

Building a Vendor (IT) Risk Management Program [New Paper]

In Building a Vendor (IT) Risk Management Program, we explain why you can no longer ignore the risk presented by third-party vendors and other business partners, including managing an expanded attack surface and new regulations demanding effective management of vendor risk. We then offer ideas for how to build a structured and systematic program to assess vendor (IT) risk, and take action when necessary. We would like to thank BitSight Technologies for licensing the content in this paper. Our unique Totally Transparent Research model allows us to perform objective and useful research without requiring paywalls or other such nonsense, which make it hard for the people who need our research to get it. A day doesn’t go by where we aren’t thankful to all the companies who license our research. You can get the paper from the landing page in our research library. Share:

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Evolving Encryption Key Management Best Practices: Part 2

This is the second in a four-part series on evolving encryption key management best practices. The first post is available here. This research is also posted at GitHub for public review and feedback. My thanks to Hewlett Packard Enterprise for licensing this research, in accordance with our strict Totally Transparent Research policy, which enables us to release our independent and objective research for free. Best Practices If there is one thread tying together all the current trends influencing data centers and how we build applications, it’s distribution. We have greater demand for encryption in more locations in our application stacks – which now span physical environments, virtual environments, and increasing barriers even within our traditional environments. Some of the best practices we will highlight have long been familiar to anyone responsible for enterprise encryption. Separation of duties, key rotation, and meeting compliance requirements have been on the checklist for a long time. Others are familiar, but have new importance thanks changes occurring in data centers. Providing key management as a service, and dispersing and integrating into required architectures aren’t technically new, but they are in much greater demand than before. Then there are the practices which might not make the list, such as supporting APIs and distributed architectures (potentially spanning physical and virtual appliances). As you will see, the name of the game is consolidation for consistency and control; simultaneous with distribution to support diverse encryption needs, architectures, and project requirements. But before we jump into recommendations, keep our focus in mind. This research is for enterprise data centers, including virtualization and cloud computing. There are plenty of other encryption use cases out there which don’t necessarily require everything we discuss, although you can likely still pick up a few good ideas. Build a key management service Supporting multiple projects with different needs can easily result in a bunch of key management silos using different tools and technologies, which become difficult to support. One for application data, another for databases, another for backup tapes, another for SANs, and possibly even multiple deployments for the same functions, as individual teams pick and choose their own preferred technologies. This is especially true in the project-based agile world of the cloud, microservices, and containers. There’s nothing inherently wrong with these silos, assuming they are all properly managed, but that is unfortunately rare. And overlapping technologies often increase costs. Overall we tend to recommend building centralized security services to support the organization, and this definitely applies to encryption. Let a smaller team of security and product pros manage what they are best at and support everyone else, rather than merely issuing policy requirements that slow down projects or drive them underground. For this to work the central service needs to be agile and responsive, ideally with internal Service Level Agreements to keep everyone accountable. Projects request encryption support; the team managing the central service determines the best way to integrate, and to meet security and compliance requirements; then they provide access and technical support to make it happen. This enables you to consolidate and better manage key management tools, while maintaining security and compliance requirements such as audit and separation of duties. Whatever tool(s) you select clearly need to support your various distributed requirements. The last thing you want to do is centralize but establish processes, tools, and requirements that interfere with projects meeting their own goals. And don’t focus so exclusively on new projects and technologies that you forget about what’s already in place. Our advice isn’t merely for projects based on microservices containers, and the cloud – it applies equally for backup tapes and SAN encryption. Centralize but disperse, and support distributed needs Once you establish a centralized service you need to support distributed access. There are two primary approaches, but we only recommend one for most organizations: Allow access from anywhere. In this model you position the key manager in a location accessible from wherever it might be needed. Typically organizations select this option when they want to only maintain a single key manager (or cluster). It was common in traditional data centers, but isn’t well-suited for the kinds of situations we increasingly see today. Distributed architecture. In this model you maintain a core “root of trust” key manager (which can, again, be a cluster), but then you position distributed key managers which tie back to the central service. These can be a mix of physical and virtual appliances or servers. Typically they only hold the keys for the local application, device, etc. that needs them (especially when using virtual appliances or software on a shared service). Rather than connecting back to complete every key operation, the local key manager handles those while synchronizing keys and configuration back to the central root of trust. Why distribute key managers which still need a connection back home? Because they enable you to support greater local administrative control and meet local performance requirements. This architecture also keeps applications and services up and running in case of a network outage or other problem accessing the central service. This model provides an excellent balance between security and performance. For example you could support a virtual appliance in a cloud project, physical appliances in backup data centers, and backup keys used within your cloud provider with their built-in encryption service. This way you can also support different technologies for distributed projects. The local key manager doesn’t necessarily need to be the exact same product as the central one, so long as they can communicate and both meet your security and compliance requirements. We have seen architectures where the central service is a cluster of Hardware Security Modules (appliances with key management features) supporting a distributed set of HSMs, virtual appliances, and even custom software. The biggest potential obstacle is providing safe, secure access back to the core. Architecturally you can usually manage this with some bastion systems to support key exchange, without opening the core to the Internet. There may still be use cases where you cannot tie everything together, but that should be your

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Incident Response in the Cloud Age: In Action

When we do a process-centric research project, it works best to wrap up the series with a scenario that really illuminates the concepts we’ve discussed throughout the series and make things a bit more tangible. In this situation, imagine you work for a mid-sized retailer that uses a mixture of in-house technology, SaaS, and has recently moved a key warehousing system into an IaaS provider upon rebuilding the application for cloud computing. You’ve got a modest sized security team of 10, which is not enough, but a bit more than many of your peers have. Senior management understands why security is important (to a point) and gives you decent leeway, especially relative to the new IaaS application. In fact, you were consulted during the IaaS architecture phase and provided some guidance (with some help from your friends at Securosis) as to building a Resilient Cloud Network Architecture and how to secure the cloud control plane. You also had the opportunity to integrate some orchestration and automation technology into the cloud technology stack. ##The Trigger You have your team on pretty high alert because a number of your competitors have recently been targeted by an organized crime ring that has gained a foothold with the competitors and proceeded to steal a ton of information about customers, pricing, and merchandising strategies. Given that this isn’t your first rodeo, you know when there is smoke there is usually fire, you decide to task one of your more talented security admins to do a little proactive _hunting_ in your environment. Just to make sure there isn’t anything going on. The admin starts to poke around by searching internal security data with some of the more recent samples of malware found in the attacks on the other retailers. The malware sample was provided by the retail industry’s ISAC (information sharing and analysis center). The analyst got a hit on one of the samples, confirming what your gut told you. You’ve got an active adversary on the network. So now you need to engage the incident response process. ##Job 1: Initial Triage Now that you know there is a _situation_, you assemble the response team. There aren’t a lot of you and half of the team has to pay attention to operational tasks, since taking down the systems wouldn’t make you popular with senior management or the investors. You also don’t want to jump the gun until you know what you’re dealing with, so you inform the senior team of the situation, but don’t take any systems offline. Yet. Since the adversary is active on the internal network, they most likely entered via a phishing or other social engineering attack. The admin’s searches showed 5 devices showing indications of the malware, so those devices are taken off the network immediately. Not shut down, but put on a separate network with Internet access to not tip off the adversary to your discovery of their presence on your network. Then you check the network forensics tool, looking for indications that data has been leaking. There are a few suspicious file transfers and luckily you integrated the egress filtering capability on the firewall with the network forensics tool. So once the firewall showed that some anomalous traffic was being sent to known bad sites (via a threat intelligence integration on the firewall), you started capturing the network traffic originating from the devices triggering the firewall alert. Automatically. That automation stuff sure makes things easier than having to manually do everything. As part of your initial triage, you’ve got endpoint telemetry telling you there are issues and network forensics data to get a clue as to what’s leaking. This is enough to know that you not only have an active adversary, but also that you more than likely have lost data. So you fire up the case management system, which will structure the investigation and then store all the artifacts of the investigation. The team is tasked with their responsibilities and sent on their way to get things done. You make the trek to the executive floor to keep senior management updated on the incident. ##Check the Cloud The attack seems to have started on the internal network, but you don’t want to take chances and need to make sure the new cloud-based application isn’t at risk. A quick check of the cloud console shows strange activity on one of the instances. A device within the presentation layer of the cloud stack was flagged by the monitoring system of the IaaS provider because there was an unauthorized change on that specific instance. Looks like the time you spent setting up the configuration monitoring service was time well spent. Since security was involved in the architecture of the cloud stack, you are in good shape. The application was built to be isolated. Even though it seems the presentation layer has been compromised, the adversaries can’t get to anything of value. And the clean-up has _already happened_. Once the IaaS monitoring system threw an alert, the instance in question was taken offline, and put into a special security group only accessible by the investigators. A forensic server was spun up and some other analysis was done. Another example of orchestration and automation really facilitating the incident response process. The presentation layer has large variances in traffic it needs to handle, so it was built using auto-scaling technology and immutable servers. Once the (potentially) compromised instance was removed from the group, another instance with a clean configuration was spun up and took on the workloads. But it’s not clear if this attack is related to the other incident, so you take the information about the cloud attack and pull it down to feed it into the case management system. But the reality is that this attack, even if related, isn’t presenting danger at this point, so it’s put to the side so you can focus on the internal attack and probably exfiltration. ##Building the Timeline Now that you’ve done the initial triage, it’s

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Summary: June 3, 2016

Adrian here. Unlike my business partners who have been logging thousands of air miles, speaking at conferences and with clients around the country, I have been at home. And with the mildest spring in Phoenix’s recored history, it’s been a blessing as we’re 45 days past the point we typically encounter 100 degree days. Bike rides. Hiking. Running. That is, when I get a chance to sneak outdoors and enjoy it. With our pivot there is _even more_ writing and research going on than normal, if that’s even possible. You will begin to see the results of this work within the next couple of weeks, and we are looking forward to putting a fresh face on the business. That launch will coincide with us posting lots more hands on advice for cloud security and migrations. And as a heads up, I’m going to be talking Big Data security over at SC Magazine on the 20th. I’ll tweet out a link (follow at @AdrianLane) next week if you’re interested. If you want to subscribe directly to the Friday Summary only list, just [click here]( ​ ## Top Posts for the Week ​ * [Salesforce to Piggyback on Amazon’s Growing Cloud]( * [Ex-VMWare CEO now EVP of GCP]( * [Insights on Container Security with Azure Container Service (ACS)]( * [Comparing IAAS providers]( * In ‘not cloud’ news, [Oracle accused of ‘improper accounting’ in attempt to pump-up cloud sales]( * [The Business Value of DevOps]( ​ ## Tool of the Week “Server-less computing? What do you mean?” Rich and I were discussing cloud deployment options with one of the smartest engineering managers I know, and he was totally unaware server-less cloud computing architectures. If he was unaware of this capability, odds are lots of people are as well. So in this week’s ‘tool of the week’ section we will not discuss a single tool, but rather a functional paradigm offered by multiple cloud service vendors. What are they? Stealing from Google’s GCP page on the subject as they best capture the idea, essentially it’s a “lightweight, event-based, asynchronous solution that allows you to create small, single-purpose functions that respond to Cloud events without the need to manage a server or a runtime environment.” What Google did not mention is that these functions tend to be very fast, and you can run multiple copies in parallel to scale up capacity. It’s really the embodiment of micro-services. You can, in fact, construct and entire application from these functions. For example, take a stream of data and run it through a series of functions to process it. It could be audio or image file processing, or real time event data inspection, data transformation, data enrichment, data comparisons or any combination you can think of. The best part? There is _no server_. There is no OS to set up. No CPU or disk capacity to specify. No configuration files. No network ports to manage. It’s simply a logical function running out there in the ‘ether’ of your public cloud. Google’s version on GCP is called [cloud functions]( Amazon’s version on AWS is called (lambda functions]( Microsofts version on Azure is simply called [functions]( Check the API documents as they all work slightly differently, and some have specific storage requirements to act as endpoints, but the idea is the same. And the pricing for these services is pretty low; with lambda for example, the first million requests are free, and it’s 20 cents for every million requests thereafter. This feature is one of the many reasons we tell companies to reconsider application architectures when moving to cloud services. We’ll post some tidbits on security for these services in future blog posts. For now, we recommend you check it out! ​ ## Securosis Blog Posts this Week ​ * [Incident Response in the Cloud Age: In Action]( * [Understanding and Selecting RASP: Integration]( * []( * [Incident Response in the Cloud Age: Addressing the Skills Gap]( ​ ​ ## Training and Events ​ * We are running two classes at Black Hat USA: * [Black Hat USA 2016 | Cloud Security Hands-On (CCSK-Plus)]( * [Black Hat USA 2016 | Advanced Cloud Security and Applied SecDevOps]( Share:

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Firestarter: Where to start?

It’s long past the day we need to convince you that cloud and DevOps is a thing. We all know it’s happening, but one of the biggest questions we get is “Where do I start?” In this episode we scratch the surface of how to start approaching the problem when you don’t get to join a hot unicorn startup and build everything from scratch with an infinite budget behind you. Watch or listen: Share:

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Understanding and Selecting RASP: Integration

This post will offer examples for how to integrate RASP into a development pipeline. We’ll cover both how RASP fits into the technology stack, and development processes used to deliver applications. We will close this post with a detailed discussion of how RASP differs from other security technologies, and discuss advantages and tradeoffs compared to other security technologies. As we mentioned in our introduction, our research into DevOps produced many questions on how RASP worked, and whether it is an effective security technology. The questions came from non-traditional buyers of security products: application developers and product managers. Their teams, by and large, were running Agile development processes. The majority were leveraging automation to provide Continuous Integration – essentially rebuilding and retesting the application repeatedly and automatically as new code was checked in. Some had gone as far as Continuous Deployment (CD) and DevOps. To address this development-centric perspective, we offer the diagram below to illustrate a modern Continuous Deployment / DevOps application build environment. Consider each arrow a script automating some portion of source code control, building, packaging, testing, or deployment of an application. Security tools that fit this model are actively being sought by development teams. They need granular API access to functions, quick production of test results, and delivery of status back to supporting services. Application Integration Installation: As we mentioned back in the technology overview, RASP products differ in how they embed within applications. They all offer APIs to script configuration and runtime policies, but how and where they fit in differ slightly between products. Servlet filters, plugins, and library replacement are performed as the application stack is assembled. These approaches augment an application or application ‘stack’ to perform detection and blocking. Virtualization and JVM replacement approaches augment run-time environments, modifying the subsystems that run your application modified to handle monitoring and detection. In all cases these, be it on-premise or as a cloud service, the process of installing RASP is pretty much identical to the build or deployment sequence you currently use. Rules & Policies: We found the majority of RASP offerings include canned rules to detect or block most known attacks. Typically this blacklist of attack profiles maps closely to the OWASP Top Ten application vulnerability classes. Protection against common variants of standard attacks, such as SQL injection and session mis-management, is included. Once these rules are installed they are immediately enforced. You can enable or disable individual rules as you see fit. Some vendors offer specific packages for critical attacks, mapped to specific CVEs such as Heartbleed. Bundles for specific threats, rather than by generic attack classes, help security and risk teams demonstrate policy compliance, and make it easier to understand which threats have been addressed. But when shopping for RASP technologies you need to evaluate the provided rules carefully. There are many ways to attack a site with SQL injection, and many to detect and block such attacks, so you need to verify the included rules cover most of the known attack variants you are concerned with. You will also want to verify that you can augment or add rules as you see fit – rule management is a challenge for most security products, and RASP is no different. Learning the application: Not all RASP technologies can learn how an application behaves, or offer whitelisting of application behaviors. Those that do vary greatly in how they function. Some behave like their WAF cousins, and need time to learn each application – whether by watching normal traffic over time, or by generating their own traffic to ‘crawl’ each application in a non-production environment. Some function similarly to white-box scanners, using application source to learn. Coverage capabilities: During our research we found uneven RASP coverage of common platforms. Some started with Java or .Net, and are iterating to cover Python, Ruby, Node.js, and others. Your search for RASP technologies may be strongly influenced by available platform support. We find that more and more, applications are built as collections of microservices across distributed architectures. Application developers mix and match languages, choosing what works best in different scenarios. If your application is built on Java you’ll have no trouble finding RASP technology to meet your needs. But for mixed environments you will need to carefully evaluate each product’s platform coverage. Development Process Integration Software development teams leverage many different tools to promote security within their overarching application development and delivery processes. The graphic below illustrates the major phases teams go through. The callouts map the common types of security tests at specific phases within an Agile, CI, and DevOps frameworks. Keep in mind that it is still early days for automated deployment and DevOps. Many security tools were built before rapid and automated deployment existed or were well known. Older products are typically too slow, some cannot focus their tests on new code, and others do not offer API support. So orchestration of security tools – basically what works where – is far from settled territory. The time each type of test takes to run, and the type of result it returns, drives where it fits best into the phases below. RASP is designed to be bundled into applications, so it is part of the application delivery process. RASP offers two distinct approaches to help tackle application security. The first is in the pre-release or pre-deployment phase, while the second is in production. Either way, deployment looks very similar. But usage can vary considerably depending on which is chosen. Pre-release testing: This is exactly what it sounds like: RASP is used when the application is fully constructed and going through final tests prior to being launched. Here RASP can be deployed in several ways. It can be deployed to monitor only, using application tests and instrumenting runtime behavior to learn how to protect the application. Alternatively RASP can monitor while security tests are invoked in an attempt to break the application, with RASP performing security analysis and transmitting its results. Development and Testing teams can learn whether

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Incident Response in the Cloud Age: Addressing the Skills Gap

As we described in our last post, incident response in the Cloud Age requires an evolved response process, in light of data sources you didn’t have before, including external threat intelligence, and the ability to analyze data in ways that weren’t possible just a few years ago. You also need to factor in the fact that access to specific telemetry, especially around the network, is limited because you don’t have control over networks anymore. But even with these advances, the security industry needs to face the intractable problem that comes up in pretty much every discussion we have with senior security types. It’s people, folks. There simply are not enough skilled investigators (forensicators) to meet demand. And those who exist tend to hop from job to job, maximizing their earning potential. As they should – given free markets and all. But this creates huge problems if you are running a security team and need to build and maintain a staff of analysts, hunters, and responders. So where can you find folks in a seller’s market? You have a few choices: Develop them: You certainly can take high-potential security professionals and teach them the art of incident response. Or given the skills gap, lower-potential security professionals. Sigh. This involves a significant investment in training, and a lot of the skills needed will be acquired in the crucible of an active incident. Buy them: If you have neither the time nor the inclination to develop your own team of forensicators, you can get your checkbook out. You’ll need to compete for these folks in an environment where consulting firms can keep them highly utilized, so they are willing to pay up for talent to keep their billable hours clicking along. And large enterprises can break their typical salary bands to get the talent they need as well. This approach is not cheap. Rent them: Speaking of consulting firms, you can also find forensicators by entering into an agreement with a firm that provides incident response services. Which seems to be every security company nowadays. It’s that free market thing again. This will obviously be the most expensive, because you are paying for the overhead of partners to do a bait and switch and send a newly minted SANS-certified resource to deal with your incident. OK, maybe that’s a little facetious. But only a bit. The reality is that you’ll need all of the above to fully staff your team. Developing a team is your best long-term option, but understand that some of those folks will inevitably head to greener pastures right after you train them up. If you need to stand up an initial team you’ll need to buy your way in and then grow. And it’s a good idea to have a retainer in place with an external response firm to supplement your resources during significant incidents. Changing the Game It doesn’t make a lot of sense to play a game you know you aren’t going to win. Finding enough specialized resources to sufficiently staff your team probably fits into that category. So you need to change the game. Thinking about incident response differently covers a lot, including: Narrow focus: As discussed earlier, you can leverage threat intelligence and security analytics to more effectively prioritize efforts when responding to incidents. Retrospectively searching for indicators of malicious activity and analyzing captured data to track anomalous activity enables you to focus efforts on those devices or networks where you can be pretty sure there are active adversaries. On the job training: In all likelihood your folks are not yet ready to perform very sophisticated malware analysis and response, so they will need to learn on the job. Be patient with your I/R n00bs and know they’ll improve, likely pretty quickly. Mostly because they will have plenty of practice – incidents happen daily nowadays. Streamline the process: To do things differently you need to optimize your response processes as well. That means not fully doing some things that, given more time and resources, you might. You need to make sure your team doesn’t get bogged down doing things that aren’t absolutely necessary, so it can triage and respond to as many incidents as possible. Automate: Finally you can (and will need to) automate the I/R process where possible. With advancing orchestration and integration options as applications move to the cloud, it is becoming more feasible to apply large does of automation to remove a lot of the manual (and resource-intensive) activities from the hands of your valuable team members, letting machines do more of the heavy lifting. Streamline and Automate You can’t do everything. You don’t have enough time or people. Looking at the process map in our last post, the top half is about gathering and aggregating information, which is largely not a human-dependent function. You can procure threat intelligence data and integrate that directly into your security monitoring platform, which is already collecting and aggregating internal security data. In terms of initial triage and sizing up incidents, this can be automated to a degree as well. We mentioned triggered capture, so when an alert triggers you can automatically start collecting data from potentially impacted devices and networks. This information can be packaged up and then compared to known indicators of malicious or misuse activities (both internal and external), and against your internal baselines. At that point you can route the package of information to a responder, who can start to take action. The next step is to quarantine devices and take forensic images, which can be largely automated as well. As more and more infrastructure moves into the cloud, software-defined networks and infrastructure can automatically take devices in question out of the application flow and quarantine them. Forensic images can be taken automatically with an API call, and added to your investigation artifacts. If you don’t have fully virtualized infrastructure, there are a number of automation and orchestration tools are appearing to provide an integration layer for these kinds of functions. When

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Incite 5/25/2016: Transitions

I have always been pretty transparent about my life in the Incite. I figured maybe readers could learn something that helps them in life through my trials and tribulations, and if not perhaps they’d be entertained a bit. I also write Incites as a journal of sorts for myself. A couple times a year I search through some old Incites and remember where I was at that point in my life. There really wasn’t much I wouldn’t share, but I wondered if at some point I’d find a line I wouldn’t cross in writing about my life publicly. It turns out I did find that line. I have alluded to significant changes in my life a few times over the past two years, but I never really got into specifics. I just couldn’t. It was too painful. Too raw. But time heals, and over the past weekend I realized it was time to tell more of the story. Mostly because I could see that my kids had gone through the transition along with me, and we are all doing great. So in a nutshell, my marriage ended. There aren’t a lot of decisions that are harder to make, especially for someone like me. I lived through a pretty contentious divorce as a child and I didn’t want that for me, my former wife, or our kids. So I focused for the past three years on treating her with dignity and kindness, being present for my kids, and keeping the long-term future of those I care about most at the forefront of every action I took. I’m happy to say my children are thriving. The first few months after we told them of the imminent split were tough. There were lots of tears and many questions I couldn’t or wouldn’t answer. But they came to outward acceptance quickly. They helped me pick out my new home, and embraced the time they had with me. They didn’t act out with me, their Mom, or their friends, didn’t get into trouble, and did very well in school. They have ridden through a difficult situation well and they still love me. Which was all I could have hoped for. Holidays are hard. They were with their Mom for Memorial Day and Thanksgiving last year, which was weird for me. Thankfully I have some very special people in my life who welcomed me and let me celebrate those holidays with them, so I wasn’t alone. We’ve adapted and are starting to form new rituals in our new life. We took a great trip to Florida for winter break last December, and last summer we started a new tradition, an annual summer beach trip to the Jersey Shore to spend Father’s Day with my Dad. To be clear, this isn’t what they wanted. But it’s what happened, and they have made the best of it. They accepted my decision and accept me as I am right now. I’ve found a new love, who has helped me be the best version of myself, and brought happiness and fulfillment to my life that I didn’t know was possible. My kids have welcomed her and her children into our lives. They say kids adapt to their situation, and I’m happy to say mine have. I believe you see what people are made of during difficult times. A lot of those times happen to be inevitable transitions in life. Based on how they have handled this transition, my kids are incredible, and I couldn’t be more proud of them. And I’m proud of myself for navigating the last couple years the best I could. With kindness and grace. –Mike Photo credit: “Transitions from Arjan Almekinders Security is changing. So is Securosis. Check out Rich’s post on how we are evolving our business. We’ve published this year’s Securosis Guide to the RSA Conference. It’s our take on the key themes of this year’s conference (which is really a proxy for the industry), as well as deep dives on cloud security, threat protection, and data security. And there is a ton of meme goodness… Check out the blog post or download the guide directly (PDF). The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. May 2 – What the hell is a cloud anyway? Mar 16 – The Rugged vs. SecDevOps Smackdown Feb 17 – RSA Conference – The Good, Bad and Ugly Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Evolving Encryption Key Management Best Practices Introduction Incident Response in the Cloud Age Shifting Foundations Understanding and Selecting RASP Technology Overview Introduction Maximizing WAF Value Management Deployment Introduction Resilient Cloud Network Architectures Design Patterns Fundamentals Shadow Devices Seeing into the Shadows Attacks The Exponentially Expanding Attack Surface Building a Vendor IT Risk Management Program Ongoing Management and Communication Evaluating Vendor Risk Program Structure Understanding Vendor IT Risk Recently Published Papers SIEM Kung Fu Securing Hadoop Threat Detection Evolution Building

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Incident Response in the Cloud Age: More Data, No Data, or Both?

As we discussed in the first post of this series, incident response needs to change, given disruptions such as cloud computing and the availability of new data sources, including external threat intelligence. We wrote a paper called Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response (TI+IR) back in 2014 to update our existing I/R process map. Here is what we came up with: So what has changed in the two years since we published that paper? Back then the cloud was nascent and we didn’t know if DevOps was going to work. Today both the cloud and DevOps are widely acknowledged as the future of computing and how applications will be developed and deployed. Of course we will take a while to get there, but they are clearly real already, and upending pretty much all the existing ways security currently works, including incident response. The good news is that our process map still shows how I/R can leverage additional data sources and the other functions involved in performing a complete and thorough investigation. Although it is hard to get sufficient staff to fill out all the functions described on the map. But we’ll deal with that in our next post. For now let’s focus on integrating additional data sources including external threat intelligence, and handling emerging cloud architectures. More Data (Threat Intel) We explained why threat intelligence matters to incident response in our TI+IR paper: To really respond faster you need to streamline investigations and make the most of your resources, a message we’ve been delivering for years. This starts with an understanding of what information would interest attackers. From there you can identify potential adversaries and gather threat intelligence to anticipate their targets and tactics. With that information you can protect yourself, monitor for indicators of compromise, and streamline your response when an attack is (inevitably) successful. You need to figure out the right threat intelligence sources, and how to aggregate the data and run the analytics. We don’t want to rehash a lot of what’s in the TI+IR paper, but the most useful information sources include: Compromised Devices: This data source provides external notification that a device is acting suspiciously by communicating with known bad sites or participating in botnet-like activities. Services are emerging to mine large volumes of Internet traffic to identify such devices. Malware Indicators: Malware analysis continues to mature rapidly, getting better and better at understanding exactly what malicious code does to devices. This enables you to define both technical and behavioral indicators, across all platforms and devices to search for within your environment, as described in gory detail in Malware Analysis Quant. IP Reputation: The most common reputation data is based on IP addresses and provides a dynamic list of known bad and/or suspicious addresses based data such as spam sources, torrent usage, DDoS traffic indicators, and web attack origins. IP reputation has evolved since its introduction, and now features scores comparing the relative maliciousness of different addresses, factoring in additional context such as Tor nodes/anonymous proxies, geolocation, and device ID to further refine reputation. Malicious Infrastructure: One specialized type of reputation often packaged as a separate feed is intelligence on Command and Control (C&C) networks and other servers/sources of malicious activity. These feeds track global C&C traffic and pinpoint malware originators, botnet controllers, compromised proxies, and other IP addresses and sites to watch for as you monitor your environment. Phishing Messages: Most advanced attacks seem to start with a simple email. Given the ubiquity of email and the ease of adding links to messages, attackers typically find email the path of least resistance to a foothold in your environment. Isolating and analyzing phishing email can yield valuable information about attackers and tactics. As depicted in the process map above, you integrate both external and internal security data sources, then perform analytics to isolate the root cause of the attacks and figure out the damage and extent of the compromise. Critical success factors in dealing with all this data are the ability to aggregate it somewhere, and then to perform the necessary analysis. This aggregation happens at multiple layers of the I/R process, so you’ll need to store and integrate all the I/R-relevant data. Physical integration is putting all your data into a single store, and then using it as a central repository for response. Logical integration uses valuable pieces of threat intelligence to search for issues within your environment, using separate systems for internal and external data. We are not religious about how you handle it, but there are advantages to centralizing all data in one place. So as long as you can do your job, though – collecting TI and using it to focus investigation – either way works. Vendors providing big data security all want to be your physical aggregation point, but results are what matters, not where you store data. Of course we are talking about a huge amount of data, so your choices for both data sources and I/R aggregation platform are critical parts of building an effective response process. No Data (Cloud) So what happens to response now that you don’t control a lot of the data used by your corporate systems? The data may reside with a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, or your application may be deployed in a cloud computing service. In data centers with traditional networks it’s pretty straightforward to run traffic through inspection points, capture data as needed, and then perform forensic investigation. In the cloud, not so much. To be clear, moving your computing to the cloud doesn’t totally eliminate your ability to monitor and investigate your systems, but your visibility into what’s happening on those systems using traditional technologies is dramatically limited. So the first step for I/R in the cloud has nothing to do with technology. It’s all about governance. Ugh. I know most security professionals just felt a wave of nausea hit. The G word is not what anyone wants to hear. But it’s pretty much the only way to establish the rules of engagement with cloud service providers. What kinds of things need to be defined? SLAs: One

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Understanding and Selecting RASP: Use Cases

As you might expect, the primary function of RASP is to protect web applications against known and emerging threats; it is typically deployed to block attacks at the application layer, before vulnerabilities can be exploited. There is no question that the industry needs application security platforms – major new vulnerabilities are disclosed just about every week. And there are good reasons companies look to outside security vendors to help protect their applications. Most often we hear that firms simply have too many critical vulnerabilities to fix in a timely manner, with many reporting their backlog would take years to fix. In many cases the issue is legacy applications – ones which probably should never have been put on the Internet. These applications are often unsupported, with the engineers who developed them no longer available, or the platforms so fragile that they become unstable if security fixes are applied. And in many cases it is simply economics: the cost of securing the application itself is financially unfeasible, so companies are willing to accept the risk, instead choosing to address threats externally as best they can. But if these were the only reasons, organizations could simply use one of the many older technologies to application security, rather than needing RASP. Astute readers will notice that these are, by and large, the classic use cases for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). So why do people select RASP in lieu of more mature – and in many cases already purchased and deployed – technologies like IDS or WAF? The simple answer is that the use cases are different enough to justify a different solution. RASP integrates security one large step from “security bolted on” toward “security from within”. But to understand the differences between use cases, you first need to understand how user requirements differ, and where they are not adequately addressed by those older technologies. The core requirements above are givens, but the differences in how RASP is employed are best illustrated by a handful of use cases. Use Cases APIs & Automation: Most of our readers know what Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are, and how they are used. Less clear is the greatly expanding need for programatic interfaces in security products, thanks to application delivery disruptions caused by cloud computing. Cloud service models – whether deployment is private, public, or hybrid – enable much greater efficiencies as networks, servers, and applications can all be constructed and tested as software. APIs are how we orchestrate building, testing, and deployment of applications. Security products like RASP – unlike IDS and most WAFs – offer their full platform functionality via APIs, enabling software engineers to work with RASP in the manner their native metaphor. Development Processes: As more application development teams tackle application vulnerabilities within the development cycle, they bring different product requirements than IT or security teams applying security controls post-deployment. It’s not enough for security products to identify and address vulnerabilities – they need to fit the development model. Software development processes are evolving (notably via continuous integration, continuous deployment, and DevOps) to leverage advantages of virtualization and cloud services. Speed is imperative, so RASP embedded within the application stack, providing real-time monitoring and blocking, supports more agile approaches. Application Awareness: As attackers continue to move up the stack, from networks to servers and then to applications, it is becoming more distinguish attacks from normal usage. RASP is differentiated by its ability to include application context in security policies. Many WAFs offer ‘positive’ security capabilities (particularly whitelisting valid application requests), but being embedded within applications provides additional application knowledge and instrumentation capabilities to RASP deployments. Further, some RASP platforms help developers by specifically reference modules or lines of suspect code. For many development teams, potentially better detection capabilities are less valuable than having RASP pinpoint vulnerable code. Pre-Deployment Validation: For cars, pacemakers, and software, it has been proven over decades that the earlier in the production cycle errors are discovered, the easier – and cheaper – they are to fix. This means testing in general, and security testing specifically, works better earlier into the development process. Rather than relying on vulnerability scanners and penetration testers after an application has been launched, we see more and more application security testing performed prior to deployment. Again, this is not impossible with other application-centric tools, but RASP is easier to build into automated testing. Our next post will talk about deployment, and working RASP into development pipelines. Share:

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