

Building a Vendor IT Risk Management Program: Evaluating Vendor Risk

As we discussed in the first post in this series, whether it’s thanks to increasingly tighter business processes/operations with vendors andtrading partners, or to regulation (especially in finance) you can no longer ignore vendor risk management. So we delved into the structure and mapped out a few key aspects of a VRM program. Of course we are focused on the IT aspects of vendor management, which should be a significant component of a broader risk management approach for your environment. But that begs the question of how you can actually evaluate the risks of a vendor. What should you be worried about, and how can you gather enough information to make an objective judgement of the risk posed by every vendor? So that’s what we’ll explore in this post. Risk in the Eye of the Beholder The first aspect of evaluating vendor risk is actually defining what that risk means to your organization. Yes, that seems self-evident, but you’d be surprised how many organizations don’t document or get agreement on what presents vendor risk, and then wonder why their risk management programs never get anywhere. Sigh. All the same, as mentioned above, vendor (IT) risk is a component of a larger enterprise risk management program. So first establish the risks of working with vendors. Those risks can be broken up into a variety of buckets, including: Financial: This is about the viability of your vendors. Obviously this isn’t something you can control from an IT perspective, but if a key vendor goes belly up, that’s a bad day for your organization. So this needs to be factored in at the enterprise level, as well as considered from an IT perspective – especially as cloud services and SaaS proliferate. If your Database as a Service vendor (or any key service provider) goes away, for whatever reason, that presents risk to your organization. Operational: You contract with vendors to do something for your organization. What is the risk if they cannot meet those commitments? Or if they violate service level agreements? Again it is enterprise-level risk of the organization, but it also peeks down into the IT world. Do you pack up shop and go somewhere else if your vendor’s service is down for a day? Are your applications and/or infrastructure portable enough to even do that? Security: As security professionals this is our happy place. Or unhappy place, depending on how you feel about the challenges of securing much of anything nowadays. This gets to the risk of a vendor being hacked and losing your key data, impacting availability of your services, and/or allowing an adversary to jump access your networks and systems. Within those buckets, there are probably a hundred different aspects that present risk to your organization. After defining those buckets of risk, you need to dig into the next level and figure out not just what presents risk, but also how to evaluate and quantify that risk. What data do you need to evaluate the financial viability of a vendor? How can you assess the operational competency of vendors? And finally, what can you do to stay on top of the security risk presented by vendors? We aren’t going to tackle financial or operational risk categories, but we’ll dig into the IT security aspects below. Ask them The first hoop most vendors have to jump through is self-assessment. As a vendor to a number of larger organizations, we are very familiar with the huge Excel spreadsheet or web app built to assess our security controls. Most of the questions revolve around your organization’s policies, controls, response, and remediation capabilities. The path of least resistance for this self-assessment is usually a list of standard controls. Many organizations start with ISO 27002, COBIT, and PCI-DSS. Understand relevance is key here. For example, if a vendor is only providing your organization with nuts and bolts, their email doesn’t present a very significant risk. So you likely want a separate self-assessment tool for each risk category, as we’ll discuss below. It’s pretty easy to lie on a spreadsheet or web application. And vendors do exactly that. But you don’t have the resources to check everything, so there is a measure of trust, but verify that your need to apply here. Just remember that it’s resource-intensive to evaluate every answer, so focus on what’s important, based on the risk definitions above. External information Just a few years ago, if you wanted to assess the security risk of a vendor, you needed to either have an on-site visit or pay for a penetration test to really see what an attacker could do to partners. That required a lot of negotiation and coordination with the vendor, which meant it could only be used for your most critical vendors. And half the time they’d tell you to go pound sand, pointing to the extensive self-assessment you forced them to fill out. But now, with the introduction of external threat intelligence services, and techniques you can implement yourself, you can get a sense of what kind of security mess your vendors actually are. Here are a few types of relevant data sources: Botnets: Botnets are public by definition, because they use compromised devices to communicate with each other. So if a botnet is penetrated you can see who is connecting to it at the time, and get a pretty good idea of which organizations have compromised devices. That’s exactly how a number of services tell you that certain networks are compromised without ever looking at the networks in question. Spam: If you have a network that is blasting out a bunch of spam, that indicatives an issue. It’s straightforward to set up a number of dummy email accounts to gather spam, and see which networks are used to blast millions of messages a day. If a vendor owns one of those networks, that’s a disheartening indication of their security prowess. Stolen credentials: There are a bunch of forums where stolen credentials are traded, and if a specific vendor shows up with tons of their accounts and passwords for sale, that means their

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Friday Summary: April 21, 2016

Adrian here. Starting with the 2008 RSA conference, Rich and Chris Hoff presented each year on the then-current state of cloud services, and predicted where they felt cloud computing was going. This year Mike helped Rich conclude the series with some new predictions, but more importantly they went back to assess the accuracy of previous prognostications. My takeaway is that their predictions for what cloud services would do, and the value they would provide, were pretty well spot on. And in most cases, when a specific tool or product was identified as being critical, they totally missed the mark. Wildly. Trying to follow cloud services – Azure, AWS, and GCP, to name a few – is like running toward a rapidly-expanding explosion blast radius. Capabilities grow so fast in depth and breadth that you cannot keep pace. Part of our latest change to the Friday Summary is a weekly tools discussion to help you with the best of what we see. And ask IT folks or any development team: tools are a critical part of getting the job done. Adoption rates of Docker show how critical tools are to productivity. Keep in mind that we are not making predictions here – we are keenly aware that we don’t know what tools will be used a year from now, much less three. But we do know many old-school platforms don’t work in more agile situations. That’s why it’s essential to share some of the cool stuff we see, so you are aware of what’s available, and can be more productive. You can subscribe to only the Friday Summary. Top Posts for the Week Amazon Seeing ‘Momentous’ Change of Guard as Public Cloud ‘Booms,’ Says JP Morgan 6 roadblocks to cloud security, and how to move past them GitLab-Digital Ocean partnership to provide free hosting for continuous online code testing How Continuous Delivery Challenges Security Google Reimburses Cloud Clients After Massive Google Compute Engine Outage What does shared responsibility in the cloud mean? Microsoft takes an ‘apps for every platform’ approach with host of DevOps tools Internals of App Service Certificate Announcing the Preview of Storage Service Encryption for Data at Rest Tool of the Week This week’s tool is DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service native to Amazon AWS. A couple years ago when we were architecting our own services on Amazon, we began with comparing RDS and PostgreSQL, and even considered MySQL. After some initial prototyping work we realized that a relational – or quasi-relational, for some MySQL variants – platform really did not offer us any advantages but came some limitations, most notably around the use of JSON data elements and the need to store very small records very quickly. We settled on DynamoDB. Call it confirmation bias, but the more we used it the more we appreciated its capabilities, especially around security. While a full discussion of DynamoDB’s security capabilities – much less a full platform review – is way beyond the scope of this post, the following are some security features we found attractive: Query Filters: The ability to use filter expressions to simulate masking and label-based controls over what data is returned to the user. The Dynamo query can be consistent for all users, but filter return values after it is run. Filters can work by comparing elements returned from the query, but there is nothing stopping you from filtering on other values associated with the user running the query. And like with relational platforms, you can built your own functions to modify data or behavior depending upon the results. Fine-grained Authorization: Access polices can be used to restrict access to specific functions, and limit the impact of those functions to specific tables by user. As with query filters, you can limit results a specific user sees, or take into account things like geolocation to dynamically alter which data a user can access, using a set of access policies defined outside the application. IAM: The AWS platform offers a solid set of identity and access management capabilities, and group/role based authorization as you’d expect, which all integrates with Dynamo. But it also offers temporary credentials for delegation of roles. The also offer hooks to leverage Google and Facebook identities to cotnrol mobile access to the database. Again, we can choose to punt on some IAM responsibilities for speed of deployment, or we can choose to ratchet down access, depending on how the user authenticated. JSON Support: You can both store and query JSON documents in DynamoDB. Programmers reading this will understand why this is important, as it enables you to store everything from data to code snippets, in a semi-structured way. For security or DevOps folks, consider storing different versions of initialization and configuration scripts for different AMIs, or a list of defining characteristics (e.g., known email addresses, MAC addresses, IP addresses, mobile device IDs, corporate and personal accounts, etc.) for specific users. Logging: As with most NoSQL platforms, logging is integrated. You can set what to log conditionally, and even alert based on log conditions. We are just now prototyping log parsing with Lambda functions, streaming the results to S3 for cheap storage. This should be an easy way to enrich as well. DynamoDB has security feature parity with relational databases. As someone who has used relational platforms for the better part of 20 years, I can say that most of the features I want are available in one form or another on the major relational platforms, or can be simulated. The real difference is the ease and speed at which I can leverage these functions. Securosis Blog Posts this Week How iMessage distributes security to block “phantom devices” Summary: April 14, 2016 Other Securosis News and Quotes Rich quoted in Fortune Adrian quoted on WAF management Training and Events We are running two classes at Black Hat USA: Black Hat USA 2016 | Cloud Security Hands-On (CCSK-Plus) Black Hat USA 2016 | Advanced Cloud Security and Applied SecDevOps Share:

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How iMessage distributes security to block “phantom devices”

Last Friday I spent some time in a discussion with senior members of Apple’s engineering and security teams. I knew most of the technical content but they really clarified Apple’s security approach, much of which they have never explicitly stated, even on background. Most of that is fodder for my next post, but I wanted to focus on one particular technical feature I have never seen clearly documented before; which both highlights Apple’s approach to security, and shows that iMessage is more secure than I thought. It turns out you can’t add devices to an iCloud account without triggering an alert because that analysis happens on your device, and doesn’t rely (totally) on a push notification from the server. Apple put the security logic in each device, even though the system still needs a central authority. Basically, they designed the system to not trust them. iMessage is one of the more highly-rated secure messaging systems available to consumers, at least according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect or without flaws, but it is an extremely secure system, especially when you consider that its security is basically invisible to end users (who just use it like any other unencrypted text messaging system) and in active use on something like a billion devices. I won’t dig into the deep details of iMessage (which you can read about in Apple’s iOS Security Guide), and I highly recommend you look at a recent research paper by Matthew Green and associates at Johns Hopkins University which exposed some design flaws. Here’s a simplified overview of how iMessage security works: Each device tied to your iCloud account generates its own public/private key pair, and sends the public key to an Apple directory server. The private key never leaves the device, and is protected by the device’s Data Protection encryption scheme (the one getting all the attention lately). When you send an iMessage, your device checks Apple’s directory server for the public keys of all the recipients (across all their devices) based on their Apple ID (iCloud user ID) and phone number. Your phone encrypts a copy of the message to each recipient device, using its public key. I currently have five or six devices tied to my iCloud account, which means if you send me a message, your phone actually creates five or six copies, each encrypted with the public key for one device. For you non-security readers, a public/private keypair means that if you encrypt something with the public key, it can only be decrypted with the private key (and vice-versa). I never share my private key, so I can make my public key… very public. Then people can encrypt things which only I can read using my public key, knowing nobody else has my private keys. Apple’s Push Notification Service (APN) then sends each message to its destination device. If you have multiple devices, you also encrypt and send copies to all your own devices, so each shows what you sent in the thread. This is a simplification but it means: Every message is encrypted from end to end. Messages are encrypted using keys tied to your devices, which cannot be removed (okay, there is probably a way, especially on Macs, but not easily). Messages are encrypted multiple times, for each destination device belonging to the recipients (and sender), so private keys are never shared between devices. There is actually a lot more going on, with multiple encryption and signing operations, but that’s the core. According to that Johns Hopkins paper there are exploitable weaknesses in the system (the known ones are patched), but nothing trivial, and Apple continues to harden things. Keep in mind that Apple focuses on protecting us from criminals rather than governments (despite current events). It’s just that at some point those two priorities always converge due to the nature of security. It turns out that one obvious weakness I have seen mentioned in some blog posts and presentations isn’t actually a weakness at all, thanks to a design decision. iMessage is a centralized system with a central directory server. If someone could compromise that server, they could add “phantom devices” to tap conversations (or completely reroute them to a new destination). To limit this Apple sends you a notification every time a device is added to your iCloud account. I always thought Apple’s server detected a new entry and then pushed out a notification, which would mean that if they were deeply compromised (okay, forced by a government) to alter their system, the notification could be faked, but that isn’t how it works. Your device checks its own registry of keys, and pops up an alert if it sees a new one tied to your account. According to the Johns Hopkins paper, they managed to block the push notifications on a local network which prevented checking the directory and creating the alert. That’s easy to fix, and I expect a fix in a future update (but I have no confirmation). Once in place that will make it impossible to place a ‘tap’ using a phantom device without at least someone in the conversation receiving an alert. The way the current system works, you also cannot add a phantom recipient because your own devices keep checking for new recipients on your account. Both those could change if Apple were, say, forced to change their fundamental architecture and code on both the server and device sides. This isn’t something criminals could do, and under current law (CALEA) the US government cannot force Apple to make this kind of change because it involves fundamental changes to the operation of the system. That is a design decision I like. Apple could have easily decided to push the notifications from the server, and used that as the root authority for both keys and registered devices, but instead they chose to have the devices themselves detect new devices based on new key registrations (which is why the alerts pop up on everything you own when you add or re-add a device).

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Summary April 14, 2016

Rich here. Mike, Adrian, and I are just back from a big planning session for what we are calling “Securosis 2.0”. Everything is lining up nicely, and now we mostly just need to get the website updated. We are fully gutting the current design and architecture, and moving everything into AWS. The prototyping is complete and next week I get to build out the deployment pipeline, because we are going with a completely immutable design. One nice twist is that the public side is all read-only, while we have a totally different infrastructure for the admin side. Both share a common database (MariaDB on RDS) and file store (S3). We are estimating about a 10X cost savings compared to our current high-security hosting. As we get closer I’ll start sharing more implementation tips based on our experience. This is quite different from our Trinity platform, which is completely bespoke, whereas in this case we have to work with an existing content management system and wrangle it into a cloud native deployment. If you want to subscribe directly to the Friday Summary only list, just click here. Top Posts for the Week This is a stunningly good presentation – filled with the kinds of specifics we rarely see (including naming tools). If you are serious about Rugged DevOps this is a must-read: Taking AppSec to 11 – BSides Austin 2016. Here’s another must-read from Ryan over at Slack. It describes a distributed notification and response system he built to dramatically improve response times by engaging all employees in security. It’s practical and highly effective: Distributed Security Alerting – Several People Are Coding I’m actually not convinced this next piece on Apple’s cloud creation is related directly to snooping. It’s pretty straightforward to block snooping when you host on a cloud provider and have Apple’s resources (perhaps not easy, but straightforward). To me this looks more like a mix of economics and wanting better control over a core technology. When you are as big as Apple (or heck, even little ol’ Dropbox) owning the infrastructure makes a lot of sense. Report: Apple developing at least 6 cloud infrastructure projects incl. servers to prevent snooping Amazon API Gateway Custom Authorization. We are looking hard at various auth options for Trinity, and I like the idea of building as little as possible. About two months ago I asked Adrian if we should drop dynamic masking from the cloud security training because I didn’t think anyone was doing it. Then I found out it’s built into Azure. Oops. Get started with SQL Database Dynamic Data Masking. And since I mentioned AWS and Azure, we might as well add a little Google Compute Platform into the mix. Here are some good best practices from Google themselves: Google shares data center security and design best practices. Tool of the Week Last week we set the stage with Jenkins and I hinted that this week we would start on some security-specific tools. It’s time to talk about Gauntlt, one of the best ways to integrate testing into your deployment pipeline. It is a must-have addition to any continuous deployment/delivery process. Gauntlt allows you to hook your security tools into your pipeline for automated testing. For example you can define a simple test to find all open ports using nmap, then match those ports to the approved list for that particular application component/server. If it fails the test you can fail the build and send the details back to your issue tracker for the relevant developer or admin to fix. Attacks (tests) are written in an easy-to-parse format. It’s an extremely powerful way to integrate automated security testing into the development and deployment process, using the same tools and hooks as development and operations themselves. Securosis Blog Posts this Week We were all out this week for our planning session, so no posts. Other Securosis News and Quotes David Mortman interviewed on container security: Containers and Security Q&A: Putting a Lid on Risk Training and Events We are running two classes at Black Hat USA: Black Hat USA 2016 | Cloud Security Hands-On (CCSK-Plus) Black Hat USA 2016 | Advanced Cloud Security and Applied SecDevOps (SOLD OUT! But we are considering opening more slots). Share:

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Summary: The Great Vomit Apology

Rich here. I started to write an apology for this week’s Summary, because I missed last week due to an unplanned stomach bug that hit at 4am Thursday, when I normally write these. It was nearly 5 days before I fully recovered. Then I realized I had fully drafted a Summary on March 11 – an abridged version due to my daughter waking up with a stomach infection. It turns out I left that one as a draft, and never even noticed… that’s what kids do to ya. So I’m including all my post-RSA conference links here, and adding some newer content as well. We’re building up a massive backlog of content at this point, so there’s no shortage of things to write about. And if you didn’t believe in the germ theory of infection, my home is conclusive proof. Someone emailed asking if we could cover more cloud providers than just AWS. We tend to focus on them because they are the biggest, and that’s where most of our work is, but we are actively trying to expand coverage. Email us at if you have any interesting sites we should follow, or see any interesting presentations. There are a bunch of catch-up links here, but next week I plan to focus more on Microsoft and Google. If you want to subscribe directly to the Friday Summary only list, just click here. Top Posts for the Week My RSA presentation with Bill Shinn on how you can be more secure in the cloud. My Rugged DevOps at Scale presentation video from DevOps Connect at RSAC. Full Video Series Released: Rugged DevOps at RSA Conference 2016. Attack of the week: DROWN. This nasty one is affecting a lot of cloud deployments. Please review and patch. Rugged DevOps at RSAC 2016. A great summary by the author of Gauntlt. And not just because he mentions my session. Full disclosure: the idea of keeping all security documentation in GitHub comes from Bill Shinn of AWS. IAM best practice guides available now for Google Cloud. Google and Microsoft are starting to push hard to catch up with AWS on critical security capabilities. AWS launched a community repository for AWS Config Rules. Nice idea, and it gives you a good sense of various security and configuration requirements from different organizations. Snapchat shares security best practices for running on GCP. Migrating to AWS NAT Gateway. Expect to see more of these service endpoints. This one solves a problem we have seen customers hit: NAT instances aren’t always reliable. Although sometimes for security reasons you still want to proxy through instances rather than using this. Especially if you need to lock down Internet access beyond what you can do with security groups or ACLs. For 7 years Chris Hoff and I have co-presented an ongoing series at RSA on disruptive innovation and its impact on security. Chris couldn’t be there this year, and it seemed like time to bring things to a close. Mike Rothman filled in and you can see our review of all seven years, with implications, in our enormous deck. Innovating Security like the DevOps Unicorns. A nice interview with Shannon Lietz of Intuit. Probably one of the best DevOps security pros out there right now. Tool of the Week This is a new section highlighting a cloud, DevOps, or security tool we think you should take a look at. We still struggle to keep track of all the interesting tools that can help us, so if you have submissions please email them to This week I want to focus on a tool that is one of the cornerstones of DevOps in many organizations, but with which not all security professionals are familiar. We need this as a foundation so we can start talking about some cool security extensions next week. Thus, ladies and gentlemen, today we will talk about Jenkins. Jenkins is the most popular continuous integration tool right now. It’s Open Source with a very active community and a ton of support and plugins. For those of you without development experience, a CI server automates integrating application code changes and running tests. It can do a lot more than that, but continuously integrating changes (even from multiple teams’ contributors in massive projects) and making sure the code still works is a big deal. What makes Jenkins so special is that large community and massive plugin support. Instead of merely integrating updated code, it can detect when code is updated in a repository, pull it and integrate, automatically stand up a test environment, run thousands of tests, send alerts back on failures, or push code into further testing or production if it passes. The current version (and upcoming version 2.0) are automation servers that can handle complex workflows and pipelines for managing application updates. This automation offers tremendous security benefits. For example there is a full audit trail of all code changes. Better yet, you can integrate security testing into your automation pipeline, far more effectively than previous ways we’ve used security testing tools. You can flag changes to security-sensitive parts of code like encryption or authentication to require a security sign-off. All this using the same tool developers use anyway, and integrated into their processes. Jenkins isn’t just for code – you can use it for server configuration, and using a tool like Packer it can create gold images and perform automatic security scans. You can even run complex vulnerability assessments on cloud/virtual infrastructure using code templates like Vagrant, Cloudformation, or Terraform. Next week we’ll talk about one of the coolest security testing tools that integrates with Jenkins. Securosis Blog Posts this Week Incite 4/6/2016: Hindsight Incite 3/30/2016: Rational People Disagree Incite 3/23/2016: The Madness Resilient Cloud Network Architectures: Design Patterns Securing Hadoop: Security Recommendations for Hadoop [New Paper] Resilient Cloud Network Architectures: Fundamentals Shadow Devices: The Exponentially Expanding Attack Surface [New Series] Maximizing WAF Value Maximizing Value From Your WAF [New Series] Maximizing WAF Value: Deployment Maximizing WAF Value: Managing Your WAF Other Securosis News and Quotes At Macworld, I wrote How FBI vs. Apple could

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Maximizing WAF Value: Management

As described in last post, deploying a WAF requires knowledge of both application security and your specific application(s). Management it requires an ongoing effort to keep a WAF current with emerging attacks and frequent application changes. Your organization likely adds new applications and changes network architectures at least a couple times a year. We see more and more organizations embracing continuous deployment for their applications. This means application functions and usage are constantly changing as well. So you need to adjust your defenses regularly to keep pace. Test & Tune The deployment process is about putting rules in place to protect applications. Managing the WAF involves monitoring it to figure out how well your rules are actually working, which requires spending a bunch of time examining logs to learn what is working and what’s not. Tuning policies for both protection and performance is not easy. As we have mentioned, you need someone who understands the rule ‘grammars’ and how web protocols work. That person must also understand the applications, the types of data customers should have access to within them, what constitutes bad behavior/application misuse, and the risks the web applications pose to the business. An application security professional needs to balance security, applications, and business skills, because the WAF policies they write and manage touch all three disciplines. The tuning process involves a lot of trial and error, figuring out which changes have unintended consequences like adding attack surface or breaking application functionality, and which are useful for protecting applications from emerging attacks. You need dual tuning efforts, one for positive rules which must be updated when new application functionality is introduced, and another for negative rules which protect applications against emerging attacks. By the time a WAF is deployed customers should be comfortable creating whitelists for applications, having gained a decent handle on application functionality and leveraging the automated WAF learning capabilities. It’s fairly easy to observe these policies in monitor-only mode, but there is still a bit of nail-biting as new capabilities are rolled out. You’ll be waiting for users to exercise a function before you know if things really work, after which reviewing positive rules gets considerably easier. Tuning and keeping negative security policies current still relies heavily on WAF vendor and third-party assistance. Most enterprises don’t have research groups studying emerging attack vectors every day. These knowledge gaps, regarding how attackers work and cutting-edge attack techniques, create challenges when writing specific blacklist policies. So you are will depend on your vendor for as long as you use WAF, which is why we stress finding a vendor who acts as a partner and building support into your contract. As difficult as WAF management is, there is hope on the horizon, as firms embrace continuous deployment and DevOps, and accept daily updates and reconfiguration. These security teams have no choice but to build & test WAF policies as part of their delivery processes. WAF policies must be generated in tandem with new application features, which requires security and development teams to work shoulder-to-shoulder, integrating security as part of release management. New application code goes through several layers of functional testing and WAF rules get tested as code goes into a production environment, but before exposure to the general public. This integrated release process is called Blue-Green deployment testing. In this model both current (Blue) and new (Green) application code are run, on their own servers, in parallel in a fully functional production environment, ensuring applications run as intended in their ‘real’ environment. The new code is gated at the perimeter firewall or routers, limiting access to in-house testers. This way in-house security and application teams can verify that both the application and WAF rules function effectively and efficiently. If either fails the Green deployment is rolled back and Blue continues on. If Green works it becomes the new public production copy, and Blue is retired. It’s early days for DevOps, but this approach enables daily WAF rule tuning, with immediate feedback on iterative changes. And more importantly there are no surprises when updated code goes into production behind the WAF. WAF management is an ongoing process – especially in light of the dynamic attack space blacklists addresses, false-positive alerts which require tuning your ruleset, and application changes driving your whitelist. Your WAF management process needs to continually learn and catalog user and application behaviors, collecting metrics as part of the process. Which metrics are meaningful, and which activities you need to monitor closely, differs between customers. The only consistency is that you cannot measure success without logs and performance metrics. Reviewing what has happened over time, and integrating that knowledge into your policies, is key to success. Machine Learning At this point we need to bring “machine learning” into the discussion. This topic generates confusion, so let’s first discuss what it means to us. In its simplest form, machine learning is looking at application usage metrics to predict bad behavior. These algorithms examine data including stateful user sessions, user behavior, application attack heuristics, function misuse, and high error rates. Additional data sources include geolocation, IP address, and known attacker device fingerprints (IoC). The goal is to detect subtler forms of application misuse, and catch attacks quickly and accurately. Think of it as a form of 0-day detection. You want to spot behavior you know is bad, even if you haven’t seen that kind of badness before. Machine learning is a useful technique. Detecting attacks as they occur is the ideal we strive for, and automation is critical because you cannot manually review all application activity to figure out what’s an attack. So you’ll need some level of automation, to both scale scarce resources and fit better into new continuous deployment models. But it is still early days for this technology – this class of protection has a ways to go for maturity and effectiveness. We see varied success: some types of attacks are spotted, but false positive rates can be high. And we are not fans of the term “machine learning” for this functionality, because it’s too generic. We’ve seen some vendors

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Maximizing WAF Value: Deployment

Now we will dig into the myriad ways to deploy a Web Application Firewall (WAF), including where to position it and the pros & cons of on-premise devices versus WAF services. A key part of the deployment process is training the WAF for specific applications and setting up the initial rulesets. We will also highlight effective practices for moving from visibility (getting alerts) to control (blocking attacks). Finally we will present a Quick Wins scenario because it’s critical for any security technology to get a ‘win’ early in deployment to prove its value. Deployment Models The first major challenge for anyone using a WAF is getting it set up and effectively protecting applications. Your process will start with deciding where you want the WAF to work: on-premise, cloud-hosted, or a combination. On-premise means installing multiple appliances or virtual instances to balance incoming traffic and ensure they don’t degrade the user experience. With cloud services you have the option of scaling up or down with traffic as needed. We’ll go into benefits and tradeoffs of each later in this series. Next you will need to determine how you want the WAF to work. You may choose either inline or out-of-band. Inline entails installing the WAF “in front of” a web app so all traffic from and to the app runs through it. This blocks attacks directly as they come in, and in some cases before content is returned to users. Both on-premise WAF devices and cloud WAF services provide this option. Alternatively, some vendors offer an out-of-band option to assess application traffic via a network tap or spanning port. They use indirect methods (TCP resets, network device integration, etc.) to shut down attack sessions. This approach has no side-effects on application operation, because traffic still flows directly to the app. Obviously there are both advantages and disadvantages to having a WAF inline, and we don’t judge folks who opt for out-of-band rather than risking the application impact of inline deployment. But out-of-band enforcement can be evaded via tactics like command injection, SQL injection, and stored cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks that don’t require responses from the application. Another issue with out-of-band deployment is that attacks can make it through to applications, which puts them at risk. It’s not always a clear-cut choice, but balancing risks is why you get paid the big bucks, right? When possible we recommend inline deployment, because this model gives you flexibility to enforce as many or as few blocking rules as you want. You need to carefully avoid blocking legitimate traffic to your applications. Out-of-band deployment offers few reliable blocking options. Rule Creation Once the device is deployed you need to figure out what rules you’ll run on it. Rules embody what you choose to block, and what you let pass through to applications. The creation and maintenance of these rules where is you will spend the vast majority of your time, so we will spend quite a bit of time on it. The first step in rule creation is understanding how rules are built and employed. The two major categories are negative and positive security rules: the former are geared toward blocking known attacks, and the latter toward listing acceptable actions for each application. Let’s go into why each is important. Negative Security “Negative Security” policies essentially block known attacks. The model works by detecting patterns of known malicious behavior, or ‘signatures’. Things like content scraping, injection attacks, XML attacks, cross-site request forgeries, suspected botnets, Tor nodes, and even blog spam, are universal application attacks that affect all sites. Most negative policies come “out of the box” from vendors’ internal teams, who research and develop signatures for customers. Each signature explicitly describes one attack or several variants, these rules typically detect SQL injection and buffer overflows. The downside of this method is its fragility: the signature will fail to match any unrecognized variations, and will thus bypass the WAF. If you think “this sounds like traditional endpoint AV” you’re right. So signatures are only suitable when you can reliably and deterministically describe attacks, and don’t expect signatures to be immediately bypassed by simple evasion. WAFs usually provide a myriad of other detection options to compensate for the limitations of static signatures: heuristics, reputation scoring, detection of evasion techniques, and proprietary methods for qualitatively detecting attacks. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and use cases for which it is better or worse suited. These techniques can be combined to provide a risk score for incoming requests, and with flexible blocking options based on the severity of the attack or your confidence level. This is similar to the “spam cocktail” approach used by email security gateways for years. But the devil is in the details, there are thousands of attack variations, and figuring out how to apply policies to detect and stop attacks is difficult. Finally there are rules you’ll need specifically to protect your web applications from a class of attacks designed to find flaws in the way application developers code, targeting gaps in how they enforce process and transaction state. These include rules to detect fraud, business logic attacks, content scraping, and data leakage, which cannot be detected using generic signatures or heuristics. Examples of these kinds of attacks include issuing order and cancellation requests in rapid succession to confuse the web server or database into revealing or altering shopping cart information, replaying legitimate transactions, and changing the order of events to attack transaction integrity. These application-specific rules are constructed using the same analytic techniques, but rather than focusing on the structure and use of HTTP and XML grammars, a fraud detection policy examines user behavior as it relates to the type of transaction being performed. These policies require a detailed understanding of both how attacks work and how your web applications work. Positive Security The other side of this coin is the positive security model, called ‘whitelisting.’ Positive security only allows known and authorized web requests, and blocks all others. Old-school network security professionals recall the term “default deny”. This is the web application analogue. It works

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Incite 4/6/2016—Hindsight

When things don’t go quite as you hoped, it’s human nature to look backwards and question your decisions. If you had done something different maybe the outcome would be better. If you didn’t do the other thing, maybe you’d be in a different spot. We all do it. Some more than others. It’s almost impossible to not wonder what would have been. But you have to be careful playing Monday Morning QB. If you wallow in a situation you end up stuck in a house of pain after a decision doesn’t go well. You probably don’t have a time machine, so whatever happened is already done. All you have left is a learning opportunity to avoid making the same mistakes again. That is a key concept, and I work to learn from every situation. I want to have an idea of what I would do if I found myself in a similar situation again down the line. Sometimes this post-mortem is painful – especially when the decision you made or action you took was idiotic in hindsight. And I’ve certainly done my share of idiotic things through the years. The key to leveraging hindsight is not to get caught up in it. Learn from the situation and move on. Try not to beat yourself up over and over again about what happened. This is easy to say and very hard to do. So here is how I make sure I don’t get stuck after something doesn’t exactly meet my expectations. Be Objective: You may be responsible for what happened. If you are, own it. Don’t point fingers. Understand exactly what happened and what your actions did to contribute to the eventual outcome. Also understand that some things were going to end badly regardless of what you did, so accept that as well. Speculate on what could be different: Next take some time to think about how different actions could have produced different outcomes. You can’t be absolutely sure that a different action would work out better, but you can certainly come up with a couple scenarios and determine what you want to do if you are in that situation again. It’s like a game where you can choose different paths. Understand you’ll be wrong: Understand that even if you evaluate 10 different options for a scenario, next time around there will be something you can’t anticipate. Understand that you are dealing with speculation, and that’s always dicey. Don’t judge yourself: At this point you have done what you can do. You owned your part in however the situation ended up. You figured out what you’ll do differently next time. It’s over, so let it go and move forward. You learned what you needed, and that’s all you can ask for. That’s really the point. Fixating on what’s already happened closes off future potential. If you are always looking behind you, you can neither appreciate nor take advantage of what’s ahead. This was a hard lesson for me. I did the same stuff for years, and was confused because nothing changed. It took me a long time to figure out what needed to change, which of course turned out to be me. But it wasn’t wasted time. I’m grateful for all my experiences, especially the challenges. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to learn, and will continue to screw things up and learn more. I know myself much better now and understand that I need to keep moving forward. So that’s what I do. Every single day. –Mike Photo credit: “Hindsight” from The.Rohit Security is changing. So is Securosis. Check out Rich’s post on how we are evolving our business. We’ve published this year’s Securosis Guide to the RSA Conference. It’s our take on the key themes of this year’s conference (which is really a proxy for the industry), as well as deep dives on cloud security, threat protection, and data security. And there is a ton of meme goodness… Check out the blog post or download the guide directly (PDF). The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. Mar 16 – The Rugged vs. SecDevOps Smackdown Feb 17 – RSA Conference – The Good, Bad and Ugly Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Resilient Cloud Network Architectures [Design Patterns] [Fundamentals] Shadow Devices The Exponentially Expanding Attack Surface Building a Vendor IT Risk Management Program Program Structure Understanding Vendor IT Risk SIEM Kung Fu Getting Started and Sustaining Value Advanced Use Cases Fundamentals Recently Published Papers Securing Hadoop Threat Detection Evolution Building Security into DevOps Pragmatic Security for Cloud and Hybrid Networks EMV Migration and the Changing Payments Landscape Applied Threat Intelligence Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security The Future of Security Incite 4 U Still no free lunch, even if it’s fake: Troy Hunt’s post is awesome, digging into how slimy free websites gather

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Maximizing Value From Your WAF [New Series]

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) have been in production use for well over a decade, maturing from point solutions primarily blocking SQL injection to mature application security tools. In most mature security product categories, such as anti-virus, there hasn’t been much to talk about, aside from complaining that not much has changed over the last decade. WAFs are different: they have continued to evolve in response to new threats, new deployment models, and a more demanding clientele’s need to solve more complicated problems. From SQL injection to cross-site scripting (XSS), from PCI compliance to DDoS protection, and from cross-site request forgeries (CSRF) to 0-day protection, WAFs have continued add capabilities to address emerging use cases. But WAF’s greatest evolution has taken place in areas undergoing heavy disruption, notably cloud computing and threat analytics. WAFs are back at the top of our research agenda, because users continue to struggle with managing WAF platforms as threats continue to evolve. The first challenge has been that attacks targeting the application layer require more than simple analysis of individual HTTP requests – they demand systemic analysis of the entire web application session. Detection of typical modern attack vectors including automated bots, content scraping, fraud, and other types of misuse, all require more information and deeper analysis. Second, as the larger IT industry flails to find security talent to manage WAFs, customers struggle to keep existing devices up and running; they have no choice but to emphasize ease of set-up and management during product selection. So we are updating our WAF research. This brief series will discuss the continuing need for Web Application Firewall technologies, and address the ongoing struggles of organizations to run WAFs. We will also focus on decreasing the time to value for WAF, by updating our recommendations for standing up a WAF for the first time, discussing what it takes to get a basic set of policies up and running, and covering the new capabilities and challenges customers face. WAF’s Continued Popularity The reasons WAF emerged in the first place, and still one of the most common reason customers use it, is that no other product really provides protection at the application layer. Cross-site scripting, request forgeries, SQL injection, and many common attacks which specifically target application stacks tend to go undetected. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and general-purpose network firewalls are poorly suited to protecting the application layer, and remain largely ineffective for that use case. In order to detect application misuse and fraud, a security solution must understand the dialogue between application and end user. WAFs were designed for this need, to understand application protocols so they can identify applications under attack. For most organizations, WAF is still the only way get some measure of protection for applications. For many years sales of WAFs were driven by compliance, specifically a mandate from the Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). This standard gave firms the option to either build security into their application (very hard), or protect them with WAF (easier). The validation requirements for WAF deployments are far less rigorous than for secure code development, so most companies opted for WAF. Shocking! You basically plug one in and get a certification. WAF has long been the fastest and most cost-effective way to satisfy Requirement 6 of the PCI-DSS standard, but it turns out there is long-term value as well. Users now realize that leveraging a WAF is both faster and cheaper than fixing bug-ridden legacy applications. The need has morphed from “get compliant fast!” to “secure legacy apps for less!” WAF Limitations The value of WAF is muted by difficulties in deployment and ongoing platform management. A tool cannot provide sustainable value if it cannot be effectively deployed and managed. The last thing organizations need is yet another piece of software sitting on a shelf. Or even worse an out-of-date WAF providing a false sense of security. Our research highlighted the following issues which contribute to insecure WAF implementations, allowing penetration testers and attackers to easily evade WAF and target applications directly. Ineffective Policies: Most firms complain about maintaining WAF policies. Some complaints are about policies falling behind new application features, and policies which fail to keep pace with emerging threats. Equally troubling is a lack of information on which policies are effective, so security professionals are flying blind. Better metrics and analytics are needed to tell users what’s working and how to improve. Breaking Apps: Security policies – the rules that determine what a WAF blocks and what passes through to applications – can and do sometimes block legitimate traffic. Web application developers are incentivized to push new code as often as possible. Code changes and new functionality often violate existing policies, so unless someone updates the whitelist of approved application requests for every application change, a WAF will block legitimate requests. Predictably, this pisses off customers and operational folks alike. Firms trying to “ratchet up” security by tightening policies may also break applications, or generate too many false positives for the SoC to handle, leading to legitimate attacks going ignored and unaddressed in a flood of irrelevant alerts. Skills Gap: As we all know, application security is non-trivial. The skills to understand spoofing, fraud, non-repudiation, denial of service attacks, and application misuse within the context of an application are rarely all found in any one individual. But they are all needed to be an effective WAF administrator. Many firms – especially those in retail – complain that “we are not in the business of security” – they want to outsource WAF management to someone with the necessary skills. Still others find their WAF in purgatory after their administrator is offered more money, leaving behind no-one who understands the policies. But outsourcing is no panacea – even a third-party service provider needs the configuration to be somewhat stable and burned-in before they can accept managerial responsibility. Without in-house talent for configuration you are hiring professional services teams to get up and running, and then scrambling to find budget for this unplanned expense. Cloud Deployments: Your on-premise applications are covered

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Incite 3/30/2016: Rational People Disagree

It’s definitely a presidential election year here in the US. My Twitter and Facebook feeds are overwhelmed with links about what this politician said and who that one offended. We get to learn how a 70-year old politician got arrested in his 20s and why that matters now. You also get to understand that there are a lot of different perspectives, many of which make absolutely no sense to you. Confirmation bias kicks into high gear, because when you see something you don’t agree with, you instinctively ignore it, or have a million reasons why dead wrong. I know mine does. Some of my friends frequently share news about their chosen candidates, and even more link to critical information about the enemy. I’m not sure whether they do this to make themselves feel good, to commiserate with people who think just like them, or in an effort to influence folks who don’t. I have to say this can be remarkably irritating because nothing any of these people posts is going to sway my fundamental beliefs. That got me thinking about one of my rules for dealing with people. I don’t talk about religion or politics. Unless I’m asked. And depending on the person I might not engage even if asked. Simply because nothing I say is going to change someone’s story regarding either of those two third rails of friendship. I will admit to scratching my head at some of the stuff people I know post to social media. I wonder if they really believe that stuff, or they are just trolling everyone. But at the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and it’s not my place to tell them their opinion is idiotic. Even if to it is. I try very hard not to judge people based on their stories and beliefs. They have different experiences and priorities than me, and that results in different viewpoints. But not judging gets pretty hard between March and November every 4 years. At least 4 or 5 times a day I click the unfollow link when something particularly offensive (to me) shows up in my feed. But I don’t hit the button to actually unfollow someone. I use the fact that I was triggered by someone as an opportunity to pause and reflect on why that specific headline, post, link, or opinion bothers me so much. Most of the time it’s just exhaustion. If I see one more thing about a huge fence or bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US, I’m going to scream. I get these are real issues which warrant discussion. But in a world with a 24/7 media cycle, the discussion never ends. I’m not close-minded, although it may seem that way. I’m certainly open to listening to other candidates’ views, mostly to understand the other side of the discussion and continually refine and confirm my own positions. But I have some fundamental beliefs that will not change. And no, I’m not going to share them here (that third rail again!). I know that rational people can disagree, and that doesn’t mean I don’t respect them, or that I don’t want to work together or hang out and drink beer. It just means I don’t want to talk about religion or politics. –Mike Photo credit: “Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2204” from Ape Lad Security is changing. So is Securosis. Check out Rich’s post on how we are evolving our business. We’ve published this year’s Securosis Guide to the RSA Conference. It’s our take on the key themes of this year’s conference (which is really a proxy for the industry), as well as deep dives on cloud security, threat protection, and data security. And there is a ton of meme goodness… Check out the blog post or download the guide directly (PDF). The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. Mar 16 – The Rugged vs. SecDevOps Smackdown Feb 17 – RSA Conference – The Good, Bad and Ugly Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Resilient Cloud Network Architectures Design Patterns Fundamentals Shadow Devices The Exponentially Expanding Attack Surface Building a Vendor IT Risk Management Program Program Structure Understanding Vendor IT Risk Securing Hadoop Architectural Security Issues Architecture and Composition Security Recommendations for NoSQL platforms SIEM Kung Fu Getting Started and Sustaining Value Advanced Use Cases Fundamentals Recently Published Papers Threat Detection Evolution Building Security into DevOps Pragmatic Security for Cloud and Hybrid Networks EMV Migration and the Changing Payments Landscape Applied Threat Intelligence Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security The Future of Security Incite 4 U That depends on your definition of consolidation: Stiennon busts out his trusty spreadsheet of security companies and concludes that the IT security industry is not consolidating. He has numbers. Numbers! That prove there is a

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
  • Comments are enabled for posts. All comments are kept except for spam, personal insults of a clearly inflammatory nature, and completely off-topic content that distracts from the discussion. We welcome comments critical of the work, even if somewhat insulting to the authors. Really.
  • Anyone can comment, and no registration is required. Vendors or consultants with a relevant product or offering must properly identify themselves. While their comments won’t be deleted, the writer/moderator will “call out”, identify, and possibly ridicule vendors who fail to do so.
  • Vendors considering licensing the content are welcome to provide feedback, but it must be posted in the comments - just like everyone else. There is no back channel influence on the research findings or posts.
    Analysts must reply to comments and defend the research position, or agree to modify the content.
  • At the end of the post series, the analyst compiles the posts into a paper, presentation, or other delivery vehicle. Public comments/input factors into the research, where appropriate.
  • If the research is distributed as a paper, significant commenters/contributors are acknowledged in the opening of the report. If they did not post their real names, handles used for comments are listed. Commenters do not retain any rights to the report, but their contributions will be recognized.
  • All primary research will be released under a Creative Commons license. The current license is Non-Commercial, Attribution. The analyst, at their discretion, may add a Derivative Works or Share Alike condition.
  • Securosis primary research does not discuss specific vendors or specific products/offerings, unless used to provide context, contrast or to make a point (which is very very rare).
    Although quotes from published primary research (and published primary research only) may be used in press releases, said quotes may never mention a specific vendor, even if the vendor is mentioned in the source report. Securosis must approve any quote to appear in any vendor marketing collateral.
  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.