It turns out that we are still writing papers and posting them in our research library, even though far less frequently than back in the day. Working with enterprises on their cloud security strategies consumes most of our cycles nowadays.

When we’re not assessing clouds or training on clouds or getting into trouble, we’ve published 3 papers over the past year. I’ve finally posted them to the research library for you to check out.

  1. Data Security in the SaaS Age: In this paper, licensed by AppOmni, we dust off the Data Security Triangle and then proceed to provide a structure to rethink what data security looks like when you don’t control the data in SaaS land. Direct link
  2. Security Hygiene: The First Line of Security: Yup, we’re back to beating the drum for sucking less on the fundamentals like security hygiene. But the fact still remains that we don’t help ourselves by taking too long to update systems and don’t do a good enough job on configuration management. We also go through the impact and benefits of cloud and PaaS to help with these operational challenges. This one has been licensed by Oracle. Direct link
  3. Security APIs: The New Application Attack Surface: This paper covers how application architecture and attack surfaces are changing, how application security needs to evolve to deal with these disruptions, and how to empower security in environments where DevOps rules the roost. It’s licensed by Salt Security. Direct link

Always happy to get feedback if there is something you like (or don’t like). Add a comment or send us an email.
