

Secrets Management: Use Cases

This post will discuss why secrets management is needed at all, along with the diverse use cases which teams need it to address. In every case there is some secret data which needs to be sent – hopefully not in plain text – to an application or service. And in every case we want the ability to provide secrets, both when an operator is present and automatically. The biggest single issue is that security around these secrets today is largely absent, and they are kept in cleartext within documents of various types. Let’s dive in. Use Cases API Gateways and Access Keys: Application Programming Interfaces are how software programs interact with other software and services. These API form the basic interface for joint operation. To use an API you must first authenticate yourself – or your code – to the gateway. This is typically done by providing an access key, token, or response to a cryptographic challenge. For ease of automation many developers hard-code access keys, leaving themselves vulnerable to simple file or code inspection. And all too often, even when kept in a private file on the developer’s desktop, keys are accidentally shared or posted, such as to public code repositories. The goal here is to keep access keys secret while still provisioning to valid applications as needed. Automated Services: Applications are seldom stand-alone entities. They are typically comprised of many different components, databases, and supporting services. And with current application architectures we launch many instances of an application to ensure scalability and resiliency. As we launch applications, whether in containers or as servers, we must provision them with configuration data, identity certificates, and tokens. How does a newly created virtual machine, container, or application discover its identity and access the resources it needs? How can we uniquely identify a container instance among a sea of clones? In the race to fully automate the environment, organizations have automated so fast that they got out over their skis, with little security and a decided imbalance towards build speed. Developers typically place credentials in configuration files which are conveniently available to applications and servers on startup. We find production credentials shared with quality assurance and developer systems, which are commonly far less secure and not always monitored. They are also frequently shared with other applications and services which should not have access. The goal is to segregate credentials without causing breakage or unacceptable barriers. Build Automation: Most build environments are insecure. Developers tend to feel security during development slows them down, so they often bypass security controls in development processes. Build environments are normally under developer control, on development-owned servers, so few outsiders know where they are or how they operate. Nightly build servers has been around for over a decade, with steadily increasing automation to improve agility. As things speed up we remove human oversight. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment use automation to speed software delivery. Build servers like Jenkins and Bamboo automatically regenerate application as code, formation templates, and scripts are checked into repositories. When builds are complete we automatically launch new environments to perform functional, regression, and even security tests. When these tests pass, some organizations launch the code in production! Build server security has become an important topic. We no longer have the luxury of leaving passwords, encryption keys, and access tokens sitting in unprotected files or scripts. But just as continuous integration and DevOps improve agility, we need to automate the provisioning of secrets into the process as well, and create an audit trail to prove we are delivering code and services securely. Encrypted Data: Providing encryption keys to unlock encrypted volumes and file stores is a common task, both on-premise and for cloud services. In fact, automated infrastructure makes the problem more difficult as the environment is less static, with thousands of services, containers and applications popping in and out of service. Traditionally we have used key management servers designed to handle secure distribution and management of keys, but a number of commercial key management tools (hardware and software) have not been augmented for Infrastructure and Platform as a Service. Additionally, developers demand better API integration for seamless use with applications. This capability is frequently lacking, so some teams use cloud native key management, while others opt for secrets management as a replacement. Sharing: Collaboration software has helped development, quality assurance, and product mamagement teams cooperate on projects; even though people in these groups are less and less likely to share office space. User are more likely to work from home, at least part time. In some contexts the issue is how to securely share information across a team of remote developers, but that use case overlaps with having IT share secret data across multiple data centers without exposing it in clear text, or exposed in random files. The databases that hold data for chat and collaboration services tend to not be very secure, and texting certificates to a co-worker is a non-starter. The solution is a central, robust repository, where a select group of users can store and retrieve secrets. Of course there are plenty more use cases. In interviews we discuss everything from simple passwords to bitcoin wallets. But for this research we need to focus on the issues developers and IT security folks asked about. Our next post will discuss the core features and functions of a secrets management system, as well as some advanced functions which differentiate commercial options from open source. We want to provide a sense of what is possible, and help guide readers to the subset of functions they need for their use cases. Share:

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Secrets Management: New Series

This week we are starting a new research series on Secrets Management. What is secrets management and why do you care? A good number of you in security will be asking these questions. Secrets Management platforms do exactly what the name implies; they store, manage and provide secrets. This technology addresses several problems most security folks don’t yet know they have. As development teams leverage automation and orchestration techniques, they are creating new security issues to be tackled. Let’s jump into some of the back story, and then outline what we will accomplish in this research effort. It sounds cliche, sure, but IT and application environments are genuinely undergoing radical change. New ways of deploying applications as microservices or into containers is improving our ability to cost-effectively scale services and large systems. Software defined IT stacks and granular control over services through API provide tremendous advantages in agility. Modern operational models such as Continuous Integration and DevOps amplify these advantages, bringing applications and infrastructure to market faster and more reliably. Perhaps the largest change currently affecting software development and IT is cloud computing: on-demand and elastic services offers huge advantages, but predicated on automated infrastructure defined as software. While cloud is not a necessary component to these other advancements, it’s makes them all the more powerful. Leveraging all these advancements together, a few lines of code can launch – or shut down – an entire (virtual) data center in minutes, with minimal human involvement or effort. Alongside their benefits, automation and orchestration raise new security concerns. The major issue today is secure sharing of secret information. Development teams need to share data, configurations, and access keys across teams to cooperate on application development and testing. Automated build servers need access to source code control, API gateways, and user roles to accomplish their tasks. Servers need access to encrypted disks, applications need to access databases, and containers must be provisioned with privileges as they start up. Automated services cannot wait around for users to type in passwords or provide credentials! So we need new agile and automated techniques to provision data, identity, and access rights. Obtaining these secrets is essential for automation scripts to function, but many organizations cling to the classic (simple) mode of operation: place secrets in files, or embed them into scripts, so tasks can complete without human intervention. Developers understand this is problematic, but it’s a technical problem most sweep under the rug. And they certainly do not go out of their way to tell security about how they provision secrets, so most CISOs and security architects are unaware of this emerging security issue. This problem is not new. No administrator wants to be called into work in the middle of the night to enter a password so an application can restart. So IT administrators routinely store encryption keys in files so an OS or application can access them when needed. Database administrators place encryption keys and passwords in files to facilitate automated reboots. Or they did until corporate networks came under even more attack; then we saw a shift to keys, certificates, and passwords. Since then we have relied upon everything from manual intervention, key management servers, and even hardware dongles to provide a root of trust to establish identity and provision systems. But those models not only break the automation we rely upon to reduce costs and speed up deployments, lack also the programmatic interfaces needed to integrate with cloud services. To address the changes described above, new utilities and platforms have been created to rapidly provide information across groups and applications. The term for this new class of product is “Secrets Management”; it is changing how we deliver identity, secrets, and tokens; as well as changing the way we validate systems for automated establishment of trust. In this research we will explore why this is an issue for many organizations, what sort of problems these new platforms tackle, and how they work in these newer environments. Specifically, we will cover: Use Cases: We will start by considering specific problems which make secret sharing so difficult: such as moving passwords in clear text, providing keys to encryption engines, secure disk storage, knowing which processes are trustworthy, and mutual (bidirectional) authentication. Then we will discus specific use cases driving secrets management. We will cover issues such as provisioning containers and servers, software build environments, database access, and encrypted disk & file stores; we will continue to examine sharing secrets across groups and controlling who can launch which resources in private and public cloud environments. Components and Features: This section will discuss the core features of a secrets management platform. We will discuss the vault/repository concept, the use of ephemeral non-vault systems, identity management for vault access, role-based authorization, network security, and replication for both resiliency and remote access. We will cover common interfaces such as CLI, API, and HTTP. We’ll contrast open source personal productivity tools with newer commercial products; we will also consider advanced features such as administration, logging, identity store integration, ability to provide secure connections, and policy enforcement. Deployment Considerations: Next we will discuss what is stored in a repository, and how secrets are shared or integrated with dependent services or applications. We will discuss both deployment models; as well as the secrets to be shared: passwords, encryption keys, access tokens, API keys, identity certificates, IoT key pairs, secure configuration data, and even text files. We will also offer some advice on product selection criteria and what to look for. As we leverage cloud services and rely more heavily on automation to provision applications and IT resources, we find more and more need to get secrets to applications and scripts securely. So our next post will start with use cases driving this market. Share:

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The TLS 1.3 Controversy, and Why We Need to Choose Stronger Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is fundamental to the security of the Internet. Proposed changes to the protocol are generating extensive controversy within and outside the security industry. Rather than getting into cryptographic specifics, this post focuses on the root of the controversy, and why we believe TLS 1.3 should proceed with the full support of technical professionals. What is TLS 1.3? – Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the primary protocol for securely sending information over the Internet. It is the successor to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and built into every web browser and web server, as well as many other applications. Nearly every website in the world uses TLS to one degree or another to protect communications – including signing into a site with a password, banking, and reading email. TLS is also embedded into many other applications and the guts of the Internet. You use it every day. If you are reading this on our website you used TLS to see this page. If you checked your email today, TLS is what prevented someone on the Internet from reading it. If you are completely non-technical, think of it as a security envelope for your data. But TLS does much more. TLS 1.3 is a proposed draft to update the current version (TLS 1.2 – surprise!) and improve security and performance. As with any software, TLS is never ‘perfect’, and needs updating from time to time. For example one change cuts the window to initiate a secure connection in half. 1.3 also simplifies the kinds of encryption it supports to eliminate known security vulnerabilities. TLS 1.3 is already supported in some web browsers, even though the standard isn’t final. Why is TLS 1.3 controversial? – Version 1.3 eliminates a security weakness of TLS 1.2, but that exact weakness is used by many organizations to monitor their networks. Some organizations and security vendors want to retain it so they can continue to use existing technique to monitor traffic. We need to choose between better inherent Internet security and supporting a widely used monitoring technique. Monitoring itself is not inherently bad. Common tools like Data Loss Prevention rely on peering into encrypted connections on corporate networks to identify sensitive data being accidentally or maliciously exposed. Other tools sniff connections to recognize attacker activity, and then either block or alert. It’s a form of wiretapping, but one widely used as part of security programs rather than for spying – although it can obviously be used for both. Security is always a balancing act, so we often face these difficult decisions. Fortunately in this case there are alternative techniques to achieve the same security goals, so our position is that we should not keep a vulnerability in a core Internet protocol just to support existing security tools. The controversy is about security vs. cost. Existing monitoring approaches can support 1.3, so a possibly higher implementation cost should not excuse a security reduction. What exactly is the security weakness TLS 1.3 eliminates? – Version 1.3 eliminates support for an older way of setting up encrypted connections using a master key. It could enable someone with a copy of the master key to sniff all encrypted traffic. They could also decrypt any previously recorded traffic protected with that key. The proposed updates to TLS use a different key for every connection, so there is no master key which could allow unrestricted monitoring. We call this Perfect Forward Secrecy, if you want to look it up. This is a pretty big weakness, which has been used in attacks. Unfortunately it’s also used by legitimate security tools for more efficient monitoring. Does TLS 1.3 reduce enterprise and government security? – No. It changes how you need to implement some security. It will cost money to update to new kinds of systems to perform the same kinds of monitoring. It will require rethinking how we do some things today. But it does not eliminate the ability to achieve security objectives. Organizations that need to monitor traffic can do so with four techniques: Active interception (man in the middle) techniques. Using software to capture traffic on endpoint systems, instead of on the network. Capturing data on Internet servers. For example, some cloud services allow you to track all employee data and activity. For servers you control, you can still use TLS 1.2. It will likely be supported for many years. Do we really need to remove passive monitoring from TLS 1.2? – Yes. We face a simple choice: we can make network sniffing attacks harder, or easier. We can improve security, or leave a known vulnerability. Our position is that we should always choose stronger security. The Internet is littered with the consequences of choosing weaker options, especially for encryption. Support for passive monitoring of encrypted connections may help some aspects of an organization’s security program, but only at the expense of long-term security. Attackers, criminal and otherwise, can leverage this to spy on organizations, individuals, and governments. They can potentially record traffic on networks and then decrypt it later… even weeks, months, or years later. We have seen this exploited in criminal and government attacks – it is not a theoretical vulnerability. What is the impact if TLS 1.3 is adopted? – There won’t be any immediate impact in most cases. TLS 1.2 is still completely supported and will be for a long time. As online services start adopting TLS 1.3, organizations which rely on passive sniffing of encrypted connections may start losing visibility into those connections. Organizations which want to maintain this visibility will need to update their tools and techniques. But the entire Internet won’t shift to TLS 1.3 overnight, so there is time to make the transition. Transport Layer Security 1.3 brings important security improvements to one of the most foundational technologies used to protect Internet communications. It eliminates a form of passive sniffing that, although used for legitimate security purposes, also weakens Internet communications. We would rather have an inherently secure Internet than keep a

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Introducing the Endpoint Advanced Protection Buyer’s Guide

Endpoint security has undergone a renaissance recently. Similar to network security a decade ago, the technology had not seen significant innovation for years, and adversaries improved to a point where many organizations questioned why they kept renewing existing endpoint protection suites. It was an untenable situation. The market spoke, and security companies responded with a wave of new offerings and innovations which do a much better job detecting both advanced adversaries and the techniques they use to obfuscate their activities. To be clear, there is no panacea. Nothing is 100% effective in protecting endpoints. But the latest wave of products has improved dramatically over what was available two years ago. But that creates a conundrum for organizations of all sizes. With so many vendors addressing the endpoint security market with seemingly similar offerings, what should a customer buy? Which features make the most sense, depending on the sophistication and adversaries an organization faces? Ultimately, how can potential customers make heads or tails of the noise coming from the security marketing machinery? At Securosis the situation was frustrating. So many buzzwords were thrown around without context. New companies emerged, making claims we considered outrageous on effectiveness. Some of this nonsense reminds us of a certain database vendor’s Unbreakable claims. Yes, we’ve been in this business a long time. And yes, we’ve seen pretty much everything. Twice. But we’ve never seen a product that blocks every attack with no false positives. Even though some companies were making that claim. Sadly, that was only the tip of the iceberg of our irritation. There was a public test of these endpoint solutions, which we thought drew the wrong conclusions with a suspect methodology. If those tests were to be believed, some products kicked butt while others totally sucked. But we’ve talked with a bunch of folks who got results were consistent with the public tests, and others whose results were diametrically opposed. And not every company with decent technology was included in the tests. So if a customer were making a choice entirely based on that public test they could be led astray – ultimately, how a product performs in your environment can only really be determined by testing in your environment. In Securosis-land frustration and irritation trigger action. So we got irritated and decided to clarify a very murky situation. If we could help organizations figure out what capabilities were important to them based on the problems they were trying to solve, they would be much better educated consumers when sitting with endpoint security vendors. If we could map out a process to test the efficacy of each product and compare “apples to apples”, they would make much better purchase decisions based on requirements – not how many billboards a well-funded vendor bought. To be clear, billboards and marketing activity are not bad. You can’t grow a sustainable company without significant marketing and brand-building. But marketing is no reason to buy an endpoint security product. We found little correlation between marketing spend and product capability. So at Securosis we decided to write an Endpoint Advanced Protection Buyer’s Guide. This comprehensive project will provide organizations what they need to select and evaluate endpoint security products. It will roll out over the next month, delivered in two main parts: Selection Criteria: This part of the Buyer’s Guide will focus on the capabilities you need to address the problems you face. We’ll explain terms like file-less malware and exploit pathways, so when vendors use them you will know what they’re talking about. We will also prepare a matrix to help you assess their capabilities against your requirements, based on attacks you expect to face. POC Guide: Figuring out what product seems to fit is only half the battle. You need to make sure it works in your environment. That means a Proof of Concept (POC) to prove value and that the product does what they say. That old “Trust, but verify” thing. So we’ll map out a process to test the capabilities of endpoint security products. Prevention vs. Detection/Response We have seen a pseudo-religious battle being fought, between a focus on trying to block attacks, versus focusing on detection and response once an attack is successful. We aren’t religious, and believe the best answer is a combination. As mentioned above, we don’t buy into the hype that any product can stop every attack. But we don’t believe prevention is totally useless either. So you’ll be looking at both prevention technologies and detection/response, but perhaps not at the same time. We’ll prepare versions of the Buyer’s Guide for both prevention and detection/response. And yes, we’ll also integrate them for those who want to evaluate a comprehensive Endpoint Advanced Protection Suite. Licensing Education Those of you familiar with our Securosis business model know we post research on our blog, and then license content to educate the industry. You also probably know that we research using our Totally Transparent Research methodology. We don’t talk about specific vendors, nor do we mention or evaluate specific products. But why would an endpoint company license a totally vendor-neutral buyer’s guide which educates customers to see through their marketing shenanigans? Because they believe in their products. And they want an opportunity to show that their products actually provide a better mousetrap, and can solve the issues facing organizations around protecting endpoints. So hats off to our licensees for this project. They are equipping their prospects to ask tough questions and to evaluate their technology objectively. We want to thank (in alphabetical order) Carbon Black, Cybereason, Cylance, ENDGAME, FireEye, SentinelONE and Symantec for supporting this effort. We expect there may be a handful of others later in the year, and we’ll recognize them if and when they come onboard. We will post pieces of the Buyer’s Guide to the blog over the next month. As always we value the feedback of our readers, so it you see something wacky, please let us know. Share:

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How to Evaluate a Possible Apple Face ID

It’s usually more than a little risky to comment on hypothetical Apple products, but while I was out at Black Hat and DEF CON Apple accidentally released the firmware for their upcoming HomePod. Filled with references to other upcoming products and technologies, the firmware release makes it reasonably probable that Apple will release an updated iPhone without a Touch ID sensor, relying instead on facial recognition. A reasonable probability is far from an absolute certainty, but this is an interesting enough change that I think it’s worth taking a few minutes to outline how I intend to evaluate any “Face ID”, should it actually appear. They key is to look for equivalence, rather than exactness. I don’t care whether Face ID (we’ll roll with that name for now) works exactly like Touch ID – we just need it close enough, or even better. Is it as secure? There are three aspects to evaluate: Does it cost as much to circumvent? Touch ID isn’t perfect – there are a variety of ways to create fake fingerprints which can spoof it. The financial cost is not prohibitive for a serious attacker, but the attacks are all time-consuming enough that the vast vast majority of iPhone users don’t need to worry about them. I am sure someone will come up with ways around Face ID, but if they need to take multiple photos from multiple angles, compute a 3D model, 3D print the model, then accurately surface it with additional facial feature details, I’ll call that a win for Apple. It will make an awesome DEF CON or CCC presentation though. Does it have an equivalent false positive rate? From what I see, Touch ID has a false positive rate low enough to be effectively 0 in real-world use. As long as Face ID is about the same, we’ll be good to go. Does it use a similarly secure hardware/software architecture? One of the most important aspects of Touch ID is how it ties into the Secure Enclave (and, by extension, the Secure Element). These are the links that embed anti-circumvention techniques in the hardware and iOS, enabling incredibly strong security; supporting use in payment systems, banking applications, etc. I would be shocked if Apple didn’t keep this model, but expect changes to support the different kind of processing and increased multi-purpose nature of the underlying hardware (general-purpose cameras, perhaps). Is it as easy to use? The genius of Touch ID was that it enabled consumers to use strong password, with the same convenience as no password at all (most of the time). Face ID will need to hit the same marks to be seen as successful. Is it as fast? The first version of Touch ID was pretty darn fast, taking a second or less. The second (current) version is so fast that most of the time you barely notice it. Face ID doesn’t need to be exactly as fast, but close enough that the average user won’t notice a difference. If I need to hold my iPhone steady in front of my face while a little capture box pops up with a progress bar saying “Authenticating face…”, it will be a failure. But we all know that isn’t going to happen. Does it work in as many different situations (at night, walking, etc.)? Touch ID is far from perfect. I work out a ton and, awesome athlete that I am, I sweat like Moist from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Touch ID isn’t a fan. Face ID doesn’t need to work in exactly the same situations, but in an equivalent number of real-world situations. For example I use Touch ID to unlock my phone sitting on a table to pass off to one of the kids, or while lying sideways in bed with my face mushed into a pillow. Face ID will probably require me to pick the phone up and look at it. In exchange, I’ll probably be able to use it with wet hands in the kitchen. Tradeoffs are fine – so long as they are net neutral, positive, or insignificant. Does it offer an equivalent set of features? My wife and I actually trust each other and share access to all our devices. With Touch ID we enroll each other’s fingerprints. Touch ID also (supposedly) improves over time. Ideally Face ID will work similarly. Is it as reliable? The key phrase here is false negative rate. Even second-generation Touch ID can be fiddly at times, as in my workout example above. With Face ID we’ll look more at things like changing facial hair, lighting conditions, moving/walking, etc. These tie into ease of use, but in those cases it’s more about number of situations where it works. This question comes down to Is Face ID as reliable within its supported scenarios? This is one area where I could see some big improvements over Touch ID. Conclusion Plenty of articles will focus on all the differences if Face ID becomes a reality. Plenty of people will complain it doesn’t work exactly the same. Plenty of security researchers will find ways to circumvent it. But what really matters is whether it hits the same goal: Allow a user to use a strong password with the convenience of no password at all… most of the time. Face ID doesn’t need to be the same as Touch ID – it just needs to work reasonably equivalently in real-world use. I won’t bet on Face ID being real, but I will bet that if Apple ships it, they will make sure it’s just as good as Touch ID. Share:

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Upcoming Webcast on Dynamic Security Assessment

It’s been a while since I’ve done a webcast, so if you are going through the DTs like I am, you are in luck. On Wednesday at 1 PM ET (10 AM PT), I’m doing an event with my friends at SafeBreach on our Dynamic Security Assessment content. I even convinced them to use one of my favorite sayings in the title: Hope Is Not a Strategy – How To Confirm Whether Your Controls Are Controlling Anything [giggles] It’ll be a great discussion, as we discuss and debate not only whether the security stuff you’ve deployed works, but how you can know it works. You can register now. See you there. Share:

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DLP in the Cloud

It’s been quite a while since we updated our Data Loss Prevention (DLP) research. It’s not that DLP hasn’t continued to be an area of focus (it has), but a bunch of other shiny things have been demanding our attention lately. Yeah, like the cloud. Well, it turns out a lot of organizations are using this cloud thing now, so they inevitably have questions about whether and how their existing controls (including DLP) map into the new world. As we update our Understanding and Selecting DLP paper, we’d be remiss if we didn’t discuss how to handle potential leakage in cloud-based environments. But let’s not put the cart ahead of the horse. First we need to define what we mean by cloud with applicable use cases for DLP. We could bust out the Cloud Security Alliance guidance and hit you over the head with a bunch of cloud definitions. But for our purposes it’s sufficient to say that in terms of data access you are most likely dealing with: SaaS Software as a Service (SaaS) is the new back office. That means whether you know about it or not, you have critical data in a SaaS environment, and it must be protected. Cloud File Storage: These services enable you to extend a device’s file system to the cloud, replicating and syncing between devices and facilitating data sharing. Yes, these services are a specific subtype of SaaS (and PaaS, Platform as a Service), but the amount of critical data they hold, along with how differently they work than a typical SaaS application, demands that we treat them differently. IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the new data center. That means many of your critical applications (and data) will be moving to a cloud service provider – most likely Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. And inspection of data traversing a cloud-based application is, well… different, which that means protecting that data is also… different. DLP is predicated on scanning data at rest and inspecting and enforcing policies on data in motion, which is a poor fit for IaaS. You don’t really have endpoints suitable for DLP agent installation. Data is in either structured (like a database) or unstructured (filesystem) datastores. Data protection for structured datastores defaults to application-centric methods, will unstructured cloud file systems are really just cloud file storage (which we will address later). So inserting DLP agents into an application stack isn’t the most efficient or effective way to protect an application. Compounding the problem, traditional network DLP don’t fit IaaS well either. You have limited visibility into the cloud network; to inspect traffic, you would need to route it through an inspection point, which is likely to be expensive and/or lose key cloud advantages – particularly elasticity and anywhere access. Further, cloud network traffic is encrypted more often, so even with access to full traffic, inspection at scale presents serious implementation challenges. So we will focus our cloud DLP discussion on SaaS and cloud file storage. Cloud Versus Traditional Data Protection The cloud is clearly different, but what exactly does that mean? If we boil it down to its fundamental core, you still need to perform the same underlying functions – whether the data resides in a 20-year-old mainframe or the ether of a multi-cloud SaaS environment. To protect data you need to know where it is (discover), understand how it’s being used (monitor), and then enforce policies to govern what is allowed and by whom – along with any additional necessary security controls (protect). When looking at cloud DLP many users equate protection with encryption but that’s a massive topic with a lot of complexity, especially in SaaS. A good start is our recent research on Multi-Cloud Key Management. There is considerable detail in that paper, but managing keys across cloud and on-premise environments is significantly more complicated; you’ll need to rely more heavily on your provider, and architect data protection and encryption directly into your cloud technology stack. Thinking about discovery, do you remember the olden days – back as far as 7 years ago – when your critical data was either in your data centers or on devices you controlled? To be fair, even then it wasn’t easy to find all your critical data, but at least you knew where to look. You could search all your file servers and databases for critical data, profile and/or fingerprint it, and then look for it across your devices and your network’s egress points. But as critical data started moving to SaaS applications and cloud file storage (sometimes embedded within SaaS apps), controlling data loss became more challenging because data need not always traverse a monitored egress point. So we saw the emergence of Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), to figure out which cloud services were in use, so you could understand (kind of) where your critical data might be. At least you had a place to look, right? Enforcement of data usage policies is also a bit different in the cloud – you don’t completely control SaaS apps, nor do you have an inspection/enforcement point on the network where you can look for sensitive data and block it from leaving. We keep hearing about lack of visibility in the cloud, and this is another case where it breaks the way we used to do security. So what’s the answer? It’s found in 3 letters you should be familiar with. A. P. I. API Are Your Friends Fortunately many SaaS apps and cloud file storage services provide APIs which allow you to interact with their environments, providing visibility and some degree of enforcement for your data protection policies. Many DLP offerings have integrated with the leading SaaS and cloud file storage vendors to offer you the ability to: Know when files are uploaded to the cloud and analyze them. Know who is doing what with the files. Encrypt or otherwise protect the files. With this access you don’t need to see the data pass

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Multi-cloud Key Management Research Paper

Cloud computing is the single biggest change to computing we have seen, fundamentally changing how we use computing resources. We have reached a point where multi-cloud support is a reality for most firms; SaaS and private clouds are complimented by public PaaS and IaaS. With these changes we have received an increasing number of questions on how to protect data in the cloud, so in this research paper we discuss several approaches to both keeping data secure and maintaining control over access. From the paper: Controlling encryption keys – and thus also your data – while adopting cloud services is one of the more difficult puzzles in moving to the cloud. For example you need to decide who creates keys (you or your provider), where they are managed (on-premises or in-cloud), how they are stored (hardware or software), how keys will be maintained, how to scale up in a dynamic environment, and how to integrate with each different cloud model you use (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and hybrid). And you still need to either select your own encryption library or invoke your cloud service to encrypt on your behalf. Combine this with regulatory and contractual requirements for data security that – if anything – are becoming more stringent than ever before, piecing together a solution that addresses these concerns is a challenge. We are grateful that security companies like Thales eSecurity and many others appreciate the need to educate customers and prospects with objective material built in a Totally Transparent manner. This allows us to perform impactful research and protect our integrity. You can get a copy of the paper, or go to our research library to download it there. Share:

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Multi-Cloud Key Management: Selection and Migration

Cloud services are typically described as sharing responsibility for security, but the reality is that you don’t working shoulder to shoulder with the vendor. Instead you implement security with the building blocks they provide you, possibly filling in gaps where they don’t provide solutions. One of the central goals of this research project was to show that it is possible to take control of data security, supplanting embedded encryption and key management services, even when you don’t control the environment. And with key management you can gain as much security as your on-premise solution provides – in some cases even continuing leverage familiar tools – with minimal disruption to existing management processes. That said, if you decided to Bring Your Own Keys (and select a cloud HSM), or bring your own software key management stack, you are signing on for additional setup work. And it’s not always simple – the cloud variants of HSM and software key management services are different than their on-premise counterparts. This section will highlight some differences to consider when managing keys in the cloud. Governance Let’s cut to the heart of the issue: If you need an HSM, you likely have regulatory requirements or contractual obligations driving your decisions. Many of these requirements spell out specific physical and electronic security levels, typically something like FIPS 140-2 Level 2 or 140-2 Level 3. And the regulations often specify usage models, such as requiring periodic key rotation, split administrative authority, and other best practices. Cloud vendors usually publish certifications on their HSM, if not HSM specifics. You’ll likely need to dig through their documentation to understand how to manage the HSM to meet your operational requirements, and what interfaces its functions are available through – typically some or all of web application, command-line tool, and API. It’s one thing to have a key rotation capability, for example, but another to prove you are using it consistently and properly. So key management service administrative actions are a favorite audit item. As your HSM is now in the cloud, you need to determine how you will access the HSM logs and move them into your SIEM or compliance reporting tools. Integration A key question is whether it is okay for your cloud provider to perform encryption and decryption on your behalf, so long as your master keys are always kept within an HSM. Essentially, if your requirement is that all encryption and signing operations must happen in hardware, you need to ensure your cloud vendor provides that option. Some SaaS solutions do not: you provide them keys derived from your master key, and the service performs the actual encryption without necessarily using an HSM. Some IaaS platforms let you choose to keep bulk encryption in their HSM platform, or leverage their software service. Find out whether your potential cloud provider offers what you need. For IaaS migrations of applications and databases which encrypt data elements or columns, you may need to change the API calls to leverage the HSM or software key management service. And depending upon how your application authenticates itself to the key management server, you may also need to change to this code as well. The process to equip volume encryption services with keys varies between cloud vendors, so your operations team should investigate how startup provisioning works. Finally, as we mentioned under governance, you will need to get log files from the HSM or software key manager. Logs are typically provided on demand via API calls to the cloud service, or dumped into a storage repository where you can access raw events as needed. But HSMs are a special service with additional security controls, so you will need to check with your vendor for how to access log files and what formats they offer data in. Management Whether using hardware or software, you can count on the basic services of key creation, secure storage, rotation, and encryption. But a number of concerns pop up when moving to the cloud because things work a bit differently. One is dual-administrator functions, sometimes called ‘split-key’ authority. Two or more administrators must authorize certain sensitive administrative functions. For cloud-based key management you’ll need to designate your HSM operators. These operators will are typically issued identity certificates and hardware tokens to authenticate to the HSM or key manager. We recommend that these certificates be stored in password managers on-premise, and the hardware tokens secured on-premise as well. We suggest you do not tie the role of HSM operator to an individual, but instead use a service account, so you’re not locked out of the HSM when an admin leaves the company. You’ll want to modify your existing processes to accomodate changes the cloud brings. And prior to production deployment you should practice key import and rotation to ensure there are no hiccups. Operations In NIST’s definition of cloud computing one of the essential characteristics – which separates it from hosting providers and on-premise virtualization technologies – is availability on-demand and through self-service. HSM is new enough that it is not yet always fully self-service. You may need to work through a partially manual process to get set up and vetted before you can use the service. This is normally a one-time annoyance, which should not affect ongoing agility or access. It is worth reiterating that HSM services cost more than software-only native key management services. SaaS services tend to charge a set-up fee and a flat monthly rate, so costs are predictable. IaaS charges are generally based on the number of keys used, so if you expect to generate lots of keys – such as one per document – costs can skyrocket. Check to see how keys are generated, how often, and how often they are rotated, for a handle on operating costs. For disaster recovery you need to fully understand your cloud provider’s failover and recovery models, and whether you need to replicate keys back to your on-premise HSM. To provide infrastructure failover you may extend services across multiple

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Multi-Cloud Key Management: Service and Deployment Options

This post will discuss how to deploy encryption keys into a third-party cloud service. We illustrate the deployment options, along with the components of a solution. We will then walk through the process of getting a key from your on-premise Hardware Security Module (HSM) into a cloud HSM. We will discuss variations on using cloud-based HSM for all encryption operations, as well as cases where you instead delegate encryption operations to the cloud-native encryption service. We’ll close out with a discussion of software-based (non-HSM) key management systems running on IaaS cloud services. There are two basic design approaches to cloud key management. The most common model is generally referred to as ‘BYOK’ (Bring Your Own Key). As the name implies you place your own keys in a cloud HSM, and use your keys with the cloud HSM service to encrypt and decrypt content. This model requires HSM to work, but does supports all cloud service models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) so long as the cloud vendor offers an HSM service. The second model is software-based key management. In this case you run the same key management software you currently use on-premise, but in a multi-tenant IaaS cloud. Your vendors supplies either a server or a container image containing the software, and you configure and deploy it in your cloud environment. Let’s jump into the specifics of each model, with some different ways each approach is used. BYOK Cloud platforms for commercial services offer encryption as an option for data storage and communications. With most cloud environments – especially SaaS – encryption is built-in and occurs by default for all tenants as part of the service. To keep things simple the encryption and key management interfaces are not exposed – instead encryption is a transparent function handled on the customer’s behalf. For select cloud services where stronger security is required, or regulations demand their use, Hardware Security Modules are provided as an option. These modules are physically and digitally hardened against attack to ensure that keys are secure from tampering and difficult to misuse. To incorporate HSM into a cloud service, cloud vendors typically offer an extension to their key management service. In some cases it’s a simple set of additional API, but in most cases a dashboard is provided with API for provisioning and key management. In some cases, particularly when you use the same type of HSM on-premise as your cloud vendor, the full suite of HSM functions may be available. So the amount of work you need to set up BYOK varies. Let’s take a closer look at getting your keys into the cloud. Exporting Keys Those of you used to using HSM on-premise understand that typically keys remain fully protected within the HSM, never extracted from its protection. When vendors configure HSM they are seeded with information about the vendor and the customer. This process can be reversed, providing the ability to extract keys, but generally not to use outside the HSM – traditionally only to seed another appliance. Key extraction is a manual process for most – if not all – HSM. It typically involves two or more security administrators providing credentials and a smart card or USB stick with a secure enclave to authenticate to the HSM, then requesting a new key for extraction. For most HSM extraction is similar: Once validation occurs, the HSM takes the customer’s master key and bundles it with information specific to the HSM vendor and the customer, and in some cases information specific to usage rights for the key, then encrypts the data. These added data elements provide additional protections for the key, dictating where it can be un-encrypted and how it may be used. Export of keys does not occur over any specific proxy, and is not performed synchronously with import on a destination HSM. Instead the encrypted information bundle is sent to the cloud service provider. A cloud HSM service likely leverages at least a 2-node HSM cluster, and each vendor implements their own integration layer, so key import specifics vary widely, as does the level of effort required. In general; once the customer has been provisioned for the cloud HSM service, they can import their master key via a dashboard, API, or command line. The customer’s master key bundle is used to create their intermediate keys as needed by their cloud key hierarchy, and those intermediate keys in turn are used to generate data encryption keys as needed. These encryption keys are copied into cloud HSM as needed. Each cloud provider scales up and maintains redundancy in its own ways, and they typically do not typically publish details of how. Instead they provide service guarantees for uptime and performance. The good news is you no longer need to worry much about these specifics, because they are taken care of for you. Additionally, cloud service providers do not as a rule use Active/Standby HSM pairs, preferring a more scalable ‘cloud’ of many hardware modules, handling importation of customer keys as needed, so resiliency is likely better than whatever you have on-premise today. Keep in mind that hardware-based key management support is still considered a special case by cloud service vendors. Not all customers demand it. And it is often not fully available as a self-service feature – there may be a manual sign-up process and availability in only specific regions or zones. Unlike built-in native encryption, HSM capabilities cost extra. Once you have your installed in the cloud HSM service you can use it to encrypt data. But how this works varies between different cloud service models, so we will look at a couple common cases. SaaS with HSM Encryption With many SaaS services, if you contract for a cloud-based HSM service, all encryption operations on your behalf are performed inside the HSM. The native cloud encryption service may satisfy the requests on your behalf so encryption and decryption are transparent, but key access and encryption operations are performed fully within the HSM. The graphic below illustrates

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