP, DAM, logs, & SIEM). Protect the data from exfiltration (DLP, USB control, email security, web gateways, etc.). For example, if you want to protect credit card numbers you’d define them in step 1, use DLP content discovery in step 2 to locate where they are stored, remove them or lock the repositories down in step 3, use DAM and DLP to monitor where they’re going in step 4, and use blocking technologies to keep them from leaving the organization in step 5. For the rest of this series we’ll walk through each step, showing what you need to do and tying it all together with a use case. Share:

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Friday Summary: January 22, 2010

One of the most common criticisms of analysts is that, since they are no longer practitioners, they lose their technical skills and even sometimes their ability to understand technology. To be honest, it’s a pretty fair criticism. I’ve encountered plenty of analysts over the years who devalue technical knowledge, thinking they can rely completely on user feedback and business knowledge. I’ve even watched as some of them became wrapped around the little fingers (maybe middle finger) of vendors who took full advantage of the fact they could talk circles around these analysts. It’s hard to maintain technical skills, even when it’s what you do 10 hours a day. Personally, I make a deliberate effort to play, experiment, and test as much as I can to keep the fundamentals, knowing it’s not the same as being a full time practitioner. I maintain our infrastructure, do most of the programming on our site, and get hands on as often as possible, but I know I’ve lost many of the skills that got me where I am today. Having once been a network administrator, system administrator, DBA, and programmer, I was pretty darn deep, but I can’t remember the last time I set up a database schema or rolled out a group policy object. I was reading this great article about a food critic spending a week as a waiter in a restaurant she once reviewed (working for a head waiter she was pretty harsh on) and it reminded me of one of my goals this year. It’s always been my thought that every analyst in the company should go out and shadow a security practitioner every year. Spend a week in an organization helping deal with whatever security problems come up. All under a deep NDA, of course. Ideally we’d rotate around to different organizations every year, maybe with an incident management team one year, a mid-size “do it all” team the next, and a web application team after that. I’m not naive enough to think that one week a year is the same as a regular practitioner job, but I think it will be a heck of a lot more valuable than talking to someone about what they do a few times a year over the phone or at a conference. Yep – just a crazy idea, but it’s high on my priority list if we can find some willing hosts and work the timing out. And don’t forget to RSVP for the Securosis and Threatpost Disaster Recovery Breakfast! On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian’s Dark Reading post on What Data Discovery Tools Really Do. Rich and Adrian on Enterprise Database Security (video). Rich, Martin, and Zach on this week’s Network Security Podcast. Mike on Amrit’s Beyond the Perimeter Podcast. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: I’m picking one of my older posts, going back to March 2008 on the Principles of Information-Centric Security. Not that our newer stuff is bad, but I like going back and highlighting older material every now and then. Mike: Pragmatic Data Security: Groundwork. We spend so much time focused on trying to stop the attackers to no avail, Rich’s point about making the data harder to access and/or blocking the outbound path really resonated with me. Adrian: Rich and my post on Project Quant for Database Security: Monitoring. Mort: FireStarter: Security Endangered Species List. Faster pussycat, kill, kill! Meier: The Rights Management Dilemma – I agree with Rich it has a place in the future, it’s just when and what it actually looks like that are the big questions for me. Other Securosis Posts Pragmatic Data Security: The Cycle Low Hanging Fruit: Endpoint Security Data Discovery and Databases The Rights Management Dilemma Incite 1/20/2010 – Thanks Mr. Internet RSVP for the Securosis and Threatpost Disaster Recovery Breakfast ReputationDefender Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Brian Krebs’ Top 10 Ways to Get Fired as a Money Mule. It’s awesome to see Brian’s stuff without the editorial filters of a dead-tree publication, and he’s clearly going strong. Mike: Bejtlich on APT – Richard had two great posts this week helping us understand the advanced persistent threat. First, What is APT and What Does It Want? and then the follow-up, Is APT After You? Great stuff about a threat we all need to understand. Adrian: Oracle TNS Rootkit. Well done. Mort: Why I Don’t Like CRISC by Alex Hutton, and his excellent followup, Why I Don’t Like CRISC, Day Two, call out ISACA on why it’s not time for a risk based certification. Meier: Tor Project Infrastructure Updates in Response to Security Breach. While the Tor service itself wasn’t compromised, this just goes to show it can happen to anyone. And, well, update your Tor software to get the new authority keys. Project Quant Posts Project Quant: Database Security – Audit Project Quant: Database Security – Monitoring Quant for Databases: Open Question to Database Security Community Project Quant: Database Security – Shield Top News and Posts Microsoft issues emergency patch for the Internet Explorer 0day. Apple issues critical security update. Microsoft Confirms Unpatched Windows Kernel Flaw. Elsewhere in the news: The Danger of Open APIs RockYou breach leaks passwords. In an ironic way, RockYou just provided some value to the community by providing a good pentest dictionary and showing weak passwords are common. But then again, if you are using RockYou, do you care? FireFox 3.6 includes some security goodies – especially nice is detecting outdated plug-ins, such as Flash. The D-List interview with Jack Daniels. Adrew Jaquith at Forrester with our most amusing post of the week. Network Solutions customers hacked and defaced with a remote file inclusion vulnerability. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment comes from Fernando Medrano in response to Mike’s FireStarter: Security Endangered Species List. While I do agree with many of the posts and opinions on this site, I disagree in this case. I believe AV and HIPS are still important to the overall protection in depth architecture. Too many enterprises still run legacy operating systems or unpatched software where upgrading could mean significant time and

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The Rights Management Dilemma

Over the past few months I’ve seen a major uptick in the number of user inquiries I’m taking on enterprise digital rights management (or enterprise rights management, but I hate that term). Having covered EDRM for something like 8 years or so now, I’m only slightly surprised. I wouldn’t say there’s a new massive groundswell of sudden desperate motivation to protect corporate intellectual assets. Rather, it seems like a string of knee-jerk reactions related to specific events. What concerns me is that I’ve noticed two consistent trends throughout these discussions: EDRM is being mandated from someplace in management. Not, “protect our data”, but EDRM specifically. There is no interest in discussing how to best protect the content in question, especially other technologies or process changes. People are being told to get EDRM, get it now, and nothing else matters. This is problematic on multiple levels. While rights management is one of the most powerful technologies to protect information assets, it’s also one of the most difficult to manage and implement once you hit a certain scale. It’s also far from a panacea, and in many of these organizations it either needs to be combined with other technologies and processes, or should be considered after other more basic steps are taken. For example, most of these clients haven’t performed any content discovery (manual or with DLP) to find out where the information they want to protect is located in the first place. Rights management is typically most effective when: It’s deployed on a workgroup level. The users involved are willing and able to adjust their workflow to incorporate EDRM. There is minimal need for information exchange of the working files with external organizations. The content to protect is easy to identify, and centrally concentrated at the start of the project. Where EDRM tends to fail is with enterprise-wide deployments, or when the culture of the user population doesn’t prioritize the value of their content sufficiently to justify the necessary process changes. I do think that EDRM will play a very large role in the future of information-centric security, but only as its inevitable merging with data loss prevention is complete. The dilemma of rights management is that its very power and flexibility is also its greatest liability (sort of like some epic comic book thing). It’s just too much to ask users to keep track of which user populations map to which rights on which documents. This is changing, especially with the emerging DRM/DLP partnerships, but it’s been the primary reason EDRM deployments have been so self-limiting. Thus I find myself frequently cautioning EDRM prospects to carefully scope and manage their projects, or look at other technologies first, at the same time I’m telling them it’s the future of information centric security. Anyone seen my lithium? Share:

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Pragmatic Data Security: Groundwork

Back in Part 1 of our series on Pragmatic Data Security, we covered some guiding concepts. Before we actually dig in, there’s some more groundwork we need to cover. There are two important fundamentals that provide context for the rest of the process. The Data Breach Triangle In May of 2009 I published a piece on the Data Breach Triangle, which is based on the fire triangle every Boy Scout and firefighter is intimately familiar with. For a fire to burn you need fuel, oxygen, and heat – take any single element away and there’s no combustion. Extending that idea: to experience a data breach you need an exploit, data, and an egress route. If you block the attacker from getting in, don’t leave them data to steal, or block the stolen data’s outbound path, you can’t have a successful breach. To date, the vast majority of information security spending is directed purely at preventing exploits – including everything from vulnerability management, to firewalls, to antivirus. But when it comes to data security, in many cases it’s far cheaper and easier to block the outbound path, or make the data harder to access in the first place. That’s why, as we detail the process, you’ll notice we spend a lot of time finding and removing data from where it shouldn’t be, and locking down outbound egress channels. The Two Domains of Data Security We’re going to be talking about a lot of technologies through this series. Data security is a pretty big area, and takes the right collection of tools to accomplish. Think about network security – we use everything from firewalls, to IDS/IPS, to vulnerability assessment and monitoring tools. Data security is no different, but I like to divide both the technologies and the processes into two major buckets, based on how we access and use the information: The Data Center and Enterprise Applications – When a user access content through an enterprise application (client/server or web), often backed by a database. Productivity Tools – When a user works with information with their desktop tools, as opposed to connecting to something in the data center. This bucket also includes our communications applications. If you are creating or accessing the content in Microsoft Office, or exchanging it over email/IM, it’s in this category. To provide a little more context, our web application and database security tools fall into the first domain, while DLP and rights management generally fall into the second. Now I bet some of you thought I was going to talk about structured and unstructured data, but I think that distinction isn’t nearly as applicable as the data center vs. productivity applications. Not all structured data is in a database, and not all unstructured data is on a workstation or file server. Practically speaking, we need to focus on the business workflow of how users work with data, not where the data might have come from. You can have structured data in anything from a database to a spreadsheet or a PDF file, or unstructured data stored in a database, so that’s no longer an effective division when it comes to the design and implementation of appropriate security controls. The distinction is important since we need to take slightly different approaches based on how a user works with the information, taking into account its transitions between the two domains. We have a different set of potential controls when a user comes through a controlled application, vs. when a user is creating or manipulating content on their desktop and exchanging it through email. As we introduce and explore the Pragmatic Data Security process, you’ll see that we rely heavily on the concepts of the Data Breach Triangle and these two domains of data security to focus our efforts and design the right business processes and control schemes without introducing unneeded complexity. Share:

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Data Discovery and Databases

I periodically write for Dark Reading, contributing to their Database Security blog. Today I posted What Data Discovery Tools Really Do, introducing how data discovery works within relational database environments. As is the case with many of the posts I write for them, I try not to use the word ‘database’ to preface every description, as it gets repetitive. But sometimes that context is really important. Ben Tomhave was kind enough to let me know that the post was referenced on the eDiscovery and Digital evidence mailing list. One comment there was, “One recurring issue has been this: If enterprise search is so advanced and so capable of excellent granularity (and so touted), why is ESI search still in the boondocks?” I wanted to add a little color to the post I made on Dark Reading as well as touch on an issue with data discovery for ESI. Automated data discovery is a relatively new feature for data management, compliance, and security tools. Specifically in regard to relational databases, the limitations of these products have only been an issue in the last couple years due to growing need – particularly in accuracy of analysis. The methodologies for rummaging around and finding stuff are effective, but the analysis methods have a little way to go. That’s why we are beginning to see labeling and content inspection. With growing use of flat file and quasi-relational databases, look for labeling and Google type search to become commonplace. In my experience, metadata-based data discovery was about 85% effective. Having said that, the number is totally bogus. Why? Most of the stuff I was looking for was easy to find, as the databases were constructed by someone was good at database design, using good naming conventions and accurate column definitions. In reality you can throw the 85% number out, because if a web application developer is naming columns “Col1, Col2, Col3, … Col56”, and defining them as text fields up to 50 characters long, your effectiveness will be 0%. If you do not have labeling or content analysis to support the discovery process, you are wasting your time. Further, with some of the ISAM and flat file databases, the discovery tools do not crawl the database content properly, forcing some vendors to upgrade to support other forms of data management and storage. Given the complexity of environments and the mixture of data and database types, both discovery and analysis components must continue to evolve. Remember that a relational database is highly structured, with columns and tables being fully defined at the time of creation. Data that is inserted goes through integrity checks, and in some cases, must conform to referential integrity checks as well. Your odds of automated tools finding useful information in such databases is far higher because you have definitive descriptions. In flat files or scanned documents? All bets are off. As part of a project I conducted in early 2009, I spoke with a bunch of attorneys in California and Arizona regarding issues of legal document discovery and management. In that market, document discovery is a huge business and there is a lot of contention in legal circles regarding its use. In terms of legal document and data discovery, the process and tools are very different from database data discovery. From what I have witnessed and from explanations by people who sit on steering committees for issues pertaining to legal ESI, very little of the data is ever in a relational database. The tools I saw were pure keyword and string pattern matching on flat files. Some of the large firms may have document management software that is a little more sophisticated, but much of it is pure flat file server scanning with reports, because of the sheer volume of data. What surprised me during my discussions was that document management is becoming a huge issue as large legal firms are attempting to win cases by flooding smaller firms with so many documents that they cannot even process the results of the discovery tools. They simply do not have adequate manpower and it undermines their ability to process their casefiles. The fire around this market has to do with politics and not technology. The technology sucks too, but that’s secondary suckage. Share:

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FireStarter: Security Endangered Species List

Our weekly research meeting started with an optimistic plea from yours truly. Will 2010 finally be the year the signature dies? I mean, come on now, we all know endpoint AV using only signatures is an accident waiting to happen. And everywhere else signatures are used (predominantly IPS & anti-spam) those technologies are heavily supplemented with additional behavioral and heuristic techniques to improve detection. But the team thought that idea was too restrictive, and largely irrelevant because regardless of the technology used, the vendors adapt their products to keep up with the attacks. Yes, that was my idea of biting sarcasm. We broadened our thinking significantly, to think about why we haven’t been able to really kill off any security technology, ever. How many of you still use token authenticators? Or line encryptors? It seems once we implement something, we get to live with it for 20 years. Have you ever tried to actually kill a technology? Someone always finds an edge case where you’d be dead if it happens, so you can’t pull the trigger. Who cares that you have a higher likelihood of getting hit by a meteor in the cranium? Not sure about you, but that annoys the crap out of me. With all the time and money we spend maintaining and paying for these tools, we aren’t doing more strategic things for the business. Our world is complex enough. We need to make it a point this year to get rid of some of these long-in-the-tooth technologies. So for this week’s thought generator, let’s put together a security “endangered species list” of things we want to kill. I’ll start: Signature-based AV Engines – Come on, man! We keep these fat and dumb AV engines around because we are worried that the Melissa virus will make a comeback. Now the vendors need a frackin’ cloud to keep track of all the signatures, which don’t work anyway – given that most of the bad guys use AV* to make sure the major engines are blind to their stuff. As an alternative, we can (and should) be moving towards a whitelist based approach on servers, where you can lock down the applications, since your servers don’t get pissed when they can’t run Tiger Woods golf or watch March Madness online. These tools are ready for prime time now, and it’s time we killed off the old and busted way of doing things. And you shouldn’t need to keep paying your desktop AV vendor to maintain that signature database, especially since most of them already offer white-list technology as a different product. On the endpoints, do we think these AV engines are actually doing any good? Aren’t we better off focusing on patching and ensuring some of the anti-exploitation technologies (like DEP and ASLR) are used within the applications you let users run on their devices? Then we also have to make sure we are watching more closely for compromised endpoints, so bust out that network monitor and ensure you have egress filtering in use. I described these techniques in Low Hanging Fruit: Network Security last week. With the increasing consumerization of IT, assuming you have control of the endpoint is probably naive at best. Imagine what good all the AV researchers could do if they weren’t spending all day auto-generating signatures? OK, that one was a bit easy and predictable. As Rich would say, what’s different about that? Nothing, I just wanted to get rolling. HIPS – As I continue my attack on everything signature, why does HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention) still exist? I get that folks don’t really do HIPS on the endpoint, but far too many still kill the performance of their servers by comparing activity to known attack code. I’m sure there are some use cases where HIPS is useful, but is it worth the performance penalty and the cost of management and maintenance? Yeah, probably not. Repeat after me: Black lists are for the birds. Black lists are for the birds. So why do we care about HIPS anymore? Should this also be on the list of security technologies to die? What say you? Tell me why I’m wrong. What’s on your list? Put it in the comments, and be sure to mention: The technology Why it needs to go What compensating controls can be used for at least equal protection Remember the best comment of the week can feel good about making a donation to a worthy charity. Let’s all sing now: The Roof, the roof, the roof is on fire… Now discuss! Share:

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Incite 1/20/2010 – Thanks Mr. Internet

Good Morning: I love the Internet. In fact, I can’t imagine how I got anything done before it was there at all times to help. Two examples illustrate my point. On Monday, I went to lunch with the family at Fuddrucker’s, since they had off from school. They say a big poster of Elvis with a title “The King” underneath. They had heard of Elvis, but didn’t know much about him. The Boss and I were debating how old Elvis was when he had that unfortunate toilet incident. I whipped out the iPhone, took a quick peek at Wikipedia, and learned the King died when he was 42. Oh crap, that’s not much older than I am right now. Then we went into his history and music and the kids actually learned something. Thanks, Mr. Internet. Next up, I’ve been having some problems with my washing machine. So I check out the appliance boards on the Internet (thanks to the Google) and figure out what the error code means and a few ideas on how to fix it. Turns out it’s very likely a control unit issue. Amazingly enough, there is a guy in the Southeast who fixes the unit for half the price of buying a new part. The guy sends me a little PDF on how to remove the control unit (it was a whopping 3 Torx screws and unplugging a bunch of wires). I put the unit in a box and sent it off. It could not have been easier. Thanks, Mr. Internet. Now what would I have done 10 years ago? I would have called Sears. They would have come over, charged me for the service call ($140), replaced the control unit ($260), and I’d be good to go. $400 lighter in the wallet, of course. They say an educated consumer is the best consumer. Not for the old Maytag Man, I guess. Don’t think he’s sending thanks to Mr. Internet. –Mike Photo credit: “Maytag Man Inflatable” originally uploaded by arbyreed Incite 4 U This week we got contributions from almost everyone, which has always been my evil plan. And as much as I like the help, I do think having a number of opinions weighing in makes things a lot better – for everyone. China wastes a zero day on IE6? – It seems that the zero day vulnerability exploited by China doesn’t only work on Internet Explorer 6, but according to this article in Dark Reading may also work on IE 7 and 8, and might even work around the DEP (Data Execution Protection) feature of XP and Vista. Considering all the old vulnerabilities in IE6 (you know, something you should have dumped years ago), you have to wonder if the attackers just assumed we weren’t dumb enough to still use ancient code open to old exploits. Without listing all the permutations, it looks like IE8 on Vista or Windows 7 (because of that ASLR anti-exploitation thingy) may be secure, but everything else is exploitable and Microsoft is issuing an emergency patch. I realize it’s painful to think you might have to actually update that 10 year old enterprise application so it works with a browser released after 2001, but it’s time to suck it up and browse like it’s 2010. – RM They are better than us – Clever programmers working on a single project, test their code against live servers, monitor effectiveness, and evolve the code to get better every day. Working with operating systems I used to see this dedication. Some of the programming teams I worked on bordered on fanaticism and worked hard to become better programmers. Teams were like coder’s guilds, where more experienced members would review, teach, and occasionally shred other members for shoddy work. They worked late into the night, building new libraries of code, and studied their craft every night on the train ride home. They knew minutiae about protocols and compilers. I swear a couple of them thought in hexadecimal! When I read blogs like “An Insight into the Aurora Communications Protocol” I get the picture that the hackers are more professional than the “good guys” are. Hackers use obfuscation, SSL variations, code injection, command and control networks, and stolen source code to create custom 0-days. These highly motivated people have rapidly evolving skills. What worries me about Aurora isn’t the sophistication of the attack, but the disparity in dedication between attacker and your typical corporate developer. One side lives this stuff and one has a job. This is getting worse before it gets better. – AL Here’s a serving of humble pie. Eat it! – The truth of the matter is that a lot of security folks fail. Almost as often as marketing folks. Combine the two and you get…me. It does make sense to do a little soul searching and this post from Dan Lohrmann on CSOOnline really resonated. Basically his contention is that security folks come across as unusually proud or overconfident. That’s politically correct. I’d say in general we’re a bunch of arrogant asses. Not everyone, but more than a few. The reality is security folks need a bit of an edge, but at the end of the day we still need to be respectful to our customers. Yes, those idiots who get pwned all the time are our customers. So think about that next time you want to throw some snark in their direction. Just share it on Twitter. Like me. – MR Things in public, are, you know, public – On The Network Security Podcast last night we talked a bit about this article by James Urquhart over at CNet on the Fourth Amendment in the cloud. Actually, forget about the fourth amendment (that’s the search and seizure one for you engineering majors), when it comes to the Internet and privacy repeat after me – “if it’s on the Internet, it isn’t private, and never goes away”. The article emphasizes that anything you store on Internet services (I’m not limiting this to cloud) that is accessible by your service provider can’t be considered private under current law. Phone and paper mail are

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We’ve all heard the stories: employee gets upset, says something about their boss online, boss sees it, and BAM, fired. As information continues to stick around, people find it increasingly beneficial to think before launching a raging tweet. Here lies the opportunity: what if I can pay someone to gather that information and potentially get rid of it? Enter ReputationDefender. Their business consists of three key ideas: Search: Through search ReputationDefender will find and present information about you so it’s easy to understand. Destroy: Remove (for a per-incident fee) information that you don’t care to have strewn about the Internet. Control: Through search and destroy you can now control how others see you online. The company currently has multiple products that all play to specific areas of uncertainty most people have online: children, reputation, and privacy. Reputation is broken out into two different products, where one side takes on unwanted information, and the other appears to be SEO for your name (let’s not go there). The two main questions you may be asking yourself about the service are whether it works and, conversely, whether it’s worthwhile? ReputationDefender’s approach makes sense, but isn’t practical in terms of execution. If there was a service today that could reliably remove information that might be incriminating or defamatory in nature from all the dark corners of the Internet, the game of privacy would be considerably different. Truth be told, that’s not how it works. While this is a topic that we could discuss at great lengths the simple take away is information replicates and redistributes at an exponential rate which adds to the depth and complexity of information sprawl. Now take into consideration all the sites that go to great lengths to keep information free from manual expungement: Wikileaks, The Pirate Bay, and The Onion to name a few. OK, well, not The Onion, but that’s still some funny stuff. The point is that if someone wants to drag your otherwise good reputation through the mud, there are far too many ways to publish it with relatively little you can do about it. Paying someone $44.90 (minimum price to enroll in a monthly MyReputation subscription plus use the ‘Destroy’ assistance one time) isn’t going to change that. Not convinced? Keep an eye out for the way law enforcement is scouring the Internet these days, using it as a preemptive tool to address what some may consider an idle threat, and you can start to see that there’s more archiving done than you’d probably care to think about. Take a realistic approach to the root of the problem by saying that anything you post to the Internet will never be guaranteed private forever. Sites are bought out, information is sold, and breaches / leaks are a daily occurrence. The only control you have is how you put that information out in the first place. I wish it were different, but for $14.95 a month (sans any ‘Destroy’ attempts) you are better off investing in encryption or password management software to reduce your exposure where you do have some control. Then again, Dr. Phil may be able to persuade you otherwise. P.S. I’m confident this service is full of holes, but you might say I don’t have any real proof. That’s going to change though as we put the service to the grinder on Mike and Rich. Stay tuned! Share:

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Low Hanging Fruit: Network Security

During my first two weeks at Securosis, I’ve gotten soundly thrashed for being too “touchy-feely.” You know, talking about how you need to get your mindset right and set the right priorities for success in 2010. So I figure I’ll get down in the weeds a bit and highlight a couple of tactics that anyone can use to ensure their existing equipment is optimized. I’ve got a couple main patches in my coverage area, including network and endpoint security, as well as security management. So over the next few days I’ll highlight some quick things in each area. Let’s start with the network, since it’s really the foundation of everything, but don’t tell Rich and Adrian I said that – they spend more time in the upper layers of the stack. Also a little disclaimer in that some of these tactics may be politically unsavory, especially if you work in a large enterprise, so use some common sense before walking around with the meat cleaver. Prune your firewall Your firewall likely resembles my hair after about 6 weeks between haircuts: a bit unruly and you are likely to find things from 3-4 years ago. Right, the first thing you can do is go through your firewall rules and make sure they are: Authorized: You’ll probably find some really bizarre things if you look. Like the guy that needed some custom port in use for the poorly architected application. Or the port opened so the CFO can chat with his contacts in Thailand. Anyhow, make sure that every exception is legit and accounted for. Still needed: A bunch of your exceptions may be for applications or people no longer with the company. Amazingly enough, no one went back and cleaned them up. Do that. One of the best ways to figure out what rules are still important is to just turn them off. Yes, all of them. If someone doesn’t call in the next week, you can safely assume that rule wasn’t that important. It’s kind of like declaring firewall rule bankruptcy, but this one won’t stay on your record for 7 years. Once you’ve pruned the rules, make sure to test what’s left. It would be really bad to change the firewall and leave a hole big enough to drive a truck through. So whip out your trust vulnerability scanner, or better yet an automated pen testing tool, and try to bust it up. Consolidate (where possible) The more devices, the more opportunities you have to screw something up. So take a critical look at that topology picture and see if there are better ways to arrange things. It’s not like your perimeter gear is running full bore, so maybe you can look at other DMZ architectures to simplify things a bit, get rid of some of those boxes (or move them somewhere else), and make things less prone to error. And you may even save some money on maintenance, which you can spend on important things – like a cappuccino machine. Segregate (where possible) No, I’m not advising that we go back to a really distasteful time in our world, but talking about our understanding that some traffic just shouldn’t be mixed with others. If you worry about PCI, you already do some level of segregation because your credit card data must reside on a different network segment. But expand your view beyond just PCI, and get a feel for whether there are other groups that should be separate from the general purpose network. Maybe it’s your advanced research folks or the HR department or maybe your CXO (who has that nasty habit of watching movies at work). This may not be something you can get done right away because the network folks need to buy into it. But the technology is there, or it’s time to upgrade those switches from 1998. Hack yourself As mentioned above, when you change anything (especially on perimeter facing devices), it’s always a good idea to try to break the device to make sure you didn’t trigger the law of unintended consequences and open the red carpet to Eastern Europe. This idea of hacking yourself (which I use the fancy term “security assurance” for) is a critical part of your defenses. Yes, it’s time to go get an automated pen testing tool. Your vulnerability scanners are well and good. They tell you what is vulnerable. They don’t tell you want can be exploited. So tool around with Metasploit, play with Core or CANVAS, or do some brute force work. Whatever it is, just do it. The bad guys test your defenses every day – you need to know what they’re finding. Revisit change control Yeah, I know it’s not sexy. But you spend a large portion of your day making changes, patching things, and fulfilling work orders. You probably have other folks (just like you) who do the same thing. Day in and day out. If you aren’t careful, things can get a bit unwieldy with this guy opening up that port, and that guy turning off an IPS rule. If you’ve got more than one hand in your devices on any given day, you need a formal process. Think back to the last incident you had involving a network security device. Odds are high the last issue was triggered by a configuration problem caused by some kind of patch or upgrade process. If it can happen to the FAA, it can happen to you. But that’s pretty silly when you can make sure your admins know exactly what the process is to change something. So revisit the document that specifies who makes what changes when. Make sure everyone is on the same page. Make sure you have a plan to rollback when an upgrade goes awry. Yes, test the new board before you plug it into the production network. Yes, having the changes documented, the help desk aware, and the SWAT team on notice are also key to making sure you keep your job after you reset the system. Filter outbound traffic

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