

Splunk and Unstructured Data

“What the heck is up with Splunk”? It’s a question I have been getting a lot lately. From end users and SIEM vendors. Larry Walsh posted a nice article on how Splunk Disrupts Security Log Auditing. His post prodded me into getting off my butt and blogging about this question. I wanted to follow up on Splunk after I wrote the post on Amazon’s SimpleDB as it relates to what I am calling the blob-ification of data. Basically creating so much data that we cannot possibly keep it in a structured environment. Mike Rothman more accurately called it ” … the further decomposition of application architecture”. In this case we collect some type of data from some type of device, put it onto some type of storage, and then we use a Google-esque search tool to find what we are looking for. And the beauty of Google is that it does not care if it is a web page or voice mail transcript – it will find what you are looking for if you give it reasonable search criteria. In essence that is the value Splunk provides a tool to find information in a sea of data. It is easy to locate information within a structure repository with known attributes and data types, and we know where certain pieces of information are stored. With unstructured data we may not know what we have or where it is located. For some time normalization techniques were used to introduce structure and reduce storage requirements, but that was a short-lived/low performance approach. Adding attributes to raw data and just linking back to those attributes is far more efficient. Enter Splunk. Throw the data into flat files and index those files. Techniques of tokenization, tagging, and indexing help categorize data with the ultimate goal of correlating events and reporting on unstructured data of differing types. Splunk is not the only vendor who does – several SIEM and Log Management vendors do the same or similar. My point is not that one vendor is better than another, but point out the general trend. It is interesting that Splunk’s success in this area has even taken their competitors by surprise. Larry’s point … “The growth Splunk is achieving is due, in part, to penetrating deeper into the security marketplace and disrupting the conventional log management and auditing vendors.” … is accurate. But they are are able to do this because of the increased volume of data we are collecting. People are data pack-rats. From experience, less than 1% of the logged data I collect has any value. Far too, often organizations do not invest the time to determine what can be thrown away. Many are too chicken to throw useless data away. They don’t want to discard data, just in case it has value, just in case you need it, just in case it contains the needle in the haystack you need for a forensic investigation. I don’t want to be buried under the wash of useless data. My recommendation is to take the time to understand what data you have, determine what you need, and throw the rest away. The pessimist in me knows that this is unlikely to happen. We are not going to start throwing data away. Storage and computing power are cheap, and we are going to store every possible piece of data we can. Amazon S3 will be the digital equivalent of those U-Haul Self Storage places where you keep your grandmother’s china and all the crap you really don’t want, but think has value. That means we must have Google-like search approaches and indexing strategies that vendors like Splunk provide just to navigate the stuff. Look for unstructured search techniques to be much sought after as the data volumes continue to grow out of control. Hopefully the vendors will begin tagging data with an expiration date. Share:

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Hacking Envelopes

This story begins early last week with a phone call from a bank I hold accounts with. I didn’t actually answer the call but a polite voice mail informed me of possible fraudulent activity and stated I should call them back as soon as possible. First and foremost I thought this part of my story was a social engineering exercise, but I quickly validated the phone number as being legit, unless of course this was some fantastic setup that was either man-in-the-middling the bank’s site (which would allow them to publish the number as valid) or the number itself had been hijacked. Tinfoil hat aside, I called the bank. A friendly fraud services representative handled my call and in less than twenty minutes we had both come to the conclusion my card for the account in question was finally compromised. By finally, I mean roughly seven years as being my primary vehicle for payment on a daily basis. But this, ladies and gentlemen, is not where the fun started. No, I had to wait for the mail for that. Fast forward five to seven business days, when a replacement card showed up in my lockbox which, interestingly, is an often-ignored benefit of living in a high density residence. This particular day I received a rather thick stack of mail that included half a dozen similarly sized envelopes. Unfortunately, I quickly knew (without opening any of them) which one contained my new card – and it wasn’t based on feel. One would think a financial institution might go to trivial lengths to protect card data within an envelope, but clearly not in this case. The problem I had was that four of the sixteen numbers were readable because, and I’m assuming here, some automatic feeding mechanism at the post office put enough pressure on the embossed card number to reprint the number on the outside of the envelope. It was like someone had run that part of the card through an old-school carbon card copy machine. At this point my mail turned into a pseudo scratch lottery game and I was quickly to trying household items to finish what had already been started. I was a winner on the second try (the Clinique “smoldering plum – blushing blush powder brush” was a failure – my fiance was not impressed, and clearly I’ve watched too much CSI: Miami). Turns out a simple brass key is all that is needed to reveal the rest of the numbers, name, and expiration. At this point I’m conflicted, with two different ideas: Relief and confusion: The card security code isn’t embossed. So why must the rest of it be? Social engineering: If obtaining card data like this was easy enough, I could devise a scheme where I called recipients new cards with enough data to sound like the bank for many people to give me the security codes. After considerable thought I feel it’s safe to say that the current method of card distribution poses a low but real level of risk, wherein a significant amount of card data can be discerned short of brute force on the envelope itself. Is it possible? Surely. Is it efficient? Not really. Would someone notice the card data on the back of the envelope? Maybe. But damn – now it really makes sense that folks just go after card data TJX-style, considering all the extra effort in this route. Share:

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IDM: Roles, Authorization and Data Centric Security

There were some great comments on my last post, which bring to light a serious problem with the way authorization is done today and how roles don’t help as much as we’d like. First we hear from LonerVamp: And even if you get the authentication part down, very few apps that I’ve seen then tie back into whatever is in place for role management. This is an important point that often gets glossed over by IDM vendors. It turns out that while many applications have support for third party authentication mechanisms, very few have support for third party authorization methods. Which means that even if you can centralize your identities for the purposes of account creation/deletion, you still have to manage use inside each application. Furthermore, many of the applications that claim to support third party authorization really turn out to only support third party groups in LDAP or RADIUS, but you still have to map those groups onto roles within the applications. Andrew Yeomans followed up with his own comment that shows that he’s been a dedicated Securosis reader for a while now: I’m starting to think that a data-centric approach may be a way forward. Today, authorizations are generally enforced by applications. Now firstly this leads to high complexity (as you describe) as there is no unifying set of “policy decision points” and “policy enforcement points”. Secondly, it allows for authorization restrictions to be bypassed by other applications that have access to the same data. Andrew really hits the nail on the head here. We need to continue our shift towards Data-centric Security. The Data Security Lifecycle explicitly assumes that you can properly assign and control rights to who has what data, which is why IDM is so important. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you don’t know who is accessing the data, how can you possibly tell if it is being abused or misused? Finally Omie asked: I’ve been hearing too much about identity management recently and how the move to roles will solve our compliance problems. And I’ve been wondering and asking how we plan to keep the roles maintained over time. Of course I’ve also been under the impression that every other organization has figured that out except ours, but your post is making me rethink that assumption. If there are some best practices/examples of how to approach role maintenance, I would love to learn about them. Roles can definitely help you out with compliance, but you are correct – role maintenance is definitely a challenge. There is often an implicit assumption that roles, like the rest of the application configuration, are static, when in reality roles tend be dynamic so you absolutely need a process for adapting roles as necessary. Often the complexity of the application causes admins to add roles rather then edit the existing ones because it is easier in the short term. But in the long run this causes extra complexity. I’ll go into more details on this issue and how to deal with it in a later post, so stay tuned. In the meantime, NIST recently published some documents from their recent Privilege (Access) Management Workshop. In particular, you should check out A Survey of Access Control Models, to give you an idea of some ways that role based access control is problematic. Share:

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The First Phishing Email I Almost Fell For

Like many of you, I get a ton of spam/phishing email to my various accounts. Since my email is very public, I get a little more than most people. It’s so bad I use 3 layers of spam/virus filtering, and still have some messages slip through (1 cloud based filter [Postini, which will probably change soon], one on-premise UTM [Astaro], and SpamSieve on my Mac). If something gets through all of that, I still have some additional precautions I take on my desktop to (hopefully) help against targeted malware. Despite all that, I assume that someday I’ll be compromised, and it will probably be ugly. This morning I got the first phishing email in a very long time that almost tricked me into clicking. It came from “Administrator” at one of my hosts and read: Attention! On October 22, 2009 server upgrade will take place. Due to this the system may be offline for approximately half an hour. The changes will concern security, reliability and performance of mail service and the system as a whole. For compatibility of your browsers and mail clients with upgraded server software you should run SSl certificates update procedure. This procedure is quite simple. All you have to do is just to click the link provided, to save the patch file and then to run it from your computer location. That’s all. http://updates.[cut for safety] Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter and sorry for possible inconveniences. System Administrator Two things tipped me off. First, that system is a private one administered by a friend. While he does send updates like this out, he always signs them with his name. Second, the URL is clearly not really that domain (but you have to read the entire thing). And finally, it leads to an Active Server Pages domain, which that administrator never uses since our system is *nix based. But it was early in the morning, I hadn’t had coffee yet, and we often need to upgrade our SSL after a system update on this server, so I still almost clicked on it. According to Twitter this is a Zbot generated message: SecBarbie: RT @mikkohypponen ZBot malware being spammed out right now in emails starting “On October 22, 2009 server upgrade will take place” Ignore it. Thanks Erin! It’s interesting that despite multiple obvious markers this was malicious, and be being very attuned to these sorts of things, I still almost clicked on it. It just goes to show you how easy it is to screw up and make a mistake, even when you’re a paranoid freak who really shouldn’t be let out of the house. Share:

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Friday Summary – October 16, 2009

All last week I was out of the office on vacation down in Puerto Vallarta. It was a trip my wife and I won in a raffle at the Phoenix Zoo, which was pretty darn cool. I managed to unplug far more than I can usually get away with these days. I had to bring the laptop due to an ongoing client project, but nothing hit and I never had to open it up. I did keep up with email, and that’s where things got interesting. Before heading down I added the international plan to my iPhone, for about $7, which would bring my per-minute costs in Mexico down from $1 per minute to around $.69 a minute. Since we talked less than 21 minutes total on the phone down there, we lose. For data, I signed up for the 20 MB plan at a wonderfully fair $25. You don’t want to know what a 50 MB plan costs. Since I’ve done these sorts of things before (like the Moscow trip where I could never bring myself to look at the bill), I made sure I reset my usage on the iPhone so I could carefully track how much I used. The numbers were pretty interesting – checking my email ranged from about 500K to 1MB per check. I have a bunch of email accounts, and might have cut that down if I disabled all but my primary accounts. I tried to check email only about 2-3 times a day, only responding to the critical messages (1-4 a day). That ate through the bandwidth so quickly I couldn’t even conceive of checking the news, using Maps, or nearly any other online action. In 4 days I ran through about 14 MB, giving me a bit more space on the last day to occupy myself at the airport. To put things in perspective, a satellite phone (which you can rent for trips – you don’t have to buy) is only $1 per minute, although the data is severely restricted (on Iridium, unless you go for a pricey BGAN). Since I was paying $3/minute on my Russia trip, next time I go out there I’ll be renting the sat phone. So for those of you who travel internationally and want to stay in touch… good luck. -rich On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian’s Dark Reading post on Getting Around Vertical Database Security. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich, Mort, and Adrian: Which Bits Are the Right Bits. We all independently picked this one, which either means it’s really good, or everything else we did this week sucked. Meier: It Isn’t Risk Management If You Can’t Lose. Other Securosis Posts Where Art Thou, Security Logging? IDM: Reality Sets In Barracuda Networks Acquires Purewire Microsoft Security Updates for October 2009 Personal Information Dump Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Michael Howard’s post on the SMBv2 bug and the Microsoft SDL. This kind of analysis is invaluable. Adrian: Well, the entire Protect the Data series really. Mortman: Think, over at the New School blog. Meier: Security Intelligence: Attacking the Kill Chain. (Part three of a series on security principles in network defense.) Top News and Posts Mozilla Launches Plugin Checker. This is great, but needs to be automatic for Flash/QuickTime. Adobe recommends turning off JavaScript in Acrobat/Reader due to major vulnerability. I recommend uninstalling Acrobat/Reader, since it’s probably the biggest single source of cross platform 0-days. Air New Zealand describes reason for outage. Not directly security, but a good lesson anyway. I’ve lost content in the past due to these kinds of assumptions. Google to send information about hacked Web sites to owners. Details of Wal-Mart’s major security breach. Greg Young on enterprise UTM and Unicorns. Microsoft fixes Windows 7 (and other) bugs. Delta being sued over email hack. 29 Bugs fixed by Adobe. California County hoarding data. Mozilla Plugin Check. Paychoice Data Breach. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment comes from Rob in response to Which Bits are the Right Bits: Perhaps it is not well understood that audit logs are generally not immutable. There may also be low awareness of the value of immutable logs: 1) to protect against anti-forensics tools; 2) in proving compliance due diligence, and; 3) in providing a deterrent against insider threats. Share:

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It Isn’t Risk Management If You Can’t Lose

I was reviewing the recent Health and Human Services guidance on medical data breach notifications and it’s clear that the HHS either was bought off, or doesn’t understand the fundamentals of risk assessment. Having a little bit of inside experience within HHS, my vote is for willful ignorance. Basically, the HHS provides some good security guidance, then totally guts it. Here’s a bit from the source article with the background: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) required HHS to issue a rule on breach notification. In its interim final rule, HHS established a harm standard: breach does not occur unless the access, use or disclosure poses “a significant risk of financial, reputational, or other harm to individual.” In the event of a breach, HHS’ rule requires covered entities to perform a risk assessment to determine if the harm standard is met. If they decide that the risk of harm to the individual is not significant, the covered entities never have to tell their patients that their sensitive health information was breached. You have to love a situation where the entity performing the risk assessment for a different entity (patients) is always negatively impacted by disclosure, and never impacted by secrecy. In other words, the group that would be harmed by protecting you gets to decide your risk. Yeah, that will work. This is like the credit rating agencies, many aspects of fraud and financial services, and more than a few breach notification laws. The entities involved face different sources of potential losses, but the entity performing the assessment has an inherent bias to mis-assess (usually by under-assessing) the risk faced by the target. Now, if everyone involved is altruistic and unbiased this all works like a charm. Hell, even in Star Trek they don’t think human behavior that perfect. Share:

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IDM: Reality Sets In

IDM fascinates me, if only because it is such an important base for a good security program. Despite this, many organizations (even ones with cutting edge technology) haven’t really focused on solving the issues around managing users’ identity. This is, no doubt, in part due to the fact that IDM is hard in the real world. Businesses can have hundreds if not thousands of applications (GM purportedly had over 15,000 apps at one point) and each application itself can have hundreds or thousands of roles within it. Combine this with multiple methods of authentication and authorization, and you have a major problem on your hands which makes digging into the morass challenging to say the least. I also suspect IDM gets ignored because it does not warrant playing with fun toys, so as a result, doesn’t get appropriate attention from the technophiles. Don’t get me wrong – there are some great technologies out there to help solve the problem, but no matter what tools you have at your disposal, IDM is fundamentally not a technology problem but a process issue. I cannot possibly emphasize this enough. In the industry we love to say that security is about People, Process, and Technology. Well, IDM is pretty much all about Process, with People and Technology supporting it. Process is an area that many security folks have trouble with, perhaps due to lack of experience. This is why I generally recommend that security be part of designing the IDM processes, policies, and procedures – but that the actual day to day stuff be handled by the IT operations teams who have the experience and discipline to make it work properly. DS had a great comment on my last post, which is well worth reading in its entirety, but today there is one part I’d like to highlight because it nicely shows the general process that should be followed regardless of organization size: While certainly not exhaustive, the above simple facts can help build a closed loop process. When someone changes roles, IT gets notified how. A request is placed by a manager or employee to gain access to a system. If employee request, manager must(?) approve. If approved as “in job scope” by manager, system owner approves. IT (or system owner in decentralized case) provisions necessary access. Requester is notified. Five steps, not terribly complicated and easy to do, and essentially what happens when someone gets hired. For termination, all you really need are steps 1, 2, and 5 – but in reverse. This process can even work in large decentralized organizations, provided you can figure out (a) the notification/request process for access changes and (b) a work flow process for driving through the above cycle. (a) is where the Info Sec team has to get outside the IT department and talk to the business. This is huge. I’ve talked in the past about the need for IT to understand the business and IDM is a great example of why. This isn’t directly about business goals or profit/loss margins, but rather about understanding how the business operates on a day to day basis. Don’t assume that IT knows what applications are being used – in many organizations IT only provides the servers and sometimes only the servers for the basic infrastructure. So sit down with the various business units and find out what applications/services are being used and what process they are using today to provision users, who is handling that process, and what changes if any they’d like to see to the process. This is an opportunity to figure out which applications/services need to be part of your IDM initiative (this could be compliance, audit, corporate mandate etc.) and which ones currently aren’t relevant. It has the added benefit of discovering where data is flowing, which is key to not only compliance mandates under HIPAA, SOX, and the European Data Directive (to name a few), but also incredibly handy when electronic discovery is necessary. One all this data has been gathered, you can evaluate the various technologies available and see if they can help. This could be anything from a web app to manage change requests, to workflow (see below), to a full-scale automated access provisioning and de-provisioning system, driven by the approval process. Once you’ve solved (a), (b) is comparatively straightforward and another place where technology can make life easier. The best part is that your organization likely has something like this deployed for other reasons, so the additional costs should be relatively low. Once your company/department/university/etc. grows to a decent size and/or starts to decentralize, manually following the process will become more and more cumbersome, especially as the number of supported applications goes up. A high rate of job role changes within the organization has a similar effect. So some sort of software that automatically notifies employees when they have tasks will greatly streamline the process and help people get the access they need much more quickly. Workflow software is also a great source of performance metrics and can help provide the necessary logs when dealing with audit or compliance issues. As I mentioned above, the business reality for many organizations is far from pristine or clear, so in my next post I’ll explore more those issues in more depth. For now, suffice it to say that until you address those issues, the above process will work best with a small company with fewer apps/auth methods. If you are involved in a larger more complex organization, all is not lost. In that case, I highly recommend that you not try to fix things all at once, but start with one a group or sub-group within the organization and roll out there first. Once you’ve worked out the kinks, you can roll in more and more groups over time. Share:

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Where Art Thou, Security Logging?

Today you’d be hard pressed to find a decent sized network that doesn’t have some implementation of Security Event Management (SEM). It’s just a fact of modern regulation that a centralized system to collect all that logolicious information makes sense (and may be mandatory). Part of the problem with architecting and managing these systems is that one runs into the issue of securely collecting the information and subsequently verifying its authenticity. Almost every network-aware product you might buy today has a logging capability, generally based on syslog – RFC3164. Unfortunately, as defined, syslog doesn’t provide much security. In fact if you need a good laugh I’d suggest reading section 6 of the RFC. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you start to digest information about odors, moths and spiders. It becomes apparent, very quickly, when reading subparagraphs 6.1 through 6.10, that the considerations outlined are there more to tip you off that the authors already know syslog provides minimal security – so don’t complain to them. At this point most sane people question using such a protocol at all because surely there must be something better, right? Yes and no. First let me clarify: I didn’t set out to create an exhaustive comparison of [enter your favorite alternative to syslog here] for this writeup. Sure RFC5424 obsoletes the originally discussed RFC3164 and yes RFC5425 addresses using TLS as a transport to secure syslog. Or maybe it would be better to configure BEEP on your routers and let’s not forget about the many proprietary and open source agents that you can install on your servers and workstations. I freely admit there are some great technologies to read about in event logging technology. The point though is that since there is considerable immaturity and many options to choose from, most environments fall back to the path of least resistance: good ol’ syslog over UDP. Unfortunately I’ve never been asked how to do logging right by a client. As long as events are streaming to the SEM and showing up on the glass in the NOC/SOC, it’s not a question that comes up. It may not even be a big deal right now, but I’d be willing to bet you’ll see more on the topic as audits become more scrutinizing. Shouldn’t the integrity of that data be something a little more robust than the unreliable, unauthentic, repudiable and completely insecure protocol you probably have in production? You don’t have to thank me later, but I’d start thinking about it now. Share:

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Which Bits Are the Right Bits?

(The following post covers some rather esoteric bits of security philosophy, or what Rich has affectionately called “Security Jazz” in the past. Unless you are into obscure data-centric security minutiae, you will probably not be interested). Richard Bejtlich tweeted and posted on data integrity: The trustworthiness of a digital asset is limited by the owner’s capability to detect incidents compromising the integrity of that asset. This statement is absolutely correct and a really important point that is often overlooked. The problem is that most technologies which produce digital assets do not build tamper detection in, thus giving owners no way to detect integrity violtaions. And far too often people confuse interested party with owner of digital assets, as there can be many copies, each in the possession of a different person or group. It’s not that we can’t provide validation, because technology exists to provide assurance and authenticity. Let’s look at an example: Who owns syslog data? Is it the IT administrator? The security professional? An auditor? In my opinion, none of them do. The OS owns the syslog, as it created the content. Much like you may think you own ‘your’ credit card number, but you don’t – it is something the issuing bank created and owns. They are the custodians of that number, and change it when they choose to. syslog has no way to verify the contents of the log it creates over time. We take it on faith that it is unlikely a log file was corrupted or altered. If we need to verify integrity in the future, too bad. If you did not build in safeguards and a method for validating integrity when you created the data, it’s too late. The trustworthiness of the digital asset is limited to the owner’s capability to detect a compromise, and for many digital assets like syslog, that is nil. For most digital assets, it is sufficient that we use them every day, as this provides sufficient confidence in their integrity. Encryption keys are a useful example. If the keys are corrupted, especially in a public-key situation, either the encryption or decryption operations fail. We may keep a backup somewhere safe to compare our working copy to, and while that can be effective in the most common problem situations, it’s only relevant for certain (common) use cases. Digital assets have an additional challenge over physical objects in terms of generations. Even if we can verify a particular iteration of a digital object, we can have infinite copies, so we need to be able to verify the most current iteration is in use. For digital assets like encryption keys, account numbers, access tokens, and digital representations of self, the owner has a strong vested interest in not sharing the asset, keeping it safe, and possibly even keeping redundant copies against future emergencies or for verification. There are several technologies to prove integrity, they are just not used much. I posted a comment on Richard’s blog to this effect: The trustworthiness of a digital asset is limited more by the trustworthiness of the owner than tamper detection. An owner with desire of privacy and data integrity has the means to protect digital assets. Richard’s premise is an important one as we very seldom build in safeguards to validate ownership, state, authenticity or integrity. Non-repudiation tools and digital escrow services are nearly non-existent. There simply is not enough motivation to implement the tools we have which can provide assurance. Gunnar Peterson blogged on this subject earlier this week as well, taking a slightly more applied look at the problem. His statement that these issues are outside the purview of DLP are absolutely correct. DLP is an outside-in model. This discussion has more to do with Digital Rights Management, which is an inside-out model. The owner must attest to integrity, and while a 3rd party proxy such as a DLP service could be entrusted with object escrow and integrity certification, it would require an alteration of the DLP’s “discover and protect” model. DRM is designed to be part of the application that creates the digital object, and while it is not often discussed, digital object ownership is part of that responsibility. Attestation to ownership is not possible without some form of integrity and state checking. I have seen select DRM systems that were interested in high integrity, but none were commercially viable. Which answers Gunnar’s question: Our ability using today’s technologies to deliver vastly improved audit logging is, I believe, a worthwhile and achievable goal. But it’s fair to ask – why hasn’t it happened yet? There has been no financial incentive to do so. We have had excellent immutable log technologies for years but they are only used in limited cases. Web application audit trails are an interesting application of this technology and easy to do, but there is no compelling business problem motivating people to spend money on retrofitting what they have. I would like to see this type of feature for consumer protection, built into financial transactions where we really need to protect consumers from shoddy corporate record-keeping and failed banking institutions. Share:

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Microsoft Security Updates for October 2009

We don’t normally cover Patch Tuesday unless there is something unusual, but the October 2009 advanced notification appears to be just that. It lists patches for 13 different security bulletins, for what looks like 30 separate security problems. Eight of the bulletins are for critical vulnerabilities with the possibility of remote code execution. The majority of the patches are for Windows itself, with a couple for SQL Server, Office, and Forefront, but it looks like just about every production version of Windows is affected. Given the scope of this security patch and the seriousness of the bugs, it looks like IT departments are going to be working overtime for a while. Details of each of the vulnerabilities will be released later today, and I will update this post with specific points of interest as I find them. I am assuming that at least one of the patches is in response to the Server Message Block vulnerability discovered back in August. IIS is not listed as one of the affected products, but odds are the underlying OS will be, and folks will be restarting app servers either way. I am still trying to determine the issue with SQL Server. More to come… ==== Updated ==== Microsoft has updated the bulletin and included the security advisory links and some details on the threats. The SQL Server vulnerability is not within the core database engine, but the GDI ActiveX library in the print server. It’s in 2005, not 2000. When SQL Server Reporting Services is installed, the affected installations of SQL Server software may host the RSClientPrint ActiveX control. This ActiveX control distributes a copy of gdiplus.dll containing the affected code. Customers are only impacted when the RSClientPrint ActiveX control is installed on Microsoft Windows 2000 operating systems. If the RSClientPrint ActiveX control is installed on any other operating system, the system version of GDI+ will be used and the corresponding operating system update will protect them. The GDI+ vulnerability pretty much allows you to take down any Microsoft platform or function that uses the GDI dll, which is basically anything that uses images for forms, which is just about everything. My earlier comment that IIS was not listed was true, but there is in fact a bug linked to IIS: version 5.0 of the FTP service is vulnerable to remote code exploitation. Some of the exploits have workarounds and can be masked through firewall and web application firewall settings, however given the number and severity of the issues, we do recommend patching as soon as possible. Share:

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  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.