As many of you know, I’m more a washed -up paramedic than a security analyst. My youthful indiscretions tended to involve ambulances and fire trucks (you’d be amazed at all the fun things you can do with them when no one is looking).

Although I’m just an EMT these days, I’m still on a federal response team for disasters and other large incidents. In a couple hours I’ll be heading out to wear uniforms for a week and sleep with 60 other people in an undisclosed location (don’t worry, I’m not breaking opsec by revealing that). I’m just a low level grunt on the team but find that a little manual labor does the soul some good on occasion.

I may still get some writing done since we should have a fair bit of down time, but I won’t be very responsive over email.

A day after that, I head off for a real vacation – my wife and I are cruising Alaska before it all melts. If I try to work on that trip I’ve been told I better practice my cold water swimming skills. Still, I’ll be checking email for emergencies.

The next couple of weeks will definitely be ones of contrasts.
