

Pragmatic WAF Management: Securing the WAF

WAFs themselves are an application, and as such they provide additional attack surface for your adversaries. Their goal isn’t necessarily to compromise the WAF itself (though that’s sometimes a bonus) – the short-term need is evasion. If attackers can figure out how to get around your WAF, many of its protections become moot. Your WAF needs to be secured, just like any other device sitting out there and accessible to attackers. So let’s start by discussing device security, including deployment and provisioning entitlements. Then we can get into some evasion tactics you are likely to see, before wrapping up with a discussion of the importance of testing your WAFs on an ongoing basis. Deployment Options Managing your WAF pragmatically starts when you plug in the device, which requires you to first figure out how you are going to deploy it. You can deploy WAFs either inline or out of band. Inline entails installing the WAF in front of a web app to block attacks directly. Alternatively, as with Network Access Control (NAC) devices, some vendors to provide an out-of-band option to assess application traffic via a network tap or spanning port, and then use indirect methods (TCP resets, network device integration, etc.) to shut down attack sessions. Obviously there are both advantages and disadvantages to having a WAF inline, and we certainly don’t judge folks who opt for out-of-band deployment rather than risking impact to applications. But as with NAC evasion, out-of-band enforcement can be evaded and presents an additional risk to the application. But balancing risks, such as reduced application protection against possible application disruption, is why you get the big bucks, right? You will also need to consider high availability (HA) deployment architectures. If a WAF device fails and takes your applications with it, that’s a bad day all around. So make sure you can deploy multiple boxes with consistent policy and utilize some kind of non-disruptive failover option (active/active, active/passive, load balancer front-end, etc.). Of course some folks opt for a managed WAF service, so the device doesn’t even sit in their data center. This offloads responsibility for scaling up the implementation, providing high availability, and managing devices (patching, etc.) to the service provider. Additionally, the service provider can offer some obfuscation of your IP addresses, complicating attacker reconnaissance and making WAF evasion harder. Depending on how the service is packaged, the service provider may also provide resources to manage policies. Of course they cannot offload accountability for protecting applications, and a service provider cannot be expected to interface directly with your developers. You should also understand the background of your WAF provider. Are they a security company? Does the WAF provide full application security features, or is it a glorified content distribution network (CDN)? Obviously a service provider isn’t likely to offer the full granular capabilities and policy options of a device in your data center, so you need to balance the security capabilities of a managed WAF service against what you can do yourself. Other Security Considerations Obviously you need to keep attackers away from the physical devices, so ensuring physical security of devices is the first step, and hopefully already largely covered by existing security measures. After that you need to ensure all credentials stored on the device are protected, including the SSL private keys used for SSL interception. You will also need to exercise good security hygiene on the device, which means detailed logging of any changes to device configuration and/or policies. Hopefully the logs will aggregated on an external aggregation system (a log management server) to prevent tampering, and alerts should be sent if logging is turned off. That also means keeping the underlying operating system (for software-based WAFs) and the WAF itself patched and up to date. No different than what you should do for every other security device in your environment. Again, a managed WAF service gets you out of having to update devices and/or WAF software, but make sure you can get access to the appropriate WAF activity logs. Make sure you have sufficient access for forensic investigation, if and when you need to go there. Finally, keep in mind that Denial of Service (DoS) attacks continue to be problematic, targeting applications with layer 7 attacks, in addition to simpler volume-based attacks. Make sure you have sufficent bandwidth to deal with any kind of DoS attack, a sufficiently hearty WAF implementation to deal with the flood, and a DDoS-focused service provider on call to handle additional traffic if necessary. Protecting against DoS attacks is a discipline unto itself, and we plan a series on that in the near future. Provisioning and Managing Entitlements Once you have secured the device, next make sure the policies and device configurations are protected. Take steps to control provisioning and management of entitlements. Given the sensitivity of the WAF, it makes sense to get back to the 3 A’s. Yeah, man, old school. Authorization: Who is allowed to access the WAF? Can they set up policies? Change configurations? Is this a group or set of individuals? Authentication: Once you know who can legitimately get into the device, how will you ensure it’s really them? Passwords? 2-factor authentication? Digital certificates? Retinal scans? Okay, that last was a joke, but this question isn’t. Audit: You want an audit event every time a WAF policy, configuration, entitlement, or anything else is changed. Note that a managed WAF service will complicate your ability to manage entitlements. The service provider will have the ability to change policies and may even be responsible for managing them. Ensure you adequately vet folks who will have access to your policies, with an audit trail. We know we are beating the audit horse, but it’s particularly important in this context. An alternative method for managing access to WAF devices is Privileged User Management (PUM). In this scenario administrators log into some sort of proxy, which manages credentials and provides access only to the WAFs each administrator has authorization for. That’s just one of

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Friday Summary: August 24, 2012.

This will probably sound weird, but for the first time in many years I am bummed that summer is ending. This is odd because I’m not really into vacations. I have only taken a real vacation – which I define as my wife and myself leaving the house together for more than 24 hours – twice in the last twelve years. And one of those vacations was a disaster I would not care to relive – drunken friends and crashing houseboats onto rocks is something I can do without. Anyway, vacations are just not something we really do. And when you have as many critters as we do – each needing regular attention – going anywhere gets a bit difficult. I travel a lot as part of this job, so I have no need to “get away” for its own sake. I’m happy to putter around the house, and I have made my home a great place to take time off. This year a close friend and I ventured up to south Lake Tahoe and visited Echo Lake. It’s a place my friend has been going with his parents since he was born, but both his parents have now passed, so we decided to keep the tradition alive. We planned a couple days hanging out and not catching fish. The trip started with a few bad omens: both on the way there and back, we got stuck in several traffic jams – including a high speed chase/rollover accident that stranded us for a few hours in the hot Oakland sun. But that did not matter. Sitting in traffic and sitting in the boat, I had a freaking great time! In fact I really did not want to come back. There was hiking I wanted to do but we ran out of time. And kayaking – no time. And swimming. And they had a Sailfish one-design regatta – I wanted in on that! Drinking Scotch with total strangers and just watching the sun set. And more fishing. I wanted to see if I could get my mountain bike back into the wilderness trails. I wanted a summer vacation, the three month kind I have not had since early high school. I started to fantasize about a tiny cabin on the water to help make all this happen. I could have stayed three months without a second thought. Honestly, I was like a little kid on the last week of summer. I really did not want to come back. I know about all the studies that say you need time off work to be mentally healthy and invigorate yourself. I see a blog post every year on the need for time off and the importance of vacations. And I have seen the benefits of employees regularly taking time off. Whatever. That’s for other people. Not me. Or it was. Now I want a real vacation. It was damn fun, and even if it doesn’t help me beat burnout or reinvigorate me mentally – although this trip did – I just want to go do that again. It was odd feeling that urge to get away for the first time in a very long time. And here I find myself looking at listings for vacation properties – weird. I included a boatload of news this week, so check it out. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich participated in Protecting Your Digital Life at TidBITS.. Adrian joined Rich and Martin on The Network Security Podcast, episode 285. Adrian won the Nimby Award for Best Identity Forecast Blog. Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide. I’m betting this is the most practical and helpful part for end users. Mike Rothman: Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide – 10 Questions. Okay, it’s my post, so I’m a homer. But I love distilling down a bunch of content into only 10 questions. Makes you focus on what’s important. Rich: Force Attacker Perfection. This is an older post of mine, but I think it is becoming increasingly relevant now that we are seeing more interest in active countermeasures, which can really enhance the concept. Other Securosis Posts Incite 8/22/2012: Cassette Legends. [New White Paper] Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions. Friday Summary: August 17, 2012. Favorite Outside Posts Dave Lewis: Identity is Center Stage in Mobile Security Venn. Mike Rothman: VOTE FOR DAVE!!!! Hey CISSPs! Our very own Dave Lewis is running for the ISC2 board, so if you have that (worthless) piece of paper, then get off your hind section and sign Dave’s petition. Significant and much-needed change is coming to the ISC2. And they don’t know what they are in for. It will start with the Brick of Enlightenment. Adrian Lane: Hacker Camp Recount. Very cool! Rich: Bill Brenner slams vendors for their useless briefings. I hope all marketing people read this. But keep in mind that the needs of a journalist are different than those of an analyst, which are different than those of a prospect in a sales situation. Tune the deck for the audience. Project Quant Posts Malware Analysis Quant: Index of Posts. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Monitor for Reinfection. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Remediate. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Find Infected Devices. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Define Rules and Search Queries. Research Reports and Presentations Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions. Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection: Dealing with Advanced and Targeted Attacks. Implementing and Managing a Data Loss Prevention Solution. Defending Data on iOS. Malware Analysis Quant Report. Report: Understanding and Selecting a Database Security Platform. Vulnerability Management Evolution: From Tactical Scanner to Strategic Platform. Top News and Posts Hoff on SDN. It’s possible Rich and Hoff will team up again for RSA, and perhaps they will cover this material and combine it with Rich’s data and app-level automation research. Maybe. Amazon Glacier. $.01 per GB. Holy. Crap. McAfee update breaks computers. FBI surveillance backdoor might be open to hackers. New agnostic malware

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