Since Friday is usually “trash” day (when you dump articles you don’t expect anyone to read) I don’t usually post anything major. But thanks to some unexpected work that hit yesterday, I wasn’t able to get part 2 of this series out when I wanted to. If you can tear yourself away from those LOLCatz long enough, we’re going to talk about web browsers, WAFs, and web application gateways. These are the first two components of Application and Database Monitoring and Protection (ADMP), which I define as: Products that monitor all activity in a business application and database, identify and audit users and content, and, based on central policies, protect data based on content, context, and/or activity. Browser Troubles As we discussed in part 1, one of the biggest problems in web application security is that the very model of the web browsers and the World Wide Web is not conducive to current security needs. Browsers are the ultimate mashup tool- designed to take different bits from different places and seamlessly render them into a coherent whole. The first time I started serious web application programming (around 1995/96) this blew my mind. I was able to embed disparate systems in ways never before possible. And not only can we embed content within a browser, we can embed browsers within other content/applications. The main reason, as a developer, I converted from Netscape to IE was that Microsoft allowed IE to be embedded in other programs, which allowed us to drop it into our thick VR application. Netscape was stand alone only; seriously limiting its deployment potential. This also makes life a royal pain on the security front where we often need some level of isolation. Sure, we have the same-origin policy, but browsers and web programming have bloated well beyond what little security that provides. Same-origin isn’t worthless, and is still an important tool, but there are just too many ways around it. Especially now that we all use tabbed browsers with a dozen windows open all the time. Browsers are also stateless by nature, no matter what AJAX trickery we use. XSS and CSRF, never mind some more sophisticated attacks, take full advantage of the weak browser/server trust models that result from these fundamental design issues. In short, we can’t trust the browser, the browser can’t trust the server, and individual windows/tabs/sessions in the browser can’t trust each other. Fun stuff! WAF Troubles I’ve talked about WAFs before, and their very model is also fundamentally flawed. At least how we use WAFs today. The goal of a WAF is, like a firewall, to drop known bad traffic or only allow known good traffic. We’re trying to shield our web applications from known vulnerabilities, just like we use a regular firewall to block ports, protocols, sources, and destinations. Actually, a WAF is closer to IPS than it is to a stateful packet inspection firewall. But web apps are complex beasts; every single one a custom application, with custom vulnerabilities. There’s no way a WAF can know all the ins and outs of the application behind it, even after it’s well tuned. WAFs also only protect against certain categories of attacks- mostly some XSS and SQL injection. They don’t handle logic flaws, CSRF, or even all XSS. I was talking with a reference yesterday of one of the major WAFs, and he had no trouble slicing through it during their eval phase using some standard techniques. To combat this, we’re seeing some new approaches. F5 and WhiteHat have partnered to feed the WAF specific vulnerability information from the application vulnerability assessment. Imperva just announced a similar approach, with a bunch of different partners. These advances are great to see, but I think WAFs will also need to evolve in some different ways. I just don’t think the model of managing all this from the outside will work effectively enough. Enter ADMP The idea of ADMP is that we build a stack of interconnected security controls from the browser to the database. At all levels we both monitor activity and include enforcement controls. The goal is to start with browser session virtualization connected to a web application gateway/WAF. Then traffic hits the web server and web application server, both with internal instrumentation and anti-exploitation. Finally, transactions drop to the database, where they are again monitored and protected. All of the components for this model exist today, so it’s not science fiction. We have browser session virtualization, WAFs, SSL-VPNs (that will make sense in a minute), application security services and application activity monitoring, and database activity monitoring. In addition to the pure defensive elements, we’ll also tie in to the applications at the design and code level through security services for adaptive authentication, transaction authentication, and other shared services (happy Dre? 🙂 ). The key is that this will all be managed through a central console via consistent policies. In my mind, this is the only thing that makes sense. We need to understand the applications and the databases that back them. We have to do something at the browser level since even proper parameterization and server side validation can’t meet all our needs. We have to start looking at transactions, business context, and content, rather than just packets and individual requests. Point solutions at any particular layer have limited effectiveness. But if we stop looking at our web applications as pieces, and rather design security that addresses them as a whole, we’ll be in much better shape. Not that anything is perfect, but we’re looking at risk reduction, not risk elimination. A web application isn’t just a web server, just some J2EE code, or just a DB- it’s a collection of many elements working together to perform business transactions, and that’s how we need to look at them for effective security. The Browser and Web Application Gateway A little while back I wrote about the concept of browser session virtualization. To plagiarize myself and save a little writing time so I can get