

Threat Detection Evolution: Why Evolve? [New Series]

As we discussed recently in Network-based Threat Detection, prevention isn’t good enough any more. Every day we see additional proof that adversaries cannot be reliably stopped. So we have started to see the long-awaited movement of focus and funding from prevention, to detection and investigation. That said, for years security practitioners have been trying to make sense of security data to shorten the window between compromise and detection – largely unsuccessfully. Not to worry – we haven’t become the latest security Chicken Little, warning everyone that the sky is falling. Mostly because it fell a long time ago, and we have been working to pick up the pieces ever since. It can be exhausting to chase alert after alert, never really knowing which are false positives and which indicate real active adversaries in your environment. Something has to change – it is time to advance the practice of detection, to provide better and more actionable alerts. This requires thinking more broadly about detection, and starting to integrate the various different security monitoring systems in use today. So it’s time to bring our recent research on detection and threat intelligence together within the context of Threat Detection Evolution. As always, we are thankful that some forward-looking organizations see value in licensing our content to educate their customers. AlienVault plans to license the resulting paper at the conclusion of the series, and we will build the content using our Totally Transparent Research methodology. (Mostly) Useless Data There is no lack of security data. All your devices stream data all the time. Network devices, security devices, servers, and endpoints all generate a ton of log data. Then you collect vulnerability data, configuration data, and possibly network flows or even network packets. You look for specific attacks with tools like intrusion detection devices and SIEM, which generate lots of alerts. You probably have all this security data in a variety of places, with separate policies to generate alerts implemented within each monitoring tool. It’s hard enough to stay on top of a handful of consoles generating alerts, but when you get upwards of a dozen or more, getting a consistent view of your environment isn’t really feasible. It’s not that all this data is useless. But it’s not really useful either. There is value in having the data, but you can’t really unlock its value without performing some level of integration, normalization, and analytics on the data. We have heard it said that finding attackers is like finding a needle in a stack of needles. It’s not a question of whether there is a needle there – you need to figure out which needle is the one poking you. This amount of traffic and activity generates so much data that it is trivial for adversaries to hide in plain sight, obfuscating their malicious behavior in a morass of legitimate activity. You cannot really figure out what’s important until it’s too late. And it’s not getting easier – cloud computing and mobility promise to disrupt the traditional order of how technology is delivered and information is consumed by employees, customers, and business partners, so there will be more data and more activity to further complicate threat detection. Minding the Store… In the majority of our discussions with practitioners, sooner or later we get around to the challenge of finding skilled resources to implement the security program. It’s not a funding thing – companies are willing to invest, given the high profile of threats. The challenge is resource availability, and unfortunately there is no easy fix. The security industry is facing a large enough skills gap that there is no obvious answer. Why can’t security practitioners be identified? What are the constraints on training more people to do security? It is actually pretty counter-intuitive, because security isn’t a typical job. It’s hard for a n00b to come in and be productive their first couple years. Even those with formal (read: academic) training in security disciplines need a couple years of operational experience before they start to become productive. And a particular mindset is required to handle a job where true success is a myth. It’s not a matter of whether an organization will be breached – it’s when, and that is hard for most people to deal with day after day. Additionally, if your organization is not a Global 1000 company or major consulting firm, finding qualified staff is even harder because you have many of the same problems as a large enterprise, but far less budget and available skills to solve it. Clearly what we are doing is insufficient to address the issue moving forward. So we need to look at the problem differently. It’s not a challenge that can be fixed by throwing people at it, because there aren’t enough people. It’s not a challenge that can be fixed by throwing products at it either, because organizations both large and small have been trying for years with poor results. Our industry needs to evolve its tactics to focus on doing the most important things more efficiently. Efficiency and Integration When you don’t have enough staff you need to make your existing staff far more efficient. That typically involves two different tactics: Minimize False Positives and Negatives: The thing that burns up more time than anything else is chasing alerts into ratholes and then finding out that they are out to be false positives. So making sure alerts represent real risk is the best efficiency increase you can manage. Obviously you also want to minimize false negatives because when you miss an attack you will spend a ton of time cleaning it up. Overall you need to focus on minimizing errors to get better utilization out of your limited staff. Automate: The other aspect of increasing efficiency is automation of non-strategic functions where possible. There isn’t a lot of value in making individual IPS rule changes based on reliable threat intel or vulnerability data. Once you can trust your automation, you can have your folks do tasks that aren’t suited to automation, like triaging possible attacks. The other way to make better

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Contribute to the Cloud Security Alliance Guidance: Community Drives, Securosis Writes

This week we start one of the cooler projects in the history of Securosis. The Cloud Security Alliance contracted Securosis to write the next version of the CSA Guidance. (Okay, the full title is “Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing”). The Guidance is a foundational document at the CSA, used by a ton of organizations to define security programs when they start jumping into the world of cloud. It’s currently on version 3, which is long in the tooth, so we are starting version 4. One of the problems with the previous version is that it was compiled from materials developed by over a dozen working groups. The editors did their best, but there are overlaps, gaps, and readability issues. To address those the CSA hired us to come in and write the new version. But a cornerstone of the CSA is community involvement, so we have come up with a hybrid approach for the next version. During each major stage we will combine our Totally Transparent Research process with community involvement. Here are the details: Right now the CSA is collecting feedback on the existing Guidance. The landing page is here, and it directs you to a Google document of the current version where anyone can make suggestions. This is the only phase of the project in Google Docs, because we only have a Word version of the existing Guidance. We (Securosis) will take the public feedback and outline each domain for the new version. These will be posted for feedback on GitHub (exact project address TBD). After we get input on the outlines we will write first drafts, also on GitHub. Then the CSA will collect another round of feedback and suggestions. Based on those, we will write a “near final” version and put that out for final review. GitHub not only allows us to collect input, but also to keep the entire writing and editing process public. In terms of writing, most of the Securosis team is involved. We have also contracted two highly experienced professional tech writers and editors to maintain voice and consistency. Pure community projects are often hard to manage, keep on schedule, and keep consistent… so we hope this open, transparent approach, backed by professional analysts and writers with cloud security experience, will help keep things on track, while still fully engaging the community. We won’t be blogging this content, but we will post notes here as we move between major phases of the project. For now, take a look at the current version and let the CSA know about what major changes you would like to see. Share:

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Network Security Gateway Evolution [New Series]

(Note: We’re restarting this series over the next week, so we are reposting the intro to get things moving again. – Mike ) When is a firewall not a firewall? I am not being cute – that is a serious question. The devices that masquerade as firewalls today provide much more than just an access control on the edge of your network(s). Some of our influential analyst friends dubbed the category next generation firewall (NGFW), but that criminally undersells the capabilities of these devices. The “killer app” for NGFW remains enforcement of security policies by application (and even functions within applications), rather than merely by ports and protocols. This technology has matured since we last covered the enterprise firewall space in Understanding and Selecting an Enterprise Firewall. Virtually all firewall devices being deployed now (except very low-end gear) have the ability to enforce application-level policies in some way. But, as with most new technologies, having new functionality doesn’t mean the capabilities are being used well. Taking full advantage of application-aware policies requires a different way of thinking about network security, which will take time for the market to adapt to. At the same time many network security vendors continue to integrate their previously separate FW and IPS devices into common architectures/platforms. They have also combined network-based malware detection and some light identity and content filtering/protection features. If this sounds like UTM, that shouldn’t be surprising – the product categories (UTM and NGFW) provide very similar functionality, just handled differently under the hood. Given this long-awaited consolidation, we see rapid evolution in the network security market. Besides additional capabilities integrated into NGFW devices, we also see larger chassis-based models, smaller branch office devices, and even virtualized and cloud-based configurations to extend these capabilities to every point in the network. Improved threat intelligence integration is also available to block current threats. Now is a good time to revisit our research from a couple years ago. The drivers for selection and procurement have changed since our last look at the field. But, as mentioned above, these devices are much more than firewalls. So we use the horribly pedestrian Network Security Gateway moniker to describe what network security devices look like moving forward. We are pleased to launch the Network Security Gateway Evolution series, describing how to most effectively use the devices for the big 3 network security functions: access control (FW), threat prevention (IPS), and malware detection. Given the forward-looking nature of our research, we will dig into a few additional use cases we are seeing – including data center segmentation, branch office protection, and protecting those pesky private/public cloud environments. As always, we develop our research using our Totally Transparent Research methodology, ensuring no hidden influence on the research. The Path to NG Before we jump into how the NSG is evolving, we need to pay our respects to where it has been. The initial use case for NGFW was sitting next to an older port/protocol firewall and providing visibility int which applications are being used, and by whom. Those reports showing, in gory detail, all the nonsense employees get up to on the corporate network (much of it using corporate devices) at the end of the product test, tend to be quite pretty enlightening for the network security team and executives. Once your organization saw the light with real network activity, you couldn’t unsee it. So you needed to take action, enforcing policies on those applications. This action leveraged capabilities such as blocking email access via a webmail interface, detecting and stopping file uploads to Dropbox, and detecting/preventing Facebook photo uploads. It all sounds a bit trivial nowadays, but a few years ago organizations had real trouble enforcing this kind of policies on web traffic. Once the devices were enforcing policy-based control over application traffic, and then matured to offer feature parity with existing devices in areas like VPN and NAT, we started to see significant migration. Some of the existing network security vendors couldn’t keep up with these NGFW competitive threats, so we have seen a dramatic shift in the enterprise market share over the past few years, creating a catalyst for multi-billion M&A. The next step has been the move from NGFW to NSG through adding non-FW capabilities such as threat prevention. Yes, that means not only enforcement of positive policies (access control), but also detecting attacks like a network intrusion prevention device (IPS) works. The first versions of these integrated devices could not compare to a ‘real’ (standalone) IPS, but as time marches on we expect NSGs to reach feature parity for threat prevention. Likewise, these gateways are increasingly integrating detection malware files as they enter the network, in order to provide additional value. Finally, some companies couldn’t replace their existing firewalls (typically for budget or political reasons), but had more flexibility to replace their web filters. Given the ability of NSGs to enforce policies on web applications, block bad URLs, and even detect malware, standalone web filters took a hit. As with IPS, NSGs do not yet provide full feature parity with standalone web filters yet. But many companies don’t need the differentiating features of a dedicated web filter – making an NSG a good fit. The Need for Speed We have shown how NSGs have and will continue to integrate more and more functionality. Enforcing all these policies at wire speed requires increasing compute power. And it’s not like networks are slowing down. So first-generation NGFW reached scaling constraints pretty quickly. Vendors continue to invest in bigger iron, including more capable chassis and better distributed policy management, to satisfy scalability requirements. As networks continue to get faster, will the devices be able to keep pace, retaining all their capabilities on a single device? And do you even need to run all your stuff on the same device? Not necessarily. This raises an architectural question we will consider later in the series. Just because you can run all these capabilities on the same device, doesn’t mean you should… Alternatively you can run a NSG in “firewall” mode, just enforcing basic access control policies. Or

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We Don’t Know Sh—. You Don’t Know Sh

Once again we have a major security story slumming in the headlines. This time it’s Hackers on a Plane, but without all that Samuel L goodness. But what’s the real story? It’s time to face the fact that the only people who know are the ones who aren’t talking, and everything you hear is most certainly wrong. Watch or listen: Share:

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Summary: Ginger

Rich here. As a redhead (what little is left) I have spent a large portion of my life answering questions about red hair. Sometimes it’s about pain tolerance/wound healing (yes, there are genetic differences), but most commonly I get asked if the attitude is genetic or environmental. You know, the short temper/bad attitude. Well, here’s a little insight for those of you that lack the double recessive genes. Yesterday I was out with my 4-year-old daughter. The one with the super red, super curly hair. You ever see Pixar’s Brave? Yeah, they would need bigger computers to model my daughter’s hair, and a movie projector with double the normal color gamut. In a 2-hour shopping trip, at least 4 people commented on it (quite loudly and directly), and many more stared. I was warned by no less than two probable-grandmothers that I should “watch out for that one… you’ll have your hands full”. There was one “oh my god, what wonderful hair!” and another “how do you like your hair”. At REI and Costco. This happens everywhere we go, all the time. My son also has red hair, and we get nearly the same thing, but without the curls it’s not quite as bad. I also have an older daughter without red hair. She gets the “oh, your hair is nice too… please don’t grow up to be a serial killer because random strangers like your sister more”. At least that’s what I hear. Strangers even come up and start combing their hands through her hair. Strangers. In public. Usually older women. Without asking. I went through a lot of this myself growing up, but it’s only as an adult, with red-haired kids, that I see how bad it is. I thought I was a bit of an a-hole because, as a boy, I had more than my fair share of fights due to teasing over the hair. Trust me, I’ve heard it all. Yeah, fireball, very funny you —-wad, never heard that one before. I suppose I blocked out how adults react when I tried to buy a camping flashlight with my dad. Maybe there is a genetic component, but I don’t think scientists could possible come up with a deterministic ethical study to figure it out. And if my oldest, non-red daughter ever shivs you in a Costco, now you’ll know why. We have been so busy the past few weeks that this week’s Summary is a bit truncated. Travel has really impacted our publishing, sorry. Securosis Posts Incite 5/20/2015: Slow down to speed up. Incite 5/6/2015: Just Be. Network-based Threat Detection: Operationalizing Detection. Network-based Threat Detection: Prioritizing with Context. Network-based Threat Detection: Looking for Indicators. RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. RSA Conference Guide 2015 Deep Dives: Security Management. Favorite Outside Posts Mike: Advanced Threat Detection: Not so SIEMple: Aside from the pithy title, Arbor’s blog post does a good job highlighting differences between the kind of analysis SIEM offers and the function of security analytics… Rich: Cloudefigo. This is pretty cool: it’s a cloud security automation project based on some of my previous work. One of the people behind it, Moshe, is one of our better Cloud Security Alliance CCSK instructors. Research Reports and Presentations Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices. Cracking the Confusion: Encryption and Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers, and Applications. Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network. Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud: Evolving to the CloudSOC. Security Best Practices for Amazon Web Services. Securing Enterprise Applications. Secure Agile Development. Trends in Data Centric Security White Paper. Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response/Management. Pragmatic WAF Management: Giving Web Apps a Fighting Chance. Top News and Posts U.S. aims to limit exports of undisclosed software flaws. I’m sure this will work out just fine. Unfortunately, we have renewed our ICANN Accreditation. Holy. Crap. ICANN opened us all up to some nasty phishing. President Urged to Reject Mandatory Backdoors St. Louis Federal Reserve Suffers DNS Breach Several Factors Mitigate VENOM’s Utility for Attackers Logjam attack affects nearly all browsers Share:

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Incite 5/20/2015: Slow down [to speed up]

When things get very busy it’s hard to stay focused. There is so much flying at you, and so many things stacking up. Sometimes you just do the easy things because they are easy. You send the email, you put together the proposal, you provide feedback on the document. It can be done in 15 minutes, so you do it. Leaving the bigger stuff for later. At least I do. Then later becomes the evening, and the big stuff is still lagging. I pop open the laptop and try to dig into the big stuff, but that’s very hard to do at the end of the day. For me, at least. In the meantime a bunch more stuff showed up in the inbox. A couple more things need to get done. Some easy, some hard. So you run faster, get up earlier, rearrange the list, get something done. Wash, rinse, repeat. Sure, things get done. But I need to ask whether it’s the right stuff. Not always.   I know this is a solved problem. For others. They’ll tell me about their awesome Kanban workflow to control unplanned work. How they use a Pomodoro timer to make sure they give themselves enough time to get something done. Someone inevitably busts out some GTD goodness or possibly some Seven Habits wisdom. Sigh. Here’s the thing. I have a system. It works. When I use it. The lack of a system isn’t my problem. It’s that I’m running too fast. I need to slow down. When I slow down things come into focus. Sure, more stuff may pile up. But not all that stuff will need to get done. The emails will still be there. The proposal will get written, when I have a slot open to actually do the work. And when I say slow down, that doesn’t mean work less. It means give myself time to mentally explore and wander. With nowhere to be. With nothing to achieve. I do that through meditation, which I haven’t done consistently over the last few months. I prioritized my physical practices (running and yoga) for the past few months, at the expense of my mental practice. I figured if I just follow my breath when running I can address both my mental and physical practice at the same time. Efficiency, right? Nope. Running and yoga are great. But I get something different from meditation. I’m most effective when I have time to think. To explore. To indulge my need to go down paths that may not seem obvious at first. I do that when meditating. I see the thought and sometimes I follow it down a rathole. I don’t know where it will go or what I’ll learn. I follow it anyway. Sometimes I just let the thought pass and return my awareness to the breath. But one thing is for sure – my life flows a lot easier when I’m meditating every day. Which is all that matters. So forgive me if I don’t respond to your email within the hour. I’ll forgive myself for letting things pile up on my to do list. The emails and tasks will be there when I’m done meditating. It turns out I will be able to work through lists much more efficiently once I give myself space to slow down. Strangely enough, that allows me to speed up. –Mike Photo credit: “Slow Down” originally uploaded by Tristan Schmurr The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour and check it out. Your emails, alerts and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our new video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and.. hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! January 26 – 2015 Trends January 15 – Toddler December 18 – Predicting the Past November 25 – Numbness October 27 – It’s All in the Cloud October 6 – Hulk Bash September 16 – Apple Pay August 18 – You Can’t Handle the Gartner Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Network-based Threat Detection Operationalizing Detection Prioritizing with Context Looking for Indicators Overcoming the Limits of Prevention Applied Threat Intelligence Building a TI Program Use Case #3, Preventative Controls Use Case #2, Incident Response/Management Use Case #1, Security Monitoring Defining TI Network Security Gateway Evolution Introduction Recently Published Papers Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security Securing Enterprise Applications Secure Agile Development Trends in Data Centric Security Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response/Management The Future of Security Incite 4 U Don’t believe everything you read: The good news about Securosis’ business is that we don’t have to chase news. Sure, if there is something timely and we have room on our calendar, we’ll comment on current events. But if you look at our blog lately it’s clear we’re pretty busy. So we didn’t get around to commenting on this plane hacking stuff. But if we wait around long enough, one of our friends will say pretty much what I’m thinking. So thanks to Wendy who summed up the situation nicely. And that reminds me of something I have to tell my kids almost every day. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. You aren’t getting the full story. Media outlets,

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Summary: DevOpsinator

It seems we messed up, and last week’s Summary never made it out of draft. So I doubled up and apologize for the spam, but since I already put in all the time, here you go… Rich here, As you can tell we are deep in the post-RSA Conference/pre-Summer marsh. I always think I’ll get a little time off, but it never really works out. All of us here at Securosis have been traveling a ton and are swamped with projects. Although some of them are home-related, as we batten down the hatches for the impending summer heat wave here in Phoenix. Two things really struck me recently as I looked at the portfolio of projects in front of me. First, that large enterprises continue to adopt public cloud computing faster than even my optimistic expectations. Second, they are adopting DevOps almost as quickly. In both cases adoption is primarily project-based for companies that have been around a while. That makes excellent sense once you spend time with the technologies and processes, because retrofitting existing systems often requires a complete redesign to get the full benefit. You can do it, but preferably as a planned transition. It looks like even big, slow movers see the potential benefits of agility, resiliency, and economics to be gained by these moves. In my book it all comes down to competitiveness: you simply can’t compete without cloud and DevOps anymore. Not for long. Nearly all my work these days is focused on them, and they are keeping me busier than any other coverage area in my career (which might say something about my career which I don’t want to think about). Most of it is either end-user focused, or working with vendors and service providers on internal stuff – not the normal analyst product and marketing advice. I am finding that while it’s intimidating on the surface, there really are only so many ways to skin a cat. I see consistent design patterns emerging among those seeing successes, and a big chunk of what I spend time on these days is adapting them for others who are wandering through the same wilderness. The patterns change and evolve, but once you get them down it’s like that first time you make it from top to bottom on your snowboard. You’re over the learning curve, and get to start having fun. Although it sure helps if you actually like snowboarding. Or just snow. I meet plenty of people in tech who are just in it for the paycheck, and don’t actually like technology. That’s like being a chef who only drinks Soylent at home. Odds are they won’t get the Michelin Star any time soon. And they probably need to medicate themselves to sleep. But if you love technology? Oh, man – there’s never been a better time to roll up our sleeves, have some fun, and make a little cash in the process. On that note, I need to go reset some demos, evaluate a client’s new cloud security controls, and finish off a proposal to help someone else integrate security testing into their DevOps process. There are, most definitely, worse ways to spend my day. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich is presenting a webcast May 19 on Managing Your SaaS Mort quoted in an article on DevOps about his RSA Conference presentation Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Network-based Threat Detection: Prioritizing with Context: Prioritization is still the bane of most security folks’ existence. We’re making slow but steady progress. Rich: Incite 5/6/2015: Just Be. I keep picking on Mike because I’m the one from Hippieville (Boulder), but figuring out what grounds you is insanely important, and the only way to really enjoy life. For me it’s moving meditation (crashing my bike or getting my face smashed by a friend). Mike is on a much healthier path. Other Securosis Posts Network-based Threat Detection: Operationalizing Detection. Network-based Threat Detection: Looking for Indicators. RSA Conference Guide 2015 Deep Dives: Security Management. RSA Conference Guide 2015 Deep Dives: Identity and Access Management. RSA Conference Guide 2015 Deep Dives: Endpoint Security. RSA Conference Guide 2015 Deep Dives: Network Security. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: Google moves its corporate applications to the Internet: This is big. Not the first time we’re seeing it, but the first at this scale. Editor’s note: one of my recent cloud clients has done the same thing. They assume the LAN is completely hostile. Rich: CrowdStrike’s VENOM vulnerability writeup. It’s pretty clear and at the right tech level for most people (unless you are a vulnerability researcher working on a PoC). Although I am really tired of everyone naming vulnerabilities – eventually we’ll need to ask George Lucas’ kids to make up names for us. Research Reports and Presentations Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices. Cracking the Confusion: Encryption and Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers, and Applications. Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network. Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud: Evolving to the CloudSOC. Security Best Practices for Amazon Web Services. Securing Enterprise Applications. Secure Agile Development. Trends in Data Centric Security White Paper. Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response/Management. Pragmatic WAF Management: Giving Web Apps a Fighting Chance. Top News and Posts Rob Graham on VENOM Cybersecurity suffers from a talent shortage AWS releases an endpoint for S3 in VPCs. This actually solves a tough security problem. Hopefully it will extend to SQS, SNS, and some of their other services. For containers, security is problem #1 Ex-NSA security bod fanboi: Apple Macs are wide open to malware Against DNSSEC Share:

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Network-based Threat Detection: Operationalizing Detection

As we wrap up our Network-based Threat Detection series, we have already covered why prevention isn’t good enough and how to find indications that an attack is happening, based on what you see on the network. Our last post worked through adding context to collected data to allow some measure of prioritization for alerts. To finish things off we will discuss additional context and making alerts operationally useful. Leveraging Threat Intelligence for Detection This analysis is still restricted to your organization. You are gathering data from your networks and adding context from your enterprise systems. Which is great but not enough. Factoring data from other organizations into your analysis can help you refine it and prioritize your activities more effectively. Yes, we are talking about using threat intelligence in your detection process. For prevention, threat intel can be useful to decide which external sites should be blocked on your egress filters, based on reputation and possibly adversary analysis. This approach helps ensure devices on your network don’t communicate with known malware sites, bot networks, phishing sites, watering hole servers, or other places on the Internet you want nothing to do with. Recent conversations with practitioners indicate much greater willingness to block traffic – so long as they have confidence in the alerts. But this series isn’t called Network-based Threat Prevention, so how does threat intelligence help with detection? TI provides a view of network traffic patterns used in attacks on other organizations. Learning about these patterns enables you to look for them (Domain Generating Algorithms, for example) within your own environment. You might also see indicators of internal reconnaissance or lateral movement typically used by certain adversaries, and use them to identify attacks in process. Watching for bulk file transfers, for example, or types of file encryption known to be used by particular crime networks, could yield insight into exfiltration activities. Like the burden of proof is far lower in civil litigation than in criminal litigation, the bar for useful accuracy is far lower in detection modes than in prevention. When you are blocking network traffic for prevention, you had better be right. Users get cranky when you block legitimate network sessions, so you will be conservative about what you block. That means you will inevitably miss something – the dreaded false negative, a legitimate attack. But firing an alert provides more leeway, so you can be a bit less rigid. That said, you still want to be close – false positives are still very expensive. This is where the approach mapped out in our last post comes into play. If you see something that looks like an attack based on external threat intel, you apply the same contextual filters to validate and prioritize. Retrospection What happens when you don’t know an attack is actually an attack when the traffic enters your network? This happens every time a truly new attack vector emerges. Obviously you don’t know about it, so your network controls will miss it and your security monitors won’t know what to look for. No one has seen it yet, so it doesn’t show up in threat intel feeds. So you miss, but that’s life. Everyone misses new attacks. The question is: how long do you miss it? One of the most powerful concepts in threat intelligence is the ability to use newly discovered indicators and retrospectively look through security data to see if an attack has already hit you. When you get a new threat intel indicator you can search your network telemetry (using your fancy analytics engine) to see if you’ve seen it before. This isn’t optimal because you already missed. But it’s much better than waiting for an attacker to take the next step in the attack chain. In the security game nothing is perfect. But leveraging the hard-won experience of other organizations makes your own detection faster and more accurate. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words At this point you have alerts, and perhaps some measure of prioritization for them. But one of the most difficult tasks is deciding how to navigate through the hundreds or thousands of alerts that happen in networks at scale. That’s where visualization techniques come into play. A key criterion for choosing a detection offering is getting information presented in a way that makes sense to you and will work in your organization’s culture. Some like the traditional user experience, which looks like a Top 10 list of potentially compromised devices, with the grid showing details of the alert. Another way to visualize detection data is as a heat map showing devices and potential risks visually, offering drill-down into indicators and alert causes. There is no right or wrong here – it is just a question of what will be most effective for your security operations team. Operationalizing Detection As compelling as network-based threat detection is conceptually, a bunch of integration needs to happen before you can provide value and increase your security program’s effectiveness. There are two sides to integration: data you need for detection, and information about alerts that is sent to other operational systems. For the former, these connections to identity systems and external threat intelligence drive analytics for detection. The latter includes the ability to pump the alert and contextual data to your SIEM or other alerting system to kick off your investigation process. If you get comfortable enough with your detection results you can even configure workarounds such as IPS blocking rules based on these alerts. You might prevent compromised devices from doing anything, blocking C&C traffic, or block exfiltration traffic. As described above, prevention demands minimization of false positives, but disrupting attackers can be extremely valuable. Similarly, integration with Network Access Control can move a compromised device onto a quarantine network until it can be investigated and remediated. For network forensics you might integrate with a full packet capture/network forensics platform. In this use case, when a device shows potential compromise, traffic to and from it could be captured for forensic analysis. Such captured network traffic may provide a proverbial smoking gun. This approach could also make you popular

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Network-based Threat Detection: Prioritizing with Context

During speaking gigs we ask how many in the audience actually get through their to-do list every day. Usually we get one or two jokers in the crowd between jobs, or maybe just trying to troll us a bit. But nobody in a security operational role gets everything done every day. So the critical success factor is to make sure you are getting the right things done, and not burning time on activities that don’t reduce risk or contain attack damage. Underpinning this series is the fact that prevention inevitably fails at some point. Along with a renewed focus on network-based detection, that means your monitoring systems will detect a bunch of things. But which alerts are important? Which represent active adversary activity? Which are just noise and need to be ignored? Figuring out which is which is where you need the most help. To use a physical security analogy, a security fence will alert regularly. But you need to figure out whether it’s a confused squirrel, a wayward bird, a kid on a dare, or the offensive maneuver of an adversary. Just looking at the alert won’t tell you much. But if you add other details and additional context into your analysis, you can figure out which is which. The stakes are pretty high for getting this right, as the postmortems of many recent high-profile breaches indicated alerts did fire – in some cases multiple times from multiple systems – but the organizations failed to take action… and suffered the consequences. Our last post listed network telemetry you could look for to indicate potential malicious activity. Let’s say you like the approach laid out in that post and decide to implement it in your own monitoring systems. So you flip the switch and the alerts come streaming in. Now comes the art: separating signal from noise and narrowing your focus to the alerts that matter and demand immediate attention. You do this by adding context to general network telemetry and then using an analytics engine to crunch the numbers. To add context you can leverage both internal and external information. At this point we’ll focus on internal data, because you already have that and can implement it right away. Our next post will tackle external data, typically accessible via a threat intelligence feed. Device Behavior You start by figuring out what’s important – not all devices are created equal. Some store very important data. Some are issued to employees with access to important data, typically executives. But not all devices present a direct risk to your organization, so categorizing them provides the first filter for prioritization. You can use the following hierarchy to kickstart your efforts: Critical devices: Devices with access to protected information and/or particularly valuable intellectual property should bubble to the top. Fast. If a device on a protected and segmented network shows indications of compromise, that’s bad and needs to be dealt with immediately. Even if the device is dormant, traffic on a protected network that looks like command and control constitutes smoke, and you need to act quickly to ensure any fire doesn’t spread. Or enjoy your disclosure activities… Active malicious devices: If you see device behavior which indicates an active attack (perhaps reconnaissance, moving laterally within the environment, blasting bits at internal resources, or exfiltrating data), that’s your next order of business. Even if the device isn’t considered critical, if you don’t deal with it promptly the compromise might find an exploitable hole to a higher-value device and move laterally within the organization. So investigate and remediate these devices next. Dormant devices: These devices at some point showed behavior consistent with command and control traffic (typically staying in communication with a C&C network), but aren’t doing anything malicious at the moment. Given the number of other fires raging in your environment, you may not have time to remediate these dormant devices immediately. These priorities are fairly coarse but should be sufficient. You don’t want a complicated multi-tier rating system which is too involved to use on a daily basis. Priorities should be clear. If you have a critical device that is showing malicious activity, that’s a red alert. Critical devices that throw alerts need to be investigated next, and then non-critical devices showing malicious activity. Finally, after you have all the other stuff done, you can get around to dealing with devices you’re pretty sure are compromised. Of course this last bucket might show malicious activity at any time, so you still need to watch it. The question is when you remediate. This categorization helps, but within each bucket you likely have multiple devices. So you still need additional information and context to make decisions. Who and Where Not all employees are created equal either. Another source of context is user identity, and there are a bunch of groups you need to pay attention to. The first is people with elevated privileges, such as administrators and others with entitlements to manage devices that hold critical information. They can add, delete, delete, change accounts and access rules on the servers, and manipulate data. They have access to tamper with logs, and basically can wreck an environment from the inside. There are plenty of examples of rogue or disgruntled administrators making a real mess, so when you see an administrator’s device behaving strangely, that should bubble up to the top of your list. The next group of folks to watch closely are executives with access to financials, company strategy, and other key intellectual property. These users are attacked most frequently via phishing and other social engineering, so they need to be watched closely – even trained, they aren’t perfect. This may trigger organizational backlash – some executives get cranky when they are monitored. But that’s not your problem, and without this kind of context it’s hard to do your job. So dig in and make your case to the executives for why it’s important. As you look for indicators that devices are connecting to a C&C server or performing reconnaissance, you are protecting the organization, and

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Incite 5/6/2015: Just Be

I’m spent after the RSAC. By Friday I have been on for close to a week. It’s nonstop, from the break of dawn until the wee hours of the morning. But don’t feel too bad – it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year. I get to see my friends. I do a bunch of business. And I get a feel for how close our research is to reflecting the larger trends in the industry. But it’s exhausting. When the kids were smaller I would fly back early Friday morning and jump back into the fray of the Daddy thing. I had very little downtime and virtually no opportunity to recover. Shockingly enough, I got sick or cranky or both. So this year I decided to do it differently. I stayed in SF through the weekend to unplug a bit.   I made no plans. I was just going to flow. There was a little bit of structure. Maybe I would meet up with a friend and get out of town to see some trees (yes, Muir Woods was on the agenda). I wanted to catch up with a college buddy who isn’t in the security business, at some point. Beyond that, I’d do what I felt like doing, when I felt like doing it. I wasn’t going to work (much) and I wasn’t going to talk to people. I was just going to be. Turns out my friend wasn’t feeling great, so I was solo on Friday after the closing keynote. I jumped in a Zipcar and drove down to Pacifica. Muir Woods would take too long to reach, and I wanted to be by the water. Twenty minutes later I was sitting by the ocean. Listening to the waves. The water calms me and I needed that. Then I headed back to the city and saw an awesome comedian was playing at the Punchline. Yup, that’s what I did. He was funny as hell, and I sat in the back with my beer and laughed. I needed that too. Then on Saturday I did a long run on the Embarcadero. Turns out a cool farmer’s market is there Saturdays. So I got some fruit to recover from the run, went back to the hotel to clean up, and then headed back to the market. I sat in a cafe and watched people. I read a bit. I wrote some poetry. I did a ZenTangle. I didn’t speak to anyone (besides a quick check-in with the family) for 36 hours after RSA ended. It was glorious. Not that I don’t like connecting with folks. But I needed a break. Then I had an awesome dinner with my buddy and his wife, and flew back home the next day in good spirits, ready to jump back in. I’m always running from place to place. Always with another meeting to get to, another thing to write, or another call to make. I rarely just leave myself empty space with no plans to fill it. It was awesome. It was liberating. And I need to do it more often. This is one of the poems I wrote, watching people rushing around the city. Rush You feel them before you see They have somewhere to be It’s very important Going around you as quickly as they can. They are going places. Then another And another And another Constantly rushing But never catching up. They are going places. Until they see that right here is the only place they need to be. – MSR, 2015 –Mike Photo credit: “65/365: be. [explored]“_ originally uploaded by It’s Holly The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour and check it out. Your emails, alerts and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our new video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and.. hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! January 26 – 2015 Trends January 15 – Toddler December 18 – Predicting the Past November 25 – Numbness October 27 – It’s All in the Cloud October 6 – Hulk Bash September 16 – Apple Pay August 18 – You Can’t Handle the Gartner Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Network-based Threat Detection Looking for Indicators Overcoming the Limits of Prevention Applied Threat Intelligence Building a TI Program Use Case #3, Preventative Controls Use Case #2, Incident Response/Management Use Case #1, Security Monitoring Defining TI Network Security Gateway Evolution Introduction Recently Published Papers Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security Securing Enterprise Applications Secure Agile Development Trends in Data Centric Security Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response/Management The Future of Security Incite 4 U Threat intel still smells like poop? I like colorful analogies. I’m sad that my RSAC schedule doesn’t allow me to see some of the more interesting sessions by my smart friends. But this blow-by-blow of Rick Holland’s Threat Intelligence is Like Three-Day Potty Training makes me feel like I was there. I like the maturity model, and know many large organization invest a boatload of cash in threat intel, and as long as they take a process-centric view (as Rick advises) they can get great value from that investment. But I’m fixated on the not Fortune 500. You know, organizations with a couple folks on the security team

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Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

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