There is a ticker symbol HACK that tracks a group of publicly traded “Cyber Security” firms. Given how hot everything ‘Cyber’ is, HACK may do just fine – who knows? But perhaps one for breached companies (BRCH?) would be better. For you security geeks out there who love to talk about the cost of breaches, let’s take a look at the stock prices of several big-named firms which have been breached:

Sony 11/24/14 28.3%
S&P 500 11/24/14 2.2%
Home Depot 9/9/14 31.3%
S&P 500 9/9/14 6.4%
Target 12/19/13 23.8%
S&P 500 12/19/13 16.9%
Heartland 1/20/09 250.1%
S&P 500 1/20/09 162.7%
Apple 9/2/14 28%
S&P 500 9/2/14 6%

This is a small sample of companies, but their stock values have each substantially outperformed the S&P 500 (which has been on a tear in the last year or so) from the time of their breaches through now. “How long until activist investors like Icahn pound the table demanding more dividends, stock buy backs and would it kill you to have a breach?” Food for thought.
