

The Ranting Roundtable, PCI Edition

Sometimes you just need to let it all out. With all the recent events around breaches and PCI, I thought it might be cathartic to pull together a few of our favorite loudmouths and spend a little time in a no-rules roundtable. There’s a little bad language, a bit of ranting, and a little more productive discussion than I intended. Joining me were Mike Rothman, Alex Hutton, Nick Selby, and Josh Corman. It runs about 50 minutes, and we mostly focus on PCI. The Ranting Roundtable, PCI. Odds are we’ll do more of these in the future. Even if you don’t like them, they’re fun for us. No goats were harmed in the making of this podcast. Share:

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Friday Summary – August 21, 2009

I’m a pretty typical guy. I like beer, football, action movies, and power tools. I’ve never been overly interested in kids, even though I wanted them eventually. It isn’t that I don’t like kids, but until they get old enough to challenge me in Guitar Hero, they don’t exactly hold my attention. And babies? I suppose they’re cute, but so are puppies and kittens, and they’re actually fun to play with, and easier to tell apart. This all, of course, changed when I had my daughter (just under 6 months ago). Oh, I still have no interest in anyone else’s baby, and until the past couple weeks was pretty paranoid about picking up the wrong one from daycare, but she definitely holds my attention better than (most) puppies. I suppose it’s weird that I always wanted kids, just not anyone else’s kids. Riley is in one of those accelerated learning modes right now. It’s fascinating to watch her eyes, expressions, and body language as she struggles to grasp the world around her (literally, anything within arms reach + 10). Her powers of observation are frightening… kind of like a superpower of some sort. It’s even more interesting when her mind is running ahead of her body as she struggles on a task she clearly understands, but doesn’t have the muscle control to pull off. And when she’s really motivated to get that toy/cat? You can see every synapse and sinew strain to achieve her goal with complete and utter focus. (That cats do that too, but only if it involves food or the birds that taunt them through the window). On the Ranting Roundtable a few times you hear us call security folks lazy or apathetic. We didn’t mean everyone, but it’s also a general statement that extends far beyond security. To be honest, most people, even hard working people, are pretty resistent to change; to doing things in new ways, even if they’re better. In every industry I’ve ever worked, the vast majority of people didn’t want to be challenged. Even in my paramedic and firefighter days people would gripe constantly about changes that affected their existing work habits. They might hop on some new car-crushing tool, but god forbid you change their shift structure or post-incident paperwork. And go take any CPR class these days, with the new procedures, and you’ll hear a never-ending rant by the old timers who have no intention of changing how many stupid times they pump and blow per minute. Not to over-do an analogy (well, that is what we analysts tend to do), but I wish more security professionals approached the world like my daughter. With intense observation, curiosity, adaptability, drive, and focus. Actually, she’s kind of like a hacker – drop her by something new, and her little hands start testing (and breaking) anything within reach. She’s constantly seeking new experiences and opportunities to learn, and I don’t think those are traits that have to stop once she gets older. No, not all security folks are lazy, but far too many lack the intellectual curiosity that’s so essential to success. Security is the last fracking profession to join if you want stability or consistency. An apathetic, even if hardworking, security professional is as dangerous as he or she is worthless. That’s why I love security; I can’t imagine a career that isn’t constantly changing and challenging. I think it’s this curiosity and drive that defines ‘hacker’, no matter the color of the hat. All security professionals should be hackers. (Despite that silly CISSP oath). Don’t forget that you can subscribe to the Friday Summary via email. And now for the week in review: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich was quoted several times in the Dark Reading article “Mega-Breaches Employed Familiar, Preventable Attacks”. Rich’s Macworld article on totally paranoid web browsing went live. It will also be in the upcoming print edition. Dan Goodin at the Register mentioned our article on the Heartland breach details. Our Heartland coverage also hit Slashdot (and the server didn’t get crushed, which is always nice). Rich and Martin hit the usual spectrum of security issues in Episode 163 of The Network Security Podcast. Rich, Mike Rothman, Nick Selby, Alex Hutton, and Josh Corman let loose in the very first Ranting Roundtable – PCI Edition. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: With all the discussion around Heartland, Adrian’s post on Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 2: Buying Decisions is very timely. Any time we talk about technology we should be providing a business justification. Adrian: With all the discussion around Heartland, it’s nice to get some confirmation from various parties with New Details, and Lessons, on Heartland Breach. Other Securosis Posts The Ranting Roundtable, PCI Edition Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 3: Data Collection Smart Grids and Security (Intro) New Details, and Lessons, on Heartland Breach Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 2: Buying Decisions Recent Breaches: We May Have All the Answers Heartland Hackers Caught; Answers and Questions Project Quant Posts We are close to releasing the next round of Quant data… so stand by… Favorite Outside Posts Adrian: Maybe not my favorite post of the week, as this is sad. Strike three! My offer still stands. Are you listening, University of California at Berkeley? Rich: It’s easy to preach security, “trust no one” and be all cynical. Now drop yourself in the middle of Africa, with limited resources and few local contacts, and see if you can get by without taking a few leaps of faith. Johnny Long’s post at the Hacker’s for Charity blog shows what happens when a security pro is forced to jump off the cliff of trust. Top News and Posts Indictments handed out for Heartland and Hannaford breaches. Nice post by Brickhouse Security on iPhone Spyware. The role of venture funding in the security market – is the well dry? I swear Corman wrote up his 8 Dirty Secrets of the Security

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New Details, and Lessons, on Heartland Breach

Thanks to an anonymous reader, we may have some additional information on how the Heartland breach occurred. Keep in mind that this isn’t fully validated information, but it does correlate with other information we’ve received, including public statements by Heartland officials. On Monday we correlated the Heatland breach with a joint FBI/USSS bulletin that contained some in-depth details on the probable attack methodology. In public statements (and private rumors) it’s come out that Heartland was likely breached via a regular corporate system, and that hole was then leveraged to cross over to the better-protected transaction network. According to our source, this is exactly what happened. SQL injection was used to compromise a system outside the transaction processing network segment. They used that toehold to start compromising vulnerable systems, including workstations. One of these internal workstations was connected by VPN to the transaction processing datacenter, which allowed them access to the sensitive information. These details were provided in a private meeting held by Heartland in Florida to discuss the breach with other members of the payment industry. As with the SQL injection itself, we’ve seen these kinds of VPN problems before. The first NAC products I ever saw were for remote access – to help reduce the number of worms/viruses coming in from remote systems. I’m not going to claim there’s an easy fix (okay, there is, patch your friggin’ systems), but here are the lessons we can learn from this breach: The PCI assessment likely focused on the transaction systems, network, and datacenter. With so many potential remote access paths, we can’t rely on external hardening alone to prevent breaches. For the record, I also consider this one of the top SCADA problems. Patch and vulnerability management is key – for the bad guys to exploit the VPN connected system, something had to be vulnerable (note – the exception being social engineering a system ‘owner’ into installing the malware manually). We can’t slack on vulnerability management – time after time this turns out to be the way the bad guys take control once they’ve busted through the front door with SQL injection. You need an ongoing, continuous patch and vulnerability management program. This is in every freaking security checklist out there, and is more important than firewalls, application security, or pretty much anything else. The bad guys will take the time to map out your network. Once they start owning systems, unless your transaction processing is absolutely isolated, odds are they’ll find a way to cross network lines. Don’t assume non-sensitive systems aren’t targets. Especially if they are externally accessible. Okay – when you get down to it, all five of those points are practically the same thing. Here’s what I’d recommend: Vulnerability scan everything. I mean everything, your entire public and private IP space. Focus on security patch management – seriously, do we need any more evidence that this is the single most important IT security function? Minimize sensitive data use and use heavy egress filtering on the transaction network, including some form of DLP. Egress filter any remote access, since that basically blows holes through any perimeter you might think you have. Someone will SQL inject any public facing system, and some of the internal ones. You’d better be testing and securing any low-value, public facing system since the bad guys will use that to get inside and go after the high value ones. Vulnerability assessments are more than merely checking patch levels. Share:

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Smart Grids and Security (Intro)

It’s not often, but every now and then there are people in our lives we can clearly identify as having a massive impact on our careers. I don’t mean someone we liked to work with, but someone who gave us that big break, opportunity, or push in the right direction that leads you to where you are today. In my case I know exactly who helped me make the transition from academia to the career I have today. I met Jim Brancheau while I was working at the University of Colorado as a systems and network administrator. He was an information systems professor in the College of Business, and some friends roped me into taking his class even though I was a history and molecular biology major. He liked my project on security, hired me to do some outside consulting with him, and eventually hired me full time after we both left the University. That company was acquired by Gartner, and the rest is history. Flat out, I wouldn’t be where I am today without Jim’s help. Jim and I ended up on different teams at Gartner, and we both eventually left. After taking a few years off to ski and hike, Jim’s back in the analyst game focusing on smart grids and sustainability at Carbon Pros, and he’s currently researching and writing a new book for the corporate world on the topic. When he asked me to help out on the security side, it was an offer Karma wouldn’t let me refuse. I covered energy/utilities and SCADA issues back in my Gartner days, but smart grids amplify those issues to a tremendous degree. Much of the research I’ve seen on security for smart grids has focused on metering systems, but the technologies are extending far beyond smarter meters into our homes, cars, and businesses. For example, Ford just announced a vehicle to grid communications system for hybrid and electric vehicles. Your car will literally talk to the grid when you plug it in to enable features such as only charging at off-peak rates. I highly recommend you read Jim’s series on smart grids and smart homes to get a better understanding of where we are headed. For example, opt-in programs where you will allow your power company to send signals to your house to change your thermostat settings if they need to broadly reduce consumption during peak hours. That’s a consumer example, but we expect to see similar technologies also adopted by the enterprise, in large part due to expected cost-savings incentives. Thus when we talk about smart grids, we aren’t going to limit ourselves to next-gen power grid SCADA or bidirectional meters, but try and frame the security issues for the larger ecosystem that’s developing. We also have to discuss legal and regulatory issues, such as the draft NIST and NERC/FERC standards, as well as technology transition issues (since legacy infrastructure isn’t going away anytime soon). Jim kicked off our coverage with this post over at Carbon Pros, which introduces the security and privacy principles to the non-security audience. I’d like to add a little more depth in terms of how we frame the issue, and in future posts we’ll dig into these areas. From a security perspective, we can think of a smart grid as five major components in two major domains. On the utilities side, there is power generation, transmission, and the customer (home or commercial) interface (where the wires drop from the pole to the wall). Within the utilities side there are essentially three overlapping networks – the business network (office, email, billing), the control process/SCADA network (control of generation and transmission equipment), and now, the emerging smart grid network (communications with the endpoint/user). Most work and regulation in recent years (the CIP requirements) have focused on defining and securing the “electronic security perimeter”, which delineates the systems involved in the process control side, including both legacy SCADA and IP-based systems. In the past, I’ve advised utilities clients to limit the size and scope of their electronic security perimeter as much as possible to reduce both risks and compliance costs. I’ve even heard of some organizations that put air gaps back in place after originally co-mingling the business and process control networks to help reduce security and compliance costs. The smart grid potentially expands this perimeter by extending what’s essentially a third network, the smart grid network, to the meter in the residential or commercial site. That meter is thus the interface to the outside world, and has been the focus of much of the security research I’ve seen. There are clear security implications for the utility, ranging from fraud to distributed denial of generation attacks (imagine a million meters under-reporting usage all at the same time). But the security domain also extends into the endpoint installation as it interfaces with the external side (the second domain) which includes the smart building/home network, and smart devices (as in refrigerators and cars). The security issues for residential and commercial consumers are different but related, and expand into privacy concerns. There could be fraud, denial of power, privacy breaches, and all sorts of other potential problems. This is compounded by the decentralization and diversity of smart technologies, including a mix of powerline, wireless, and IP tech. In other words, smart grid security isn’t merely an issue for electric utilities – there are enterprise and consumer requirements that can’t be solely managed by your power company. They may take primary responsibility for the meter, but you’ll still be responsible for your side of the smart network and your usage of smart appliances. On the upside, although there’s been some rapid movement on smart metering, we still have time to develop our strategies for management of our side (consumption) of smart energy technologies. I don’t think we will all be connecting our thermostats to the grid in the next few months, but there are clearly enterprise implications and we need to start investigating and developing strategies for smart grid

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Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 2: Buying Decisions

If you were looking for a business justification for database assessment, the joint USSS/FBI advisory referenced in Rich’s last post on Recent Breaches should be more than sufficient. What you are looking at is not a checklist of exotic security measures, but fairly basic security that should be implemented in every production database. All of the preventative controls listed in the advisory are, for the most part, addressed with database assessment scanners. Detection of known SQL injection vulnerabilities, detecting use of external stored procedures like xp_cmdshell, and avenues for obtaining Windows credentials from a compromised database server (or vice-versa) are basic policies included with all database vulnerability scanners – some freely available for download. It is amazing that large firms like Heartland, Hannaford, and TJX – who rely on databases for core business functions – get basic database security so wrong. These attacks are a template for anyone who cares to break into your database servers. If you don’t think you are a target because you are not storing credit card numbers, think again! There are plenty of ways for attackers to earn money or commit fraud by extracting or altering the contents of your databases. As a very basic security first step, scan your databases! Adoption of database specific assessment technologies has been sporadic outside the finance vertical because providing business justification is not always simple. For one, many firms already have generic forms of assessment and inaccurately believe they already have that function covered. If they do discover missing policies, they often get the internal DBA staff to paper ove the gaps with homegrown SQL queries. As an example of what I mean, I want to share one story about a customer who was inspecting database configurations as part of their internal audit process. They had about 18 checks, mostly having to do with user permissions, and these settings formed part of the SOX and GLBA controls. What took me by surprise was the customer’s process: twice a year a member of the internal audit staff walked from database server to database server, logged in, ran the SQL queries, captured the results, and then moved on to the other 12 systems. When finished, all of the results were dumped into a formatting tool so the control reports could be made ready for KPMG’s visit. Twice a year, she made the rounds, each time taking a day to collect the data, and a day to produce the reports. When KPMG advised the reports be run quarterly, the task became perceived as a burden and they began a search to automate the task because only then did the cost in lost productivity warrant investment in automation. Their expectations going in were simply that the cost for the product should not grossly exceed a week or two of employee time. Where it got interesting was when we began the proof of concept – it turned out several other groups had been manually running scripts and had much the same problem. We polled other organizations across the company, and found similar requirements from internal audit, security, IT management, and DBAs alike. Not only was each group already performing a small but critical set of security and compliance tasks, they each had another list of things they would like to accomplish. While no single group could justify the expense, taken together it was easy to see how automation saved on manpower alone. We then multiplied the work across dozens, or in some cases thousands of databases – and discovered there had been ample financial justification all along. Each group might have been motivated by compliance, operations efficiency, or threat mitigation, but as their work required separation of duties, they had not cooperated on obtaining tools to solve a shared problem. Over time, we found this customer example to be fairly common. When considering business justification for the investment into database assessment, you are unlikely to find any single irresistible reason you need database assessment technology. You may read product marketing claims that say “Because you are compelled by compliance mandate GBRSH 509 to secure your database”, or some nonsense like that, but it is simply not true. There are security and regulatory requirements that compel certain database settings, but nothing that mandates automation. But there are two very basic reasons why you need to automate the assessment process: The scope of the task, and accuracy of the results. The depth and breadth of issues to address are beyond the skill of any one of the audiences for assessment. Let’s face it: the changes in database security issues alone are difficult to keep up with – much less compliance, operations, and evolutionary changes to the database platform itself. Coupled with the boring and repetitive nature of running these scans, it’s ripe territory for shortcuts and human error. When considering a database assessment solution, the following are common market drivers for adoption. If your company has more than a couple databases, odds are all of these factors will apply to your situation: Configuration Auditing for Compliance: Periodic reports on database configuration and setup are needed to demonstrate adherence to internal standards and regulatory requirements. Most platforms offer policy bundles tuned for specific regulations such as PCI, Sarbanes-Oxley, and HIPAA. Security: Fast and effective identification of known security issues and deviations from company and industry best practices, with specific remediation advice. Operational Policy Enforcement: Verification of work orders, operational standards, patch levels, and approved methods of remediation are valuable (and possibly required). There are several ways this technology can be applied to promote and address the requirements above, including: Automated verification of compliance and security settings across multiple heterogenous database environments. Consistency in database deployment across the organization, especially important for patch and configuration management, as well as detection and remediation of exploits commonly used to gain access. Centralized policy management so that a single policy can be applied across multiple (possibly geographically dispersed) locations. Separation of duties between IT, audit, security, and database administration personnel.

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Heartland Hackers Caught; Answers and Questions

UPDATE: follow up article with what may be the details of the attacks, based on the FBI/Secret Service advisory that went out earlier this year. The indictment today of Albert Gonzales and two co-conspirators for hacking Hannaford, 7-Eleven, and Heartland Payment Systems is absolutely fascinating on multiple levels. Most importantly from a security perspective, it finally reveals details of the attacks. While we don’t learn the specific platforms and commands, the indictment provides far greater insights than speculation by people like me. In the “drama” category, we learn that the main perpetrator is the same person who hacked TJX (and multiple other retailers), and was the Secret Service informant who helped bring down the Shadowcrew. Rather than rehashing the many articles popping up, let’s focus on the security implications and lessons hidden in the news reports and the indictment itself. Let’s start with a short list of the security issues and lessons learned, then dig into more detail on the case and perpetuators themselves: To summarize the security issues: The attacks on Hannaford, Heartland, 7-Eleven, and the other 2 retailers used SQL injection as the primary vector. In at least some cases, it was not SQL injection of the transaction network, but another system used to get to the transaction network. In at least some cases custom malware was installed, which indicates either command execution via the SQL injection, or XSS via SQL injection to attack internal workstations. We do not yet know the details. The custom malware did not trigger antivirus, deleted log files, sniffed the internal network for card numbers, scanned the internal network for stored data, and exfiltrated the data. The indictment doesn’t reveal the degree of automation, or if it was more manually controlled (shell). The security lessons include: Defend against SQL injection – it’s clearly one of the top vectors for attacks. Parameterized queries, WAFs, and so on. Lock databases to prevent command execution via SQL. Don’t use a privileged account for the RDBMS, and do not enable the command execution features. Then, lock down the server to prevent unneeded network services and software installation (don’t allow outbound curl, for example). Since the bad guys are scanning for unprotected data, you might as well do it yourself. Use DLP to find card data internally. While I don’t normally recommend DLP for internal network traffic, if you deal with card numbers you should considering using it to scan traffic in and out of your transaction network. AV won’t help much with the custom malware. Focus on egress filtering and lockdown of systems in the transaction network (mostly the database and application servers). Don’t assume attackers will only target transaction applications/databases with SQL injection. They will exploit any weak point they can find, then use it to weasel over to the transaction side. These attacks appear to be preventable using common security controls. It’s possible some advanced techniques were used, but I doubt it. Now let’s talk about more details: This indictment covers breaches of Heartland, Hannaford, 7-Eleven, and two “major retailers” breached in 2007 and early 2008. Those retailers have not been revealed, and we do not know if they are in violation of any breach notification laws. This is the same Albert Gonzales who was indicted last year for breaches of TJ Maxx, Barnes & Noble, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Boston Market, DSW, Forever 21, Office Max, and Sports Authority. A co-coconspirator referred to in the indictment as “P.T.” was not indicted. While it’s pure conjecture, I won’t be surprised if this is an informant who help break the case. Gonzales and friends would identify potential targets, then use a combination of online and physical surveillance to identify weaknesses. Physical visits would reveal the payment system being used (via the point of sale terminals), and other relevant information. When performing online reconnaissance, they would also attempt to determine the payment processor/processing system. In the TJX attacks it appears that wireless attacks were the primary vector (which correlates with the physical visits). In this series, it was SQL injection. Multiple systems and servers scattered globally were used in the attack. It is quite possible that these were the part of the web-based exploitation service described in this article by Brian Krebs back in April. The primary vector was SQL injection. We do not know the sophistication of the attack, since SQL injection can be simple or complex, depending on the database and security controls involved. It’s hard to tell from the indictment, but it appears that in some cases SQL injection alone may have been used, while in others it was a way of inserting malware. It is very possible that SQL injection on a less-secured area of the network was used to install malware, which was then used to attack other internal services and transition to the transaction network. Based on information in various other interviews and stories, I suspect this was the case for Heartland, if not other targets. This is conjecture, so please don’t hold me to it. More pure conjecture here, but I wonder if any of the attacks used SQL injection to XSS internal users and download malware into the target organization? Custom malware was left on target networks, and tested ensure it would evade common AV engines. SQL injection to allow command execution shouldn’t be possible on a properly configured financial transaction system. Most RDBMS systems support some level of command execution, but usually not by default (for current versions of SQL Server and Oracle after 8 – not sure about other platforms). Thus either a legacy RDBMS was used, or a current database platform that was improperly configured. This would either be due to gross error, or special requirements that should have only been allowed with additional security controls, such as strict limits on the RDBMS user account, server lockdown (everything from application whitelisting, to HIPS, to external monitoring/filtering). In one case the indictment refers to a SQL injection string used to redirect content to an external server, which seems

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Recent Breaches: We May Have All the Answers

You know how sometimes you read something and then forget about it until it smacks you in the face again? That’s how I feel right now after @BreachSecurity reminded me of this advisory from February. To pull an excerpt, it looks like we now know exactly how all these recent major breaches occurred: Attacker Methodology: In general, the attackers perform the following activities on the networks they compromise: They identify Web sites that are vulnerable to SQL injection. They appear to target MSSQL only. They use “xp_cmdshell”, an extended procedure installed by default on MSSQL, to download their hacker tools to the compromised MSSQL server. They obtain valid Windows credentials by using fgdump or a similar tool. They install network “sniffers” to identify card data and systems involved in processing credit card transactions. They install backdoors that “beacon” periodically to their command and control servers, allowing surreptitious access to the compromised networks. They target databases, Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), and processing applications in an effort to obtain credit card data or brute-force ATM PINs. They use WinRAR to compress the information they pilfer from the compromised networks. No surprises. All preventable, although clearly these guys know their way around transaction networks if they target HSMs and proprietary financial systems. Seems like almost exactly what happend with CardSystems back in 2004. No snarky comment needed. Share:

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It’s Thursday the 13th—Update Adobe Flash Day

Over at TidBITS, Friday the 13th has long been “Check Your Backups Day”. I’d like to expand that a bit here at Securosis and declare Thursday the 13th “Update Adobe Flash Day”. Flash is loaded with vulnerabilities and regularly updated by Adobe, but by most estimates I’ve seen, no more than 20% of people run current versions. Flash is thus one of the most valuable bad-guy vectors for breaking into your computer, regardless of your operating system. While it’s something you should check more than a few random days a year, at least stop reading this, go to Adobe’s site and update your Flash installation. For the record, I checked and was out of date myself – Flash does not auto update, even on Macs. Share:

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Friday Summary – August 14, 2009

Rich and I have been really surprised at the quality of the resumes we have been getting for the intern and associate analyst roles. We are going to cut off submissions some time next week, so send one along if you are interested. The tough part comes in the selection process. Rich is already planning out the training, cooperative research, and how to set everything up. I have been working with Rich for a year now and we are having fun, and I am pretty sure you will learn a lot as well as have a good time doing it. I look forward to working with whomever as any of the people who have sent over their credentials are going to be good. The last couple days have been kind of a waste work-wise. Office cleanup, RSA submissions, changes to my browsing security, and driving around the world to help my wife’s business have put a damper on research and blog writing. Rich tried to warn me that RSA submissions were a pain, even sending me the off-line submission requirements document so I could prepare in advance. And I did, only to find both the online forms were different, so I ended up rewriting all three submissions. The office cleanup was the most shocking thing of my week. Throwing out or donating phones, fax, answering machines, laser printers, and filing cabinets made me think how much the home office has changed. I used to say in 1999 that the Internet had really changed things, but it has continued its impact unabated. I don’t have a land line any longer. I talk to people on the computer more than on the cell phone. There is not a watch on my wrist, a calendar hanging on the wall or a phone book in the closet. I don’t go to the library. I get the majority of my news & research through the computer. I use Google Maps every day, and while I still own paper maps, they’re just for places I cannot find online. My music arrives through the computer. I have not rented a DVD in five years. I don’t watch much television; instead that leisure time has gone to surfing the Internet. Books? Airline tickets? Hotels? Movie theaters? Are you kidding me? Almost everything I buy outside of grocery and basic hardware I buy through online vendors. When I shut off the computer because of lightning storms, it’s just like the ‘Over Logging’ episode of South Park where the internet is gone … minus the Japanese porn. The Kaminsky & Matasano hacks made Rich and me a little worried. Rich immediately started a review of all our internal systems and we have re-segmented the network and are making a bunch of other changes. It’s probably overkill for a two-person shop, but we think it needs to be that way. That also prompted the change in how I use browsers and virtual machines, as I am in the process of following Rich’s model (more articles to come discussing specifics) and having 4 different browsers, each dedicated to a specific task, and a couple virtual partitions for general browsing and research. And the entire ‘1Password’ migration is taking much more time than I thought. Anyway, I look forward to getting back to blogging next week as I am rather excited about the database assessment series. This is one of my favorite topics and I am having to pare down my research notes considerably to make it fit into reasonably succinct blog posts. Plus Rich has another project to launch that should be a lot of fun as well. And now for the week in review: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich and Quine (Zach Lanier) host Episode 162 of The Network Security Podcast. Rich’s Open Letter to Robert Carr, CEO of Heartland Payment Systems kicked off a series of responses: Threatpost Reprint with added content, Michael Farnum at Computerworld, and Alex Howard at TechTarget. Rich was quoted on CA entering the cloud computing market at IDG. Project Quant was referred to in a Computerworld UK post by Amrit Williams. Rich wrote an article on iPhone 3GS encryption problems at TidBITS. Rich wrote up the iPhone SMS attack for Macworld. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Adrian’s start on the database assessment series. Adrian: Rich’s biting analysis of Robert Carr’s comments on the Heartland data breach. Other Securosis Posts It’s Thursday the 13th – Update Adobe Flash Day Not All Design Flaws Are “Features” Database Encryption, Part 7: Wrapping Up. Project Quant Posts Project Quant Version 1.0 Report and Survey Results Favorite Outside Posts Adrian: Like an itch you can’t scratch, I struggle for ways to describe why GRC is a clumsy way to think about security and compliance. Dave Mortman to the rescure with his post on GRC: Why We’re Doing It Wrong. Thanks Dave! Rich: Larry Walsh reveals the real truth of security reputations and breaches. Top News and Posts Fortinet plans an IPO. Bank of America and Citi warn of a merchant breach in Massachusetts. Adobe vulnerabilities and patch management are hitting critical mass. Bill Brenner’s interview with Heartland’s CEO. Brandon Williams, Mike Rothman, Andy the IT Guy, and the New School’s Adam Shostack respond. Interview with our very good friend, and network engineering master, JJ Mike Dahn on personal responsibility in security. USAA now takes deposits via the iPhone. I’ve tested this, and it works great. Voting machine attacks are proven to be practical under real world conditions. Ryan and Dancho cover Apple’s Mac OS X Patch. Microsoft releases several security patches. Rafal Los on the WordPress Admin Password Reset vulnerability. NSSLabs Malware and Phishing report. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment comes from Jeff Allen in response to Rich’s post An Open Letter to Robert Carr, CEO of Heartland Payment Systems : Very interesting take, Rich. I heard Mr. Carr present their story at the Gartner IT Security Summit last month, and I have to say,

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An Open Letter to Robert Carr, CEO of Heartland Payment Systems

Mr. Carr, I read your interview with Bill Brenner in CSO magazine today, and I sympathize with your situation. I completely agree that the current system of standards and audits contained in the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is flawed and unreliable as a breach-prevention mechanism. The truth is that our current transaction systems were never designed for our current threat environment, and I applaud your push to advance the processing system and transaction security. PCI is merely an attempt to extend the life of the current system, and while it is improving the state of security within the industry, no best practices standard can ever fully repair such a profoundly defective transaction mechanism as credit card numbers and magnetic stripe data. That said, your attempts to place the blame of your security breach on your QSAs, your external auditors, are disingenuous at best. As the CEO of a large public company you clearly understand the role of audits, assessments, and auditors. You are also fundamentally familiar with the concepts of enterprise risk management and your fiduciary responsibility as an officer of your company. Your attempts to shift responsibility to your QSA are the accounting equivalent of blaming your external auditor for failing to prevent the hijacking of an armored car. As a public company, I have to assume your organization uses two third-party financial auditors, and internal audit and security teams. The role of your external auditor is to ensure your compliance with financial regulations and the accuracy of your public reports. This is the equivalent of a QSA, whose job isn’t to evaluate all your security defenses and controls, but to confirm that you comply with the requirements of PCI. Like your external financial auditor, this is managed through self reporting, spot checks, and a review of key areas. Just as your financial auditor doesn’t examine every financial transaction or the accuracy of each and every financial system, your PCI assessor is not responsible for evaluating every single specific security control. You likely also use a public accounting firm to assist you in the preparation of your books and evaluation of your internal accounting practices. Where your external auditor of record’s responsibility is to confirm you comply with reporting and accounting requirements and regulations, this additional audit team is to help you prepare, as well as provide other accounting advice that your auditor of record is restricted from. You then use your internal teams to manage day to day risks and financial accountability. PCI is no different, although QSAs lack the same conflict of interest restrictions on the services they can provide, which is a major flaw of PCI. The role of your QSA is to assure your compliance with the standard, not secure your organization from attack. Their role isn’t even to assess your security defenses overall, but to make sure you meet the minimum standards of PCI. As an experienced corporate executive, I know you are familiar with these differences and the role of assessors and auditors. In your interview, you state: The audits done by our QSAs (Qualified Security Assessors) were of no value whatsoever. To the extent that they were telling us we were secure beforehand, that we were PCI compliant, was a major problem. The QSAs in our shop didn’t even know this was a common attack vector being used against other companies. We learned that 300 other companies had been attacked by the same malware. I thought, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me.’ That people would know the exact attack vector and not tell major players in the industry is unthinkable to me. I still can’t reconcile that.” There are a few problems with this statement. PCI compliance means you are compliant at a point in time, not secure for an indefinite future. Any experienced security professional understands this difference, and it was the job of your security team to communicate this to you, and for you to understand the difference. I can audit a bank one day, and someone can accidently leave the vault unlocked the next. Also, standards like PCI merely represent a baseline of controls, and as the senior risk manager for Heartland it is your responsibility to understand when these baselines are not sufficient for your specific situation. It is unfortunate that your assessors were not up to date on the latest electronic attacks, which have been fairly well covered in the press. It is even more unfortunate that your internal security team was also unaware of these potential issues, or failed to communicate them to you (or you chose to ignore their advice). But that does not abrogate your responsibility, since it is not the job of a compliance assessor to keep you informed on the latest attack techniques and defenses, but merely to ensure your point in time compliance with the standard. In fairness to QSAs, their job is very difficult, but up until this point, we certainly didn’t understand the limitations of PCI and the entire assessment process. PCI compliance doesn’t mean secure. We and others were declared PCI compliant shortly before the intrusions. I agree completely that this is a problem with PCI. But what concerns me more is that the CEO of a public company would rely completely on an annual external assessment to define the whole security posture of his organization. Especially since there has long been ample public evidence that compliance is not the equivalent of security. Again, if your security team failed to make you aware of this distinction, I’m sorry. I don’t mean this to be completely critical. I applaud your efforts to increase awareness of the problems of PCI, to fight the PCI Council and the card companies when they make false public claims regarding PCI, and to advance the state of transaction security. It’s extremely important that we, as an industry, communicate more and share information to improve our security, especially breach details. Your efforts to build an end to end encryption mechanism, and your use

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