As someone who has covered data security for nearly a decade, some days I wonder if I should send Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, whoever wrote the HITECH act, and the Chinese hacker community a personal note of gratitude. If the first wave of data security was driven by breach disclosure laws and a mixture of lost laptops and criminal exploits, this second wave is all about stopping leaks and keeping your pants on in public. This year I’ve seen more serious interest in large enterprises to protect more than merely credit card numbers than ever before. We also see PCI and the HITECH act (in healthcare) pushing greater investment in data security down to the mid-market. And while the technology is still far from perfect, it’s definitely maturing along nicely.

What We Expect to See

There are five areas of interest at the show for data security:

DLP – Great taste, less filling

There are two major trends in the Data Loss Prevention market- DLP Light comes of age, and full-suite DLP integration into major platforms. A large percentage of endpoint and network tools now offer basic DLP features. This is usually a regular expression engine or some other technique tuned to protect credit card numbers, and maybe a little personally identifiable information or healthcare data. Often this is included for free, or at least darn cheap. While DLP Light (as we call this) lacks mature workflow, content analysis capabilities, and so on, not every organization is ready for, or needs, a full DLP solution. If you just want to add some basic credit card protection, this is a good option. It’s also a great way to figure out if you need a dedicated DLP tool without spending too much up-front.

As for full-suite DLP solutions, most of them are now available from big vendors. Although the “full” DLP is usually a separate product, there’s a lot of integration at various points of overlap like email security or web gateways. There’s also a lot of feature parity between the vendors- unless you have some kind of particular need that only one fulfills, if you stick with the main ones you can probably flip a coin to choose. The key things to ask when looking at DLP Light are what’s the content analysis engine, and how are incidents managed. Make sure the content analysis technique will work for what you want to protect, and that the workflow fits how you want to manage incidents. You might not want your AV guy finding out the CFO is emailing out customer data to a competitor. Also make sure you get to test it before paying for it. As for full-suite DLP, focus on how well it can integrate with your existing infrastructure (especially network gateways, directories, and endpoints). I also suggest playing with the UI since that’s often a major deciding factor due to how much time security and non-security risk folks spend in it.

Last of all we’re starting to see more DLP vendors focus on the mid-market and easing deployment complexity.

Datum in a haystack

Thanks to PCI 2.0 we can expect to see a heck of a lot of discussion around “content discovery”. While I think we all know it’s a good idea to figure out where all our sekret stuff is in order to protect it, in practice this is a serious pain in the rear. We’ve all screamed in frustration when we find that Access database or spreadsheet on some marketing server all chock full of Social Security numbers. PCI 2.0 now requires you demonstrate how you scoped your assessment, and how you keep that scope accurate. That means having some sort of tool or manual process to discover where all this stuff sits in storage. Trust me, no marketing professional will possibly let this one pass. Especially since they’ve been trying to convince you it was required for the past 5 years. All full-suite DLP tools include content discovery to find this data, as well as some DLP Light options. Focus on checking out the management side, since odds are there will be a heck of a lot of storage to scan, and results to filter through.

There’s a new FAM in town

I hate to admit this, but there’s a new category of security tool popping up this year that I actually like. File Activity Monitoring watches all file access on protected systems and generates alerts on policy violations and unusual activity. In other words, you can build policies that alert you when a sales guy about to depart is downloading all the customer files, without blocking access to them. Or when a random system account starts downloading engineering plans to that new stealth fighter. I like the idea of being able to track what files users access and generate real-time alerts. I started talking about this years ago, but there weren’t any products on the market. now I know of 3, and I suspect more are coming down the pipe.

Battle of the tokens

Last year we predicted a lot of interest and push in encryption and tokenization, and for once we got it right. One thing we didn’t expect was the huge battle that erupted over ownership of the term. Encryption vendors started pushing encrypted data as tokens (which I find hard to call a token), while tokenization advocates try to convince you encryption is no more secure than guarding Hades with a chihuahua. The amusing part is all these guys offer both options in their products.


Since not enough of you are buying data security tools, the vendors will still do their best to scare your pants off and claim they can prevent the unpreventable. Amuse yourself by cruising the show floor with beer in hand and drinking anytime you see those words on marketing materials. It’s one drink per mention in a brochure, 2 drinks for a postcard handout, and 3 if it’s on the booth banner. Chug if it’s on a t-shirt, and grab a shot if it’s on a t-shirt on some random booth-babe hired from a modeling agency.

Come on, where else are you going to get an RSA Conference drinking game, disguised as content? Right, no where. You love it, admit it. That’s all for today. But be assured that tomorrow we’ll be back with more RSA Guide madness…
