

Is Twitter Making Us Dumb? Bloggers, Please Come Back

When I first started the Securosis blog back in 2006 I didn’t really know what to expect. I already had access to a publishing platform (Gartner), and figured blogging would let me talk about the sorts of things that didn’t really fit my day job. What I didn’t expect, what totally stunned me, was the incredible value of participating in a robust community holding intense debates, in the open, on the permanent record. Debates of the written word, which to be cogent in any meaningful way take at least a little time to cobble together and spell check. I realized that the true value of blogging isn’t that anyone could publish anything, but the inter-blog community that develops as we cross-link and cross comment. It’s how Mike Rothman and I went from merely nodding acquaintances at various social functions, to full business partners. I met Chris Hoff when I blogged I was rolling through his home town, and he then took me out to dinner. Since then we’ve paired up for 2 years of top rated sessions at the RSA Conference, and become good friends. Martin McKeay went from some dude I’d never heard of to another close friend, with whom I now podcast on a weekly basis. And those three are just the tip of the list. Blogging also opened my world in ways I could never have anticipated. This open dialog fundamentally changed opinions and positions by exposing me to a wider community. Gartner was great, but very insular. I talked with other Gartner analysts, Gartner customers, and vendors… all a self-selecting community. With blogging, I found myself talking with everyone from CEOs to high school students. At least I used to, because I feel like that community, that experience, is gone. The community of interlinked blogs that made such an impact on me seems to be missing. Sure, we have the Security Blogger’s Network and the Meetup at RSA, but as I go through my daily reading and writing, it’s clear that we aren’t interacting at nearly the level of even 2 years ago. Fewer big debates, fewer comments (generally), and fewer discussions on the open record. I’m not the only one feeling the loss. Every Tuesday and Thursday we try to compile the best of the security web for the Securosis Incite and Friday Summary, and the pickings have been slim for a while now. There are only so many times we can link back to Gunnar, Bejtlich, or the New School. Heck, when we post the FireStarter on Monday, our goal isn’t to get comments on our site (although we like that), but to spur debate and discussion on everyone else’s sites. As you can tell by the title, I think Twitter is a major factor. Our multi-post debates are now compressed into 140 characters. Not that I dislike Twitter – I love it (maybe too much), but while it can replace a post that merely links to a URL, it can’t replace the longer dialog or discussions of blogging. I’m too lazy to run the numbers, but I’ve noticed a definite reduction in comments on our blog and blogging in general as Twitter rises in popularity. I’ve had people flat-out tell me they’ve given up on blogging to focus on Twitter. Correlation isn’t causation, and the plural of anecdote isn’t data, but anyone who was on the scene a few years ago easily sees the change. When I brought this up in our internal chat room, Chris Pepper said: It’s a good point that if you have a complicated thought, it’s probably better to stew on it and build a post than to type whatever you can fit in 140 characters, hit Return, then sigh with relief that you don’t have to think about it any more. Dear Bloggers, Please come back. I miss you. -me Share:

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FireStarter: Killing the Next Generation

As a former marketing guy, I’m sensitive to meaningless descriptors that obfuscate the value a product brings to a customer. Seeing Larry Walsh’s piece on next generation firewalls versus UTM got my blood boiling because it’s such a meaningless argument. It’s time we slay the entire concept of ‘next generation’ anything. That’s right, I’m saying it. The concept of a next generation is a load of crap. The vendor community has taken to calling incremental iterations ‘next generation’ because they can’t think of a real reason customers should upgrade their gear. Maybe the new box is faster, so the 2% of the users out there actually maxing out their gear get some relief. Maybe it’s a little more functional or adds a bit more device support. Again, this hardly ever provides enough value to warrant an upgrade. But time and time again, we hear about next generation this or next generation that. It makes me want to hurl. I guess we can thank the folks at Microsoft, who perfected the art of forced upgrades with little to no value-add. Even today continue to load into office suites feature after feature that we don’t need. If you don’t believe me, open up that old version of Word 2003 and it’ll work just fine. Let’s consider the idea of the “next generation firewall,” which I highlighted in last week’s Incite with announcements from McAfee and SonicWall. Basically SonicWall’s is bigger and McAfee’s does more with applications. I would posit neither of these capabilities are unique in the industry, nor are they disruptive in any way. Which is the point. To me, ‘next generation’ means disruption of the status quo. You could make the case that disrupted the existing CRM market with an online context for the application. A little closer to home, you could say the application white listing guys are poised to disrupt the endpoint security agent. That’s if they overcome the perception that the technology screws up the user experience. For these kinds of examples, I’m OK with ‘next generation’ for true disruption. But here’s the real problem, at least in the security space: End users are numb. They hear ‘next generation’ puffery from vendors and they shut down. Remember, end users don’t care whether the technology is first, second, third, or tenth generation. They care whether a vendor can solve the problem. What example(s) do we have of a ‘next generation’ product/category really being ‘next generation’? Right, not too many. We can peek into the library and crack open the Innovator’s Dilemma again. The next generation usually emerges from below (kind of like UTM) targeting a smaller market segment with similar capabilities delivered at a much better price point. Eventually the products get functional enough to displace enterprise products, and that is your next generation. Riddle me this, Batman, what am I missing here? And all you marketing folks lurking (I know you’re out there), tell me why you continue to stand on the crutch of ‘next generation’, as opposed to figuring out what is important to end users. I’d really like to know. Photo credit: “BPL’s Project Next Generation” originally uploaded by The Shifted Librarian Share:

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Talking Database Assessment with Imperva

I will be presenting a webinar: “Understanding and Selecting a Database Assessment Solution” with Imperva this Wednesday, May 19th at 11am PST / 2pm EST. I’ll cover the deployment models, key features, and ways to differentiate assessment platforms. I’ll spend a little more time on applicability for compliance, as that is the key driver for adoption now, but cover other use cases as well. You can register and sign up for the webinar. As always, if you have questions you would like addressed, you can email me prior to the presentation. Share:

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Friday Summary: May 14, 2010

I was rummaging through the closet yesterday, when I came across some old notebooks from college. Yes, I am a pack rat. One of the books contained notes from Computer Science 110: Algorithm Design. Most of the coursework was looking for ways to make algorithms more efficient, and to select the right algorithm to get the job done. I remember spending weeks on sorting routines: bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, sorts based upon the Fibonacci sequence, Quicksort, and a few others. All of which we ran against sample data sets; comparing performance; and collecting information on best case, median, and worst case results. Obviously with a pre-sorted list they all ran fast, but depending on the size and distribution of the data set our results were radically different. The more interesting discussion was the worst-case scenarios. One of the topics for discovering them was the Adversary Technique. Basically the adversary would re-arrange the data to make it as difficult as possible to sort. The premise was that, knowing the algorithm compared elements, (e.g., is X >= Y) the adversary would re-arrange all data elements into an order that forced the highest number of comparisons to be made. Some of the sorts were brilliant on average, but would be computing results until the end of time when confronted by a knowledgable adversary. All the sort algorithms are long since purged from my memory, and I can truthfully say I have never needed to develop a sorting routine in my entire career. But the adversary technique has been very useful tool in designing code. I really started using a variant of that method for writing error-handling routines so they worked efficiently while still handling errors. What is the most difficult result I could send back? When you start trying to think of errors to send back to a calling application, it’s amazing what chaos you can cause. The first time I saw an injection attack, a malicious stream sent back from a .plan file, I thought of the intelligent adversary. This is also a pretty handy concept when writing communication protocols, where you have to establish a trust relationship during multi-phase handshaking – the adversary technique is very good for discovering logic flaws. The intelligent adversary teaches you to ask the right questions, and is useful for identifying unnecessary complexity in code. If you don’t do this already, try a little adversarial role-playing the next time you have design work. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich at Dark Reading: A New Way to Choose Database Encryption. Adrian’s featured article on Database Activity Monitoring for Information Security Magazine. Adrian quoted in Goldman Sachs Sued for Illegal Database Access. Rich on the Digital Underground podcast with Dennis Fisher. Other Securosis mentions: MSDN SDL group response to Monday’s FireStarter. Robert Graham thinks we’re both full of $#!%. I confess that I am uncertain why Robert thinks our recommendations differ. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Unintended Consequences of Consumerization. One of the very first presentations I ever built as an analyst was on consumerization… mostly because I didn’t really know what I was doing at the time. But one tenet from that presentation still holds true – never underestimate the power of consumers, and we are all consumers. Mike Rothman: We Have Ways of Making You … Use a Password. Yet another example of legislation gone wild… David Mortman and Adrian Lane: FireStarter: Secure Development Lifecycle – You’re Doing It Wrong. Other Securosis Posts SAP Buys Sybase. Incite 5/12/2010: the Power of Unplugging. Help Build the Mother of All Data Security Surveys. Download Our Kick-Ass Database Encryption and Tokenization Paper. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Why I left Facebook. I’m still on Facebook, but I do nothing I remotely consider private there. I only stay on it until there is an alternative to keep me connected with old friends and family. Maybe that’s hypocritical considering some of my other privacy statements. Mike Rothman: Getting the time dimension right. Russell helps understand security metrics versus risk analysis. “But to make a judgement about security and make decisions about alternative security postures, we need a useful estimate of risk to decide how much security is enough.” David Mortman: The Vulnerability Arms Race. Adrian Lane: A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages. Project Quant Posts DB Quant: Planning Metrics (Part 2). DB Quant: Planning Metrics (Part 1). Research Reports and Presentations Understanding and Selecting a Database Encryption or Tokenization Solution. Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins with Data Loss Prevention. Report: Database Assessment. Top News and Posts HTML 5 and SQL Injection. Cigital has announced the latest BSIMM. Now with three times the number of large development shops who publicly admit that they tend to follow best practices. Anti-Malware Bypass. Interesting use of DoS to avoid detection. Verizon’s Cloud Security Strategy. Facebook and the never ending privacy discussion. Personally, I used lilSnitch to block everything Facebook. End of discussion. Building their army of hacker commandos, Chris and Jack are indoctrinating children with a weekly regimen of XSS and pummeling drills. Rumors spread: Hoff to become real-life Matthew Sobol. FBI claimed to be watching closely. Open Source IDS. Beta available. Few details, but Visa posted a warning about settlement fraud scams. Stolen Laptop Exposed Data on 207K. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. Technically my favorite comment of the week was by David Mortman, professing shock that Andre Gironda actually agreed with someone, on a public forum no less! But alas, as he did not leave it on the blog, the award has to go to starbuck, in response to Secure Development Lifecycle–You’re Doing It Wrong. “Before you know it, HR reps will be including “SDL certification” requirements on every engineering job description, without a clue what they are demanding or why, so let’s stop this train before it runs too far off the tracks.” Damn right. By the way, I

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Unintended Consequences of Consumerization

The ripple effect, of how a small change creates a major exposure down the line, continues to amaze me. That’s why I enjoyed the NetworkWorld post on how the iPad brings a nasty surprise. The story is basically how the ability for iPads to connect to the corporate network exposed a pretty serious hole in one organization’s network defenses. Basically a minor change to the authentication mechanism for WiFi smart phones allowed unauthorized devices to connect to the corporate network. It’s an interesting read, but we really need to consider the issues with the story. First, clearly this guy was not scanning (at all) for rogue devices or even new devices on the network. That’s a no-no. In my React Faster philosophy, one of the key facets is to know your network (and your servers and apps too), which enables you to know when something is amiss. Like having iPads (unauthorized devices) connecting to your corporate network. So how do you avoid this kind of issue? Yes, I suspect you already know the answer. Monitoring Everything gets to the heart of what needs to happen. I’ll also add the corollary that you should be hacking yourself to expose potential issues like this. Your run-of-the-mill pen test would expose this issue pretty quickly, because the first step involves enumerating the network and trying to get a foothold inside. But only if an organization systematically tries to compromise their own defenses. Most importantly, this represented a surprise for the security manager. We all know surprise = bad for a security person. There are clear lessons here. The iPad won’t be the last consumer-oriented device attempting to connect to your network. So your organization needs a policy to deal with these new kinds of devices, as well as defenses to ensure random devices can’t connect to the corporate network – unless the risk of such behavior is understood and accepted. Every device connecting to the network brings risk. It’s about understanding that risk and allowing the business folks to determine whether the risk is worth taking. Share:

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Incite 5/12/2010: the Power of Unplugging

I’m crappy at vacations. It usually takes me a few days to unwind and relax, and then I blink and it’s time to go home and get back into the mess of daily life. But it’s worse than that – even when I’m away, I tend to check email and wade through my blog posts and basically not really disconnect. So the guilt is always there. As opposed to enjoying what I’m doing, I’m worried about what I’m not doing and how much is piling up while I’m away. This has to stop. It’s not fair to the Boss or the kids or even me. I drive pretty hard and I’ve always walked the fine line between passion and burnout. I’m happy to say I’m making progress, slowly but surely. Thanks to Rich and Adrian, you probably didn’t notice I’ve been out of the country for the past 12 days and did zero work. But I was and it was great. Leaving the US really forces me to unplug, mostly because I’m cheap. I don’t want to pay $1.50 a minute for cell service and I don’t want to pay the ridonkulous data roaming fees. So I don’t. I just unplug. OK, not entirely. When we get to the hotel at night, I usually connect to the hotel network to clean out my email, quickly peruse the blog feeds and call the kids (Skype FTW). Although WiFi is usually $25-30 per day and locked to one device. So I probably only connected half the days we were away. The impact on my experience was significant. When I was on the tour bus, or at dinner with my friends, or at an attraction – I didn’t have my head buried in the iWhatever. I was engaged. I was paying attention. And it was great. I always prided myself on being able to multi-task, which really means I’m proficient at doing a lot of things poorly at the same time. When you don’t have the distractions or interruptions or other shiny objects, it’s amazing how much richer the experience is. No matter what you are doing. Regardless of the advantages, I suspect unplugging will always remain a battle for me, even on vacation. Going out of the US makes unplugging easy. The real challenge will be later this summer, when we do a family vacation. I may just get a prepay phone and forward my numbers there, so I have emergency communications, but I don’t have the shiny objects flashing at me… But now that I’m thinking about it, why don’t more of us unplug during the week? Not for days at a time, but hours. Why can’t I take a morning and turn off email, IM, and even the web, and just write. Or think. Or plan world domination. Right, the only obstacle is my own weakness. My own need to feel important by getting email and calls and responding quickly. So that’s going to be my new thing. For a couple-hour period every week, I’m going to unplug. Am I crazy? Would that work for you? It’s an interesting question. Let’s see how it goes. – Mike Photo credits: “Unplug for safety” originally uploaded by mag3737 Incite 4 U Attack of the Next Generation Firewalls… – Everyone hates the term ‘next generation’, but every vendor seems to want to convince the market they’ve got the next best widget and it represents the new new thing. Example 1 is McAfee’s announcement of the next version of Firewall Enterprise, which adds application layer protection. Not sure why that’s next generation, but whatever. It makes for good marketing. Example 2 is SonicWall’s SuperMassive project, which is a great name, but seems like an impedance mismatch, given SonicWall’s limited success in the large enterprise. And it’s the large enterprise that needs 40Gbps throughput. My point isn’t to poke at marketing folks. OK, maybe a bit. But for end users, you need to parse and purge any next generation verbiage and focus on your issues. Then deploy whatever generation addresses the problems. – MR Cry Havok and Let Slip the Lawyers – I really don’t know what to think of the patent system anymore. On one hand are the trolls who buy IP, wait for someone else to actually make a product, and then sue their behinds. On the other is the fact that patents do serve a valuable role in society to provide economic incentive for innovation, but only when managed well. I’m on the road and thus haven’t had a chance to dig into F5’s lawsuit against Imperva for patent infringement on the WAF. Thus I don’t know if this is the real deal or a play to bleed funds or sow doubt with prospects, but I do know who will win in the end… the lawyers. – RM Bait and Switch – According to The Register, researchers have successfully exercised an attack to bypass all AV protection. “It works by sending them a sample of benign code that passes their security checks and then, before it’s executed, swaps it out with a malicious payload.” and “If a product uses SSDT hooks or other kind of kernel mode hooks on similar level to implement security features it is vulnerable.” I do not know what the real chances for success are, but the methodology is legit. SSDT has been used for a while now as an exploit path, but this is the first time that I have heard of someone tricking what are essentially non-threadsafe checker utilities. A simple code change to the scheduler priorities will fix the immediate issue, but undoubtedly with side effects to application responsiveness. What most interests me about this is that it illustrates a classic problem we don’t see all that often: timing attacks. Typically this type of hack requires intimate knowledge of how the targeted code works, so it is less common. I am betting we’ll see this trick applied to other applications in the near future. –

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We Have Ways of Making You … Use a Password

MSNBC has an interesting news item: a German court is ordering all wireless routers to have a password, or the owners will be fined if it is discovered that someone used their connection illegally. From the post: Internet users can be fined up to euro 100 ($126) if a third party takes advantage of their unprotected WLAN connection to illegally download music or other files, the Karlsruhe-based court said in its verdict. “Private users are obligated to check whether their wireless connection is adequately secured to the danger of unauthorized third parties abusing it to commit copyright violation,” the court said. OK, so this is yet another lame attempt to stop people from sharing music and movies by trying to make the ‘ISP’ (a router owner in this case) an accessory to the crime. I get that, but a $126.00 fine, in the event someone is caught using your WiFi illegally and they prosecuted, is not a deterrent. But there are interesting possibilities to consider. Would the fine still apply if the password was ‘1234’? What if they had a password, but used WEP? Some routers, especially older routers, use WEP as the default. It’s trivial to breach and gain access to the password, so is that any better? Do we fine the owner of the router, or do we now fine the producer of the router for implementing crappy security? Or is the manufacturer covered by their 78 page EULA? Many laws start as benign, just to get a foothold and set precedence, then turn truly punitive after time. What if the fine was raised to $1,260, or $12,600? Would that alter your opinion? I cannot see an instance where this law makes sense as a deterrent to the actions it levies fines against. Share:

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SAP Buys Sybase

I am sitting on the porch reading a Sybase ASE document on transparent database encryption, so it’s ironic that a few minutes ago I got word that SAP bought Sybase for $5.8 billion. SAP posted a press release. This announcement is right on the heels of their partnership announcement last March. It’s been my feeling for several years now that relational databases have been on a steady retreat back into the core of the enterprise, from whence they came. Smaller, modular, more agile repositories are in vogue for everything outside enterprise IT data centers. They are easier and more accessible to developers, and they are free. I bring this up because this is one of the ways Sybase has been squeezed out of the enterprise relational database market. Let’s be honest – people looking for a new database now either go cheap and select a PostgreSQL / MySQL platform, or pay for the name brand / stack synergy / bundled pricing discounts for Oracle or IBM. Sybase has been steadily growing over the last five years due to new product offerings, but they remain something of an afterthought in the enterprise database market. Sybase does not enter into the discussion of new database sales, so they rely on keeping their current installed base happy and growth of their mobile offerings. And it’s not easy to succeed with Oracle undercutting them on price and IBM going after all their hardware vendor relationships. SAP levels the playing field for Sybase, putting them in a position to grow and get visibility with a larger body of prospects. Sybase gives SAP a technologically current database platform, an analytics engine, mobile data/device support and some other tools. Honestly, many of us had been wondering how long it would be before someone like SAP bought them. Sybase could not compete head to head in the relational database space without this relationship – not because of the technology, but due to customer preference to reduce risk by buying from stable providers. I really hate saying it, but the purchase legitimizes Sybase products and viability. An established company with over a billion in revenue should not need such endorsements, but when competing with Oracle and IBM, they do. Share:

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FireStarter: Secure Development Lifecycle—You’re Doing It Wrong

I wrote last Monday’s FireStarter on Process and Peer Pressure because there were a few things bothering me that I needed to get out of my system, but I saved a lot for later. I didn’t really intend to write this followup so soon, but I saw that Cisco announced their own Software Development Lifecycle. I wanted to make some statements on SDL later this year when I begin publishing more concrete Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL in Securosis parlance, SDL for most organizations) guidelines, but Cisco’s announcement changes things. I worry that sheer inertia will prompt the industry as a whole to rubber-stamp SDLs. Before you know it, HR reps will be including “SDL certification” requirements on every engineering job description, without a clue what they are demanding or why, so let’s stop this train before it runs too far off the tracks. If you are thinking about incorporating Secure Development Lifecycle practices for software development, that’s great. If you have read about Microsoft’s SDL, witnessed Microsoft’s success, seen Cisco’s endorsement, and believe their model will work for you, just stop. It’s not going to work for you. It’s based on a lot of factors and assumptions that do not pertain to you. It’s not a template for your requirements. Adopting MS-SDL wholesale is a little like a child putting on adult clothes because they want to be ‘big’. You cannot drop that particular process into your development organization and have it fit. More likely you will break everything. Your team will need to change their skills and priorities, and though it sounds cliche, people are resistant to change. Existing processes need to be adjusted to accommodate secure development processes and techniques. You will need new tools, or to augment existing ones. You will need a whole new class of metrics and tracking. And everything you pick the first time will need several iterations of alteration and adjustment before you get it right – this isn’t Microsoft’s first attempt either. It’s not that the SDL is bad – it isn’t. Microsoft did an excellent job with their SDL. It’s very well thought out, incorporates most effective defect detection techniques, has clearly evolved through several revisions, and includes intelligent tradeoffs in places where there is no single ‘right’ answer. But it is their SDL, not yours. If you take the SDL Microsoft has described and try to implement it, you will fail. I am talking to the 99% of people out there who would think about implementing SDL and think “Hey, Microsoft published this new thingie for free; let’s use it and save ourselves the time and money!” Wrong. Here’s why: Too Big: This process is geared for very large firms, with lots of resources, and a genuine desire to get better. You may not need all of it and frankly it would be overwhelming to start with. This is huge – I mean really huge. You are not going to swallow this elephant in a single gulp. Organic Evolution: Microsoft’s success is not just the introduction of process and techniques. It was not just hiring a handful of really good people and helping to educate the development staff. The MS-SDL reflects several years of focused evolution, and in software that is a lot. They spent a long time looking at the code and figuring out what was wrong. They developed their own tools to help discover problems. They developed software to help track their progress and provide metrics to demonstrate what worked and what did not. They evolved their own threat modeling. They tried, revised, fixed and re-implemented most of what they do several times over. Don’t think their publishing a guide can save you this pain – it cannot. Resources: People, Tools, and Time are the three classic resources you have when you build code. Resources are scare. Always. OK, if you have billions of dollars in the bank, or you are a bank, you might not be quite as pinched for resources. But developing quality code is expensive. Microsoft had the money to hire some of the best people, to buy or build the best tools, a willingness to take additional time for security before releasing software, and then hire some more of the best people. Your developers work nights and weekends to get the release out the door and collapse in a heap, dreaming about all the things they wanted to do before the code was released. Cisco? Yeah, they can do this. You? You don’t have the resources to do everything, so you need to pick and choose. Appropriateness of Techniques: Your program calls for white box testing. Great, but you don’t own critical code you rely on. You leverage open source where you can get code, but off-the-shelf software and even Microsoft tools do not provide source code. If you have four thousand web pages, and most of them don’t filter input values, do you really think you are going to fix this in the current release cycle, or are you going to deploy a WAF? If you are starting an application from scratch, your first step will be threat modeling. If you have a huge existing application, forget threat modeling for now – pen testing is probably much more effective and efficient. And it’s not just which techniques, but how you use them. Within all these techniques, there are many variations and supporting requirements that need tweaking so they can work for you. We discuss these tradeoffs in the Use Case portion of Understanding and Selecting a Web Application Security Program white paper, but the point is that the right choice for you is different than the right choice for Microsoft or Cisco, and you can’t discover what’s right for your environment by reading their SDLs. Do what Microsoft did, not what they do: Using the SDL as your program is a really bad thing to do. I really hope people don’t take this as a slam against Microsoft – my point is

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Help Build the Mother of All Data Security Surveys

I spend a heck of a lot of time researching, writing, and speaking about data security. One area that’s been very disappointing is the quality of many of the surveys. Most either try to quantify losses (without using a verifiable loss model), measure general attitudes to inspire some BS hype press release, or assess some other fuzzy aspect you can spin any way you want. This bugs me, and it’s been on my to-do list to run a better survey myself. When a vendor (Imperva) proposed the same thing back at RSA (meaning we’d have funding) and agreed to our Totally Transparent Research process, it was time to promote it to the top of the stack. So we are kicking off our first big data security study. Following in the footsteps of the one we did for patch management, this survey will focus on hard metrics – our goal is to avoid general attitude and unquantifiable loss guesses, and focus on figuring out what people are really doing about data security. As with all our surveys, we are soliciting ideas and feedback before we run it, and will release all the raw results. Here are my initial ideas on how we might structure the questions: We will group the questions to match the phases in the Pragmatic Data Security Cycle, since we need some structure to start with. For each phase, we will list out the major technologies and processes, then ask which one organizations have adopted. For technologies, we will ask which they’ve researched, budgeted for, purchased, deployed in a limited manner (such as testing), deployed in initial production, and deployed in full production (organization wide). For processes, we will ask about maturity from ad-hoc through fully formalized and documented, similar to what we did for patch management. For the tools and processes, we’ll ask if they were implemented due to a specific compliance deficiency during an assessment. I’m also wondering if we ask should how many breaches or breach disclosures were directly prevented by the tool (estimates). I’m on the fence about this, because we would need to tightly constrain the question to avoid the results being abused in some way. Those are my rough ideas – what do you think? Anything else you want to see? Is this even in the right direction? And remember – raw (anonymized) results will be released, so it’s kind of like your chance to run a survey and have someone else bear the costs and do all the work… FYI The sponsor gets an exclusive on the raw results for 45 days or so, but they will be released free after that. We have to pay for these things somehow. Share:

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Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.