I don’t code much. In fact over the last 10 years or so I have been actively discouraged from coding, with at least one employer threatening to fire me if I was discovered. I have helped firms architect new products, I have done code reviews, I have done some threat modeling, and even a few small Java utilities to weave together a couple other apps. But there has been very, very little development in the last decade. Now I have a small project I want to do so I jumped in with both feet, and it feels like I was dumped into the deep end of the pool. I forgot how much bigger a problem space application development is, compared to simple coding.

In the last couple of days I have learned the basics of Ruby, Node.js, Chef, and even Cucumber. I have figured out how to bounce between environments with RVM. I brushed up on some Python and Java. And honestly, it’s not very difficult. Learning languages and tools are trivial matters. A few hours with a good book or web site, some dev tools, and you’re running. But when you are going to create something more than a utility, everything changes. The real difficulty is all the different layers of questions about the big picture: architecture, deployment, UI, and development methodologies. How do you want to orchestrate activities and functions? How do you want to architect the system? How do you allow for customization? Do I want to do a quick prototype with the intention of rewriting once I have the basic proof of concept, or do I want to stub out the system and then use a test-driven approach? State management? Security? Portability? The list goes on.

I had forgotten a lot of these tasks, and those brain cells have not been exercised in a long time. I forgot how much prep work you need to do before you write a line of code. I forgot how easy it is to get sucked into the programming vortex, and totally lose track of time. I forgot the stacks of coffee-stained notes and hundreds of browser tabs with all the references I am reviewing. I forgot the need to keep libraries of error handling, input validation, and various other methods so I don’t need to recode them over and over. I forgot how much I eat when developing – when my brain is working at capacity I consume twice as much food. And twice as much caffeine. I forgot the awkwardness of an “Aha!” moment when you figure out how to do something, a millisecond before your wife realizes you haven’t heard a word she said for the last ten minutes. It’s all that. And it’s good.

On to the Summary:

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Blog Comment of the Week

This week’s best comment goes to Marco Tietz, in response to Research Revisited: FireStarter: Agile Development and Security, and you’ll have to watch the video to get it.

@Adrian: good video on Agile vs Security. But why did you have the Flying Spaghetti Monster in there and didn’t even give it credit! 🙂 rAmen
