Threat Intelligence remains one of the hottest areas in security. With its promise to help organizations take advantage of information sharing, early results have been encouraging. We have researched Threat Intelligence deeply; focusing on where to get TI and the differences between gathering data from networks, endpoints, and general Internet sources. But we come back to the fact that having data is not enough – not now and not in the future. It is easy to buy data but hard to take full advantage of it. Knowing what attacks may be coming at you doesn’t help if your security operations functions cannot detect the patterns, block the attacks, or use the data to investigate possible compromise. Without those capabilities it’s all just more useless data, and you already have plenty of that. Our Applied Threat Intelligence paper focuses on how to actually use intelligence to solve three common use cases: preventative controls, security monitoring, and incident response. We start with a discussion of what TI is and isn’t, where to get it, and what you need to deal with specific adversaries. Then we dive into use cases. We would like to thank Intel Security for licensing the content in this paper. Our licensees enable us to provide our research at no cost and still pay our mortgages, so we should all thank them. Download: Applied Threat Intelligence (PDF) Share: