

Tips on SQL Azure Security

@gepeto42 had a good post: Windows Azure SQL Database, formely known as SQL Azure, is Microsoft’s managed database platform in Azure. While it is based on Microsoft SQL Server, it has various limitations that can impact how you secure and manage it. It also has some features that can help improve security. Helpful details. I am really hunting for more real-world cloud security examples, so please keep them coming… Share:

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API Gateways: Implementation

APIs go through a software lifecycle, just like any other application. The purchaser of the API develops, tests, and manages code as before, but when they publish new versions the API gateway comes into play. The gateway is what implements operational polices for APIs – serving as a proxy to enforce security, application throttling, event logging, and routing of API requests. Exposing APIs and parameters, as the API owner grants access to developers, is a security risk in and of itself. Injection attacks, semantic attacks, and any other way for an attacker to manipulate API calls is fair game unless you filter requests. Today’s post will focus on implementation of security controls through the API gateway, and how the gateway protects the API. Exposing APIs What developers get access to is the first step in securing an API. Some API calls may not be suitable for developers – some features and functions are only appropriate for internal developers or specific partners. In other case some versions of an API call are out of date, or use of internal features has been deprecated but must be retained for limited backward compatibility. The API gateway determines what a developer gets access to, based on their credentials. The gateway helps developers discover what API calls are available to them – with all the associated documentation, sample scripts, and validation tools. But behind the scenes it also constricts what each developer can see. The gateway exposes new and updated calls to developers, and acts as a proxy layer to reduce the API attack surface. The gateway may expose different API interfaces to developers depending on which credentials they provide and the authorization mapping provided by the API owner. Most gateway providers actually help with the entire production lifecycle of deployment, update, deprecation, and deletion – all based on security and access control settings. URL whitelisting We define ‘what’ an application developer can access when we provision the API – URL whitelisting defines ‘how’ it can be used. It is called a ‘whitelist’ because anything that matches it is allowed; unmatching requests are dropped. API gateways filter incoming requests according to the rules you set, validating that incoming requests meet formatting requirements. This checking catches and stops some mistakes; the API gateway’s security prevents some mistakes from proceeding by preventing use of unauthorized requests. This may be used to restrict which capabilities are available to different groups of developers, as well as which features are accessible to external requests; the gateway also prevents direct access to back end services. Incoming API calls run through a series of filters, checking general correctness of request headers and API call format. Calls that are too long, have missing parameters, or otherwise clearly fail to meet the specification are filtered out. Most whitelists are implemented as series of filters, which allows the API owner to add checks as needed and tune how API calls are validated. The owner of the API can add or delete filters as desired. Each platform comes with its own pre-defined URL filters but most customers create and add their own. Parameter parsing (Injection attacks: XML attacks JSON attacks CSRF) Attackers target application parameters. This is a traditional way to bypass access control and gain unauthorized access to back-end resources. API gateways also provide capabilities to examine user-defined content. “Parameter parsing” is examination of user-supplied content for specified attack signatures – they may identify attacks or API misuse. Content inspection works much like a ‘blacklists’ to identify known malicious API usage. Tests typically include regular expression checks of headers and content for SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Parameters are checked sequentially, one rule at a time. Some platforms provide means to programmatically extend checking, altering both which checks are performed and how they are parsed, depending on the parameters of the API call. For example you might check the contents of an XML stream for both structure and to ensure that it does not contain binary code. API gateways typically provide packaged policies for content signature of know malicious parameters, but the owner API determines which policies are deployed. Our next post will offer a selection guide – with specific comments on deployment models, evaluation checklists, and key technology differentiators. Share:

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Continuous Security Monitoring: Classification

As we discussed in Defining CSM, identifying your critical assets and monitoring them continuously is a key success factor for your security program – at least if you are interested in figuring out what’s been compromised. But reality says you can’t watch everything all the time, even with these new security big data analytical thingies. So the success of your security program hinges your ability to prioritize what to do. That was the main focus of our Vulnerability Management Evolution research last year. Prioritizing requires you to determine how different asset classes will be monitored. You need a consistent process to classify assets. To define this process let’s borrow liberally from Mike’s Pragmatic CSO methodology – identifying what’s important to your organization is the critical first step. So a critical step is to make sure you’ve got a clear idea about priorities and to get the senior management buy-in on what those priorities are. You don’t want to spend a lot of money protecting a system that has low perceived value to the business. That would be silly. – The Pragmatic CSO, p25. One of the hallmarks of a mature security program is having this elusive buy-in from all levels and areas of the organization. And that doesn’t happen by itself. Business System Focus When you talk to folks about their data leak prevention efforts, a big impediment to sustainable success for the initiative is the ongoing complexity of classification. It’s just overwhelming to try putting all your organization’s data into buckets and then to maintain those buckets over time. The same issues apply to classifying computing assets. Does this server fit into that bucket? What about that network security device? And that smartphone? Multiply that by a couple hundred thousand servers, endpoints, and users and you start to understand the challenges of classification. An approach that can be very helpful for overcoming this overwhelm is to think about your computing devices in terms of a business system. To understand what that means, let’s return to The Pragmatic CSO: The key to any security program is to make sure that the most critical business systems are protected. You are not concerned about specific desktops, servers or switches. You need only be focused on fully functioning business systems. Obviously every fully functioning system consists of many servers, switches, databases, storage, and applications. All of these components need to be protected to ensure the safety of the system. – The Pragmatic CSO, p23 This requires aligning specific devices to the business systems they serve. Then those devices inherit the criticality of the business system. Simple, right? Components such as SANs and perimeter security gateways are used by multiple business systems, so they need to be classified with the most critical business system they serve. By the way, you are doing this already if you have any regulatory oversight. You know those in-scope assets for your PCI assessment? You associated those devices with PCI-relevant systems with access to protected data. Thoey require protection in accordance with the PCI-DSS guidance. Those efforts have been based on what you need to do to understand your PCI (or other mandate) scope, and we are talking about extending that mentality across your entire environment. Limited Buckets To understand the difficulty of managing all these combinations, consider the inability of many organizations to implement role-based access control on their key enterprise applications. That was largely because something like a general ledger application has hundreds of roles, with each role involving multiple access rules. Each employee may have multiple roles, so RBAC required managing A * R * E entitlements. Good luck with that. We suggest limiting the number of buckets used to classify business systems. Maybe it’s 2. You know, the stuff where you will get fired if breached, and the stuff where you won’t. Or maybe it’s 3 or 5. It’s no more than that. We are talking about monitoring devices in this series, but you needs to implement and manage different security controls for each level. It’s the concept we called Vaulting a couple years ago, also commonly known as “security enclaves”. After identifying and classifying your business systems into a manageable number of buckets you can start to think about how to monitor each class of devices according to its criticality. Be sure to build in triggers and catalysts to revisit your classifications. For example, if a business system is opened to trading partners or you authorize a new device to access critical data. As long as you understand these classifications from a point in time and need to be updated periodically, this process works well. Later in this series we will talk about different levels of security monitoring, based on the data sources and access you have to devices and specific use case(s) you are trying to achieve. Employees Count Too We have been talking about business systems and associated computing devices used to support them, but we cannot forget the weakest link in pretty much every organization: employees. You need to classify employees just like business systems. Do they have access to stuff that would be bad if it’s breached, and how are they accessing it – mobile vs. desktop, remote vs. on-network, etc.? The reality is that you can place very limited trust in endpoint devices. We see a new story of this 0-day or that breach daily, compounded by idiotic action taken by some employee. It is no wonder no one trusts endpoints. And we have no issue with that stance. If that forces you to apply more discipline and tighter controls to devices it’s all good. There is definitely a different risk profile to a low-level employee operating on a device sitting on the corporate network, compared to your CFO accessing unannounced financials on an Android tablet from a cafe in China. Part of your CSM process must be classifying, protecting, and monitoring employee devices. Where legally appropriate, of course. Gaining Consensus Now that you have bought into this classification discipline, you need to make it reality. This is where the fun begins – it requires buy-in within the organization, which is

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Living to fight another day…

Our man Dave Lewis has a great post on CSO Online, When Disaster Comes Calling, about the importance of making sure your disaster recovery plan actually can help you when you have, uh, a disaster. Folks don’t always remember that sometimes success is living to fight another day. At one organization that I worked for the role of disaster recovery planning fell to an individual that had neither the interest nor the wherewithal to accomplish the task. This is a real problem for many companies and organizations. The fate of their operations can, at times, reside in the hands of someone who is disinclined to properly perform the task. Sounds like a recipe for failure to me. I would say the same goes for incident response. Far too many organizations just don’t put in the time, effort, or urgency to make sure they are prepared. Until they get religion – when their business is down or their darkest secrets show up on a forum in Eastern Europe. Or you can get a bit more proactive by asking some questions and making sure someone in your organization knows the answers. So what is the actionable take away to had from this post? Take some time to review your organizations disaster recovery plans. Are backups taken? Are they tested? Are they stored offsite? Does the disaster recovery plan even exist anywhere on paper? Has that plan been tested with the staff? No plan survives first contact with the “enemy” but, it is far better to be well trained and prepared than to be caught unawares. What Dave said. Share:

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The Endpoint Security Buyer’s Guide [New Series]

Last year we documented our thoughts on buying Endpoint Security Management offerings, which basically include patch, configuration, device control, and file integrity monitoring – increasingly bundled in suites to simplify management. We planned to dig into the evolution of endpoint security suites earlier this year but the fates intervened and we got pulled into other research initiatives. Which is just as well because these endpoint security and management offerings have consolidated more quickly than we anticipated, so it makes sense to treat all these functions within a consistent model. We are pleased to kick off a new series called the “Endpoint Security Buyer’s Guide,” where we will discuss all these functions, update some of our research from last year, and provide clear buying criteria for those of you looking at these solutions in the near future. As always we will tackle the topic from the perspective of an organization looking to buy and implement these solutions, and build the series using our Totally Transparent Research methodology. Before we get going we would like to thank our friends at Lumension for potentially licensing the content when the project is done. They have long supported of our research, which we certainly appreciate. The Ongoing Challenge of Securing Endpoints We have seen this movie before – in both the online and offline worlds. You have something and someone else wants to steal it. Or maybe your competitors want to beat you in the marketplace through less than savory tactics. Or you have devices that would be useful as part of a bot network. You are a target, regardless of how large or small your organization is, whether you like it or not. Many companies make the serious mistake of thinking it won’t happen to them. With search engines and other automated tools looking for common vulnerabilities everyone is a target. Humans, alas, remain gullible and flawed. Regardless of the training you provide, employees continue to click stuff, share information, and fall for simple social engineering attacks. So your endpoints remain some of the weakest links in your security defenses. Even worse for you, unsophisticated attacks on the endpoints remain viable, so your adversaries do not need serious security kung fu to beat your defenses. The industry has responded, but not quickly enough. There is an emerging movement to take endpoints out of play. Whether using isolation technologies at the operating system or application layer, draconian whitelisting approaches, or even virtualizing desktops, organizations no longer trust endpoints and have started building complimentary defenses in acknowledgement of that reality. But those technologies remain immature, so the problem of securing endpoints isn’t going away any time soon. Emerging Attack Vectors You cannot pick up a technology trade publication without seeing terms like “Advanced Malware” and “Targeted Attacks.” We generally just laugh at all the attacker hyperbole thrown around by the media. You need to know one simple thing: these so-called “advanced attackers” are only as advanced as they need to be. If you leave the front door open they don’t need to sneak in through the ventilation ducts. Many successful attacks today are caused by simple operational failures. Whether it’s an inability to patch in a timely fashion, or to maintain secure configurations, far too many people leave the proverbial doors open on their devices. Or attackers target users via sleight-of-hand and social engineering. Employees unknowingly open the doors for attackers – and enable data compromise. There is no use sugar-coating anything. Attacker capabilities improve much faster than defensive technologies, processes, and personnel. We were recently ruminating in the Securosis chat room that offensive security (attacking things) continues to be far sexier than defense. As long as that’s the case, defenders will be on the wrong side of the battle. Device Sprawl Remember the good old days, when devices consisted of DOS PCs and a few dumb terminals? The attack surface consisted of the floppy drive. Yeah, those days are gone. Now we have a variety of PC variants running numerous operating systems. Those PCs may be virtualized and they may connect in from anywhere in the world – including networks you do not control. Even better, many employees carry smartphones in their pockets, but ‘smartphones’ are really computers. Don’t forget tablet computers either – each with as much computing power as a 20-year-old mainframe. So any set of controls and processes you implement must be consistently enforced across the sprawl of all your devices. You need to make sure your malware defenses can support this diversity. Every attack starts with one compromised device. More devices means more complexity, a far greater attack surface, and a higher likelihood of something going wrong. Again, you need to execute on your endpoint security strategy flawlessly. But you already knew that. BYOD As uplifting as dealing with emerging attack vectors and device sprawl is, we are not done complicating things. It is not just endpoints you have to defend any more. Many organizations support employee-owned devices. Don’t forget about contractors and other business partners who may have authorized access to your networks and critical data stores, connecting with devices you don’t control. Most folks assume that BYOD (bring your own device) just means dealing with those pesky Android phones and iPads, but we know many finance folks itching to get all those PCs off the corporate books. That means you need to eventually support any variety of PC or Mac any employee wants to use. Of course the security controls you put in place need to be consistent, whether your organization or an employee owns a device. The big difference is granularity of management. If a corporate device is compromised you just nuke it from orbit, as they say. Well not literally, but you need to wipe the machine down to bare metal ensuring no vestiges of the malware remain. But what about those pictures of Grandma on an employee’s device? What about their personal email and address book? Blow those away and the uproar is likely to be much worse than just idling someone for a few hours while

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