

Contingency Planning

‘I was a bit shocked to read about Adolf Merckle’s suicide yesterday. You just don’t see this sort of thing coming and I cannot even fathom the reasoning behind it. This has sent tremors through the market and certainly his holding company into dis-array for a while. It also reminded me of other similar events surrounding the last economic downturn , and that was kind of the ‘final straw’ that prompted this post. With many of the same signs and issues occurring as they did in the tech collapse of 2000-2002, few are eager to look at the downside, but it is time to spend a few minutes and verify contingency plans within your organization. It is a New Year, and what’s more a bright sunny day in Phoenix, so while it feels a bit incongruous to be talking about disaster recovery and such, it is a good time for you to give it a little thought. I am not really going into the issues of natural disaster, rather economic disaster. Nor am I focused on executives who need to consider change in management, but for the general well being of the people who work in your company whose livelihood and personal information may be dependent upon some degree of continuity. Files: Budget in advance for the storage of sensitive information. I am not just talking about electronic data, but all of the legal, contract, HR and other files that contain sensitive information. Pre-pay for files to be housed off site and stored safely. This is typically not that expensive, and in the event that the company changes hands or goes out of business, could become essential- but when the need is clear, it might already be too late. What you don’t want is contracts, accounting information, and employee files getting chucked in a dumpster. It happens, and it happened a lot in 2001, only this time there are regulatory fines if you get caught. If you are not doing this today, look into it. Many of the services provide destruction services at the end of term so the data is safely disposed of. Executive transition: Executives leave, and sometimes in unexpected ways. I am not trying to make fun here but point out that in stressful times, people look to change their situation. In tough economic climates, executives leave for what is perceived to be a safer place to work. As a board, HR department or executive team, think about the risks and have a basic plan of action in the event that any of the key staff leaves the company. Executive departure can stall incoming revenue, business partnerships, financing and even sale. There may not be a lot you can do, but better to be prepared. On-site and off-site backups: You are probably already doing this, so I will focus on an equally important issue: Verify your backups. In the tech collapse of 2001-2002, many firms went out of business without access to the data that formed the core business value. Backups could not be found or were unreadable. In many cases, their servers were ‘in hock’, locked up at the Colo facility with unpaid fees. This stalled the sale of assets and cost jobs that would have otherwise been offered had the data been available. So verify that the backups are complete and readable. If the backup are encrypted, make sure the key and de-cryption infrastructures is also available. Employees on Visas: I have seen some very uncomfortable moments for those employees on a Visa that are in a much more vulnerable situation. If this applies to you, go through a couple ‘what-if’ scenarios and have a plan to deal with the company shutting down, downsizing or being acquired. Press your HR team for assistance in this area. General Security: As a company begins to reduce staff, items walk out the door, from office supplies to computers. You really don’t want a laptop with customer data being sold on eBay, so you will want to tighten up on security. Physical security- make sure major assets are accounted for. Have your IT staff take inventory. Electronic security- Make sure you procedures are in place for shutting down accounts and snap-shotting the end point so there is no loss of data or correspondence. You may want to consider adding email filters to forward business related email, or re-routing telephone numbers. Startups: If you work for a startup, you want to take this advice a little more to heart. Startups by their very nature tend have less cash reserves, their margin for error is smaller, and their tolerance for both is higher. That means when things go bad, they do so very quickly. Most entrepreneurial CEO’s always figure the next deal is around the corner and are out of business the next day when it does not come. This leaves for some ugly exits where the employees do not get paid, benefits not covered and investors are wondering where all of the remaining assets are. If your revenues are not on the rise, then look for ways to cut costs at a company and individual level. Look to eliminate things you deem wasteful. Demand that management be forthright with you on what they are doing to cut costs and what a realistic run rate is. Set expectations with supervisors that you will be more tightly focus on priorities, but doing less with less. Without these steps, life devolves into a Dilbert cartoon. Personal Development: On a positive note, downturn s offer opportunity, and are a great time to expand your horizons. As companies try to perform the same functions with fewer resources, it is an opportunity to offer your assistance in areas you are interested in and broaden your skill set and increase your value. Education and training is also a great for this, providing a distraction form the daily grind and a good motivator as well. Try to contain your exposure to bad economic news if possible; I used

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Building a Web Application Security Program, Part 8: Putting It All Together

‘Whew! This is our final post in this series on Building a Web Application Security Program (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7), and it’s time to put all the pieces together. Here are our guidelines for designing a program that meets the needs of your particular organization. Web application security is not a “one size fits all” problem. The risks, size, and complexity of the applications differ, the level of security awareness among team members varies, and most importantly the goals of each organization are different. In order to offer practical advice, we needed to approach program development in terms of typical goals. We picked three use cases to represent common challenges organizations face with web app security, and will address those use cases with appropriate program models. We discuss a mid-sized firm tackling a compliance mandate for the first time, a large enterprise looking to improve security across customer-facing applications, and a mid-to-large organization dealing with security for internal applications. Each perspective has its own drivers and assumptions, and in each scenario different security measures are already in place, so the direction of each program will be different. Since we’ve been posting this over a series of weeks, before you dig in to this post we recommend you review Part 4: The Web Application Security Lifecycle which talks about all tools in all phases. First we describe the environment for each case, then overall strategy and specific recommendations. Large Enterprise with Customer Facing Web Applications For our first scenario, let’s consider a large enterprise with multiple customer-facing web applications. These applications evolved to offer core business functions and are a principal contact point with customers, employees, and business partners. Primary business drivers for security are fraud reduction, regulatory compliance, and service reliability as tangible incentives. Secondary factors are breach preparedness, reputation preservation, and asset protection secondary – all considerations for security spending. The question is not whether these applications need to be secured, but how. Most enterprises have a body of code with questionable security, and let’s be totally honest here- these issues are flaws in your code. No single off-the-shelf product is going to magically make your application secure, so you invest not only in third-party security products, but also in improvements to your own development process which improve the product with each new release. We assume our fictitious enterprise has an existing security program and the development team has some degree of maturity in their understanding of security issues, but how best to address problems is up for debate. The company will already have a ‘security guy’ in place, and while security is this guy’s or gal’s job, the development organization is not tasked with security assessments and problem identification. Your typical CISO comes from a network security background, lacks a secure code development background, and is not part of this effort. We find their security program includes vulnerability assessment tools, and they have conducted a review of the code for typical SQL injection and buffer overflow attacks. Overall, security is a combination of a couple third-party products and the security guy pointing out security flaws which are patched in upcoming release cycles. Recommendations: The strategy is to include security within the basic development process, shifting the investment from external products to internal products and employee training. Tools are selected and purchased to address particular deficiencies in team skill or organizational processes. Some external products are retained to shield applications during patching efforts. Training, Education, and Process Improvements: The area where we expect to see the most improvement is the skill and awareness of the web application development team. OWASP’s top flaws and other sources point out issues that can be addressed by proper coding and testing … provided the team knows what to look for. Training helps staff find errors and problems during code review, and iteratively reduces flaws through the development cycle. The development staff can focus on software security and not rely on one or two individuals for security analysis. Secure SDLC: Knowing what to do is one thing, but actually doing it is something else. There must be an incentive or requirement for development to code security into the product, assurance to test for compliance, and product management to set the standards and requirements. Otherwise security issues get pushed to the side while features and functions are implemented. Security needs to be part of the product specification, and each phase of the development process should provide verification that the specification is being met through assurance testing. This means building security testing into the development process and QA test scenarios, as well as re-testing released code. Trained development staff can provide code analysis and develop test scripts for verification, but additional tools to automate and support these efforts are necessary, as we will discuss below. Heritage Applications: Have a plan to address legacy code. One of the more daunting aspects for the enterprise is how to address existing code, which is likely to have security problems. There are several possible approaches for addressing this, but the basic steps are 1) identification of problems in the code, 2) prioritization on what to fix, and 3) planning how to fix individual issues. Common methods of addressing vulnerabilities include 1) rewriting segments of code, 2) method encapsulation, 3) temporary shielding by WAF (“secure & patch”), 4) moving SQL processing & validation into databases, 5) discontinuing use of insecure features, and 6) introduction of validation code within the execution path. We recommend static source code analysis or dynamic program analysis tools for the initial identification step. These tools are cost-effective and suitable for scanning large bodies of code to locate common risks and programming errors. They detect and prioritize issues, and reduce human error associated with tedious manual scanning by internal or external parties. Analysis tools also help educate staff about issues with certain languages and common programming patterns. The resulting arguments over what to do with 16k insecure occurrences

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Twitter Phish Alert

Update: Some additional information was just posted on the Twitter Blog. Along with some comments on how their soon to be Beta ‘0auth’ would not have prevented this attack, there is also some information on the extent of the scam. Seems that Barack Obama’s account was hacked along with a few others. Did this strike anyone else as odd: if Obama has not been twittering since being elected, does that mean a staffer logged in on his behalf? An interesting note popped up on Twitter this morning about a Phishing attack through direct messages and direct email. The Phish is very well done and looks legit, so it will probably be effective. It is asking for you to provide access credentials to Twitter, but the domain is The WHOIS for Access-Logins shows it owned by XIN NET Technology Corp from Beijing, with all of the email accounts hosted from That’s a long way from San Francisco. Access-Logins is the home of a few dozen other Phishing sites, from McAfee to Defcon. Needless to say, don’t click on email links. The real question on my mind is: once you have clicked onto the Phishing login page, will Twitter’s real reset password function be vulnerable to an XSS attack? I do not have a copy of the original email so I am unable to test. If you fall victim to this you will want to clear all of your private data from the browser and restart it before trying to reset your password. Or shut down your current browser and use the password reset from a different one- otherwise other passwords may be captured as well. Share:

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Macworld Coverage

Macworld Expo may no longer be good enough for Apple, but it’s still one of my conference highlights of the year. I’ll be out there today through Thursday while Adrian manages the fort in Phoenix (I’ve managed to convince him that cleaning the cat litter while my wife is at work is a formal job responsibility, please don’t tell him that’s illegal and stuff). Most of my writing this week will be over at TidBITS, but I’ll pop some of my informal thoughts (and anything security related) over here at Securosis and on Twitter. And if any of you are over at the Expo, drop me a line and let’s try to meet up. For the record- I don’t expect any earth shattering new announcements this week, but some nice incremental upgrades. To be honest, I’d rather have better stability and functionality with what I already own than some new device I’ll get in trouble for buying. P.S. Dear Apple, if you do announce anything insanely new and cool, please make it small enough to fit in my carry-on luggage. That is all. Share:

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What Regular Users Need To Know About The SSL/Root Certificate Authority Exploit

Update: Verisign already closed the hole. This morning (in the US- afternoon in Europe), a team of security researchers revealed that they are in possession of a forged Certificate Authority digital certificate that pretty much breaks the whole idea of a trusted website. It allows them to create a fake SSL certificate that your browser will accept for any website. The short summary is that this isn’t something you need to worry about as an individual, there isn’t anything you can do about it, and the odds are extremely high that the hole will be closed before any bad guys can take advantage of it. Now for some details and analysis, based on the information they’ve published. Before digging in, if you know what an MD5 hash collision is you really don’t need to be reading this post and should go look at the original research yourself. Seriously, we’re not half as smart as the guys who figured this out. Hell, we probably aren’t smart enough to scrape poop off their shoes (okay, maybe Adrian is, since he has an engineering degree, but all I have is a history one with a smidgen of molecular bio). This seriously impressive research was released today at the Chaos Computer Congress conference. The team, consisting of Alexander Sotirov, Marc Stevens, Jacob Appelbaum, Arjen Lenstra, David Molnar, Dag Anne Osvik, and Berne de Weger took advantages of known flaws in the MD5 hash algorithm and combined it with new research (and an array of 200 Sony Playstation 3s) to create a forged certificate all web browsers would trust. Here are the important things you need to know (and seriously, read their paper): All digital certificates use a cryptographic technique known as a hash function as part of the signature to validate the certificate. Most certificates just ‘prove’ a website is who they say they are. Some special certificates are used to sign those regular certificates and prove they are valid (known as a Certificate Authority, or CA). There is a small group of CAs which are trusted by web browsers, and any certificate they issue is in turn trusted. That’s why when you go to your bank, the little lock icon appears in your browser and you don’t get any alerts. Other CAs can issue certificates (heck, we do it), but they aren’t “trusted”, and your browser will alert you that something fishy might be going on. One of the algorithms used for this hash function is called MD5, and it’s been broken since 2004. The role of a hash function is to take a block of information, then produce a shorter string characters (bits) that identifies the original block. We use this to prove that the original wasn’t modified- if we have the text, and we have the MD5 results, we can recalculate the MD5 from the original and it should produce exactly the same result, which must match the hash we got. If someone changes even a single character in the original, the hash we calculate will be completely different from the one we got to check against. Without going into detail, we rely on these hash functions in digital certificates to prove that the text we read in them (particularly the website address and company name) hasn’t been changed and can be trusted. That way a bad guy can’t take a good certificate and just change a few fields to say whatever they want. But MD5 has some problems that we’ve known about for a while, and it’s possible to create “collisions”. A collision is when two sources have the exact same MD5 hash. All hash algorithms can have collisions (if they were really 1:1, they would be as long as the original and have no purpose), but it’s the job of cryptographers to make collisions very rare, and ideally make it effectively impossible to force a collision. If a bad guy could force an MD5 hash collision between a real cert and their a fake, we would have no way to tell the real from the forgery. Research from 2004 and then in 2007 showed this is possible with MD5, and everyone was advised to stop using MD5 as a result. Even with that research, forging an MD5-based digital certificate for a CA hadn’t ever been done, and was considered very complex, if not impossible. Until now. The research team developed new techniques and actually forged a certificate for RapidSSL, which is owned by Verisign. They took advantage of a series of mistakes by RapidSSL/Verisign and can now fake a trusted certificate for any website on the planet, by signing it with their rogue CA certificate (which carries an assurance of trustworthiness from RapidSSL, and thus indirectly from Verisign). RapidSSL is one of 6 root CAs that the research team identified as still using MD5. RapidSSL also uses an automatic system with predictable serial numbers and timing, two fields the researchers needed to control for their method to work. Without these three elements (MD5, serial number, and timing) they wouldn’t be able to create their certificate. They managed to purchase a legitimate certificate from RapidSSL/Verisign with exactly the information they needed to use the contents to create their own, fake, trusted Certificate Authority certificate they can then use to create forged certificates for any website. They used some serious math, new techniques, and a special array of 200 Sony PS3s to create their rogue certificate. Since browsers will trust any certificate signed by a trusted CA, this means the researchers can create fake certificates for any site, no matter who originally issued the certificate for that site. But don’t worry- the researchers took a series of safety precautions, one being that they set their certificate to expire in 2004- meaning that unless you set the clock back on your computer, you’ll still get a security alert for any certificate they sign (and they are keeping it secret in the first place). All the Certificate Authorities and web browser companies are

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Building A Web Application Security Program: Part 7, Secure Operations

We’ve been covering a heck of a lot of territory in our series on Building a Web Application Security Program (see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6). So far we’ve covered secure development and secure deployment, now it’s time to move on to secure operations. This is the point where the application moves out of development and testing and into production. Keep in mind that much of what we’ve talked about until now is still in full effect- just because you have a production system doesn’t mean you throw away all your other tools and processes. Updates still need to go through secure development, systems and applications are still subject to vulnerability assessments and penetration testing (although you need to use a different process when testing live applications vs. staging), and configuration management and ongoing secure management are more important than ever before. In the secure operations phase we add two new technology categories to support two additional processes- Web Application Firewalls (WAF) for shielding from certain types of attacks, and monitoring at the application and database levels to support auditing and security alerting. Before we dig in, we also want to thank everyone who has been commenting on this series as we post it- the feedback is invaluable, and we’re going to make sure everyone is credited once we put it into whitepaper format. Web Application Firewalls (WAF) The role of a web application firewall is to sit in front of or next to a web application, monitoring application activity, and alerting or blocking on policy violations. Thus it potentially serves two functions- as a detective control for monitoring web activity, and as a preventative control for blocking activity. A web application firewall is a firewall specifically built to watch HTTP requests and block those that are malicious or don’t comply with specific rules. The intention is to catch SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), directory traversal, and various HTTP abuses, as well as authorization, request forgeries, and other attempts to alter web application behavior. The WAF rules and policies are effectively consistency checks, for both the HTTP protocol and application functionality. WAFs can alert or block activity based on general attack signatures (such as a known SQL injection attack for a particular database), or application-specific signatures for the web application being protected. WAF products examine inbound and outbound HTTP requests, compare these with the firewall rules, and create alerts for conditions of concern. Finally, the WAF selects a disposition for the traffic: 1) let it pass, 2) let it pass but audit, 3) block the transaction, or 4) reset the connection. WAFs typically network appliances. They are normally placed in-line as a filter for the application (proxy mode); or ‘out-of-band’, receiving traffic from a mirror or SPAN port. In the former scenario, all inbound and outbound requests are intercepted and inspected prior to the web server receiving the request or user receiving the response, reducing load on the web application. For SSL traffic, inline WAFs also need to proxy the SSL connection from the browser so it can decrypt and inspect traffic before it reaches the web server, or after it leaves the web server for responses. In out-of-band mode, there are additional techniques to monitor the encrypted connections by placing a copy of the server certificate on the WAF, or positioning it behind an SSL concentrator. Some vendors also provide WAF capabilities via plug-ins for specific platforms, rather than through external devices. The effectiveness of any WAF is limited by the quality of the policies it is configured to enforce. Policies are important not merely to ability to recognize and stop known/specific attacks, but also for flexibly dealing with ambiguous and unknown threat types, while keeping false positives manageable and without preventing normal transaction processing. The complexity of the web application, combined with the need for continuous policy updates, and the wide variety of deployment options to accommodate, pose a complex set of challenges for any WAF vendor. Simply dropping a WAF in front of your application and turning on all the default rules in blocking mode is a recipe for disaster. There is no way for black box to effectively understand all the intricacies of a custom application, and customization and tuning are essential for keeping false positives and negatives under control. When deployed in monitoring mode, the WAF is used in a manner similar to an intrusion detection system (IDS). It’s set to monitor activity and generate alerts based on policy violations. This is how you’ll typically want to initially deploy the WAF, even if you plan on blocking activity later. It gives you an opportunity to tune the system and better understand application activity before you start trying to block connections. An advantage of monitoring mode is that you can watch for a wider range of potential attacks without worrying that false positives will result in inappropriate blocking. The disadvantages are 1) your incident handlers will spend more time dealing with these incidents and false positives, and 2) bad activity won’t be blocked immediately. In blocking/enforcement mode, the WAF will break connections by dropping them (proxy mode) or sending TCP reset packets (out of band mode) to reset the connection. The WAF can then ban the originating IP, permanently or temporarily, to stop additional attacks from that origin. Blocking mode is most effective when deployed as part of a “shield then patch” strategy to block known vulnerabilities in your application. When a vulnerability is discovered in your application, you build a specific signature to block attacks on it and deploy that to the WAF (the “shield”). This protects your application as you go back and fix the vulnerable code, or wait for an update from your software provider (the “patch”). The shield then patch strategy greatly reduces potential false positives that interfere with application use and improves performance, but is only possible when you have adequate processes to detect and evaluate these vulnerabilities. You can combine both

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Responding To The SQL Server Zero Day: Security Advisory 961040

A Microsoft Security Advisory for SQL Server (961040) was posted on the 22nd of December. Microsoft has done a commendable job and provided a lot of information on this page, with a cross reference of the CVE number (CVE-2008-4270) so you can find more details if you need it. Any stored procedure that provide remote code execution can be dangerous and is a target for hackers. You want to patch as soon as Microsoft releases a patch. Microsoft states that “… MSDE 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Express are at risk of remote attack if they have modified the default installation to accept remote connections, if they allow untrusted users access to MSDE 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Express …” But I rate the risk higher than they say because of the following: MSDE 2000 and SQL Server Express 2005 are often bundled/embedded into applications and so their presence is not immediately apparent. There may be copies around that IT staff are not fully aware of, and/or these applications may be delivered with open permissions because the developer of the application was not concerned with these functions. Second, replication is an administrative function. sp_replwritetovarbin, along with other stored procedures like sp_resyncexecutesql and sp_resyncexecute, functions run as DBO, or Database Owner, so if they are compromised they expose permissions as well as functions. Finally, as MSDE 2000 and SQL Server Express 2005 get used by web developers who run the database on the same machine with the same OS/DBA credentials, you server could be completely compromised with this one. So follow their advice and run the command: use master deny execute on sp_replwritetovarbin to public” A couple more recommendations, assuming you are a DBA (which is a fair assumption if you are running the suggested workaround) check the master.dbo.sysprotects and master.dbo.sysobjects for public permissions in general. Even if you are patched for this specific vulnerability, or if you are running an unaffected version of the database, you should have this procedure locked down otherwise you remain vulnerable. Over and above patching the known servers, if you have a scanning and discovery tool, run a scan across your network for the default SQL Server port to see if there are other database engines. That should spotlight the majority of undocumented databases. Share:

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SQL Server Security Advisory (961040)

‘The Microsoft Security Advisory (961040) for SQL Server was posted on the 22nd of December. Microsoft has done a commendable job and provided a lot of information on this page, with the cross reference of the CVE number (CVE-2008-4270) so you can find more details if you need it. Like any of the store procedures that provide remote code execution, they can be dangerous and are targets for hackers. You want to patch as soon as Microsoft releases a patch. Microsoft states that “… MSDE 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Express are at risk of remote attack if they have modified the default installation to accept remote connections, if they allow untrusted users access to MSDE 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Express …”. But I rate the risk higher than what they are saying because of the following: MSDE 2000 and SQL Server Express 2005 are often bundled/embedded into applications and so their presence is not immediately apparent. There may be copies around that most IT staff are not fully aware of, and/or these applications may be delivered with open permissions because the developer of the application was not concerned with these functions. Second, replication is an administrative function. sp_replwritetovarbin, along with other stored procedures like sp_resyncexecutesql and sp_resyncexecute functions run as DBO, or Database Owner, so if they are compromised they expose permissions as well as function. Finally, as MSDE 2000 and SQL Server Express 2005 get used by web developers who run the database on the same machine with the same OS/DBA credentials, you server could be completely compromised with this one. So follow their advice and run the command: “use master  deny execute on sp_replwritetovarbin to public” A couple more recommendations, assuming you are a DBA (which is a fair assumption if you are running the suggested workaround) check the master.dbo.sysprotects and master.dbo.sysobjects for public permissions in general. Even if you are patched for this specific vulnerability, or if you are running an unaffected version of the database, you should have this procedure locked down otherwise you remain vulnerable. Over and above patching the known servers, if you have a scanning and discovery tool, run a scan across your network for the default SQL Server port to see if there are other database engines. That should spotlight the majority of undocumented databases. Share:

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SQL Server Zero Day: Security Advisory (961040)

The Microsoft Security Advisory (961040) for SQL Server was posted on the 22nd of December. Microsoft has done a commendable job and provided a lot of information on this page, with the cross reference of the CVE number (CVE-2008-4270) so you can find more details if you need it. Like any of the store procedures that provide remote code execution, they can be dangerous and are targets for hackers. You want to patch as soon as Microsoft releases a patch. Microsoft states that “… MSDE 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Express are at risk of remote attack if they have modified the default installation to accept remote connections, if they allow untrusted users access to MSDE 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Express …”. But I rate the risk higher than what they are saying because of the following: MSDE 2000 and SQL Server Express 2005 are often bundled/embedded into applications and so their presence is not immediately apparent. There may be copies around that most IT staff are not fully aware of, and/or these applications may be delivered with open permissions because the developer of the application was not concerned with these functions. Second, replication is an administrative function. sp_replwritetovarbin, along with other stored procedures like sp_resyncexecutesql and sp_resyncexecute functions run as DBO, or Database Owner, so if they are compromised they expose permissions as well as function. Finally, as MSDE 2000 and SQL Server Express 2005 get used by web developers who run the database on the same machine with the same OS/DBA credentials, you server could be completely compromised with this one. So follow their advice and run the command: “use master deny execute on sp_replwritetovarbin to public” A couple more recommendations, assuming you are a DBA (which is a fair assumption if you are running the suggested workaround) check the master.dbo.sysprotects and master.dbo.sysobjects for public permissions in general. Even if you are patched for this specific vulnerability, or if you are running an unaffected version of the database, you should have this procedure locked down otherwise you remain vulnerable. Over and above patching the known servers, if you have a scanning and discovery tool, run a scan across your network for the default SQL Server port to see if there are other database engines. That should spotlight the majority of undocumented databases. Share:

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There Are No Trusted SItes: AMEX Edition

Remember our first post that there are no trusted sites? Followed by our second one? Now I suppose it’s time to start naming names in the post titles, since this seems to be a popular trend. American Express is our latest winner. From Dark Reading: Researchers have been reporting vulnerabilities on the Amex site since April, when the first of several cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws was reported. However, researcher Russell McRee caused a stir again just a week ago when he reported newly discovered XSS vulnerabilities on the Amex site. The vulnerability, which is caused by an input validation deficiency in a get request, can be exploited to harvest session cookies and inject iFrames, exposing Amex site users to a variety of attacks, including identity theft, researchers say. McRee was tipped off to the problem when the Amex site prompted him to shorten his password – an unusual request in today’s security environment, where strong passwords are usually encouraged. … McRee says American Express did not respond to his warnings about the vulnerability. However, in a report issued by The Register on Friday, at least two researchers said they found evidence that American Express had attempted to fix the flaw – and failed. “They did not address the problem,” says Joshua Abraham, a Web security consultant for Rapid7, a security research firm. “They addressed an instance of the problem. You want to look at the whole application and say, ‘Where could similar issues exist?’” No, we don’t intend on posting every one of these we hear about, but some of the bigger ones serve as nice reminders that there really isn’t any such thing as a “safe” website. Share:

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Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

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  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.