

Fact-Based Network Security: Defining ‘Risk’

As we mentioned when introducing this series on fact-based network security, we increasingly need to use data to determine our priorities. This enables us to focus on activities that will have the greatest business impact. But that begs the question: how you determine what’s important? The place to start is with your organization’s assets. Truth be told, importance and beauty are both in the eye of the beholder, so this process challenges even the most-clued in security professionals. You will need to deal with subjectivity and the misery of building consensus (about what’s important), and ultimately the answer will continue to evolve in light of the dynamic nature of business. But you still need to do it. You can’t spend a bunch of time protecting devices no one cares about. But it’s always good to start conversations with a good idea of the answer, so we recommend you start by defining relative asset value. We have long held that estimating (value = purchase price + some number you make up – depreciation) is ridiculous. We haven’t stopped many folks from doing it, but we’ll just say there isn’t a lot of precision in that approach, and leave it at that. So what to do? Let’s get back to the concept of relative, which is the key. A reasonable approach would be to categorize assets into a handful of buckets (think 3-4) by their importance to the business. For argument’s sake we’ll call them: critical, important, and not so important. Then spend time looking through the assets and sorting them into those categories. You can use a quick and dirty method of defining relative value which I first proposed in the Pragmatic CSO. Ask a few simple questions of both yourself and business leadership about the assets… What does it cost us if this system goes down? This is the key question, and it’s very hard to get a precise answer, but try. Whether it’s lost revenue, or brand impact, or customer satisfaction, or whatever – push executives to really help you understand what happens to the business if that system is not available. Who uses this system? This is linked to the first question, but can yield different and interesting perspectives. If five people in Accounting use the system, that’s one thing. If every employee on the shop floor does, that’s another. And if every customer you have uses the system, that would be a much different thing. So a feel for the user community can give you an idea of the system’s criticality. How easy are the assets to replace? Of course, having a system fail is a bad thing, but how bad depends on replacement cost. If your CRM system goes down, you can go online to something like and be up and running in an hour or two. Obviously that doesn’t include data migration, etc. But some systems are literally irreplaceable – or would require so much customization as to be effectively irreplaceable – and you need to know which are which. Understand you will to need to abstract assets into something bigger. Your business leadership doesn’t have an opinion about server #3254 in the data center. But if you discuss things like the order management system or the logistics system, they’ll be able to help you figure out (or at least confirm) relative importance of assets. With answers to those questions, you should be able to dump each group of assets into an importance bucket. The next step involves evaluating the ease of attacking these critical assets. We do this to understand the negative side of the equation – asset value to the business is the positive. If the asset has few security controls or resides in an area that is easy to get to (such as Internet-facing servers), the criticality of its issues increases. So when we prioritize efforts, we can factor in not just the value to the business, but also the likelihood of something bad happening if you don’t address an issue. By the way, try to keep delusion our of this calculation. It’s no secret that some parts of your infrastructure receive a lot of attention and protection and some don’t. Be brutally honest about that, because it will enable you to focus on brittle areas as needed. Like the asset side, focus on relative ease of attack and the associated threat models. You can use categories like: Swiss cheese, home safe, bank vault, and Fort Knox. And yes, we are joking about the category names. You should be left with a basic understanding of your ‘risk’. But don’t confuse this idea of risk with an economic quantification, which is how most organizations define risk. Instead this understanding provides an idea of where to find the biggest steaming pile of security FAIL. This is helpful as you weigh the inflow of events, alerts, and change requests in terms of their importance to your organization. And keep in mind that these mostly subjective assessments of value and ease of attack change – frequently. That’s why it’s so important to keep things simple. If you need to go back and revisit the priorities list every time you install a new server, the list won’t be useful for more than a day. So keep it high level, and plan to revisit these ratings every month or so. At this point, we need to start thinking about operational metrics we can/should gather to guide operations based on outcomes important to your business. That’s the subject of our next post. Share:

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Incite 8/3/2011: The Kids Are Our Future

The Boss and I have been getting into Fallen Skies lately. Yeah, it’s another sci-fi show with aliens trying to take down the human race and loot our planet for our resources. They’d better hurry up, since there may not be much left when the real aliens show up, but that’s another story. In the last episode we saw, the main guy (Noah Wyle of ER) made the point that our kids are our future, and we need to keep them safe. That thought resonates with me, and thankfully I’m not dealing with aliens trying to make them into drugged-out slaves. We are dealing with a lot of bad stuff that can happen online. The severity of the issue became very apparent to me in the spring, when XX1 made a comment about playing some online card game. My spidey sense started tingling, and I went into full interrogation mode. Turns out she clicked on some ad on one of her approved websites, which then took her to some kind of card game. So she clicked on that and started playing. And so on, and so on. Instantly I checked out the machine. Thankfully it’s a Mac and she can’t install software. I did a full cleaning of the stuff that could be problematic and then had to have that talk about why it’s bad to click ads on the Internet. We then talked a bit about Google searches, checking out images, and the like. But in reality, I didn’t have much clue of where to start and what to teach her. So I asked a few friends what they’ve done to prepare their kids for the online world. Yep – I got the same quizzical stare I saw in the mirror. That’s why I’m getting involved in the HacKid conference. Chris Hoff (yes, @beaker himself) started the conference in Boston last October, and there will be conferences in San Jose (Sept 17/18) and Atlanta (Oct 1/2) this year. HacKid is not just about security, by the way. It’s about getting our kids (ages 5-17) excited about technology, with lots of intro material on things like programming and robotics and soldering and a bunch of other stuff. Truth be told, orchestrating HacKid is a huge amount of work. Thankfully we’ve got a great board of advisors in ATL to help out, and I know it will be time well spent. I’m confident all the kids will gain some appreciation for technology, beyond the latest game for them to play on the iPad. I also have no doubt they’ll learn about about how to protect themselves online, which is near and dear to my heart. But most of all, I can’t wait to see that look of wonder. You know, when you think you’ve just seen the coolest, most amazing thing in the world. Hoff said there was a lot of that look in Boston, and I can’t wait to see it in Atlanta. Remember, the kids are our future and this is a great place to start teaching them about the role technology will play in their future. Registration is open for the Atlanta conference, so check it out, bring your kids, get involved, and reap the benefits. See you there. -Mike Photo credits: “Play, kids, learn, Mill Park Library, Yarra Plenty Library service” originally uploaded by Kathyrn Greenhill Incite 4 U Shopping list next: I can imagine it now. I’ll get the grocery list via text from the Boss, and then the follow up. “Don’t forget the DDoS, that neighbor is pissing me off again.” According to Krebs, it’s getting easier to buy all sorts of cyber attacks. Even down to a kit to build your own bot army. Can you imagine the horse trading that will happen on the playground with our kids? It’ll be like real-life Risk, with the kids trading 10,000 bots in India for 300 credit card numbers. Law enforcement seems to be getting better at finding and stopping these perps, but it’s still amazing how rapidly the cybercrime ecosystem evolves. – MR Don’t call it a comeback. Call it Back to FUD: Stuxnet is making a comeback?. Seriously Mr. McGurk? Does this mean we need to disconnect our uranium centrifuges from that Windows 98 machine I use to fuel my personal reactor? So if I see you at Black Hat, don’t hesitate to tell me I’m glowing. Does this mean we patch our OS and update our AV signatures? Or are you predicting 4 new 0-days we need to prepare for? Does it mean pissed-off US government employees foreign governments are going to attack the US infrastructure? Or are you asking for all public infrastructure to be rearchitected and redeployed? Oh, wait, it’s budget time – we need to get our FUD on. – AL Do they offer gardening in the big house? Looks like the good guys bagged one of anonymous/LulzSec’s top dogs, Topiary. This 18-year-old plant was hiding out in his folks’ basement in rural Scotland. Of course the spin unit of anon has jumped into gear and is talking about the inability to arrest an idea. That’s true, but a few more high-profile arrests (and they are coming) and we’ll see how willing these cloistered kids will be to give up their freedom. Rich tweeted what a lot of us think. These are a bunch of angry kids, who probably got bullied in schools and are now turning the tables. But they barked up the wrong tree by antagonizing governments and law enforcement. We’ll see how well they do in jail, where the bullies are much different. – MR Who’s afraid of the big, bad (cloud security) wolf?: Vivek Kundra is saying that cloud security fears are overblown and that the US government is not afraid of public cloud infrastructure. From our research I believe both these statements are absolutely correct! Cloud infrastructure is neither more nor less secure that traditional IT infrastructure – it all depends upon how you deploy,

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