

Just a Spoonful of Obscurity Makes the DefCon Level Go down!

Rich, It feels heretical, but I can agree that obscurity can provide some security. The problem comes when people count on secrecy as their only or primary security. Jim: “Oh, we don’t have to encrypt passwords. Sniffing is hard!” Bob: “Hey, thank you for those credit card numbers!” Jim: “What?” Bob: “Ha ha, my friend Joe got a job at your ISP about a year ago, and started looking for goodies.” Vendor: “Nobody will ever bother looking in the MySQL DB for the passwords.” Cracker: “0WNED! Thank you, and let’s see how many of your users use the same passwords for their electronic banking!” Vendor: “But nobody else has access to the server!” Cracker: “But I found a hole in your PHP bulletin board. Game over, man!” GeniousDood: “I just invented a perfect encryption algorithm! Nobody will ever break it!” Skeptic: “How do you know?” GeniousDood: “I checked. It’s unbeatable.” Skeptic: “Thanks, but I’ll stick with something at least one disinterested person has confidence in – preferably Schneier.” IT Droid: “Check out our new office webcam! It’s at ” Paranoid: “What’s the password?” IT Droid: “Password? No-one’s ever going to find it.” Paranoid: “Google did.” I can accept that obscurity makes cracking attempts more difficult. This additional difficulty in breaking into a system might be enough to discourage attackers. Remember – you don’t have to outrun the bear, just your slowest friend! Also, if you have a short period before the fix is available, during which there is a gaping hole in your defenses, obviously it’s going to be easier for people to exploit if they have full details, so it’s hard to see how full disclosure could ever look like a good thing to a commercial vendor. On the other hand, open source projects are more likely to benefit from full disclosure, as it substantially widens the pool of people who can provide a patch, and open source communities attract people who want to deal with security problems themselves (certainly many more Linux & FreeBSD admins want to patch Sendmail or BIND, than Windows users want to patch IE or their DLLs). Security companies are like this too – they want enough info to protect their customers. Restricted access information is fine, as long as the security companies are on the list – such access becomes another asset for the security vendor. But back to obscurity: it can be used as one component in a layered defense, or it can be used as the only defense. One is useful, the other is dumb. Alternatively, obscurity can be used as a temporary barrier: “It will take them a few days to figure out how to break IE, so we’ll get a chance to distribute the patch before they can start attacking our users.” This is a very different proposition than “permanent obscurity” as (hopefully part of) a defense. The problem, of course, is that not everybody gets the patch immediately. Some people don’t because they don’t know about it, others because they have important systems which they can’t change – perhaps because the risk of breakage is unacceptable, or the “fix” is unacceptable. This may last a few days, or forever. Some people don’t have the bandwidth (full dot upgrades for Mac OS, and Service Packs for Windows, are large downloads), and may or may not get the upgrades another way. Some just don’t want to be bothered, and believe they’re invulnerable. Others cannot afford the upgrades. So those people may have no defense aside from obscurity, and they are vulnerable; on the Windows side, they tend to get hacked. Obscurity is just not a good long-term defense, since most secrets leak eventually, and patches can be reverse-engineered to find the hole. This leads into the issue of vendors who don’t patch in a timely manner, but I have to leave something for Rich to rant about… Share:

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Encryption is Cheaper than Destruction

I like to think Richard Stiennon and I are good friends. He was at my wedding in Mexico. I took him and his son skiing up at Copper Mountain where I used to patrol. For a time he even rented space in my condo in Boulder while I was slowly moving to Phoenix. We’d swap my car out at the airport parking lot; it was very convenient. But I never suspected he was so violent. Goes to show you that you can never really know someone. It all started with this post on his blog where he advocates smashing old hard drives rather than taking the risk of the data being later recovered. I thought, “okay, he’s just trying to make a point”. But yesterday, over at Emergent Chaos, he expanded his violent tendencies towards cell phones in this post. Now I’m worried. I mean this is a man I’ve left in my home, who spent evenings in Mexico drinking with my family members. I’ve even loaned him my cellphone for the occasional call! I feel lucky it came back in one piece. Maybe because I had it in silent mode or something. But here’s some food for thought. I was talking to a client a while back about old hard drives. They were considering encryption since their SAN (Storage Area Network) was managed by their reseller who frequently swapped out failed drives. They looked at degaussing or smashing the drives- just as RIchard suggested. The cost? $8,000,000.00 a year. $8M a year. Wow. That’s a fair amount of cash, even with the weakened dollar. And those cell phones? The pollutants in them are pretty potent and many recycled phones end up in needy hands. So Richard might want to consider other options. We estimated that client would only need to pay $100,000-$200,000 to encrypt that SAN. Keys are stored externally so the data is unrecoverable. And portable devices? If there’s something sensitive on them you should really be encrypting them anyway. People lose those things you know. Richard- I know a good anger management therapist. Call me, your friends are worried. Share:

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Dealing with Security Vendor Exaggerations

I generally don’t discuss “industry” issues here since that’s what I get paid to do at my day job. And if I start offering for free here, what I get paid to do over there, I may find myself offered the opportunity to do it for free on a permanent basis. Mike Rothman runs one of the better industry-oriented blogs. He and I used to sit across the table when he ran marketing for one of the vendors I cover. I like Mike a lot better as an analyst. He’s running an interesting debate on the problems with the security market. The debate started with an article in Dark Reading, moves to Mike’s blog here, Alan Shimel responds, then Mike gets the last word (for now). At the crux of their debate is the honesty of vendors and the aggressiveness of their sales and marketing tactics. My opinion? I work with many excellent security vendors who are out to protect their customers and fairly make a little money on the way. But, every single day, either directly to me, or relayed by my clients, vendors misrepresent their products or outright lie about capabilities. Usually it’s the marketing or sales teams, not the product teams. Do all vendors lie? No, but the good vendors out there are frequently forced into bad positions by their less scrupulous competition. Yes, vendors lie. So does your Mom (remember the tooth fairy) but that doesn’t make her the embodiment of pure evil. Probably. And some of this is simply passion for their products. Everyone thinks their baby is the best looking, smartest, most talented in the world, but there are still a lot of dumb, ugly, couch potatoes. If you don’t believe in what you do you shouldn’t be doing it. So how do you cut through the crap? My self serving answer is use your friendly neighborhood analyst. The biggest part of our job, at least for those of us who are end user focused, is to help make appropriate buying decisions and separate hype from reality. Our testing lab is the production environment of our end user clients- if a product doesn’t work, we’ll eventually hear about it. But if you don’t trust or can’t afford an analyst firm just do what we do. Ask your vendors for customer references in production deployments; if a feature isn’t in production, with a reference-able client, it isn’t real. Then talk to your network and see what other companies like yours are doing and if any have deployed the product. Let’s be honest- most of you readers are either security-types, or at least have a passing interest in security. It’s not like we trust anyone anyway. Share:

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What I Really Meant About Security Through Obscurity

I’ve been publishing for in various formats for nearly 10 years now, and I have to admit I’m really enjoying some of the features of blogging. Aside from writing in a more personal voice, I actually appreciate the near instant feedback- from anyone- anywhere- of the blogosphere. I actually enjoy having my ideas challenged and debated. A couple days ago I posted a somewhat lengthy rant on disclosure. Not that I think disclosure is bad, but that we aren’t always willing to discuss the deeper motivations of those involved, on all sides, and admit that in many cases the process can favor the bad guys. In the information security world we often state that “security through obscurity” never works and secrets always leak. I stated: But in the world of traditional security, obscurity sure as hell works. Not all bad guys are created equal, and the harder I make it for them to find the hole in my security system, the harder it is for a successful attack. Especially if I know where the hole is and fix it before they find it. Secrets can be good. And Martin Mckeay called me on it here. So did the ever-present Mike Rothman here. Martin stated: One more minor issue I have with the article is the use of security through obscurity: while this works for a while, security through obscurity is the most brittle of all types of security. All it takes is one hacker releasing his notes on your security vulnerability and what little security you had because of the lack of knowledge is gone. I sure don’t want my bank relying on security through obscurity to protect my bank account. Not that they’d get much right now, a couple of days before the end of the month I agree completely. Martin’s bank funds are running a little low Security through obscurity only works for a limited amount of time. Eventually someone will reverse engineer the patch or figure out the vulnerability on their own. Also while it might now be important for every sysadmin to know the details of a flaw, it’s sure important for security vendors to get a peek before the bad guys so the good guys can try and shield any attacks. Mike says, Since most of the bad guys would just as soon take the path of least resistance, obscuring information about vulnerabilities is a short term strategy that works. And that’s the point I meant to make. These days a few weeks can mean the difference between completely shielding and patching your environment, or getting nailed by the early exploits. This wasn’t true a few years ago, but it’s true today. Automated tools are making exploit development much easier and faster- we need to start dropping some obstacles. We’re just trying to slow down the mass exploits and the script kiddies long enough to give us a fighting chance. That said product vendors need to work more with security vendors on “staged disclosure” (I like to make up phrases, later I’ll make up an acronym just for the fun of it). Security vendors need more detailed vulnerability details to better tune their products before exploits appear. They shouldn’t have to reverse engineer product patches to do this. This also means those security vendors need to share vulnerability details instead of treating them like their own IP. Finally, product vendors need to provide their customers enough information for them to make an appropriate risk decision. Too much information helps the bad guys, but too little hurts the good guys. Then again, perhaps that’s just responsible disclosure… (edited 9/1 ) Just to clarify- I, in no way, think security through obscurity alone is a meaningful security control on its own. I think it can be a useful tool to buy us time, but we should never rely on it. It’s just too fragile. Share:

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Security is Like Dentistry

Guess where I spent the day? I’ll warn you now, I have a bad habit of taking metaphors too far. Security is like dentistry: It costs more than you think it should. It’s more painful than the providers ever tell you. If you don’t keep up with ongoing maintenance it costs A LOT more and is WAY more painful. It’s really hard to find a good provider. Most vendors prey on fear. Some vendors sell a pretty smile, not that their products actually work. If you make decisions based only on financial Return On Investment you’ll really screw things up. and finally, < p style=”text-indent:20pt;”>8. No matter how many times you strap someone to a chair, shine a light in their face, and poke them with sharp objects until they bleed you can’t make them any smarter. Time to go rinse… (edited 8/31 adding point 7) Share:

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The 3 Dirty Little Secrets of Disclosure No One Wants to Talk About

As a child one of the first signs of my budding geekness was a strange interest in professional “lingo”. Maybe it was an odd side effect of learning to walk at a volunteer ambulance headquarters in Jersey. Who knows what debilitating effects I suffered due to extended childhood exposure to radon, the air imbued with the random chemicals endemic to Jersey, and the staccato language of the early Emergency Medical Technicians whose ranks I would feel compelled to join later in life. But this interest wasn’t limited to the realm of lights and sirens; it extended to professional subcultures ranging from emergency services, to astronauts, to the military, to professional photographers. As I aged and even joined some of these groups I continued to relish the mechanical patois reserved for those earning expertise in a domain. Lingo is often a compression of language; a tool for condensing vast knowledge or concepts into a sound byte easily communicated to a trained recipient, slicing through the restrictive ambiguity of generic language. But lingo is also used as a tool of exclusion or to mask complexity. The world of technology in general, and information security in particular, is as guilty of lingo abuse as any doctor, lawyer, or sanitation specialist. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our discussions of “Disclosure”. A simple term evoking religious fervor among hackers, dread among vendors, and misunderstanding among normal citizens and the media who wonder if it’s just a euphemism for online dating (now with photos!). Disclosure is a complex issue worthy of full treatment; but today I’m going to focus on just 3 dirty little secrets. I’ll cut through the lingo to focus on the three problems of disclosure that I believe create most of the complexity. After the jump that is… “Disclosure” is a bizarre process nearly unique to the world of information technology. For those of you not in the industry, “disclosure” is the term we use to describe the process of releasing information about vulnerabilities (flaws in software and hardware that attackers use to hack your systems). These flaws aren’t always discovered by the vendors making the products. In fact, after a product is released they are usually discovered by outsiders who either accidentally or purposely find the vulnerabilities. Keeping with our theme of “lingo” they’re often described as “white hats”, “black hats”, and “agnostic transgender grey hats”. You can think of disclosure as a big-ass product recall where the vendor tells you “mistakes were made” and you need to fix your car with an updated part (except they don’t recall the product, you can only get the part if you have the right support contract and enough bandwidth, you have to pay all the costs of the mechanic (unless you do it yourself), you bear all responsibility for fixing your car the right way, if you don’t fix it or fix it wrong you’re responsible for any children killed, and the car manufacturer is in no way actually responsible for the car working before the fix, after the fix, or in any related dimensions where they may sell said product). It’s really all your fault you know. Conceptually “disclosure” is the process of releasing information about the flaw. The theory is consumers of the product have a right to know there’s a security problem, and with the right level of details can protect themselves. With “full disclosure” all information is released, sometimes before there’s a patch, sometimes after; sometimes the discoverer works with the vendor (not always), but always with intense technical detail. “Responsible disclosure” means the researcher has notified the vendor, provided them with details so they can build a fix, and doesn’t release any information to anyone until a patch is released or they find someone exploiting the flaw in the wild. Of course to some vendors use the concept of responsible disclosure as a tool to “manage” researchers looking at their products. “Graphic disclosure” refers to either full disclosure with extreme prejudice, or online dating (now with photos!). There’s a lot of confusion, even within the industry, as to what we really mean by disclosure and it it’s good or bad to make this information public. Unlike many other industries we seem to feel it’s wrong for a vendor to fix a flaw without making it public. Some vendors even buy flaws in other vendors products; just look at the controversy around yesterday’s announcement from TippingPoint. There was a great panel with all sides represented at the recent Black Hat conference. So what are the dirty little secrets? Full disclosure helps the bad guys It’s about ego, control, and competition We need the threat of full disclosure or vendors will ignore security There. I’ve said it. Full disclosure sucks, but many vendors would screw their customers and ignore security without it. Some of full disclosure originates with the concept that “security through obscurity” always fails. That if you keep a hole secret, the bad guys will always discover it eventually so it’s better to make it public so good guys can protect themselves. We find the roots of the security through obscurity concept in cryptography (early information security theory was dominated by cryptographers). Secret crypto techniques were bad, since they might not work; opening the mathematical equations to public scrutiny reduces the chances of flaws and improves security. As with many acts of creation it’s nearly impossible to accurately proof your own work [as my friend and unofficial editor Chris just pointed out]. But in the world of traditional security, obscurity sure as hell works. Not all bad guys are created equal, and the harder I make it for them to find the hole in my security system, the harder it is for a successful attack. Especially if I know where the hole is and fix it before they find it. Secrets can be good. The more we disclose, the easier we make life for the bad guys. “Full disclosure” means we release all the little details. It

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Off Topic: A Little Perspective

This has nothing to do with security other than the fact Mike Rothman is a security analyst. Sometimes it’s worth sitting back and evaluating why you’re in the race in the first place. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the insanity of day-to-day demands or the incredibly deceptive priorities of the corporate and government rat races. A few months ago I took a step back and decided to reduce travel, stay healthy, and start this blog. I wanted a more-personal outlet for writing on topics and in a style that’s inappropriate at my day job (in other words, more fun). My challenge is running this site in a way that doesn’t create a conflict of interest with my employer, and thus I don’t publish anything here that I should be publishing there. Mike just went off and started his own company to support his real priorities. You should really read this. Share:

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Experiences with FileVault- Mac Encryption

Believe it or not, despite accusations that that my coverage of the Mac wireless hack is all part of some anti-Apple black PR conspiracy, I’m a Mac user. One that’s so addicted I bought my Mom one and had it shipped to me so I could “configure” it. Okay, really I had to send mine in for service and I needed another Intel Mac so I could run it off an external hard drive with an image of my MacBook Pro. I mean I might have been without it for, like, 5-7 days and that’s just not acceptable. How can I carry out my anti-Apple black PR conspiracy without a Mac to write my blog entries on? But I have something I need to admit. It’s sort of embarrassing. But it’s time to share. You see, I’m a security professional. Not just a security professional, but one that focuses on data security. The kind that gets paid to run around telling the media how stupid everyone is for not protecting their data and doing things like, uh, encrypting their hard drives. Not that I… um… was encrypting my laptop. You see I was in a bit of denial. At first it was because I still used my corporate PC and didn’t have access to good encryption software that wouldn’t mess up my configuration. Which was really me just lying to myself. Later I told myself I was so good at physical security, and paranoid in general, that I’d never let my laptop get stolen. Yep, another lie. Finally the ultimate in self deception, “well, I really don’t have anything sensitive on there in the first place”. Right. None of those “not for disclosure” Powerpoint presentations from vendors are really sensitive, are they? I mean how much personal stuff like social security numbers or credit card info could really be hiding in Outlook (in my Parallels virtual machine) or I mean really! When I decided to attend Black Hat and Defcon (home of the world’s most hostile network) right after an international trip to Australia and China I figured it might be a good time to get off my ass and finally encrypt my laptop. For those of you not familiar with Macs, Apple’s included encryption in the OS X operating system for a few years know in a feature called FileVault. But there’s been a lot of debate on how “safe” FileVault is; not from a security standpoint, but from a reliability/recovery standpoint. But in a recent thread in the TidBITS mailing list it didn’t seem to many people had much experience with FileVault, and perhaps some of the rumors were unfounded. Or not. Eventually the guilt caught up and it was time to take the encryption plunge. And so far FileVault is working like a 128-bit AES charm. (details after the jump) FileVault isn’t the whole-drive encryption I typically recommend to enterprise clients. Rather than encrypting the entire hard drive FileVault encrypts the entire home directory of the user. It’s a model well suited for Unix-style operating systems like OS X where nearly any personal file or setting is in the home directory, as opposed to Windows systems where data tends to be more distributed throughout the OS. OS X also includes an option to encrypt the memory cache so even temporary files are protected. The combination of encrypting the home directory and all virtual memory isn’t perfect security, but good for most of us mere mortals worried about losing our laptop or hard drive. FileVault works by creating an encrypted disk image for your home folder (an encrypted sparse image file). When you log in the image mounts and data is transparently encrypted and decrypted using 128 bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) as it moves to and from disk. Log out and it unmounts, appearing as one big encrypted file. That’s where most people’s fears arise- your entire home directory, every file including photos, music, video, email, and everything else is all on one big file just waiting for a few corrupt bits to make it unreadable. If your system suddenly crashes and corrupts the image (yes, even Macs crash) there’s the possibility of losing everything. For more details on the inner workings of FileVault check out this article at After doing some research I took a few steps to prep my system. To help with performance I moved my iTunes library to /Users/Shared so they’d be out of my home directory and keep the image file smaller. My photos were already on an external drive and I only have a few videos. That dropped around 30 GB from my home directory. I then created a new user account for running backups. I use the excellent SuperDuper to backup my Macs to external drives. By using a separate backup account the entire encrypted disk image is backed up and thus protected even on the external drive. Since SuperDuper creates bootable copies of hard drives you get the nice option of being able to run completely off the external drive, on any Mac, should you lose your primary drive or even the entire computer. No restore needed. At this point I also committed to backing up nightly instead of weekly. From there it was a simple matter of going into the Security Preference Pane, setting a master password (just in case I forget/screw up my primary), enabling virtual memory encryption, and turning on FileVault. An hour or so later it finished encrypting the drive and I was good to go. So how did it work? Good. Maybe even great. I’ve been up for about 6 weeks now and haven’t had any problems. Performance seems as good as before, although I do have 2 GB of memory and a 7200 rpm hard drive. Even with a few system crashes I haven’t experienced any corruption. What’s also nice is since I do most of my work-related computing in a Windows XP Parallels virtual computer so now even my Windows

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Voting Machine Idiocy- and a Proposal for a Reasonable Standard

Ah Diebold, how we’ve missed you. In yet another example of gross negligence with our most sacred political process we find our favorite manufacturer of ATMs and voting machines yet again in the news. This time with a series of failures in the Alaskan primary. From Slashdot: From Engadget: For those of you that don’t follow the twist and turns of this seriously shady company, Diebold has a long history of insecure voting machines, battling any attempt to regulate better voting security, and attacking anyone that suggests they might have any teensy-weensy wittle problem that might let someone, you know, hijack an election. For more on the past check out the work by Black Box Voting and the very respected Avi Rubin. This really pisses me off. Voting, whatever your political party (except maybe you anarchists and fascists) is the ultimate expression of a democracy. If we can’t protect the voting process, we might as well give up and just sell the country to the highest bidder (and yes, I feel the same way about poll taxes, gerrymandering, and anything else that interferes with the right to vote). I have two simple suggestions to resolve this idiocy: Require a voter verified paper trail with random audits at the federal level for all elections (right now only certain states require it). Hold voting machines to the same security standards as gambling machines! Think about how highly secure gambling machines are. I first heard this suggestion from Ray Wagner (a fellow analyst at my day job) and it was so simple in concept it amazes me every time someone claims higher standards are just too hard. Heck, we already have testing labs, protocols, and procedures in place. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, despite many hours dedicated to watching the X-Files, but sometimes ya just gotta wonder…. Share:

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Home Security Tip of the Day: SpamSieve for Mac

One of the advantages of being a paranoid security geek is you slowly acquire a familiarity with consumer security tools to prevent any of the bad nastiness you comment on from happening to your own system. While I’m sure some of my remotely hosted servers will get cracked on occasion since I don’t have full control over them I’ve taken it as a personal point of honor to defend my personal computers from to the bitter end. Every now and then on slow news days I’ll highlight some of these tools and techniques to help readers protect their own systems. Since I use Macs, PCs, and even a dash of Linux there should be some good nuggets for all platforms. Disclaimer– I do not accept any advertising (or anything else) from any vendor, anywhere, end of story. If I discuss a vendor on this site it’s because I think the product is actually useful. I will also NEVER endorse any vendor I cover professionally on Securosis! And I’m going to start with spam. I really hate spam. Seriously. And if you want to skip to the end just go buy SpamSieve (Mac only), which is one of those gems very familiar to you Mac geeks. But for those of you that like to read… Like everyone on the Internet not sending this crap I despise spam. I still remember the early days when commercial business was forbidden on the Internet. No spam. No popups. No phishing. No Amazon. No Google. No ThinkGeek. No… oh wait, never mind. Spam is more than an annoyance, it’s a pretty serious security issue. Most phishing attacks, Internet fraud, and viruses spread using spam. While I don’t know the exact economics involved I suspect more spam today is for fraudulent businesses and goods than legitimate, but annoying, marketing. Sorry, even the porn spam guys. Spam is apparently so darn profitable that a serious chunk of the botnets today are dedicated to spreading it. But most of you already know this. For a while I was reasonably immune to spam. My work email was protected with a commercial server-based product and the not-too-bad Outlook junk mail filters. Yahoo does a good job, as do the other public servers where I keep accounts. The real problem was my long-time personal email on a private domain. This account was hard to guess and off the map for a long time and spam was where. What did make it through was caught by the server filter we used (SpamAssasin). But one tragic day I ended up on a political email list and my blissful childhood ended. One bad list administrator managed to get everyone on that list firmly in the sights of the evil spammers. Within weeks 70% of my email on my once-pristine account was spam. Until I finally downloaded SpamSieve. SpamSieve is what’s known as a Bayesian filter- which means it uses all sorts of math I’ll never understand to recognize patterns. I won’t review it or dig into details. All you need to know is if you are on a Mac and have spam in your Inbox you need to go buy this. It took me only 5 days of the free 30 day trial before I whipped out the credit card and paid my $25.00 I get less than one spam message in my Inbox per week. It’s only ever blocked one message I wanted to read (you can check). It takes a few days to a week to train, but that’s really easy. Unlike most computer software it just works. ‘nuff said. Share:

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  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.