

The State of Web Application and Data Security—Mid 2009

One of the more difficult aspects of the analyst gig is sorting through all the information you get, and isolating out any inherent biases. The kinds of inquiries we get from clients can all too easily skew our perceptions of the industry, since people tend to come to us for specific reasons, and those reasons don’t necessarily represent the mean of the industry. Aside from all the vendor updates (and customer references), our end user conversations usually involve helping someone with a specific problem – ranging from vendor selection, to basic technology education, to strategy development/problem solving. People call us when they need help, not when things are running well, so it’s all too easy to assume a particular technology is being used more widely than it really is, or a problem is bigger or smaller than it really is, because everyone calling us is asking about it. Countering this takes a lot of outreach to find out what people are really doing even when they aren’t calling us. Over the past few weeks I’ve had a series of opportunities to work with end users outside the context of normal inbound inquiries, and it’s been fairly enlightening. These included direct client calls, executive roundtables such as one I participated in recently with IANS (with a mix from Fortune 50 to mid-size enterprises), and some outreach on our part. They reinforced some of what we’ve been thinking, while breaking other assumptions. I thought it would be good to compile these together into a “state of the industry” summary. Since I spend most of my time focused on web application and data security, I’ll only cover those areas: When it comes to web application and data security, if there isn’t a compliance requirement, there isn’t budget – Nearly all of the security professionals we’ve spoken with recognize the importance of web application and data security, but they consistently tell us that unless there is a compliance requirement it’s very difficult for them to get budget. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but non-compliance projects (however important) are way down the priority list in most organizations. In a room of a dozen high-level security managers of (mostly) large enterprises, they all reinforced that compliance drove nearly all of their new projects, and there was little support for non-compliance-related web application or data security initiatives. I doubt this surprises any of you. “Compliance” may mean more than compliance – Activities that are positioned as helping with compliance, even if they aren’t a direct requirement, are more likely to gain funding. This is especially true for projects that could reduce compliance costs. They will have a longer approval cycle, often 9 months or so, compared to the 3-6 months for directly-required compliance activities. Initiatives directly tied to limiting potential data breach notifications are the most cited driver. Two technology examples are full disk encryption and portable device control. PCI is the single biggest compliance driver for web application and data security – I may not be thrilled with PCI, but it’s driving more web application and data security improvements than anything else. The term Data Loss Prevention has lost meaning – I discussed this in a post last week. Even those who have gone through a DLP tool selection process often use the term to encompass more than the narrow definition we prefer. It’s easier to get resources to do some things manually than to buy a tool – Although tools would be much more efficient and effective for some projects, in terms of costs and results, manual projects using existing resources are easier to get approval for. As one manager put it, “I already have the bodies, and I won’t get any more money for new tools.” The most common example cited was content discovery (we’ll talk more about this a few points down). Most people use DLP for network (primarily email) monitoring, not content discovery or endpoint protection – Even though we tend to think discovery offers equal or greater value, most organizations with DLP use it for network monitoring. Interest in content discovery, especially DLP-based, is high, but resources are hard to get for discovery projects – Most security managers I talk with are very interested in content discovery, but they are less educated on the options and don’t have the resources. They tell me that finding the data is the easy part – getting resources to do anything about it is the limiting factor. The Web Application Firewall (WAF) market and Security Source Code Tools markets are nearly equal in size, with more clients on WAFs, and more money spent on source code tools per client – While it’s hard to fully quantify, we think the source code tools cost more per implementation, but WAFs are in slightly wider use. WAFs are a quicker hit for PCI compliance – Most organizations deploying WAFs do so for PCI compliance, and they’re seen as a quicker fix than secure source code projects. Most WAF deployments are out of band, and false positives are a major problem for default deployments – Customers are installing WAFs for compliance, but are generally unable to deploy them inline (initially) due to the tuning requirements. Full drive encryption is mature, and well deployed in the early mainstream – Full drive encryption, while not perfect, is deployable in even large enterprises. It’s now considered a level-setting best practice in financial services, and usage is growing in healthcare and insurance. Other asset recovery options, such as remote data destruction and phone home applications, are now seen as little more than snake oil. As one CISO told us, “I don’t care about the laptop, we just encrypt it and don’t worry about it when it goes missing”. File and folder encryption is not in wide use – Very few organizations are performing any wide scale file/folder encryption, outside of some targeted encryption of PII for compliance requirements. Database encryption is hard, and not widely used – Most organizations are dissatisfied with

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Database Security Mass-Market Update and Friday Summary – May 29, 2009

I ran across a lot of little tidbits in the world of database security this week, so I figured I would share this for the Friday Summary: Idera has been making a lot of noise this week with seemingly two dozen TechTarget ‘KnowledgeAlerts’ hitting my inbox. Yes, they are still around, but it’s hard to consider them a database security vendor. Customers mostly know them as a DB tools vendor; but they do additionally offer backup encryption, a form of activity monitoring, and what I call “permission mapping” solutions. Not a comprehensive security suite, but handy tools. They really only support the SQL Server platform, but they do in fact offer security products, so bad on me for thinking they were dead and buried. I may not hear about them very often, but the one or two customers I hear from seem to be happy, and that’s what counts. And it’s a challenge to put security tools into the hands of DBA’s and non-security personnel and make them happy. And speaking of “I thought they were dead”, NGS Software entered into a partnership with Secerno recently. NGS has always incredibly database security savvy but product-deficient, focusing more on their professional services capabilities rather than product development. It shows. Secerno is a small DAM firm with a novel approach to detecting anomalous queries. I would like to see them able to compete on an even footing to demonstrate what they can do, as they need more proof points and customer successes to prove how this technology performs in the real world. To do that they are going to need to offer the assessment capability or they will get relegated to the sidelines as a ‘feature’ and not a database security solution. Secerno is too small and probably does not want to sink the time and money required to develop a meaningful body of assessment policies, so being able to leverage the NGS team and their products will help with preventative security measures. Ideally Secerno will put an updated face on the ‘Squirrel’, and leverage the expanded body of policies, but better to have the capability for now and improve later. I have said it before and I will say it again: any customer needs to have assessment to baseline database configurations, and monitoring to enforce policy and detect threats. The compliance buyers demand it, and that’s your buying center in this market. I am eager to see what this UK tag team can do. LogLogic announced their database security intentions a little while back, but shipped their Database Security Manager this week. This is not a scruffy startup entering the database security arena, but a successful and polished firm with an established customer base. Granted, we have seen similar attempts botched, but this is the addition of a more complimentary technology with a much better understanding of the customer buying requirements. LogLogic is touting the ability to perform privileged user monitoring, and that this is fully integrated with their existing audit log collection and analysis. But everyone they will be competing with will have something similar, so that’s not very interesting. What is significant to me is a log management vendor providing the near-real-time monitoring and event blocking capabilities that need to be present to take a security product seriously. Additionally, it is done in a way that will address console and privileged users, which is necessary for compliance. The speed of the integration implies that the product architecture is conducive to both, and if you have ever tried implementing a solution of this type you understand that it is difficult because the two functions offer diametrically opposed technical challenges in data storage and processing. Keep in mind that they just acquired Exaprotect to accomplish similar goals for SEM, so I expect we will see that integration happen soon as well. Now let’s see if their customers find it compelling. Thanks to one of our readers for the heads-up on this one: The Netezza Corporation Investor relations transcript. Interesting details coming out of their end-of-quarter investor call. Turns out that the $3M acquisition price I quoted was slightly off, and the real total was slightly higher at $3.1 million. Given Netezza’s nominal head-count increase since January 1, 2009 (9 people), it looks as if they kept just a handful of the Tizor staff. What shocked me is that they are being credited with 23 customers – less than half the number of customers I thought they had. I am not sure what their average deal size was, but I am willing to bet it was sub-$200k, so revenues must have been very small. This deal was better for their investors than I realized. Lumigent continues to thrive as the contra-database-security platform. While I find most things GRC to be little more than marketing doublespeak, Lumigent has done a good job at locating and mining their ‘AppGRC’ niche. It’s not my intention to marginalize what they provide because there is customer need, there has been for some time, and the platform is suitable for the task. It is interesting that none of their (former?) competitors had success with that marketing angle and reverted to security and compliance messages, but Lumigent is making it work. The segment needs to move up from generic database security to business policy analysis and enforcement, but the ‘what’ and how to get there are not always clear. I confess I think it funny that for most of their articles such as this one, I could substitute “database security” for ‘AppGRC’ and they would still work. Does the need to move beyond reliance on DBA scripts to a more comprehensive assessment and audit platform with separation of duties sound like DB security? You bet it does. It goes to show that messaging & positioning is an art form. So bravo on the re-branding, appropriate new partnerships and intense focus they have on GRC buyers in the back-office application space. And now for the week in review: Webcasts, Podcasts,

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The Government Must Save Our Children from Apple!

Editors Note: This morning I awoke in my well-secured hotel room to find a sticky note on my laptop that said, “The Securosis site is now under my control. Do not attempt to remove me our you will suffer my wrath. Best regards, The Macalope.” ComputerWorld has published an interesting opinion piece from Ira Winkler entitled “Man selling book writes incendiary Mac troll bait”. Oh, wait, that’s not the title! Ha-ha! That would be silly! What with it being so overly frank. No, the title is “It’s time for the FTC to investigate Mac security”. You might be confused about the clumsy phrasing because the FTC, of course, doesn’t investigate computer security, it investigates the veracity of advertising claims. What Winkler believes the FTC should investigate is whether Apple is violating trade laws by claiming in its commercials that Macs are less affected by viruses than Windows. Apple gives people the false impression that they don’t have to worry about security if they use a Mac. Really? The ads don’t say Macs are invulnerable. They say that Macs don’t have the same problem with exploits that Windows has. And it’s been the Macalope’s experience that people get that. The switchers he’s come into contact with seem to know exactly the score: more people use Windows so malicious coders have, to date, almost exclusively targeted Windows. Some people – many of them security professionals like WInkler – find this simple fact unfair. Sadly, life isn’t fair. Well, “sadly” for Windows users. Not so much for Mac users. We’re kind of enjoying it. And perhaps because the company is invested in fostering that impression, Apple is grossly negligent in fixing problems. The proof-of-concept code in this case is proof that Apple has not provided a fix for a vulnerability that was identified six months ago. There is no excuse for that. On this point, the Macalope and Winkler are in agreement. There is no excuse for that. The horny one thinks the company has been too lax on implementing a serious security policy and was one of many Mac bloggers to take the company to task for laughing off shipping infected iPods. He’s hopeful the recent hire of security architect Ivan Krstic signals a new era for the company. But let’s get back to Winkler’s call for an FTC investigation. Because that’s funnier. The current Mac commercials specifically imply that Windows PCs are vulnerable to viruses and Macs are not. Actually, no. What they say is that Windows PCs are plagued by viruses and Macs are not. I can’t disagree that PCs are frequent victims of viruses and other attacks… Ah, so we agree! …but so are Macs. Oops, no we don’t. The Macalope would really love to have seen a citation here because it would have been hilarious. In fact, the first viruses targeted Macs. So “frequent” in terms of the Mac here is more on a geologic time scale. Got it. Apple itself recommended in December 2008 that users buy antivirus software. It quickly recanted that statement, though, presumably for marketing purposes. OK, let’s set the story straight here because Winkler’s version reads like something from The document in question was a minor technical note created in June of 2007 that got updated in December. The company did not “recant” the statement, it pulled the note after it got picked up by the BBC, the Washington Post and CNet as some kind of shocking double-faced technology industry scandal. By the way, did you know that Apple also markets Macs as easier to use, yet continues to sell books on how to use Macs in its stores? It’s true! But if it’s so easy to use, why all the books, Apple? Why? All? The? Books? A ZDNet summary of 2007 vulnerabilities showed that there were five times more vulnerabilities for Mac OS than for all types of Windows PC operating systems. No citation, but the Macalope knows what he’s talking about. He’s talking about this summary by George Ou. George loved to drag these stats out because they always made Apple look worse than Microsoft. But he neglected to mention the many problems with this comparison, most importantly that Secunia, the source of the data, expressly counseled against using it to compare the relative security of the products listed because they’re tracked differently. But buy Winkler’s book! The Macalope’s sure the rigor of the research in them is better than in this piece! How can Apple get away with this blatant disregard for security? How can Computerworld get away with printing unsourced accusations that were debunked a year and a half ago? Its advertising claims seem comparable to an automobile manufacturer implying that its cars are completely safe and its competitors’ cars are death traps, when we all know that all cars are inherently unsafe. That’s a really lousy analogy. But to work with it, it’s not that Apple’s saying its car is safer, it’s saying the roads in Macland are safer. Get out of that heavy city traffic and into the countryside. The mainstream press really doesn’t cover Mac vulnerabilities… The real mainstream press doesn’t cover vulnerabilities for any operating system. It covers attacks (even lame Mac attacks). The technology press, on the other hand, loves to cover Mac vulnerabilities, despite Winkler’s claim to the contrary, even though exploits of those vulnerabilities have never amounted to much. When I made a TV appearance to talk about the Conficker worm, I mentioned that there were five new Mac vulnerabilities announced the day before. Several people e-mailed the station to say that I was lying, since they had never heard of Macs having any problems. (By the way, the technical press isn’t much better in covering Mac vulnerabilities.) So, let’s get this straight. Winkler gets on TV and talks up Mac vulnerabilities in a segment about a Windows attack. But because he got five mean emails, the story we’re supposed to get is about how the coverage is all pro-Apple? Were

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Sarbanes-Oxley Is Here to Stay

This is an off-topic post. It has a bit to do with Compliance, but nothing to do with Security, so read no further if you are offended by such things. I am surprised that we have not been reading more about the off balance sheet ‘assets’ that was brought to light last week. In a nutshell, over $900 billion in ‘assets’, spread across the 19 largest US banks, was not part of the normal 10K/10Q, and the SEC is telling banks they need to be brought back onto the balance sheets. This is an issue is because these ‘assets’ are mostly comprised of real estate and credit card debt owed to the banks. The change could result in about $900 billion in assets being brought onto the balance sheets of the 19 largest U.S. banks, according to federal regulators. The information was provided by Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and 17 other institutions during the government’s recent “stress tests,” which were designed to determine which banks would need more capital if the economy worsened. … In general, companies transfer assets from balance sheets to special purpose entities to insulate themselves from risk or to finance a large project. Given the accelerating rate at which credit card debt is going bad, and the fact that real estate values in states like Arizona have dropped as much as 70% since 2006, it’s likely we are looking at the majority of these ‘assets’ simply vanishing. Across the board, 12% of all homeowners are behind in payments or in foreclosure, and the remaining assets are worth far less than they were originally. It was ironic that I ran across an article about the need to repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on the very morning I saw this news item. There has been a methodical drumbeat for several years now about the need to repeal SOX, saying it makes it harder to fill out company boards of directors, going so far as to claim the reversal could help stimulate the economy. Of course corporate executives never liked SOX as there were additional costs associated with keeping accurate records, and it’s hard to balance the perception of financial performance with the potential for jail time as a consequence of rule violations. The scandals at Worldcom, Enron, Tyco, and others prompted this regulation to ensure the have accuracy and completeness in financial reporting which might enable us to avoid another similar fiasco. But we find ourselves in the same place we did in 2001, where many companies are in worse financial shape than was readily apparent – many of the same firms requesting more money from the government (taxpayer) to stay afloat. Section 302 was specifically about controls and procedures to ensure that financial statements are accurate, and it looks to me like moving hundreds of billions of dollars in high risk real estate & credit card loans “off balance sheet” would violate the spirit of the act. I would have thought that given the current economic situation, and with the motivating events for Sarbanes-Oxley still in recent memory, there would be greater outcry, but maybe people are just worried about keeping the roofs over their heads. But the call will come for additional regulation and controls over financial systems as more banks fail. Clearly there needs to be refinement and augmentation to the PCAOB guidelines on several accounting practices, but to what degree will not be determined for a long time. Will this mean new business for vendors who collect data and enforce policies in and around SOX? Nope. Instead it will underscore the core value that they cannot provide. Security and Compliance vendors who offer help with SOX policy enforcement cannot analyze a balance sheet. While there were a couple notable examples where internal auditors monitored accounting and database systems to show fraud, this is not a skill you can bottle up for sale. Collection of the raw data and simple policy enforcement can be provided, but there is no way any product vendors could have assisted in detecting the shuffling of balance sheet assets. Still, I bet we will see it in someone’s marketing collateral come RSA 2010! Share:

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The CIS Consensus Metrics and Project Quant

Just before release, the Center for Internet Security sent us a preview copy of the CIS Consensus Metrics. I’m a longtime fan of the Center, and, once I heard they were starting on this project, was looking forward to the results. Overall I think they did a solid job on a difficult problem. Is it perfect? Is it complete? No, but it’s a heck of a good start. There are a couple things that stand out: They do a great job of interconnecting different metrics, and showing you how you can leverage a single collected data attribute across multiple higher-level metrics. For example, a single “technology” (product/version) is used in multiple places, for multiple metrics. It’s clear they’ve designed this to support a high degree of automation across multiple workflows, supporting technologies, and operational teams. I like how they break out data attributes from security metrics. Attributes are the feeder data sets we use to create the security metrics. I’ve seen other systems that intermix the data with the metrics, creating confusion. Their selected metrics are a reasonable starting point for characterizing a security program. They don’t cover everything, but that makes it more likely you can collect them in the first place. They make it clear this is a start, with more metrics coming down the road. The metrics are broken out by business function – this version covering incident management, vulnerability management, patch management, application security, configuration management, and financial. The metric descriptions are clear and concise, and show the logic behind them. This makes it easy to build your own moving forward. There are a few things that could also be improved: The data attributes are exhaustive. Without automated tool support, they will be very difficult to collect. The document suggests prioritization, but doesn’t provide any guidance. A companion paper would be nice. This isn’t a mind-bending document, and we’ve seen many of these metrics before, but not usually organized together, freely available, well documented, or from a respected third party. I highly recommend you go get a copy. Now on to the CIS Consensus Metrics and Project Quant… I’ve had some people asking me if Quant is dead thanks to the CIS metrics. While there’s the tiniest bit of overlap, the two projects have different goals, and are totally complementary. The CIS metrics are focused on providing an overview for an entire security program, while Quant is focused on building a detailed operational metrics model for patch management. In terms of value, this should provide: Detailed costs associated with each step of a patch management process, and a model to predict costs associated with operational changes. Measurements of operational efficiency at each step of patch management to identify bottlenecks/inefficiencies and improve the process. Overall efficiency metrics for the entire patch management process. CIS and Quant overlap for the last goal, but not for the first two. If anything, Quant will be able to feed the CIS metrics. The CIS metrics for patch management include: Patch Policy Compliance Patch Management Coverage Mean Time to Patch I highly suspect all of these will appear in Quant, but we plan on digging into much greater depth to help the operational folks directly measure and optimize their processes. Share:

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Acquisitions and Strategy

There have been a couple of acquisitions in the last two weeks that I wanted to comment on; one by Oracle and one by McAfee. But between a minor case of food poisoning followed shortly by a major case of influenza, pretty much everything I wanted to do in the last 12 days, blogging notwithstanding, was halted. I am feeling better and trying to catch up on the stuff I wanted to talk about. At face value, neither of the acquisitions I want to mention are all that interesting. In the big picture, the investments do spotlight product strategy, so I want to comment on that. But before I do, I wanted to make some comments about how I go about assessing the value of an acquisition. I always try to understand the basic value proposition to the acquiring company, as well as other contributing factors. There are always a set of reasons why company A acquires company B, but understanding these reasons is much harder than you might expect. The goals of the buyers and the seller are not always clear. The market strategy and self-perception of each firm come into play when considering what they buy, why they bought it, and how much they were willing to pay. The most common motivators are as follows: Strategic: You want to get into a new market and it is either cheaper or faster to acquire a company that is already in that segment rather than organically develop and sell your own product. Basically this is paving the road for a strategic vision. Buying the major pieces to get into a new market or new growth opportunities in existing markets. No surprises here. Tactical: Filling in competitive gaps. A tactical effort to fill in a piece of the puzzle that your existing customers really need, or complete a product portfolio to address competitive deficiencies within your product. For example, having network DLP was fine up until a point, and then endpoint became a de facto requirement. We saw this with email security vendors who had killer email security platforms, but were still getting hammered in the market for not having complete web security offerings as well. Neither is surprising, but there are many more than these basic two reasons. And this is where things can get weird. Other motivating factors that make the deal go forward may not always be entirely clear. A couple that come to mind: Accretive Acquisition: Buying a solid company to foster your revenue growth curve. Clear value from the buyer’s perspective, but not so clear why profitable companies are willing to sell themselves for 2-4 times revenue when investor hopes, dreams, and aspirations are often much more than that. You have to view this from the seller’s side to make sense of it. There are many small, profitable companies out there in the $15-35M range, with no hope of going public because their market is too small and their revenue growth curve is too shallow. But the investors are pushing for an IPO that will take years, or possibly never happen. So what is your exit strategy? Which firms decide they want the early exit vs. betting their fortunes on a brighter future? You would think that in difficult economic times it is often based upon the stability of their revenue in the next couple of quarters. More often it comes down to which crazy CEOs still swear their firm is at the cusp of greatness for a multi-billion-dollar-a-year market and can convince their boards, vs. pragmatists who are ready to move on. I am already aware of a number of mid-sized companies and investment firms trying to tell “the wheat from the chaff” and target viable candidates, and a handful of pragmatic CEOs willing to look for their next challenge. Look for a lot more of these acquisitions in the next 12 months. Leveraged/Platform Enabler: Not quite strategic, not quite tactical, but a product or feature that multiple products can leverage. For example a web application server, a policy management engine, or a reporting engine may not be a core product offering, but could provide a depth of service that makes all your other products perform better. And better still, where a small firm could not achieve profitability, a large company might realize value across their larger customer base/product suite far in excess of the acquisition price. Good Tech, Bad Company: These firms are pretty easy to spot in this economy. The technology is good and the market is viable, but the company that produces the technology sucks. Wrong sales model, bad positioning, bad leadership decisions, or whatever – they simply cannot execute. I also call this “bargain bin”’ shopping because this is one of the ways mid-sized and larger firms can get cutting edge technology at firesale prices, and cash shortfalls force vendors to sell quickly! Still, it’s not always easy to distinguish the “over-sold bad tech” or “overfunded and poorly managed bad technology” firms from the “good tech, bad management” gems you are after. We have seen a few of these in the last 12 months, and we will see more in the coming 12 months as investors balk and lose confidence. The Hedge: This is where you want into a billion dollar market, but you cannot afford to buy one of the leaders, or your competitors have already bought all of them. What do you do? You practice the art of fighting without fighting: You buy any other player that is a long way from being the front-runner and market that solution like crazy! Sure, you’re not the leader in the category, but it’s good enough not to lose sales, and you paid a fraction of the price. It may even give you time to build a suitable product if you want to, but more often than not, you ride the positive perception train till it runs off the rails. Sellers know this game as well, and you will often see firms

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Is the Term “DLP” Finally Meaningless?

As most of you know, I’ve been covering DLP for entirely too long. It’s a major area of our research, with an entire section of our site dedicated to it. To be honest, I never really liked the term “Data Loss Prevention”. When this category first appeared, I used the term Content Monitoring and Filtering. The vendors didn’t like it, but since I wrote (with a colleague) the Gartner Magic Quadrant, they sort of rolled with it. The vendors preferred DLP since it sounded better for marketing purposes (I have to admit, it’s sexier than CMF). Once market momentum took over and end users started using DLP more than CMF, I rolled with it and followed the group consensus. I never liked Data Loss Prevention since, in my mind, it could mean pretty much anything that “prevents data loss”. Which is, for the most part, any security tool on the market. My choice was to either jump on the DLP bandwagon, or stick to my guns and use CMF, even though no one would know what I was talking about. Thus I transitioned over, started using DLP, and focused my efforts on providing clear definitions and advice related to the technology. Over the past 2 weeks I’ve come to realize that DLP, as a term for a specific category of technology, is pretty much dead. I’ve been invited to multiple DLP conferences/speaking opportunities, none of which are focused on what I’d consider DLP tools. I’ve been asked to help work on DLP training materials that don’t even have a chapter on DLP tools. I’ve had multiple end-user conversations on DLP… almost always referring to a different technology. The DLP vendors did such a good job of coming up with a sexy name for their technology that the rest of the world decided to use it… even when they had nothing to do with DLP. Thus, any vendor reading this can consider this post my official recommendation that you drop the term DLP, and move to Content Monitoring and Protection (CMP – a term Chris Hoff first suggested that I’ve glommed onto). Or just make something else up. I’ll continue using DLP on this site, but the non-DLP vendors have won and the term is completely diluted and no longer refers to a specific technology. Thus I’ll stop being incredibly anal about it, and you might see me associated with “DLP” when it has nothing to do with pure-play DLP as I’ve historically defined it. That said, when I’m writing about it I still intend to use the term DLP in my personal writing in accordance with my very specific definition (below), and will start using ‘CMP’ more heavily. Data Loss Prevention/Content Monitoring and Protection is: Products that, based on central policies, identify, monitor, and protect data at rest, in motion, and in use through deep content analysis. For the record, I get all uppity about mangled definitions because all too often they’re used to create market confusion, and reduce value to users. People end up buying things that don’t do what they expected. Share:

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Normally, when a company buys software that does not work, the IT staff gets in trouble, they try to get your money back, purchase different software or some other type of corrective action. When a state or local government buys software that does not work, what do they do? Attempt to alter human behavior of course! Taking a page from the TSA playbook, the department of motor vehicles in four states adopt a ‘No Smiles’ policy when taking photos. Why? Because their facial recognition software don’t work none too good: “Neutral facial expressions” are required at departments of motor vehicles (DMVs) in Arkansas, Indiana, Nevada and Virginia. That means you can’t smile, or smile very much. Other states may follow … The serious poses are urged by DMVs that have installed high-tech software that compares a new license photo with others that have already been shot. When a new photo seems to match an existing one, the software sends alarms that someone may be trying to assume another driver’s identity.” Great idea! Hassle people getting their drivers licenses by telling them they cannot smile because a piece of software the DMV bought sucks so bad at facial recognition it cannot tell one person from another. I know those pimply face teenagers can be awfully tricky, but really, did they need to spend the money to catch a couple dozen kids a year? Did someone get embarrassed because they issued a kid a drivers license with the name “McLovin”? Was the DHS grant money burning a hole in their pockets? Seriously, fess up that you bought busted software and move on. There are database cross reference checks that should be able to easily spot identity re-use. Besides, kids will figure out how to trick the software far more easily than someone with half a brain. Admitting failure is the first step to recovery. Share:

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Fakes and Fraud

I got acquainted with something new this week: Women’s fashion and knock-offs. And before you get the wrong idea, it’s close to my wife’s birthday and she found a designer dress she really wanted. These things are freakishly expensive for a piece of fabric, but if that is what she wants, that is what she will have. I have been too busy to leave the house, so I found what she wanted on eBay at a reasonable price, made a bid and won the item. When we received our purchase, there was something really weird … the tag said the dress was “100% Silk”. But the dress, whatever it was made out of, was certainly not silk, rather some form of Rayon. And when we went to the manufacturer’s web site, we learned that the dress is not supposed to be made from silk. I began a stitch by stitch examination of the dress and there were a dozen tell-tales that the dress was not legitimate. A couple Internet searches confirmed what we suspected. We took the dress to a professional appraiser who knew it was a fake before she got within three feet of it. We contacted the seller who assured us the item is legitimate, and all of her other customers were satisfied so she MUST be legitimate, but she would happily accept the item and return our money. The seller knows they are selling a fake. What surprised me was (and that is probably because I am a dumb-ass newbie in ‘fashion’) the buyer typically knows they are buying a fake. I started talking to some friends of my wife’s, and then other people I know who make a living off eBay, and this is a huge market. Let’s say a buyer pays $50.00 for a bad knock-off, and a good forgery costs $200. The genuine article costs 10x that, or even 20x that. The market drives its own form of efficiency and makes goods available at the lowest price possible. The buyers know they cannot ever afford the originals, so they buy the best forgeries they can afford. The sellers are lying when they say the items are ‘Genuine’, but most product marketing claims are lies, or charitably put, exaggerations. If both parties know they are transacting for a knock-off, there is no fraud, just happy buyers and sellers. To make a long story short, I was staggered that there is huge in-the-open trade going on. Now that I know what to look for, perhaps half of the listings on eBay for items of this type were fake. Maybe more. I am not saying that this is eBay’s fault and that they should do something about it: that would be like trying to stop stolen merchandise being sold at a flea market, or trying to stop fights at a Raiders game. Centuries of human history have shown you cannot stop it altogether, you can only hope to minimize it. Still, when eBay changed their policy regarding alleged counterfeit items, it’s not a surprise. It is a losing battle, and if they are even somewhat successful, the loss of revenue to eBay will be significant. I admit I was indignant when I realized I bought a fake, and I started this post trying to make the argument that the companies producing the originals are being damaged. The more I look at the information available, the less I think I can make that case. Plus, now that I got my money back, I am totally fine with it. If .0001% of the population can afford a dress that costs as much as a car, is the manufacturer really losing sales to $50 fakes? I do not see evidence to support this. When Rich and I were writing the paper on The Business Justification for Data Security, one of the issues that kept popping up was some types of ‘theft’ of intellectual property do not create a direct calculable damage, and in some cases created a positive effect equal to or greater than the cost of the ‘loss’. So what is the real damage? How do you quantify it? Do the copies de-value the original and lower the brand image, or is the increased exposure better for brand awareness and desirability? The phenomenon of online music suggests the latter. Is there a way to quantify it? Once I knew what to look for, it was obvious to me that half the merchandise was fake, and the original manufacturers MUST be aware of this going on. You cannot claim each is a lost sale, because people who buy a $50 knock-off cannot afford a $10,000 genuine article. But there appears to be a robust business in fakes, and it seem to drive up interest in the genuine article, not lessen it. Consumerism is weird that way. Share:

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Friday Summary – May 22, 2009

Adrian has been out sick with the flu all week. He claims it’s just the normal flu, but I swear he caught it from those bacon bits I saw him putting on his salad the other day. Either that, or he’s still recovering from last week’s Buffett outing. He also conveniently timed his recovery with his wife’s birthday, which I consider to be entirely too suspicious for mere coincidence. While Adrian was out, we passed a couple milestones with Project Quant. I think we’ve finally nailed a reasonable start to defining a patch management process, and I’ve drafted up a sample of our first survey. We could use some feedback on both of these if you have the time. Next week will be dedicated to breaking out all the patch management phases and mapping out specific sub-processes. Once we have those, we can start defining the individual metrics. I’ve taken a preliminary look at the Center for Internet Security’s Consensus Metrics, and I don’t see any conflicts (or too much overlap), which is nice. When we look at security metrics we see that most fall into two broad categories. On one side are the fluffy (and thus crappy) risk/threat metrics we spend a lot of time debunking on this site. They are typically designed to feed into some sort of ROI model, and don’t really have much to do with getting your job done. I’m not calling all risk/threat work crap, just the ones that like to put a pretty summary number at the end, usually with a dollar sign, but without any strong mathematical basis. On the other side are broad metrics like the Consensus Metrics, designed to give you a good snapshot view of the overall management of your security program. These aren’t bad, are often quite useful when used properly, and can give you a view of how you are doing at the macro level. The one area where we haven’t seen a lot of work in the security community is around operational metrics. These are deep dive, granular models, to measure operational efficiency in specific areas to help improve associated processes. That’s what we’re trying to do with Quant – take one area of security, and build out metrics at a detailed enough level that they don’t just give you a high level overview, but help identify specific bottlenecks and inefficiencies. These kinds of metrics are far too detailed to achieve the high-level goals of programs like the Consensus Metrics, but are far more effective at benchmarking and improving the processes they cover. In my ideal world we would have a series of detailed metrics like Quant, feeding into overview models like the Consensus Metrics. We’ll have our broad program benchmarks, as well as detailed models for individual operational areas. My personal goal is to use Quant to really nail one area of operational efficiency, then grow out into neighboring processes, each with its own model, until we map out as many areas as possible. Pick a spot, perfect it, move on. And now for the week in review: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Martin and I cover a diverse collection of stories in Episode 151 of the Network Security Podcast I wrote up the OS X Java vulnerability for TidBITS. I was quoted at MacNewsWorld on the same issue. Another quote, this time in EWeek on “data for ransom” schemes. Dark Reading covered Project Quant in its post on the Center for Internet Security’s Consensus Metrics Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: The Pragmatic Data (Information-Centric) Security Cycle. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on more practical approaches to security in general, and this is one of the first outcomes. Adrian: I’ve been feeling foul all week, and thus am going with the lighter side of security – I Heart Creative Spam. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian: Yes, Brownie himself is now considered a cybersecurity expert. Or not.. Rich: Johnny Long, founder of Hackers for Charity, is taking a year off to help the impoverished in Africa. He’s quit his job, and no one is paying for this. We just made a donation, and you should consider giving if you can. Top News and Posts Good details on the IIS WebDAV vulnerability by Thierry Zoller. Hoff on the cloud and the Google outage. Imperva points us to highlights on practical recommendations from the FBI and Secret Service on reducing financial cybercrime. Oops – the National Archives lost a drive with sensitive information from the Clinton administration. As usual, lax controls were the cause. Some solid advice on controlling yourself when you really want that tasty security job. You know, before you totally piss off the hiring manager. We bet you didn’t know that Google Chrome was vulnerable to the exact same vulnerability as Safari in the Pwn2Own contest. That’s because they both use WebKit. Adobe launches a Reader and Acrobat security initiative. New incident response, patch cycles, and secure development efforts. This is hopefully Adobe’s equivalent to the Trustworthy Computing Initiative. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment was by Jim Heitela in response to Security Requirements for Electronic Medical Records: Good suggestions. The other industry movement that really will amplify the need for healthcare organizations to get their security right is regional/national healthcare networks. A big portion of the healthcare IT $ in the Recovery Act are going towards establishing these networks, where the security of EPHI will only be as good as the weakest accessing node. Establishing adequate standards for partners in these networks will be pretty key. And, also thanks to changes that were started as a part of the Recovery Act, healthcare organizations are now being required to actually assess 3rd party risk for business associates, versus just getting them to sign a business associate agreement. Presumably this would be anyone in a RHIO/RHIN. Share:

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