

Incite 5/30/2012: Low Hanging Fruit

As you might have noticed, there was no Incite last week. Turns out the Boss and I were in Barcelona to celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss. We usually run about 6 months late on everything, so the timing was perfect. We had 3 days to ourselves and then two other couples from ATL joined us for the rest of the week. We got to indulge our appreciation for art – hitting the Dali, Miro, and Picasso museums. We also saw some Gaudi structures that are just mind-boggling. Then we joked about how Americans are not patient enough to ever build anything like the Sagrada Familia. Even though we were halfway around the world, we weren’t disconnected. Unless we wanted to be. I rented a MiFi, so when we checked in (mostly with the kids) we just fired up the MiFi, and Skype or FaceTime back home. Not cheap, but cheaper than paying for expensive WiFi and cellular roaming. And it was exceedingly cool to be walking around the Passion Facade of the Sagrada Familia, showing the kids the sculptures via FaceTime, connected via a MiFi on a broadband cellular network in a different country. We took it slow and enjoyed exploring the city, tooling around the markets, and feasting on natural Catalan cooking – not the mixture of additives, preservatives, and otherwise engineered nutrition we call food in the US. And we did more walking in a day than we normally do in a week. We also relaxed. It’s been a pretty intense year so far, and this was our first opportunity to take a breath and enjoy the progress we have made. But real life has a way of intruding on even the most idyllic situations. As we were enjoying a late lunch at a cafe off Las Robles, our friends mentioned how it’s been a little while since they were online. We had already had the discussion about weak passwords on their webmail accounts as we enjoyed cervezas Park Gueell the day before. Their name and a single digit number may be easy to remember, but it’s not really a good password. When my friend then told me how he checked email from a public computer in London, I braced for what I knew was likely to come next. So I started interrogating him as to what he uses that email address for. Bank accounts? Brokerage sites? Utilities? Airlines? Commerce sites? No, no, and no. OK, I can breathe now. Then I proceeded to talk about how losing control of your email can result in a bad day. I thought we were in the clear. Then my buddy’s wife piped in, “Well, I checked my bank account from that computer also, what that bad?” Ugh. Well, yes, that was bad. Quite bad indeed. Then I walked them through how a public computer usually has some kind of key logger and accessing a sensitive account from that device isn’t something you want to do. Ever. She turned ashen and started to panic. To avoid borking the rest of my holiday, I had her log into her account via the bank’s iOS app and scrutinize the transactions. Nothing out of the ordinary, so we all breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t reset the password from that app and none of us had a laptop with us. But she promised to change the password immediately when she got back to the US. It was a great reminder of the low-hanging fruit out there for attackers. It’s probably not you, but it’s likely to be plenty of folks you know. Which means things aren’t going to get better anytime soon, though you already knew that. –Mike Photo credits: “Low-hanging fruit explained” originally uploaded by Adam Fagen Heavy Research We’re back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Understanding and Selecting Data Masking How It Works Defining Data Masking Introduction Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection Control Lost Incite 4 U Bear hunting for security professionals: Fascinating post by Chris Nickerson about Running from your Information Security Program. How else could you integrate bear hunting in Russia (yes, real bears), running, and security? He talks about how these Russian dudes take down bears with nothing more than a stick and a knife. Probably not how you’d plan to do it, right? Chris’ points are well taken, especially challenging the adage about not needing to be totally secure – just more secure than the other guys. That’s what I love about pen testers – they question everything, challenge assumptions, and spend a great deal of their lives proving those assumptions wrong. The answer? Plan for the inevitable attacks and make sure you can respond. Yes, it’s something lots of folks (including us) have been talking about for a long time. Though I do enjoy highlighting new and interesting ways to tell important stories. – MR Job security: Say you’re the CISO of a retail chain. Do you think you’d be fired if 10% of your transactions were hacked and resulted in fraud? Maybe you should consider working for the IRS, because apparently gigantic fraud rates not only don’t get you fired there – you get sympathetic press. I bet the guys at Global Payments and Heartland are jealous! And someone at the IRS actually thought that anonymous Internet tax filings, with subsequent anonymous distribution of refunds, was a great idea. I’m willing to bet that not only is whoever created the program is still working at the IRS (where else?), but they will keep the program as is. There are occasions where it’s better to ditch fundamentally flawed processes – and losing millions, if not hundreds of millions, of dollars is a good indicator that your process still has a few glitches – and start over. Most

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Understanding and Selecting Data Masking: How It Works

In this post I want to show how masking works, focusing on how masking platforms move and manipulate data. I originally intended to start with architectures and mechanics of masking systems; but it should be more helpful to start by describing the different masking models, how data flows through different systems, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. I will comment on common data sources and destinations, and the issues to consider when considering masking technology. There are many different types of data repositories and services which can be masked, so I will go into detail on these choices. For now we will stick to relational databases, to keep things simple. Let’s jump right in and discuss how the technology works. ETL When most people think about masking, they think about ETL. ‘ETL’ is short for Extraction-Transformation-Load – a concise description of the classic (and still most common) masking process. Sometimes referred to as ‘static’ masking, ETL works against a fixed export from the source repository. Each phase of ETL is typically performed on separate servers: A source data repository, a masking server that orchestrates the transformation, and a destination database. The masking server connects to the source, retrieves a copy of the data, applies the mask to specified columns of data, and then loads the result onto the target server. This process may be partially manual, fully driven by an administrator, or fully automated. Let’s examine the steps in greater detail: Extract: The first step is to ‘extract’ the data from some storage repository – most often a relational database. The extracted data is often formatted to make it easier for the mask to be applied. For example, extraction can performed with a simple SELECT query issued against a database, filtering out unwanted rows and formatting columns in the query. Results may be streamed directly to the masking application for processing or dumped into a file – such as a comma-separated .csv or tab-separated .tsv file. The extracted data is then securely transferred, as an encrypted file or over an encrypted SSL connection, to the masking platform. Transform: The second step is to apply the data mask, transforming sensitive production data into a safe approximation of the original content. See Defining Masking for available transformations. Masks are almost always applied to what database geeks call “columnar data” – which simply means data of the same type is grouped together. For example, a database may contain a ‘customer’ table, where each customer entry includes a social security (SSN). These values are grouped together into a single column, in files and databases alike, making it easier for the masking application to identify which data to mask. The masking application parses through the data, and for each column of data to be masked, it replaces each entry in the column with a masked value. Load: In the last step masked data is loaded into a destination database. The masked data is copied to one or more destination databases, where it is loaded back into tables. The destination database does not contain sensitive data, so it is not subject to the same security and audit requirements as the original database with the unmasked data. ETL is the most generic and most flexible of masking approaches. The logical ETL process flow implemented in dedicated masking platforms, data management tools with integrated masking and encryption libraries, embedded database tools – all the way down to home-grown scripts. I see all these used in production environments, with the level of skill and labor required increasing as you progress down the chain. While many masking platforms replicate the full process – performing extraction, masking, and loading on separate systems – that is not always the case. Here are some alternative masking models and processes. In-place Masking In some cases you need to create a masked copy within the source database – perhaps before moving it to another less sensitive database. In other cases the production data is moved unchanged (securely!) into another system, and then masked at the destination. When production data is discovered on a test system, the data may be masked without being moved at all. All these variations are called “in-place masking” because they skip both movement steps. The masks are applied as before, but inside the database – which raises its own security and performance considerations. There are very good reasons to mask in place. The first is to take advantage of databases’ facility with management and and manipulation of data. They are incredibly adept at data transformation, and offer very high masking performance. Leveraging built-in functions and stored procedures can speed up the masking process because the database has already parsed the data. Masking data in place – replacing data rather than creating a new copy – protects database archives and data files from snooping, should someone access backup tapes or raw disk files. If the security of data after it leaves the production database is your principal concern, then ETL and in-place masking prior to moving data to another location should satisfy security and audit requirements. Many test environments have poor security, which may require masking prior to export or use of a secure ETL exchange, to ensure sensitive data is never exposed on the network or in destination data repository. That said, among enterprise customers we have interviewed, masking data at the source (in the production database) is not a popular option. The additional computational overhead of the masking operation, in addition to the overhead required to read and write the data being transformed, may have an unacceptable impact on database performance. In many organization legacy databases struggle to keep up with day-to-day operation, and cannot absorb the additional load. Masking in the target database (after the data has been moved) is not very popular either – masking solutions are generally purchased to avoid putting sensitive data on insecure test systems, and such customers prefer to avoid loading data into untrusted test systems prior to masking. In-place masking is typically

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Security, Metrics, Martial Arts, and Triathlon: a Meandering Friday Summary

Rich here. One of the more fascinating – and unexpected – aspects of migrating from martial arts to triathlon as my primary sport has been importance role of metrics, and how they have changed my views on security. Both sports are pretty darn geeky. On the martial arts side we have intense history, technique, and strategy. Positional errors of a fraction of an inch can mean the difference between success, failure, and injury. But overall there is less emphasis on hard metrics. We use them for conditioning but lack much of the instrumentation needed to collect the kinds of metrics that can make the difference between victory and defeat in competition. For example, very few martial artists could gather hard statistics on how an opponent reacts under specific circumstances, never mind translating that to a specific strategy. Nor do we measure things like speed and power in specific physical configurations. Some martial artists track some fraction of this at a macro level, but generally not with statistical depth. I remember that when training for nationals I knew I would be up against one particular opponent and I studied his strengths, weaknesses, and reactions in certain situations, but I certainly didn’t calculate anything. Besides, some 16 year old kid kicked my ass in the first round and I never went up against the person I planned for (major nutritional failure on my part). Oops. A lot of strategy. Sometimes metrics, but not often and not solid. And a lot of reliance on instinct and core training. Sounds a lot like security. Triathlon is on the opposite end of the spectrum – as are most endurance sports. There is definitely strategy, but even that is defined mostly by raw numbers. I have been tracking my athletic performance metrics fairly intensely since I moved mostly to endurance sports (due to the kids). This started around 10 years ago, although only over the last 3 years have I really focused on it. Additionally, since getting sick last summer I have also started tracking all sorts of other metrics – mostly my daily movements (Jawbone Up, which isn’t available right now), and sleep (Zeo). For the past year I have kept most of this in TrainingPeaks. I’m learning more about myself than I thought possible. I know what paces I can sustain, and what distances, to within a handful of seconds. I know how those are affected by different weather conditions. I know exactly how what I eat affects how I perform different kinds of workouts. I know how food, exercise, and alcohol affect my sleep. I have learned things like how to dial in my diet (no carb no good, but mostly natural with a small amount of processed carbs hits the sweet spot). I know how many days I can go on reduced sleep before I am more likely to get sick. I even figured out just about exactly what will cause one of the stomach incidents that freaked me out so badly last year. I pretty much track myself 24/7. The Jawbone counts how much I move during the day. The Zeo how well I sleep. My Garmin 910XT how well I swim, bike, and run. A Withings scale for weight and body fat. And TrainingPeaks for mood, illness, injury, training stress (mathematically calculated from my workouts), and whatever else I want to put in there. (I have toyed with diet, but don’t really track calories yet). I measure, track over time, and then correlate to make training and lifestyle decisions. These are not theoretical – I use those metrics to change how I live, and then I track my outcomes. I know, for example, that I can optimize my training in the amount of time I have for triathlon, but my single sport performance drops to predictable degrees. All this for someone back-of-pack and over 40. The pros? The levels to which they can tune their lives and training are insane. And it all directly affects performance and their ability to win. But, as with everything, the numbers don’t tell the full story. They can’t precisely predict who will win on race day. Maybe the leader will get caught behind a crash. Maybe they’ll miss just enough sleep, or hit a crosswind at the wrong time, or just have an off day. Maybe someone else will dig deep and blow past everything the numbers predict. But without those numbers, tracked and acted on, for years on end, no pro would ever have a chance of being in the race. Security today is a lot more like martial arts than triathlon, but I’m starting to think the ratio is skewed in the wrong direction. We can track a lot more than we do, and base far more decisions on data than on instinct. Yes, we are battling an opponent, but our race lasts years – not three five-minute rounds. And unlike professional martial artists, we don’t even know our ideal fighting weight, never mind our conditioning level. Believe it or not, I wasn’t always a metrics wonk. I used to think skill and instinct mattered more than anything else. The older I get, the more I realize how very wrong that is. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Mike’s monthly Dark Reading blog: Time to deploy the FUD weapon? Rich quoted by the Macalope: The Macalope Daily: Protesting too much (Subscription required). Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection: Control Lost. New threats and redefining what ‘endpoint’ actually means are a couple good reasons to follow this series. Mike Rothman: Understanding and Selecting Data Masking: Introduction. Masking is a truly under-appreciated function. Until your production data shows up in an Internet-accessible cloud instance, that is. Adrian’s series should shed some light on this topic. Rich: Continuous Learning. I’m not sure my quote fit here, but I’m sure a fan of people diversifying their knowledge. Other Securosis Posts Our posting volume is down a bit due to

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Understanding and Selecting Data Masking: Defining Data Masking

Before I start today’s post, thank you for all the letters saying that people are looking forward to this series. We have put a lot of work into this research to ensure we capture the state of currently available technology, and we are eager to address this under-served market. As always, we encourage blog comments because they help readers understand other viewpoints that we may not reflect in the posts proper. And for the record, I’m not knocking Twitter debates – they are useful as well, but they’re more ephemeral and less accessible to folks outside the Twitter cliques – not everybody wants to follow security geeks like me. And I also apologize for our slow start since initial launch – between meeting with vendors, some medical issues, and client off-site meetings, I’m a bit behind. But I have collected all the data I think is needed to do justice to this subject, so let’s get rolling! In today’s post I will define masking and show the basics of how it works. First a couple basic terms with their traditional definitions: Mask: Similar to the traditional definition, of a facade or a method of concealment, a data mask is a function that transforms data into something similar but new. It may or may not be reversible. Obfuscation: Hiding the original value of data. Data Masking Definition Data masking platforms at minimum replace sensitive data elements in a data repository with similar values, and optionally move masked data to another location. Masking effectively creates proxy data which retains part of the value of the original. The point is to provide data that looks and acts like the original data, but which lacks sensitivity and doesn’t pose a risk of exposure, enabling use of reduced security controls for masked data repositories. This in turn reduces the scope and complexity of IT security efforts. The mask should make it impossible or impractical to reverse engineer masked values back to the original data without special additional information. We will cover additional deployment models and options later in this series, but the following graphic provides an overview: Keep in mind that ‘masking’ is a generic term, and it encompasses several possible data masking processes. In a broader sense data masking – or just ‘masking’ for the remainder of this series – encompasses collection of data, obfuscation of data, storage of data, and possibly movement of the masked information. But ‘mask’ is also used in reference to the masking operation itself – how we change the original data into something else. There are many different ways to obfuscate data depending on the type of data being stored, each embodied by a different function, and each meeting suitable for different security and data use cases. It might be helpful to think of masking in terms of Halloween masks: the level of complexity and degree of concealment both vary, depending upon the effect desired by the wearer. The following is a list of common data masks used to obfuscate data, and how their functionalities differ: Substitution: Substitution is simply replacing one value with another. For example, the mask might substitute a person’s first and last names with names from a some random phone book entry. The resulting data still constitutes a name, but has no logical relationship with the original real name unless you have access to the original substitution table. Redaction/Nulling: This is a form of substitution where we simply replace sensitive data with a generic value, such as ‘X’. For example, we could replace a phone number with “(XXX)XXX-XXXX”, or a Social Security Number (SSN) with XXX-XX-XXXX. This is the simplest and fastest form of masking, but provides very little (arguably no information) from the original. Shuffling: Shuffling is a method of randomizing existing values vertically across a data set. For example, shuffling individual values in a salary column from a table of employee data would make the table useless for learning what any particular each employee earns. But it would not change aggregate or average values for the table. Shuffling is a common randomization technique for disassociating sensitive data relationships (e.g., Bob makes $X per year) while retaining aggregate values. Transposition: This means to swap one value with another, or a portion of one string with another. Transposition can be as complex as an encryption function (see below) or a simple as swapping swapping the first four digits of a credit card number with the last four. There are many variations, but transposition usually refers to a mathematical function which moves existing data around in a consistent pattern. Averaging: Averaging is an obfuscation technique where individual numeric values are replaced by a value derived by averaging some portion of the individual number values. In our salary example above, we could substitute individual salaries with the average across a group or corporate division to hide individual salary values while retaining an aggregate relationship to the real data. De-identification: A generic term that applies to any process that strips identifying information, such as who produced the data set, or personal identities within the data set. De-identification is an important topic when dealing with complex, multi-column data sets that provide ample means for someone to reverse engineer masked data back into individual identities. Tokenization: Tokenization is substitution of data elements with random placeholder values, although vendors overuse the term ‘tokenization’ for a variety of other techniques. Tokens are non-reversible because the token bears no logical relationship with the original value. Format Preserving Encryption: Encryption is the process of transforming data into an unreadable state. For any given value the process consistently produces the same result, and it can only be reversed with special knowledge (the key). While most encryption algorithms produce strings of arbitrary length, format preserving encryption transforms the data into an unreadable state while retaining the format (overall appearance) of the original values. Each of these mask types excels in some use cases, and also of course incurs a certain amount of overhead due to its

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Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection: Control Lost

Today we start our latest blog series, which we are calling Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection: Dealing with Advanced and Targeted Attacks – a logical next step from much of the research we have already done around the evolution of malware and emerging controls to deal with it. We started a few years back by documenting Endpoint Security Fundamentals, and more recently looked at network-based approaches to detect malware at the perimeter. Finally we undertook the Herculean task of decomposing the processes involved in confirming an infection, analyzing the malware, and tracking its proliferation with our Malware Analysis Quant research. Since you were a wee lad in the security field, the importance of layered defense has been drummed into your head. No one control is sufficient. In fact, no set of controls are sufficient to stop the kinds of attacks we see every day. But by stacking as many complimentary controls as you can (without totally screwing up the user experience), you can make it hard enough for the attackers that they go elsewhere, looking for lower hanging fruit. Regardless of how good defense in depth sounds, the reality is that with the advent of increased mobility we need to continue protecting the endpoint, as we generally can’t control the location or network being used. Obviously no one would say our current endpoint protection approaches work particularly well, so it’s time to critically evaluate how to do it better. But that’s jumping ahead a bit. First let’s look at the changing requirements before we vilify existing endpoint security controls. Control Lost Sensitive corporate data has never been more accessible. Between PCs and smartphones and cloud-based services (, Jive, Dropbox, etc.) designed to facilitate collaboration, you cannot assume any device – even those you own and control – isn’t accessing critical information. Just think about how your personal work environment has changed over the past couple years. You store data somewhere in the cloud. You access corporate data on all sorts of devices. You connect through a variety of networks, some ‘borrowed’ from friends or local coffee shops. We once had control of our computing environments, but that’s no longer the case. You can’t assume anything nowadays. The device could be owned by the employee and/or your CFO’s kid could surf anywhere on a corporate laptop. Folks connect through hotel networks and any other public avenues. Obviously this doesn’t mean you should (or can) just give up and stop worrying about controlling your internal networks. But you cannot assume your perimeter defenses, with their fancy egress filtering and content analysis, are in play. An just in case the lack of control over the infrastructure isn’t unsettling enough, you still need to consider the user factor. You know, the unfortunate tendency of employees to click pretty much anything that looks interesting. Potentially contracting all sorts of bad stuff, bringing it back into your corporate environment, and putting data at risk. Again, we have to fortify the endpoint to the greatest degree possible. Advancing Adversaries The attackers aren’t making things any easier. Today’s professional malware writers have gotten ahead of these trends by using advanced malware (remote access trojans [RATs] and other commercial malware techniques) to defeat traditional endpoint defenses. It is well established that traditional file-matching approaches (on both endpoints and mail & web gateways) no longer effectively detect these attacks – due to techniques such as polymorphism, malware droppers, and code obfuscation. Even better, you cannot expect to see an attack before it hits you. Whether it’s a rapidly morphing malware attack or a targeted attempt, yesterday’s generic sample gathering processes (honeynets, WildList, etc.) don’t help, because these malware files are unique and customized to the target. Vendors use the generic term “zero day” for malware you haven’t seen, but the sad reality is you haven’t seen anything important that’s being launched at you. It’s all new to you. When we said professional malware writers, we weren’t kidding. The bad guys now take an agile software approach to building their attacks. They have tools to develop and test the effectiveness of their malware, and are even able to determine whether existing malware protection tools will detect their attacks. Even coordinated with reputation systems and other mechanisms for detecting zero-day attacks, today’s solutions are just not effective enough. All this means security practitioners need new tactics for detecting and blocking malware which targets their users. Evolving Endpoint Malware Detection The good news is that endpoint security vendors realized their traditional approaches were about as viable as dodo birds a few years back. They have been developing their approaches – the resulting products have reduced footprints, require far less computing resources, and are generally decent at detecting simple attacks. But as we have described, simple attacks aren’t the ones to worry about. So in this series we will investigate how endpoint protection will evolve to better detect and hopefully block the current wave of attacks. We will start the next post by identifying the behavioral indicators of a malware attack. Like any poker player, every attack includes its own ‘tells’ that enable you to recognize bad stuff happening. Then we will describe and evaluate a number of different techniques to identify these ‘tells’ at different points along the attack chain. Finally we will wrap up with a candid discussion of the trade-offs involved in dealing with this advanced malware. You can stop these attacks, but the cure may be worse than the disease. So we will offer suggestions for how to find that equilibrium point between detection, response, and user impact. We would like to thank the folks at Trusteer for sponsoring this blog series. As we have mentioned before, you get to enjoy our work for a pretty good price because forward-thinking companies believe in educating the industry in a vendor-neutral and objective fashion. Share:

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Continuous Learning

I referred back to the Pragmatic CSO tips when I started the Vulnerability Management Evolution series (the paper hit yesterday, by the way) and there was some good stuff in there, so let me once again dust off those old concepts and highlight another one. This one dealt with the reality that you are a business person, not a security person. When I first meet a CSO, one of the first things I ask is whether they consider themselves a “security professional” or a “finance/health care/whatever other vertical professional.” 8 out of 10 times they respond “security professional” without even thinking. I will say that it’s closer to 10 out of 10 with folks that work in larger enterprises. These folks are so specialized they figure a firewall is a firewall is a firewall and they could do it for any company. They are wrong. One of the things preached in the Pragmatic CSO is that security is not about firewalls or any technology for that matter. It’s about protecting the systems (and therefore the information assets) of the business and you can bet there is a difference between how you protect corporate assets in finance and consumer products. In fact there are lots of differences between doing security in most major industries. There are different businesses, they have different problems, they tolerate different levels of pain, and they require different funding models. To put it another way, a health care CSO said it best to me. When I asked him the question, his response was “I’m a health care IT professional that happens to do security.” That was exactly right. He spent years understanding the nuances of protecting private information and how HIPAA applies to what he does. He understood how the claims information between providers and payees is sent electronically. He got the BUSINESS and then was able to build a security strategy to protect the systems that are important to the business. So let’s say you actually buy into this line of thinking. You spend a bunch of time learning about banking, since you work for a bank. Or manufacturing since your employer makes widgets. It’s all good, right? Well, not so much. What happens when your business changes? Maybe not fundamentally, but partially? You have to change with it. Let me give you an example that’s pretty close to home. My Dad’s wife is a candy importer. She sources product from a variety of places and sells via her own brand in the US, or using the manufacturer’s brand when that makes sense. We were talking recently and she said they had a good year in 2011. I figured that was the insatiable demand for sweets driving the business (fat Americans pay her bills), but in fact it was a couple savvy currency hedges that drove the additional profits. That’s right, the candy importer is actually a currency trader. Obviously that means she has to deal with all sorts of other data types that don’t pertain to distributing candy, and that data needs to be protected differently. That example pretty simple, but what if you thought you were in the transportation business, and then your employer decided to buy a refinery? Yes, Delta is now in the refining business. So their security team, who knows all about protecting credit cards and ensuring commerce engines (web site and reservation systems) don’t fall over under attack, now gets to learn all about the attack surface of critical infrastructure. Obviously huge conglomerates in unrelated businesses roamed the earth back in the 80s, fueled by Milken-generated junk bonds and hostile takeovers. Then the barbarians at the gates were slain, and the pendulum swung back to focus and scale for the past couple decades. It should be no surprise when we inevitably swing back the other way – as we always do. It’s a good thing that security folks are naturally curious. As Rich posted in our internal chat room yesterday: I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t poke and prod. You can’t be good at security if you think any other way. – Rich Mogull If you aren’t comfortable with the realization that no matter how much you know, you don’t know jack, you won’t last very long in the security business. Or any business, for that matter. Photo credit: “Learning by Doing” originally uploaded by BrianCSmith Share:

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Friday Summary: May 18, 2012

A friend told me this week they were on Pinterest. I responded, “I’m sorry! How long does your employer allow you to take off?” I was seriously thinking this was something like paternity leave or one of those approved medical absence programs. I really wondered when he got sick, and what his prognosis was. He told me, “No, I’m on Pinterest to market my new idea.” WTF? Turns out it’s not a medical sabbatical, but another social media ‘tool’ for sharing photos and stuff. When I Googled Pinterest to find out what the heck it actually was, I found a long blog about the merits of using Pinterest for Engagement Marketing, which happened to be at the blog of an old friend’s company. Soon thereafter I fired up Skype and was chatting with him, finding out what he’d been up to, how the kids were, and what mutual friends he had seen. That led to a LinkedIn search to find those friends mentioned, and while looking I spotted a couple other people I had lost track of. Within minutes I’d emailed one and found the other on Twitter. My friend on Twitter told me to check her blog on marketing over social media, which referenced another mutual friend. I emailed him, and when I hit ‘send’, I received a LinkedIn update with a list of several friends who recently changed jobs. I messaged one and texted the other to congratulate them. The next thing I knew I was chatting on FaceTime with one of these friends, in a pub in London celebrating his new position. We talked for a while, and then he said he ran into a fraternity brother and texted me his email. I emailed the fraternity brother, who sent back a LinkedIn invite telling me he’d Skype me later in the day, and included a funny YouTube video of Darth Vader riding a unicycle while playing bagpipes. As I watched the bagpiping maniac a Skype message popped up from another friend telling me she’s changed jobs (and have you noticed all of the people in tech changing jobs recently?). She invited me to speak at an event for her new company, listed on Meetup. I declined, sending her the Gotomeeting link to a conflicting event, but told her I’ll be in town later in the week and sent her a calendar invite for lunch. She sent back a list of Yelp recommendations for where to go. All in about an hour one morning. For an asocial person, this whole social media thing seems to have permeated my life. It’s freakin’ everywhere. In case you hadn’t heard, Facebook’s making an Initial Public Offering right about now. But love them or hate them, each social media site seems to do one thing really well! LinkedIn is a really great way to keep in touch with people. No more shoebox full of business cards for me! And it’s totally blending work and home, and combining groups of friends from different periods of my life into one ever-present pool. Twitter is an awesome way casually chat in real time with a group of friends while getting work done. BeeJive lets me chat on my mobile phone with the guys at Securosis. Skype offers cheap calls of reasonable quality to anyone. Some companies actually do follow Twitter with live human beings and respond to customer complaints, which is great. And Facebook offers a great way to infect your browser with malware! That said, every social media site still sucks hard. I’m not talking about users making asses of themselves, but instead about how every site tries too hard to be more than a one-trick pony, offering stuff you don’t want. I guess they are trying to increase shareholder value or some such nonsense rather than serve their audience. Skype was trying to branch out with their ‘mood’ feature – who thought that crap was a good idea? And now Pinterest is copying that same bad idea? Facebook Social Cam? Or LinkedIn communities, which seem to be a cesspool of bad information and people “positioning themselves” for employment. Corporate Twitter spambots are bad but they’re not the worst – not by a long shot. It’s the garbage from the social media companies who feel they must inform me that my “contacts are not very active”, or remind me that I have not responded to so-and-so’s request, or promote some new ‘feature’ they have just created which will likely interfere with what they actually do well. Who decided that social media must have nagware built in? And in spite of all the horrific missteps social media makes trying to be more than they are, these sites are great because they provide value. And most of them provide the core product – the one that’s really useful – free! Much as I hate to admit it, social media has become as important as my phone, and I use it every day. Oh, before I forget: If you have emailed us and we have failed to respond in the last couple weeks, please resend your email. We’ve got a triple spam filter going, and every once in a while the service changes its rule enforcement and suddenly (silently) blocks a bunch of legit email. Sorry for the inconvenience. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Mike on the “Renaissance Information Security Professional”. Rich quoted on Adobe’s fixes on c|net. Mike’s Dark Reading post: Time To Deploy The FUD Weapon? Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Understanding and Selecting Data Masking: Introduction. Masking is a truly under-appreciated function. Until your production data shows up in an Internet-accessible cloud instance, that is. Hopefully Adrian’s series sheds some light on the topic. Adrian Lane: Write Third. Rich nails it – the rush to be first kills journalism/integrity/fact checking/perspective/etc. Most ‘writers’ become automated garbage relays, often with humorous results, such as one of my all time favorite Securosis posts. Other Securosis Posts [New White Paper] Vulnerability Management Evolution.

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[New White Paper] Vulnerability Management Evolution

Organizations have traditionally viewed vulnerability scanners as tactical products, largely commoditized and only valuable around audit time. How useful is a 100-page vulnerability report to an operations person trying to figure out what to fix next? Although those 100-page reports make auditors smile, as they offer a nice listing of audit deficiencies to address in the findings of fact. But the tide is definitely turning. We see a clear shift from a largely compliance-driven orientation to a more security-centric view. We document this evolution to a vulnerability/threat management platform in our new Vulnerability Management Evolution paper. No organization, including the biggest of the big, has enough resources. So you need to make tough choices. Things won’t all be done when they need to be. Some things won’t get done at all. So how do you choose? Unfortunately most organizations don’t choose at all. They do whatever is next on the list, without much rhyme or reason determining where things land on it. It’s the path of least resistance for a tactically oriented environment. Oil the squeakiest wheel. Keep your job. It’s all very understandable, but not very effective. Optimally, resources are allocated and priorities set based on their value to the business. In a security context, that means the next thing done should reduce the most risk to your organization. We would like to thank all our sponsors for supporting our research, including nCircle, Qualys, Rapid7, and Tenable. As long as compliance is in play you will need to scan for vulnerabilities. At least make use of a more functional platform to do that and more. Download: Vulnerability Management Evolution This paper is based on the following posts: Introduction Scanning the Infrastructure Scanning the Application Layer Core Technologies Value-Add Technologies Enterprise Features and Integration Evolution or Revolution Share:

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Incite 5/16/2012: Moving up Day

Wasn’t it just yesterday that we put XX1 on the bus for her first day of kindergarten? I guess if yesterday was August of 2006, that would be correct. Man, six years have gone by fast! On Friday she moves up to Middle School. As we watched the annual Field Day festivities with all the kids dressed up in their countries’ garb yesterday, the kindergartners seemed so small. And they are. Six years doesn’t seem so long, but against the growth of such a child it’s a lifetime. I have to say I’m proud of my oldest girl. She did very well in elementary school, and is ready to tackle 7 different teachers and a full boat of advanced classes next year. Of course there will be stumbles and challenges and other learning experiences. As my army buddies say, “she has an opportunity to excel.” Despite our desire to make time slow down, it’s not going to happen. She’s ready for the next set of experiences and to continue on her path. Whether we like it or not. Whether we are ready or not. We have heard story after story about how difficult middle school is, especially for girls. Between raging hormones, mean girls, and a much heavier course load, it requires a lot of adjustment. For all of us. It seems XX1 will have to learn organizational skills and focus a lot earlier than I had to. I kind of coasted until I got to college, and then took a direct shot upside the head from the clue bat, when I learned what it took to thrive in a much more competitive environment. She needs to learn that achievement is directly correlated to work and decide how hard she wants to work. She will have to learn to deal with difficult people as well. Too bad it’s not only in middle school that she’ll come across idiots. We all have to learn these lessons at some point. But that’s tomorrow’s problem. I don’t want to think about that stuff right now. Of course life marches on. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. As she goes through the ceremony on Friday I will be one proud father. I hope she’s as proud of herself as we are of her. I will celebrate the passing of one milestone without thinking about the next. I appreciate the person she has become, with a healthy respect for where we’ve been. From first holding her right after her birth, to putting her on that kindergarten bus, to packing her off for sleepaway camp, to now watching her leave elementary school, and everything in between. Steve Miller was right, Time keeps on slippin’ into the future… Every single day. –Mike Photo credits: “Me on graduation day” originally uploaded by judyboo Heavy Research We’re back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can get all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Introduction Vulnerability Management Evolution Enterprise Features and Integration Evolution or Revolution? Understanding and Selecting DSP Use Cases Incite 4 U Don’t fear the Boobs: About 15+ years ago I was working as a paramedic in New Jersey and volunteered with the local fire department. This was a temporary sojourn back east because I was making $6.25 an hour as a paramedic in Colorado, but could pull down $16 an hour in Jersey. Something about “hazard pay”. Anyway, this particular department had a culture that was both racist and sexist. They refused to authorize ‘females’ to full firefighter status due to concerns that a 120-pound women who ran marathons couldn’t haul their 300-pound asses out of a fire. (I figured it wouldn’t be a problem after enough of the fat melted off.) I won’t lie – I have engaged in locker room talk on more than one occasion, and I recognize that men and women really are different, but I simply don’t understand sexism in the workplace. Jack Daniels wrote a great rant (as usual) on the recent reemergence of sexism and its expression at conferences. There’s no place for this in IT, certainly no place for it in security, and I think it’s largely a lot of dudes with very little self-confidence who are afraid of women. Get over it, lose the ‘bro’ culture, and dump the booth babes. All it reflects is weakness. – RM Firewall dead? Meh. Every couple months somebody proclaims some established control dead. This week’s transgressor is Roger Grimes, who tells us why you don’t need a firewall. Come on, man! Evidently the only attack firewalls can block is buffer overflows, so they are destined for the trash bin. Give me a break. And most traffic comes through port 80 or 443 – but evidently this NGFW thing, with its application awareness, is news to Roger. He points out that firewalls are hard to manage, which is true. And that developers and other folks always push to open up this port or that, basically obviating the security model. That’s not wrong either. But we have been through this before. As Corman says, we never retire controls. Nor should we, as Wendy points out rather effectively. Jody Brazil of Firemon piles on with more reasons it’s a bad idea to kill your firewall. I suspect Grimes gets paid per page view, so maybe he’ll be able to buy a few extra beers this week. But that doesn’t make him right. – MR Tokens <> Tokenization: MasterCard announced their PayPass Wallet Services for mobile devices, an “App designed to complete with PayPal and Google” wallets, or at least that is how the press is describing it. I think this is a pure marketing move to make sure app developers don’t forget MasterCard has a horse in this race. Technically, MasterCard is not offering a wallet

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Write Third

One of the things I truly love about writing for Securosis and TidBITS is that I am rarely put in a position where I need to be first to write about something. As a writer, and occasionally a journalist, I consider time the ultimate luxury. Unfortunately, few journalists have this liberty, and even fewer appreciate it. Yesterday was a perfect and tragic expression of the state of modern media, where writers are forced to report – not only as quickly as possible, but often without any facts or sources. It all started with a article quoting the CTO of Kaspersky claiming they were “working with Apple” to analyze OS X (at Apple’s request). To anyone with any knowledge of Apple this was obviously less likely than me giving birth to a flying monkey. There were three possible options here: Kaspersky lied. The reporter didn’t hear correctly. The reporter lied. Kaspersky was telling the truth, in violation of whatever NDA they signed with Apple. Here’s where it got interesting. After that initial article, all sorts of other outlets started reporting the news – from CNet and TUAW, to The Verge and Ars Technica. All quoting the same source – the article. Within a few hours Kaspersky’s CTO walked back the claim and said he was quoted out of context. claimed they asked the question multiple times for clarity and the claim was clear and explicit. Then all the other articles issued updates and corrections. This isn’t about Apple, and this isn’t about Kaspersky. It isn’t even a flagellation of the media – they are effectively forced to ‘report’ stories without sources or confirmation, due to their market conditions. But as readers (and for some of us, writers), it’s important to understand that environment – especially where security is concerned. Few media outlets rely on multiple sources and traditional journalistic standards anymore. Many issue ‘definitive’ articles based on tweets, blog posts, or something they heard while sitting quietly on the crapper (if they work for News Corp). The first reports are usually wrong. The second reports are usually copies of the first report. The third round of articles is where the truth might start creeping in. Every time I witness one of these throwdowns or walkbacks, I feel incredibly fortunate that my livelihood isn’t dependent on capturing page views. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
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