

IDM: Reality Sets In

IDM fascinates me, if only because it is such an important base for a good security program. Despite this, many organizations (even ones with cutting edge technology) haven’t really focused on solving the issues around managing users’ identity. This is, no doubt, in part due to the fact that IDM is hard in the real world. Businesses can have hundreds if not thousands of applications (GM purportedly had over 15,000 apps at one point) and each application itself can have hundreds or thousands of roles within it. Combine this with multiple methods of authentication and authorization, and you have a major problem on your hands which makes digging into the morass challenging to say the least. I also suspect IDM gets ignored because it does not warrant playing with fun toys, so as a result, doesn’t get appropriate attention from the technophiles. Don’t get me wrong – there are some great technologies out there to help solve the problem, but no matter what tools you have at your disposal, IDM is fundamentally not a technology problem but a process issue. I cannot possibly emphasize this enough. In the industry we love to say that security is about People, Process, and Technology. Well, IDM is pretty much all about Process, with People and Technology supporting it. Process is an area that many security folks have trouble with, perhaps due to lack of experience. This is why I generally recommend that security be part of designing the IDM processes, policies, and procedures – but that the actual day to day stuff be handled by the IT operations teams who have the experience and discipline to make it work properly. DS had a great comment on my last post, which is well worth reading in its entirety, but today there is one part I’d like to highlight because it nicely shows the general process that should be followed regardless of organization size: While certainly not exhaustive, the above simple facts can help build a closed loop process. When someone changes roles, IT gets notified how. A request is placed by a manager or employee to gain access to a system. If employee request, manager must(?) approve. If approved as “in job scope” by manager, system owner approves. IT (or system owner in decentralized case) provisions necessary access. Requester is notified. Five steps, not terribly complicated and easy to do, and essentially what happens when someone gets hired. For termination, all you really need are steps 1, 2, and 5 – but in reverse. This process can even work in large decentralized organizations, provided you can figure out (a) the notification/request process for access changes and (b) a work flow process for driving through the above cycle. (a) is where the Info Sec team has to get outside the IT department and talk to the business. This is huge. I’ve talked in the past about the need for IT to understand the business and IDM is a great example of why. This isn’t directly about business goals or profit/loss margins, but rather about understanding how the business operates on a day to day basis. Don’t assume that IT knows what applications are being used – in many organizations IT only provides the servers and sometimes only the servers for the basic infrastructure. So sit down with the various business units and find out what applications/services are being used and what process they are using today to provision users, who is handling that process, and what changes if any they’d like to see to the process. This is an opportunity to figure out which applications/services need to be part of your IDM initiative (this could be compliance, audit, corporate mandate etc.) and which ones currently aren’t relevant. It has the added benefit of discovering where data is flowing, which is key to not only compliance mandates under HIPAA, SOX, and the European Data Directive (to name a few), but also incredibly handy when electronic discovery is necessary. One all this data has been gathered, you can evaluate the various technologies available and see if they can help. This could be anything from a web app to manage change requests, to workflow (see below), to a full-scale automated access provisioning and de-provisioning system, driven by the approval process. Once you’ve solved (a), (b) is comparatively straightforward and another place where technology can make life easier. The best part is that your organization likely has something like this deployed for other reasons, so the additional costs should be relatively low. Once your company/department/university/etc. grows to a decent size and/or starts to decentralize, manually following the process will become more and more cumbersome, especially as the number of supported applications goes up. A high rate of job role changes within the organization has a similar effect. So some sort of software that automatically notifies employees when they have tasks will greatly streamline the process and help people get the access they need much more quickly. Workflow software is also a great source of performance metrics and can help provide the necessary logs when dealing with audit or compliance issues. As I mentioned above, the business reality for many organizations is far from pristine or clear, so in my next post I’ll explore more those issues in more depth. For now, suffice it to say that until you address those issues, the above process will work best with a small company with fewer apps/auth methods. If you are involved in a larger more complex organization, all is not lost. In that case, I highly recommend that you not try to fix things all at once, but start with one a group or sub-group within the organization and roll out there first. Once you’ve worked out the kinks, you can roll in more and more groups over time. Share:

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Where Art Thou, Security Logging?

Today you’d be hard pressed to find a decent sized network that doesn’t have some implementation of Security Event Management (SEM). It’s just a fact of modern regulation that a centralized system to collect all that logolicious information makes sense (and may be mandatory). Part of the problem with architecting and managing these systems is that one runs into the issue of securely collecting the information and subsequently verifying its authenticity. Almost every network-aware product you might buy today has a logging capability, generally based on syslog – RFC3164. Unfortunately, as defined, syslog doesn’t provide much security. In fact if you need a good laugh I’d suggest reading section 6 of the RFC. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you start to digest information about odors, moths and spiders. It becomes apparent, very quickly, when reading subparagraphs 6.1 through 6.10, that the considerations outlined are there more to tip you off that the authors already know syslog provides minimal security – so don’t complain to them. At this point most sane people question using such a protocol at all because surely there must be something better, right? Yes and no. First let me clarify: I didn’t set out to create an exhaustive comparison of [enter your favorite alternative to syslog here] for this writeup. Sure RFC5424 obsoletes the originally discussed RFC3164 and yes RFC5425 addresses using TLS as a transport to secure syslog. Or maybe it would be better to configure BEEP on your routers and let’s not forget about the many proprietary and open source agents that you can install on your servers and workstations. I freely admit there are some great technologies to read about in event logging technology. The point though is that since there is considerable immaturity and many options to choose from, most environments fall back to the path of least resistance: good ol’ syslog over UDP. Unfortunately I’ve never been asked how to do logging right by a client. As long as events are streaming to the SEM and showing up on the glass in the NOC/SOC, it’s not a question that comes up. It may not even be a big deal right now, but I’d be willing to bet you’ll see more on the topic as audits become more scrutinizing. Shouldn’t the integrity of that data be something a little more robust than the unreliable, unauthentic, repudiable and completely insecure protocol you probably have in production? You don’t have to thank me later, but I’d start thinking about it now. Share:

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Which Bits Are the Right Bits?

(The following post covers some rather esoteric bits of security philosophy, or what Rich has affectionately called “Security Jazz” in the past. Unless you are into obscure data-centric security minutiae, you will probably not be interested). Richard Bejtlich tweeted and posted on data integrity: The trustworthiness of a digital asset is limited by the owner’s capability to detect incidents compromising the integrity of that asset. This statement is absolutely correct and a really important point that is often overlooked. The problem is that most technologies which produce digital assets do not build tamper detection in, thus giving owners no way to detect integrity violtaions. And far too often people confuse interested party with owner of digital assets, as there can be many copies, each in the possession of a different person or group. It’s not that we can’t provide validation, because technology exists to provide assurance and authenticity. Let’s look at an example: Who owns syslog data? Is it the IT administrator? The security professional? An auditor? In my opinion, none of them do. The OS owns the syslog, as it created the content. Much like you may think you own ‘your’ credit card number, but you don’t – it is something the issuing bank created and owns. They are the custodians of that number, and change it when they choose to. syslog has no way to verify the contents of the log it creates over time. We take it on faith that it is unlikely a log file was corrupted or altered. If we need to verify integrity in the future, too bad. If you did not build in safeguards and a method for validating integrity when you created the data, it’s too late. The trustworthiness of the digital asset is limited to the owner’s capability to detect a compromise, and for many digital assets like syslog, that is nil. For most digital assets, it is sufficient that we use them every day, as this provides sufficient confidence in their integrity. Encryption keys are a useful example. If the keys are corrupted, especially in a public-key situation, either the encryption or decryption operations fail. We may keep a backup somewhere safe to compare our working copy to, and while that can be effective in the most common problem situations, it’s only relevant for certain (common) use cases. Digital assets have an additional challenge over physical objects in terms of generations. Even if we can verify a particular iteration of a digital object, we can have infinite copies, so we need to be able to verify the most current iteration is in use. For digital assets like encryption keys, account numbers, access tokens, and digital representations of self, the owner has a strong vested interest in not sharing the asset, keeping it safe, and possibly even keeping redundant copies against future emergencies or for verification. There are several technologies to prove integrity, they are just not used much. I posted a comment on Richard’s blog to this effect: The trustworthiness of a digital asset is limited more by the trustworthiness of the owner than tamper detection. An owner with desire of privacy and data integrity has the means to protect digital assets. Richard’s premise is an important one as we very seldom build in safeguards to validate ownership, state, authenticity or integrity. Non-repudiation tools and digital escrow services are nearly non-existent. There simply is not enough motivation to implement the tools we have which can provide assurance. Gunnar Peterson blogged on this subject earlier this week as well, taking a slightly more applied look at the problem. His statement that these issues are outside the purview of DLP are absolutely correct. DLP is an outside-in model. This discussion has more to do with Digital Rights Management, which is an inside-out model. The owner must attest to integrity, and while a 3rd party proxy such as a DLP service could be entrusted with object escrow and integrity certification, it would require an alteration of the DLP’s “discover and protect” model. DRM is designed to be part of the application that creates the digital object, and while it is not often discussed, digital object ownership is part of that responsibility. Attestation to ownership is not possible without some form of integrity and state checking. I have seen select DRM systems that were interested in high integrity, but none were commercially viable. Which answers Gunnar’s question: Our ability using today’s technologies to deliver vastly improved audit logging is, I believe, a worthwhile and achievable goal. But it’s fair to ask – why hasn’t it happened yet? There has been no financial incentive to do so. We have had excellent immutable log technologies for years but they are only used in limited cases. Web application audit trails are an interesting application of this technology and easy to do, but there is no compelling business problem motivating people to spend money on retrofitting what they have. I would like to see this type of feature for consumer protection, built into financial transactions where we really need to protect consumers from shoddy corporate record-keeping and failed banking institutions. Share:

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Microsoft Security Updates for October 2009

We don’t normally cover Patch Tuesday unless there is something unusual, but the October 2009 advanced notification appears to be just that. It lists patches for 13 different security bulletins, for what looks like 30 separate security problems. Eight of the bulletins are for critical vulnerabilities with the possibility of remote code execution. The majority of the patches are for Windows itself, with a couple for SQL Server, Office, and Forefront, but it looks like just about every production version of Windows is affected. Given the scope of this security patch and the seriousness of the bugs, it looks like IT departments are going to be working overtime for a while. Details of each of the vulnerabilities will be released later today, and I will update this post with specific points of interest as I find them. I am assuming that at least one of the patches is in response to the Server Message Block vulnerability discovered back in August. IIS is not listed as one of the affected products, but odds are the underlying OS will be, and folks will be restarting app servers either way. I am still trying to determine the issue with SQL Server. More to come… ==== Updated ==== Microsoft has updated the bulletin and included the security advisory links and some details on the threats. The SQL Server vulnerability is not within the core database engine, but the GDI ActiveX library in the print server. It’s in 2005, not 2000. When SQL Server Reporting Services is installed, the affected installations of SQL Server software may host the RSClientPrint ActiveX control. This ActiveX control distributes a copy of gdiplus.dll containing the affected code. Customers are only impacted when the RSClientPrint ActiveX control is installed on Microsoft Windows 2000 operating systems. If the RSClientPrint ActiveX control is installed on any other operating system, the system version of GDI+ will be used and the corresponding operating system update will protect them. The GDI+ vulnerability pretty much allows you to take down any Microsoft platform or function that uses the GDI dll, which is basically anything that uses images for forms, which is just about everything. My earlier comment that IIS was not listed was true, but there is in fact a bug linked to IIS: version 5.0 of the FTP service is vulnerable to remote code exploitation. Some of the exploits have workarounds and can be masked through firewall and web application firewall settings, however given the number and severity of the issues, we do recommend patching as soon as possible. Share:

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Barracuda Networks Acquires Purewire

Today Barracuda Networks announced their acquisition of Purewire. Barracuda has an incredibly broad product suite, including AV, WAF, Anti-spam, anti-malware, SSL gateways, and so on, but are behind their competition in web filtering and seriously lacking in solutions delivered as SaaS. The Purewire product set closes Barracuda’s biggest product gap, giving them URL filtering and some basic content inspection. But most importantly it can be delivered as SaaS. This is important for two reasons: first, Barracuda has been losing market share to email and web security vendors with comprehensive SaaS product lines. SaaS offers flexible deployment and extends the usable lifespan of existing appliance/software security investments. Second, SaaS can be sold ‘up-market’ or ‘down-market’, as pricing is simply adjusted for the desired capacity. This will keep the handful of Barracuda enterprise customers happy, and provide SME customers the ability to add capacity as needed, hopefully keeping them from bolting to other providers. I have never had my hands on the Purewire product so I have little knowledge of its internal workings or competitive differentiators. I have only spoken with a couple customers but they seemed to be satisfied with the web filtering capabilities. No wholehearted endorsements, but I did not hear any complaints either – nothing wrong if the endorsements are not passionate as often the best than can be said for web filtering products is they perform their jobs and go unnoticed. Based on recent press releases and joint customer announcements, I was expecting Proofpoint to be the acquirer. Regardless, this is a better fit for both companies given Proofpoint’s significant overlap with Purewire. And Barracuda has greater need for this technology. It has been a long time coming but they are finally turning around and showing a dedication to a service based delivery model. Remember, it was only two years ago that Barracuda bet on Web Application Firewalls acquired with Netcontinuum. That bet did not pay off particularly well, as the WAF market never blossomed as predicted. And it further entrenched Barracuda as a box shop. This is a move in the right direction. Share:

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Personal Information Dump

Interesting story of a San Francisco commercial landlord who found 46 boxes of personal information and financial data for thousands of people left behind by a failed title company. The boxes were the detitrus of what was until last year a thriving business, Financial Title. Then the economy tanked, and the company folded up its locations all across California, including the one Tookoian rented to it. “They basically abruptly closed shop,” he said as he walked past the company’s logo still affixed to a white wall. “Turned the lights off, closed the door and walked away.” Despite all of the data breaches and crazy stuff we see in the data security profession, I am still shocked at this type of carelessness. I expect to see prosecutors go after the owners of the company for failure to exercise their custodial responsibilities for these records. Ridout says the Federal Trade Commission has implemented new laws requiring businesses to properly dispose of sensitive personal information. So far, an Illinois mortgage company was fined $50,000 for throwing personal records in a dumpster. But fines like that are rare. And after his good deed of having the records destroyed, the landlord still had to pay the bill. Perhaps the FTC will set an example in this case. Share:

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Friday Summary – October 9, 2009

A lot of not this week. I was not at SECtor, although I understand it was a good time. I am not going to Oracle Open World. I should be going, but too many projects are either beginning or remain unfinished for me to travel to the Bay Area, visiting old friends and finding a good bar to hang out at. That is lots of fun I will not be having. I will not be going to Atlanta in November as the Tech Target event for data security has been knocked off the calendar. And I am not taking a free Mexican holiday in Peurta de Cancun or wherever Rich is enjoying himself. Oh well, weather has been awesome in Phoenix. With the posts for Dark Reading this week I spent a bunch of time rummaging around for old database versions and looking through notes for database audit performance testing. Some of the old Oracle 7.3 tests with nearly 50% transactional degradation still seem unreal, but I guess it should not surprising that auditing features in older databases are a problem. They were not designed to audit transactions like we do today. They were designed to capture a sample of activity so administrators could understand how people were using the database. Performance and resource allocation were the end goals. Once a sample was collected, auditing was turned off. Security was not really a consideration, and no thought given to compliance. Yet the order of use and priority has been turned upside down, as they fill a critical compliance need but require careful deployment. While I was at RSA this year, one database vendor pointed out some of the security vendors citing this 50% penalty as what you could expect. Bollocks! Database security and compliance vendors who do not use native database auditing would like you to embrace this performance myth. They have a competitive offering to sell, so the more people are fearful of performance degradation, the better their odds of selling you an alternative to accomplish this task. I hear DBAs complain a lot about using native auditing features because it used to be a huge performance problem, and DBAs would get complaints from database and application users. Auditing produces a lot of data. Something has to be done with that data. It needs to be parsed for significant events, reported on, acted upon, erased or backed up, or some combination thereof. In the past, database administrators performed these functions manually, or wrote scripts to partially automate the responsibility, and rewrote them any time something within IT changed. As a form of self preservation, DBAs in general do not like accepting this responsibility. And I admit, it takes a little time to get it set up right, and you may even discover some settings to be counter-intuitive. However, auditing is a powerful tool and it should not be dismissed out of hand. It is not my first choice for database security; no way, no how! But for compliance reporting and control validation, especially for SOX, it’s really effective. Plus, much of this burden can be removed by using third party vendors to handle the setup, data extraction, cleanup, and reporting. Anyway, enough about database auditing. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian’s Dark Reading post on Database Auditing Essentials. David Mortman’s Diversity of Thinking article on Threatpost. Adrian’s follow-up Dark Reading post on Auditing Pitfalls. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Database Audit Events. This is a lot of research! Adrian: This week’s Friday Summary. No link necessary! David Meier & David Mortman: Visa’s Data Field Encryption. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Coconut Television. “No tequila yet, but we will see how the night goes.” Adrian & Mortman: JJ on SecTor’s Wall of Shame. Meier: Comcast pop-ups alert customers to PC infections. It may be effective, but why are you inspecting my traffic? How do I opt out? Top News and Posts Bloggers who review products must disclose compensation. But nothing says you need to disclose compensation for not writing about a product (wink-wink). Payola may be illegal, but hush money is bueno! Statistics from the Hotmail Phishing Scam. This closely mimics some of the weak password detection and dictionary attack work I conducted. You will notice any dictionary attack must be altered for regional preferences. Express Scripts notifying 700,000 in Pharma data breach. Bank fraud Malware that rewrites your bank statement. PayPal Pissed! Why the FBI Director does not bank online. Botnet research conducted by University of California at Santa Barbara. Full research paper forthcoming. AVG launches new AV suite while Microsoft is breathing down their necks. Hundreds arrested in Phishing scam where as much as $1M US was stolen. What I found most interesting about this is MSNBC and Fox News only mention ‘overseas’ participants, while small investigative papers like the Sacramento Bee and others gave details and noted the cooperation of Egyptian authorities. I guess ‘fair and balanced’ does not necessarily mean ‘complete and accurate’. McAfee and Verizon partnership. Passwords for Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail accounts leaked. What’s wrong with a wall of sheep? Kidding. People who don’t understand security grasping at straws. Malware Flea Market. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment comes from Adam in response to Mortman’s Online Fraud Report: It’s sort of hard to answer without knowing more about what data he has, but what I’d like is raw data, anonymized to the extent needed, and shared in both data and analyzed forms, so other people can apply their own analysis to the data. Share:

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Online Fraud Report: What Would You Want To See?

So a buddy of mine back from when I was on the customer side contacted me recently. He’s at a new company doing some very interesting work on detecting certain classes of online fraud and amounts of malware on websites. So far he’s gathered some fascinating data on just how bad the problem is, and I’m trying to convince him that he should start publishing some of his aggregate data in a quarterly or semi-annual report. He is very interested but would love some community input on what the report should look like, which brings me to you. Some of what should be in such a report is obvious – such as rate of detected fraud overall and by various industry verticals. The rest isn’t so clear and that’s where you all come in. Put on whatever hat you like – CISO, CFO, security researcher, risk officer, consumer, or whatever else – and what would you like to see in such a report? Are there things you hate about other reports? Or are there things you wish they covered which they never do? Throw out your requests, rants, comments, ideas, and questions in the comments and I’ll collect them all together and summarize them in a future post. If this really takes off, I’ll move it over to the forums. Share:

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Visa’s Data Field Encryption

I was reading Martin McKeay’s blog this morning and saw his reference to Visa’s Data Field Encryption white paper. Martin’s point that Visa is the author, rather than the PCI council, is a good one. Now that I’ve read the paper, I don’t think Visa is putting it out as a sort of litmus test on behalf of the council, but instead Visa is taking a stand on what technologies they want endorsed. And if that is the case, Rich’s feeling prediction that “Tokenization Will Become the Dominant Payment Transaction Architecture” will happen far faster than we anticipated. A couple observations about the paper: … data field encryption renders cardholder data useless to criminals in the event of a merchant data breach decryption. Use robust key management solutions… and Visa has developed best practices to assist merchants in evaluating the new encryption… Use an alternate account or transaction identifier for business processes that requires[sic] the primary account number… The recommendations could describe tokenization or format preserving encryption, but it looks to me like they have tokenization in mind. And by tokenization I mean the PAN and other sensitive data are fully encrypted at the POS, and their response to the merchant is a token. I like the fact that their goals do not dictate technology choices, and are worded in such a way that they should not be obsolete within a year. But the document appears to have been rushed to publication. For example, goal #4: protect the cryptographic operations within devices from physical or logical compromises. It’s the cryptographic operations you want to protect; the device should be considered expendable and not sensitive to compromise. Similarly, goal #1 states: Limit cleartext availability of cardholder data and sensitive authentication data to the point of encryption and the point of decryption. But where is the “point of encryption”? It’s one thing to be at the POS terminal, but if this is a web transaction environment, does that mean it happens at the web server? At the browser level? Somewhere else? Reading the document it seems clear that the focus is on POS and not web based transactional security, which looks likes a big mistake to me. Martin already pointed out that the authors lumped encryption and hashing into a single domain, but that may have been deliberate, to make the document easier to read. But if clarity was the goal, who thought “Data Field Encryption” was a good term? It does not describe what is being proected. And with tokenization, encryption is only part of the picture. If you are a web application or database developer, you will see why this phrase is really inappropriate. Make no mistake – Visa has put a stake in the ground and it will be interesting to see how the PCI Council reacts. Share:

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Database Audit Events

I have attended a lot of database developer events and DBA forums around the country in the last 6 years. One benefit of attending lectures by database administrators for database administrators is the wealth of information on tools, tricks, and tips for managing databases. And not just the simple administrative tasks, but clever ways to accomplish more complex tasks. A lot of these tricks never seem to make it into the mainstream, instead remaining part of the DBA’s exclusive repertoire. I wish I had kept better notes. And unfortunately I am not going to Oracle Open World, but I wanted to for this very reason. As part of a presentation I worked on a number for years ago at one of these events, I provided an overview of the common elements in the audit logs. I wanted to show how to comb through logs to find events of interest. I have placed a catalog of audit events for several relational database platforms into the Database Security section of our research library. For those of you interested in “roll your own” database auditing, it may be useful. I have listed out the audit-able events for Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2. I had a small shell script that would grab the events I was interested in from the audit trail, place them into a separate file, and then clean up the reviewed audit logs or event monitor resource space. What you choose to do with the data will vary. As part of my latest submission to Dark Reading, I referred to the essential audit-able events most commonly required for regulatory and security efforts. These files list out the specifics for each of those suggestions. If anyone in the community would like to contribute similar information for MySQL or even Postgres, I will add those into the library as well. Share:

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