

What To Look For In A Risk Management Framework

There’s been a bit of debate lately between the quantitative and qualitative camps of the risk management world. The good news is that both camps recognize the need for an organized way to approach risk, rather than the “wave your hands and prognosticate” approach that’s been so popular over the years. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at risk over the past seven years or so, and as an emergency responder have spent about 17 years of my life making risk decisions in high-stress environments on a regular basis. I’ve been looking at risk from both the IT security perspective and the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) perspective. I’m a firm believer that you need a risk management framework, and a firm believer that most of them suck ass. Don’t even get me started on the COSO ERM framework. The problem with most risk management frameworks is that they either focus on checklists that don’t reflect reality, or the kind of quantification that magically turns guesses into statistically (in)significant numbers. Quite a few were written by big consultancies just to drive huge and endless risk assessment projects. Your risk management framework should help you make an informed risk decision, without becoming a giant hellish time-suck. Here are a few key things I look for when evaluating a risk framework: It’s driven by the risk tolerance decided by executive management: Face it, unless you’re on the Board of Directors, you work for someone else (the Board technically works for the shareholders, but we know that’s a load of crap in modern business). It’s up to the Board and executive management to define the risk tolerance of the enterprise. If they don’t do this, it’s impossible for anyone else to make an informed risk decision. It combines quantitative and qualitative risk in a consistent manner: One of the biggest failings of any risk framework is either ignoring the quantitative or the qualitative, or forcing false numbers onto qualitative assessments and tolerance. The best risk registers I’ve seen combine quantitative and qualitative measurements together in a scaled approach. For example, we can list out from acceptable to unacceptable the amount of credit risk our organization is willing to accept, and rate ranges on that scale from one to five. We can also describe something qualitative, like our reputation, and apply the same one to five scale rating. Put them in a grid and we can now directly compare the two. It allows domain experts to evaluate risks in their domain: I despise any risk model that has someone other than a domain expert decide how to evaluate risks in their domain. I spent thirteen years with Rocky Mountain Rescue; I can make a risk decision (often quantitative) involving a complex rescue on a cliff face in the blink of an eye that would take a physicist months, and they’d still probably get it wrong. Your infosec grunts can probably make great risk decisions in their domain, but probably suck at risk outside their area of expertise. Your risk model should reflect the skills of domain experts, not those of a person writing a checklist. It supports communication between domain experts and the business: Just as you don’t want a risk manager overriding the risk analysis of a domain expert, you don’t want a domain expert making enterprise risk decisions outside their domain. That genius infosec dude (or chick) has no idea how much credit or legal risk is acceptable. One problem with domain experts is seeing the big picture; they often struggle to place their risk within the context of the overall enterprise. The framework should support communications between the two- so the higher ups understand the relative risk from within a particular domain, without having to know the particulars of that domain. Domain experts can make optimized on the job decisions, yet understand where they fit in within the overall enterprise. Essentially, we’re solving four key problems: Having no executive guidance on what level of risk is acceptable. Relying too much on either the quantitative or the qualitative, to the exclusion of the other. Not allowing domain experts to make the risk decisions they’re best at. Not effectively communicating this risk so management can make informed decisions, nor giving domain experts the ability to place their risk in context. Oh, and there’s one more: making this all so fracking complicated that no one can possibly understand it and still get their job done. Have I found a framework I like? Absolutely, because I wrote it. If you’re a Gartner client go take a look at the Gartner Simple Enterprise Risk Management Framework. I designed it to be a practical tool that meets the requirements i talked about above- practical, driven from the top, decisions made by the experts, and consistent communications from top to bottom. And less than twenty pages, which I think is a record in the world of risk. I wish I could post it here, but it’s not my property. I know a lot of you have access and I’d be interested in your feedback. But whatever framework you use, let’s just remember the basics. Risk is decided at the top, not everything is quantitative, not everything is qualitative, and the best risk decisions are made by domain experts, who are worthless if they can’t communicate to the rest of the business. Share:

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TD Ameritrade Breached- Let’s Take A Poll

Looks like we’ve had another data breach. TD Ameritrade is now notifying 6.3 million customers. If we use my ridiculously low estimate of $2 per notification, they just erased $12.6M from the books. I can think of a lot of good security technologies (and people) that cost less. I’m being a bit of an ass and there are probably good people there, but we still can’t excuse these incidents. They’re also doing the right thing and paying for an ID theft investigation on top of their own internal investigations. According to Dark Reading we know: The company uncovered the malicious code in one of its databases during an audit, which is part of a stock spam investigation. Sources familiar with the breach said the code is not unlike the code used to steal data on 1.3 million users at Based on that one line, I’d lay odds on SQL injection. But let’s take a poll (this is really just an excuse to test my new polling system): [poll=2] TD Ameritrade also said: The brokerage firm says it is confident that it has identified the method in which the information was stolen and has taken the appropriate steps to prevent it from recurring. I really hope they release this information to help the rest of us make informed decisions. Share:

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Off Topic: Every Time You Buy A Ringtone A Kitten Dies

My title, but must-read content at Daring Fireball. Remember, the media companies are trying to condition you into paying more for every piece of content you use. More money for every device, every viewing, every time you make a mix tape with those perfect songs to bring back your lost love. Heck, the RIAA is actively petitioning to pay artists less (if at all) for ringtones and other uses of the artists’ content, so it’s not like your favorite drug-deprived musician is missing out on getting a fix meal when you buy these things. Just say no, people. Fair use lets you rip your own songs and convert them. Exercise your rights or lose them. Now back to your regularly scheduled security paranioia… Share:

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The Pink Taco Claims Another Victim

Richard Stiennon was in town last night, so I took him out for everyone’s favorite local Mexican food. No, it’s not obscene, it’s a normal place with an amusing name. I just like dragging all my security friends there so they have to turn in expense reports with “Pink Taco” on them. Don’t worry Greg, we’ll get you a hat… Share:

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Understanding and Selecting a DLP Solution: Part 2, Content Awareness

Welcome to part 2 of our series on helping you better understand Data Loss Prevention solutions. In Part 1 I gave an overview of DLP, and based on follow-up questions it’s clear that one of the most confusing aspects of DLP is content awareness. Content awareness is a high level term I use to describe the ability of a product to look into, and understand, content. A product is considered content aware if it uses one, or many, content analysis techniques. Today we’ll look at these different analysis techniques, how effective they may or may not be, and what kinds of data they work best with. First we need to separate content from context. It’s easiest to think of content as a letter, and context as the envelope and environment around it. Context includes things like source, destination, size, recipients, sender, header information, metadata, time, format, and anything else aside from the content of the letter itself. Context is highly useful and any DLP solution should include contextual analysis as part of the overall solution. But context alone isn’t sufficient. One early data protection solution could track files based on which server they came from, where they were going, and what actions users attempted on the file. While it could stop a file from a server designated “sensitive” from being emailed out from a machine with the data protection software installed, it would miss untracked versions of the file, movement from systems without the software installed, and a whole host of other routes that weren’t even necessarily malicious. This product lacked content awareness and its utility for protecting data was limited (it has since added content awareness, one reason I won’t name the product). The advantage of content awareness is that while we use context, we’re not restricted by it. If I want to protect a piece of sensitive data I want to protect it everywhere- not only when it’s in a flagged envelope. I care about protecting the data, not the envelope, so it makes a lot more sense to open the letter, read it, and then decide how to treat it. Of course that’s a lot harder and more time consuming. That’s why content awareness is the single most important piece of technology in a DLP solution. Opening an envelope and reading a letter is a lot slower than just reading the label- assuming you can even understand the handwriting and language. The first step in content analysis is capturing the envelope and opening it. I’ll skip the capturing part for now- we’ll talk about that later- and assume we can get the envelope to the content analysis engine. The engine then needs to parse the context (we’ll need that for the analysis) and dig into the content. For a plain text email this is easy, but when you want to look inside binary files it gets a little more complicated. All DLP solutions solve this using file cracking. File cracking is the technology used to read and understand the file, even if the content is buried multiple levels down. For example, it’s not unusual for the file cracker to read an Excel spreadsheet embedded in a Word file that’s zipped. The product needs to unzip the file, read the Word doc, analyze it, find the Excel data, read that, and analyze it. Other situations get far more complex, like a .pdf embedded in a CAD file. Many of the products on the market today support around 300 file types, embedded content, multiple languages, double byte character sets (for Asian languages), and can pull plain text from unidentified file types. Quite a few use the Autonomy or Verity content engines to help with file cracking, but all the serious tools have their own set of proprietary capabilities around that. Some tools can support analysis of encrypted data if they have the recovery keys for enterprise encryption, and most can identify standard encryption and use that as a contextual rule to block/quarantine content. Rather than just talking about how hard this is and seeing how far I drag out an analogy, let’s jump in and look at the different content analysis techniques used today: 1. Rules-Based/Regular Expressions: This is the most common analysis technique available in both DLP products, and other tools with DLP-like features. It analyzes the content for specific rules- such as 16 digit numbers that meet credit card checksum requirements, medical billing codes, and other textual analysis. Most DLP solutions enhance basic regular expressions with their own additional analysis rules (e.g. a name in proximity to an address near a credit card number). What content it’s best for: As a first-pass filter, or simply identified pieces of structured data like credit card numbers, social security numbers, and healthcare codes/records. Strengths: Rules process quickly and can easily be configured. Most products ship with initial rules sets. The technology is well understood and easy to incorporate into a variety of products. Weaknesses: Prone to high false positive rates. Offer very little protection for unstructured content like sensitive intellectual property. 2. Database Fingerprinting: Sometimes called Exact Data Matching. This technique takes either a database dump or live data (via ODBC connection) from a database and only looks for exact matches. For example, you could generate a policy to look only for credit card numbers in your customer base, thus ignoring your own employees buying online. More advanced tools look for combinations of information, such as the magic combination of first name or initial, with last name, with credit card or social security number, that triggers a California SB 1386 disclosure. Make sure you understand the performance and security implications of nightly extractions vs. live database connections. What content it’s best for: Structured data from databases. Strengths: Very low false positives (close to 0). Allows you to protect customer/sensitive data while ignoring other, similar, data used by employees (like their personal credit cards for online orders). Weaknesses: Nightly dumps won’t contain transaction data since the last extraction. Live connections can affect database performance. Large databases will affect product performance. 3. Exact File Matching: With this technique you take a hash of a file and monitor

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Article Published On TidBITS

Just a quick note that I just published an article over at TidBITS called The Ghost in My FileVault. It’s a tale of terror from a recent trip to Asia. Here’s an excerpt: All men have fears. Many fear those physical threats wired into our souls through millions of years of surviving this harsh world. Fears of heights, confinement, venomous creatures, darkness, or even the ultimate fear of becoming prey can paralyze the strongest and bravest of our civilization. These are not my fears. I climb, crawl, jump, battle, and explore this world; secure in my own skills. My fears are not earthly fears. My fears are not those of the natural world. This is a story of confronting my greatest terror, living to tell the tale, and wondering if the threat is really over. The tale starts, as they always do, on a dark and stormy night. If you don’t know TidBITS, and you use a Mac, you should go flog yourself. Go sign up for the weekly newsletter. (Here’s a quick link to my tutorial on using FileVault) Share:

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Tutorial: How To Use Mac FileVault Safely

Welcome TidBITS readers and other Mac fans. While for the most part I’ve had great luck encrypting my Mac, there are definitely a few things to be aware of and extra precautions to take. I’ve learned some lessons over the past 18 months or so of encrypting my drive, and here are my recommendations for safely using FileVault. WARNING: FileVault is still risky and not recommended for every user. I don’t recommend it for desktop Macs or user accounts without anything sensitive in them. Don’t encrypt just because the cool kids are- make sure you’re willing to be diligent about backups and other precautions. Okay, now for the step by step: Move your iTunes and iPhoto libraries into /Users/Shared. FileVault takes your entire home folder and encrypts it into one big file; by moving iPhoto, iTunes, and movie files out, you can keep the size of this file down and improve reliability. In iTunes, go into Prefereces:Advanced, and select where to keep your iTunes Library. Make sure you check the box that says “Keep iTunes Music Library Organized” (this screenshot should help). Then go into Advanced:Consolidate Library and iTunes will move all your files for you. For iPhoto, just move your iPhoto Library. The next time you launch iPhoto it will ask you to point it towards your library. Then again, if you have, shall we say photographs of a “private” nature, you might want to leave them where they are so the will be encrypted. Create a maintenance user account with administrative privileges. In System Preferences just click on Accounts and add the user there – make sure it’s an Administrator account. I call mine “Maintenance” (yeah, I’m so original), and gave it a really big passphrase (an obscure movie quote, with a number at the end). This account is critical- without it, if your FileVault gets corrupted, you are in serious trouble. Optional Get a whole-drive backup solution. I use SuperDuper, and an external drive. I like having a bootable backup for when things REALLY go wrong. Yes, I’ve had to use it more than once, for reasons other than FileVault. Mandatory Get an incremental backup solution. Odds are Retrospect came with your external drive and many users like that. Or just wait until Mac OS X 10.5 (“Leopard”) is released, and you can use the built-in Time Machine (I’m REALLY looking forward to that). Incremental backups keep track of changed files, while a whole-drive backup is just a clone of everything. The risk of having only a clone is that your backup might be corrupt, and without the copies of your files you won’t be able to restore. Log into your Maintenance account. Do a complete backup of your Mac to the external drive. Log back in as yourself, and back up all your files using Retrospect or whatever solution you picked. Sit down in a dark room. Light a candle. Stare at the flame. Contemplate the existence of the universe, and whether or not you’re really willing to commit to backing up every single day. If not, stop here. Go into System Preferences; click on Security. Set a master password for your computer. Make it hard to remember, and write it down in at least 3 places at home; this might be the same as the Maintenance password, since they both provide control over this computer (albeit in different ways). A safe is a good place. Your laptop bag is a bad place. Check the settings on the bottom to Require a password to wake this computer, Disable automatic login, and Use secure virtual memory. Get ready for bed, or to go out for the weekend. Click the button at the top to Turn on FileVault. Go to sleep. Take a vacation. Pick up a new hobby that takes at least a day or so to learn. When you return, your Security preferences should look like this screenshot. That’s it! You’re now the proud owner of an encrypted home directory, and all your personal files are nice and safe. Make sure you stay up to date on those backups. Every now and then, usually after you’ve added or deleted a lot of files, your Mac will prompt you to recover extra space from your encrypted drive. Make sure you have the time to let this run- the longest mine has taken is 20 minutes or so, but it usually finishes in 5 minutes. You don’t want to turn your Mac off during this process. If something does crash, or the recovering space seems to take too long, you can always hold your power key down for 10 seconds to force your Mac to turn off. I don’t recommend this since it might cause some problems, but I have personally had to do it a few times. That’s why those backups are so critical. Did I say Backups?!? Share:

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Repeat After Me: These Loss Numbers Are Meaningless

Article on the latest CSI/FBI study. The study does not use a consistent loss model, thus the loss numbers over time are meaningless. I’m all for numbers, but we need an accurate model that won’t just reflect who wants more money this year for more tools/people. Just estimating a lump sum for losses is a load of crap. I’ve talked about similar problems with bad math here and here. The trend is meaningless without more rigor in the study and some real loss models. Share:

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Update Your WordPress Blog Immediately! New Exploit Tool Released

More to follow New exploit tool released for old vulnerabilities, make sure you update since versions up to 2.2.2 are affected… 16:03: The name of the tool is pwnpress, and it should work on all versions up to 2.2.3. There’s also a rumor (COMPLETELY UNVALIDATED YET) that 2.2.3 may be vulnerable if you installed it before yesterday. We’re downloading and testing the tool right now, but I lost my main test environment when I had to return some gear during the job change, so it will take a little longer. 17:15: Okay, the tool is pwnpress by LMH, and available at I’ve tested it, but it only seems to fingerprint this blog, so 2.2.3 might should be safe. I don’t have a vulnerable blog I can test again, so if you have a pre-2.2.3 blog you want me to test, just send me a private email (um, DON’T put it in the comments). I don’t have time to dig through the code, so it’s also likely I’m using it wrong, but other than pulling credentials it doesn’t seem to do any real damage. Short answer- go ahead and update your WordPress blog to the latest version, and now that this tool is out there I highly suggest you keep it updated. The WordPress dashboard is nice enough to include announcements of new versions right there for you. 17:45: Someone let me test on their older blog, and it sort of works. Changes to themes or some other settings can mess up the exploits. I’ve crawled through the Ruby and it’s easy to see which exploits are in there if you want to poke around yourself. The code is clean and fully commented. Share:

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Network Security Podcast, Episode 76

Martin was gracious enough to ask me back again this week. We’re still working out the kinks, but are definitely getting into the groove of things. Martin’s Show Notes: Fight Viruses with your USB Flash Drive: Both of us like the idea of keeping these tools in your pocket. Keeping a LiveCD designed for cleaning up infected machines, like the Trinity Rescue Kit, is a good idea too. Cybercriminals employ toolkits in rising numbers to steal data: Not really news. CustomizeGoogle: This is worth looking at just to force Gmail to use SSL at all times. Indian government forcing cybercafes to install keyloggers: Another example of using a tool that doesn’t really meet the stated goals. Massive monitoring has been shown to be very poor at catching thieves and terrorists. Rich announces a new series of blog posts on Data Loss (or Leak) Prevention The first Talking to the Suits segment: ROI Tonight’s music: Refrigerator Blues by 77 South You can find Rich’s blog at, and mine at Network Security Podcast, Episode 76  No Related Posts Share: Posted Tue, September 11, 2007 3:07pm • (0) Comments • Permalink « PREVIOUS ENTRY Update Your WordPress Blog Immediately! New Exploit Tool Released NEXT ENTRY » Tutorial: How To Use Mac FileVault Safely Comments If you like to leave comments, and aren’t a spammer, register for the site and email us at and we’ll turn off moderation for your account. Remember my personal information Notify me of follow-up comments? PREVIEWSUBMIT Research multicloud-deployment-structures-and-blast-radius firestarter-so-you-want-to-multiucloud 2019-insert-winter-is-coming-meme-here invent-security-review hardware-hacks-and-lift-and-pray VIEW ALL Sign Up for Our Newsletter  SUBMIT Contact SECUROSIS, LLC. 515 E. Carefree Highway Suite 766 Phoenix, AZ 85085 Email: Twitter: @securosis Phone: +1 602-412-3051 About Securosis is an information security research and advisory firm dedicated to transparency, objectivity, and quality. We are totally obsessed with improving the practice of information security. Our job is to save you money and help you do your job better and faster by helping you cut through the noise and providing clear, actionable, pragmatic advice on securing your organization. Following our guiding principle of Totally Transparent Research, we provide nearly all our content for free. Quick Links About Us Totally Transparent Research The Securosis Team In Partnership with the Cloud Security Alliance © Copyright 2023. Securosis, LLC. All rights reserved. Share:

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