

My Stalker is a Newby Again

If you read the security blogs, you may have seen that I have a stalker- Rob Newby over at IT Security, The View From Here. Rob’s a data security weenie like myself. Rob just left Spain to return home to the UK for a new job with Ingrian (database encryption). Congrats Rob, and glad to see you happy and healthy in your home nation again… Share:

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Security Isn’t Rocket Science

There’s been a lot of debate lately on quantitative vs. qualitative risk, frameworks, models, metrics, certifications, standards, and all sorts of other organizational junk we seem to burden ourselves with. Oh, I’m no better, having authored a risk management framework, data security hierarchy, and similar tools in my past. At times, I step back and realize we’re losing the big picture in this morass of acronyms and long documents with words like “Section 248, Subsection B, Paragraph A, Revision 42”. While I hate to knock my own industry off its pedestal, we sometimes forget that we are just the complex implementation of a very basic need. Thus it’s time to dumbify security and kick it old skool. Here’s my n-step guide for the perfect, basic, security program: Figure out what’s important, and why: We often get wrapped up in pet projects, personal biases, or other distractions. When you look at your business, what’s really important, and what can you live without? Yes, I’m over-simplifying, but that’s the point of this post. I’ve seen n-degree complex risk analyses that still fail to capture what’s important. You’ll use those models later, but at some point just take a step back and really look at what could hurt you in a big way. That’s the most important stuff, and it deserves more attention than everything else. Decide if anyone stands to gain by stealing it or breaking it: Just because it’s important to you doesn’t mean it’s important to anyone else. In this step, just ignore the noise of the constant background threats (what my friend Richard Stiennon calls background radiation) and focus on directed threats- where someone has something financial to gain. Know how it’s protected: What security is in place? Figure out where the holes are: There are always holes; where are they? How hard are they to find and use? Back in physical security days we’d walk around the facility before an event, figure out all the ways in… including obscure ones like climbing buildings (those Dead Heads are seriously dedicated), and how hard they’d be to take advantage of. Block the holes, until it’s too expensive to block the holes: At this point you know your priorities, you know the threats, and you know the weaknesses. Now it’s just a matter of layering security until risk is reduced to an acceptable level. That’s all we do. We figure out what’s important, what the risk is to it, and how to best reduce that risk. Every single one of you reading this knows that, but we still get so wrapped up in agendas, frameworks, internal politics, and compliance that we sometimes forget we’re just there to help the business take the greatest amount of risk it wants to take, in the safest way possible. I don’t care what complex risk/security framework you’re using… stick to the basics. Know what’s important, have a rough idea of how much it’s worth to you, and drop in enough layers until you think it’s protected well enough. All those complex models should be tools to help you achieve the basics, not the other way around. We protect stuff, pure and simple. Yes, you still need metrics and frameworks, but you can’t define security as just a bunch of metrics and checklists. I also highly recommend a good 12 step program… Share:

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Infinite Switching Costs: When Market Forces Fail

Just a day after I talked about how it takes sustained failures for consumers to leave a company and go to a competitor, we have an example where switching isn’t really an option. Over at Dark Reading we learn that Phizer has suffered it’s third employee privacy breach in a row. At least they’re doing the “right” thing by involving law enforcement and offering credit monitoring. I suspect, since these made the press, they’re also improving security. That said, you have to feel for the employees who don’t have much of a choice to go anywhere “more” secure. Actually, neither do you. The last time my info was breached was at the student healthcare center at the University of Colorado. My SSN was stolen out of old records. How about you? I suspect every one of you has personal data sitting around old healthcare providers, never mind financial institutions, retail stores, government databases, old utilities providers, and subscriptions to “those” services under fake names, still billed to your real credit card. You no longer have a relationship with these providers (or one you can’t sever), yet they still represent a real risk to your security. Market forces can’t fix this one. Share:

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Co-Hosting The Network Security Podcast

Back when I started this blog one of the only security blogs I knew about was Martin McKeay’s Network Security Blog. As can happen in the blogging community, Martin and I eventually got in touch and developed a friendship. Heck, anyone I’ve gone drinking with in 3 different cities in less than a year is definitely a friend. With my return to blogging last week Martin invited me to join him on his podcast- as a guest host, not a guest. You can check it out here, or subscribe through iTunes. This week was mostly an introduction and our first attempt at joint podcasting. We spend a little time talking about point of sale terminal security, and a bit more time talking about the value of a CISSP certification (Martin changed my opinion a bit while we were recording). I have a short introduction on communicating with executives, and the podcast finishes up with an interview Martin did with Winn Schwartau. We’re planning on doing more of these, so please send your feedback. We know this week clocks in a little long, and we already have some ideas to improve the format. Check it out here: Network Security Podcast, Episode 75 Share:

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Learn From The Military, Don’t Emulate It

I haven’t met Richard Bejtlich yet, but I have a feeling we’d get along just fine. We’re both fans of the History Channel, have backgrounds in martial arts, love the show Human Weapon (martial arts AND the History Channel!), and have a background in the military (four years on a Navy ROTC scholarship, but I ended up becoming a paramedic instead of going active duty). That said, I have to slightly disagree with his latest post where he criticizes Jay Heiser, my friend and former colleague, for being “anti-military”. As usual, I’ll be my slimy self and take a position just between my associates. I think I lived in Boulder, Colorado for too long or something – it made me go all soft. Jay’s original article discusses how we, in non-military information security, need to leave the military mindset behind. Military defense models are great for the military, and (as Richard’s post demonstrates) often contain some extremely valuable principles and techniques we can translate into non-military security. The problem with trying to follow military principles too closely is that they don’t translate well in two dimensions: The Mission: The mission of the military is dramatically different than that of most private businesses. The military is completely defined by the mission of defending the nation, from culture, to org structure, to every policy and procedure. That mission also creates a unique risk profile that doesn’t translate well to the civilian world. Sure, on the Internet we’re all targets, but when you combine the mission and risks of the military it drives policies and procedures that will be very different than what we civvies need. There’s overlap, but the devil is in the details and trying to push military models in commercial enterprises nearly always fails (unless we stick to very abstract levels, as Richard does in his post). The Culture: Human behavior doesn’t change, but one of the most powerful aspects defining behavior is culture. All organizations have a culture, whether they want it or not. I define culture as the instinctive behavior of employees; within an organization it’s what someone does without thinking. The military culture is one of the most powerful in existence, defining everything from haircut, to dress, to speech patterns. It’s been fourteen years since I left the Navy (and I was only active for summer training), and people can still tell. Civilian corporate culture is wildly divergent from military culture, and this limits the effectiveness of many military solutions to security problems. We still have a lot we can learn from the military (and law enforcement, for that matter), and shouldn’t throw out the bath water out with the baby, but we need to pay better attention to which lessons we bring over, and increase the rigor of how we translate those for private enterprises. Some examples? Defense style data classification doesn’t work outside of defense/intelligence/government. Certification and accreditation are a waste of time and resources (probably for the government as well as the rest of us, but that’s for another post). Common Criteria below EAL-5 doesn’t provide any significant value in assessing the security of a product. I’ll keep telling budding information security pros to learn history, read Sun-Tzu, familiarize themselves with the Orange book, and study military principles, but it’s equally important to show them where these models don’t work in the private sector, why, and how to translate them into something effective for us civilians. Share:

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Why I’m Not a CISS

Over at the Network Security Blog, Martin’s been doing a great job of putting the CISSP certification (Certified Information Systems Security Professional for you non-security-geeks) in proper context. I’m not the biggest fan of the CISSP any more; I think it’s outdated and commoditized. It’s no longer the gold standard of security certifications because the world around it has changed too quickly. These days, there’s no “single” security career track, and the CISSP is diluted from attempting to remain the One Ring that Certifies Them All. Not that it’s worthless. It can give a new security prospect a reasonable grounding in some of the basics. But where it used to be a Master’s (or maybe Bachelor’s) degree, it’s now a high school diploma. About 4 years ago we didn’t have many CISSPs on our team at work, and my boss suggested I give it a shot for some professional development. I took one of those week-long intensive courses, and walked out realizing that taking the test would be, for me, a waste of time. Not that I didn’t learn anything, but I’d obviously hit the point in my career where it wouldn’t give me any advantages. I wasn’t going to learn anything else by preparing for the test (except how to pass the test), and I was in a position where the CISSP after my name wouldn’t make a difference for any job I’d ever apply for. If you’re just getting started, or need it for the resume, a CISSP still has some value. In some places we’ve hit the point where not having it is more of a career obstacle than boost. That doesn’t mean it will help you do your job better. Which is sad. Edited: Almost missed Rothman’s comments on the subject; one on-point paragraph instead of my drawn out story. Sigh. Share:

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A Short Take On Why Good Security Isn’t A Competitive Advantage

Stepping between Hoff and Curphey. Consumers always lie in surveys and claim that if a company loses their credit card or other personal info, they’ll go someplace else. In reality, they almost never do. Why? The pain of switching to a different vendor/store/service/whatever is almost always greater than that of the fraud, even when there is fraud. When it comes to credit cards the only pain is that of reversing a charge. Real ID theft is a lot rarer. We also tend to assume someone tightens the ship after a big breach, making them more secure. We’re nice people, and tend to give someone a pass on the first mistake. If TJX customers started suffering fraud on a regular basis due to negligence on the part of TJX, I bet sales would drop. Your security only needs to be good enough to avoid giving your customers more pain than that of buying from someone else. Share:

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“Certified” Site Hacked; No Compliance Checklist or “Certification” Can Ever Make You Totall

If you’ve ever worked as a front-line security professional in any organization, at some point in time you’ve been asked what certification or standards compliance would guarantee security. Then, away from the office, you’ve probably directed countless friends and family members to protect themselves using some of the various anti-phishing toolbars like Netcraft, or those built into your antivirus suite. As this story (picked up from Slashdot) proves, there isn’t a checklist or toolbar in the world that can make that promise. The tools are only as good as the last scan and the up to date knowledge of the research team behind them. Certifications and compliance checklists are even less likely to be current. Bad guys are creative, and constantly coming up with new techniques to make money. We haven’t eliminated crime in the physical world, so there’s no reason to think we can eliminate it in the virtual world. It’s just a consequence of being social creatures, living in a world where collective trust and cooperation is essential to survival. “Trust” services like Netcraft, SiteAdvisor, Google, Microsoft, or pretty much any security suite will never be perfect and always miss the latest and greatest attacks. They are reactive, depending on scanning and fraud reports, and like antivirus rely on some people getting compromised early to defend the rest of us. Just because they call a site “clean” doesn’t really mean much. On the other hand, I feel comfortable trusting them when they say a site is dangerous. If there’s a lesson to learn from incidents like this, it’s one that even you non-security experts probably already know. Never rely on any single layer of defense, certification, or trusted source to secure your organization and yourself. Security is, by its nature, more defensive than offensive, and when you’re always on defense you’re bound to get hit eventually. That’s okay, since our risk management also includes steps to reduce the impact when we do get compromised; make sure you don’t neglect that part. Share:

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DLP/ILP/Extrusion Prevention < CMF < CMP < SILM: A Short Evolution of Data Loss Prevention

As I mentioned just a couple days ago, there’s a bit of debate and confusion surrounding leak/loss prevention technologies and what the heck to call these things. I did some thinking on the problem and here’s one way of looking at things. This is just a bit of brainstorming in public and I’m sure it will change over time. Today we have Data Leak/Loss Prevention (DLP)/Information Leak/Loss Prevention (ILP)/Extrusion Prevention all describing essentially the same technology. I used to call this CMF: Content Monitoring and Filtering, but I realized that’s probably a better description for stage two of these products. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) product are predominantly network based, or at least have their roots as network products, although a few endpoint products have appeared lately. They monitor communications traffic for policy violations and generate alerts or (in some cases) block inappropriate use of content. Detection techniques are content-aware; meaning the actual content is scanned using a variety of techniques such as rules-based (regex for credit card numbers) or partial document matching. DLP can easily be a feature of other products, as Hoff constantly likes to emphasize. The key to DLP is this content awareness and some sort of central policies. Content Monitoring and Filtering (CMF) is where the leading products are today, and where the rest are headed. It includes what I described as DLP but goes further. CMF products include data at rest features, like content discovery, and may include an endpoint agent. You have to have full network capabilities to be a CMF product. Endpoint only products aren’t able to protect both managed and unmanaged systems, since you can’t guarantee that everyone has the agent. CMF integrates with email for filtering/quarantine/encryption/etc., and at a minimum can block email and web/FTP traffic, while monitoring all communications channels. There is a dedicated policy management and workflow interface; it can’t just be an extra widget on a UTM box or endpoint suite. Content Monitoring and Protection (CMP), which I shamelessly stole from Hoff, is where leading products should be within 1-2 years, 3 on the outside. It’s the full expression of where this is headed- in the middle sits a dedicated policy, management, and workflow server with agents or some other integration to fully protect data in motion, at rest, and in use. All components are fully content aware using advanced techniques that are more than just regular expressions or basic cyclical hashing (for partial document matching). The CMP product doesn’t need to “own” any of the monitoring and enforcement points; it’s the central management for protecting content and we should expect to see a lot of partnership and maybe even an open standard or two that will get ignored. Endpoint agents are integrated with Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM), finally helping that boondoggle of a technology actually work in the real world. It also bridges some of the protections applied from structured to unstructured data. There’s a lot more to say on this, but for space’s sake we’ll save it for another day. Secure Information Lifecycle Management (SILM) is probably nothing more than a fantasy. It would be the ultimate integration of CMP with ILM; bridging security and information management seamlessly. It’s a security plane layered with ILM. The level of complexity to pull this off is astounding, and while it might happen in the distant future I’m not holding my breath. I just don’t see the security guys and the data management folks getting together tightly enough to present a unified buying center, thus no unified product. These are just some thoughts I’m playing with, but I see this as a way of distinguishing DLP “features” from dedicated solutions, while showing how the technology will evolve. It’s the content awareness that’s really key, and if that can’t keep up with our needs none of this will go anywhere. Share:

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Sorry Cutaway, Hacking is Still For Fun

In a recent post at Security Ripcord, Cutaway says: Let me elaborate on the second topic a little more. The days of hacking for fun are over. I think it is safe to say that nearly everybody has come to that realization (there may be a few holdouts in upper management but they will not last long). This means that the stakes are higher for the good guys and the bad guys. Sure, the stakes might be higher, but don’t always equate hacking with security research. Hacking is fun. Research is work. Sometimes they overlap. Let’s not take the sense of wonder out of hacking, which is an exercise in exploration, just because the term also applies to the occasional transgressions of bad guys. Of course I know Cutaway knows this (Mystery Challenge and all), but like any good blogger I’m taking something out of context to have a little fun and make a point. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

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