

Network Security in the Age of *Any* Computing: Policy Granularity

As we discussed in the last post, there are number of ways to enforce access policies for any computing. Given the flexibility and dynamic nature of business, access policies should provide sufficient flexibility to meet business needs. To illustrate, let’s look at how an enforcement mechanism like network access control (NAC) can provide this kind of granularity. What you want is map out access models and design a set of policies to provide users with the right access at the right time from the right device. Let’s focus on mobile devices, the poster children for any computing, and typically the hardest to secure. First we will define three general categories of mobile devices trying to connect to your network: Corporate devices: You have issued these devices to your employees and they are expected to get full access to pretty much whatever they need. You’ll want to verify both the user (strong authentication) and the device itself. It is also important to monitor what the device is doing to ensure authorized use after the pre-connect authentication. Personal devices: Sure, it’s easy to just implement a blanket policy of no personal devices. There are big companies doing that right now, regardless of user grumpiness over not being able to use their fancy new iPads at work. But if draconian isn’t an option in your shop, you could move authenticated, unauthorized devices onto a logical network configured only for outbound Internet access. Or provide access to non-critical resources such as employee wikis and the like but block access to corporate email servers, assuming you don’t want company email on these devices. Everything else: Lots of guests show up at your facilities and try to connect to your networks – both wired and wireless. If they successfully gain access via WPA2 or a physical port, they need to be bounced from the network. This represents the “access” part of network access control. Depending on your pain threshold, there are many other device types and usage models that can be profiled to create specific enforcement policies. Granularity is only limited by your ability to map use cases and design access policies. Let’s not forget that you can also implement policies based on roles. For instance, your marketing group might have network access with iPads, since every good marketer needs one. But if engineers do not have a business justification for iPad use that group could be blocked. Policies aren’t defined merely by what (device) the user has, but also on who they are. Posture-based Policies What about policies based on defenses implemented on the endpoint or mobile device – such as AV, full disk encryption, and remote wipe? Clearly you need to control those devices as well. Being able to restrict users without certain patches on their device is legitimate. Or you might want want to keep end users off of your protected network segment if they don’t have full disk encryption active, to avoid breach disclosure if they lose the device. It’s not just about knowing what the device is, and who is using it, but also what’s on it. As you can see, this is problem includes at least 3 dimensions, which is why getting policies right is a prerequisite for controlling access. We’ll talk more about getting the policies right incrementally when we wrap up the series. Which, once again, brings up our main point. Make sure you can enforce security policies that reflect your desired security posture given the context of your business processes. Don’t force your security policy to map to your enforcement mechanisms. Share:

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Table Stakes

This morning I published a column over at Dark Reading that kicked off some cool comments on Twitter. Since, you know, no one leaves blog comments anymore. The article is the upshot from various frustrations that have annoyed me lately. To be honest, I could have summarized the entire thing as “grow the f* up”. I’m just as tired of the “security is failing” garbage as I am with ridonkulous fake ROI models, our obsession with threats as the only important metric, and the inability of far too many security folks to recognize operational realities. Since I’m trying to be better about linking to major articles, here’s an excerpt: There’s been a lot of hand-wringing in the security community lately. Complaints about compliance, vendors and the industry, or the general short-sightedness of those we work for who define our programs based on the media and audit results. Now we whine about developers ignoring us, executives mandating support for iPads we can’t control (while we still use the patently-insecureable Windows XP) executives who don’t always agree with our priorities, or bad guys coming after us personally. We’re despondent over endless audit and assessment cycles, FUD, checklists, and half-baked products sold for fully-baked prices; with sales guys targeting our bosses to circumvent our veto. My response? Get over it. These are the table stakes folks, and if you aren’t up for the game here’s a dollar for the slot machines. Share:

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FAM: Market Drivers, Business Justifications, and Use Cases

Now that we have defined File Activity Monitoring it’s time to talk about why people are buying it, how it’s being used, and why you might want it. Market Drivers As I mentioned earlier the first time I saw FAM was when I dropped the acronym into the Data Security Lifecycle. Although some people were tossing the general idea around, there wasn’t a single product on the market. A few vendors were considering introducing something, but in conversations with users there clearly wasn’t market demand. This has changed dramatically over the past two years; due to a combination of indirect compliance needs, headline-driven security concerns, and gaps in existing security tools. Although the FAM market is completely nascent, interest is slowly growing as organizations look for better handles on their unstructured file repositories. We see three main market drivers: As an offshoot of compliance. Few regulations require continuous monitoring of user access to files, but quite a few require some level of audit of access control, particularly for sensitive files. As you’ll see later, most FAM tools also include entitlement assessment, and they monitor and clearly report on activity. We see some organizations consider FAM initially to help generate compliance reports, and later activate additional capabilities to improve security. Security concerns. The combination of APT-style attacks against sensitive data repositories, and headline-grabbing cases like Wikileaks, are driving clear interest in gaining control over file repositories. To increase visibility. Although few FAM deployments start with the goal of providing visibility into file usage, once a deployment starts it’s not uncommon use it to gain a better understanding of how files are used within the organization, even if this isn’t to meet a compliance or security need. FAM, like its cousin Database Activity Monitoring, typically starts as a smaller project to protect a highly sensitive repository and then grows to expand coverage as it proves its value. Since it isn’t generally required directly for compliance, we don’t expect the market to explode, but rather to grow steadily. Business Justifications If we turn around the market drivers, four key business justifications emerge for deployment of FAM: To meet a compliance obligation or reduce compliance costs. For example, to generate reports on who has access to sensitive information, or who accessed regulated files over a particular time period. To reduce the risk of major data breaches. While FAM can’t protect every file in the enterprise, it provides significant protection for the major file repositories that turn a self-constrained data breach into an unmitigated disaster. You’ll still lose files, but not necessarily the entire vault. To reduce file management costs. Even if you use document management systems, few tools provide as much insight into file usage as FAM. By tying usage, entitlements, and user/group activity to repositories and individual files; FAM enables robust analysis to support other document management initiatives such as consolidation. To support content discovery. Surprisingly; many content discovery tools (mostly Data Loss Prevention), and manual processes, struggle to identify file owners. FAM can use a combination of entitlement analysis and activity monitoring to help determine who owns each file. Example Use Cases By now you likely have a good idea how FAM can be used, but here are a few direct use cases: Company A deployed FAM to protect sensitive engineering documents from external attacks and insider abuse. They monitor the shared engineering file share and generate a security alert if more than 5 documents are accessed in less than 5 minutes; then block copying of the entire directory. A pharmaceutical company uses FAM to meet compliance requirements for drug studies. The tool generates a quarterly report of all access to study files and generates security alerts when IT administrators access files. Company C recently performed a large content discovery project to locate all regulated Personally Identifiable Information, but struggled to determine file owners. Their goal is to reduce sensitive data proliferation, but simple file permissions rarely indicate the file owner, which is needed before removing or consolidating data. With FAM they monitor the discovered files to determine the most common accessors – who are often the file owners. Company D has had problems with sales executives sucking down proprietary customer information before taking jobs with competitors. They use FAM to generate alerts based on both high-volume access and authorized users accessing older files they’ve never touched before. As you can see, the combination of tying users to activity, with the capability to generate alerts (or block) based on flexible use policies, makes FAM interesting. Imagine being able to kick off a security investigation based on a large amount of file access, or low-and-slow access by a service or administrative account. File Activity Monitoring vs. Data Loss Prevention The relationship between FAM and DLP is interesting. These two technologies are extremely complementary – so much that in one case (as of this writing) FAM is a feature of a DLP product – but they also achieve slightly different goals. The core value of DLP is its content analysis capabilities; the ability to dig into a file and understand the content inside. FAM, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily need to know the contents of a file or repository to provide value. Certain access patterns themselves often indicate a security problem, and knowing the exact file contents isn’t always needed for compliance initiatives such as access auditing. FAM and DLP work extremely well together, but each provides plenty of value on its own. Share:

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