RSA Guide 2011: Email/Web (Content) Security
Global Threats. APT. Botnets. Infected Web Pages. Grannies with shotguns. We expect to see anything and everything it takes for vendors to get your attention, including never before seen awards and security metrics. Some ask “Why the hype?” The value of content security — both inbound filtering to prevent unwanted garbage from coming into the network, as well as detection of unwanted activity like surfing for porn or sending company secrets to your cousin as investment advice — is proven. All the major players and most mid-tier providers have closed the major holes in their products, provide unified management for all functions, and offer some type of SaaS service. The technology works. The problem is that the segment is both mature and saturated. To earn a new customer, a vendor must steal one from a competitor. Growing revenue means convincing customers they need a new service. It is increasingly difficult to differentiate the top tier from the mid-tier players, so that noise you hear is vendors trying to find an edge. For the most part, the vendors offer quality services at a price point that continues to drop with reduced cost cloud and SaaS based offerings. But you can’t blame the vendors from trying to “one up” the competition in a crowded market. What We Expect to See There are three areas of interest at the show for content security: It’s Raining Devices: One thing you are going to learn wandering around Moscone is how the cloud protects those endpoint devices. Yep! The Content Security Cloud protects the endpoint. Isn’t that what cloud security is all about? Well, no, actually, but you are will hear about it. Those services that run on your iPhone/Droid/Blackberry are theoretically just as susceptible to attack as what’s on your desktop or laptop. Supposedly. That’s the vendor argument, but attacks against mobile devices are more likely to target lower layers of the infrastructure — but don’t worry, vendors won’t let facts ruin a good story. In most cases the vendor is offering exactly the same services they already provide for your laptop/workstation to protect from the same threats on new devices. But hey, it’s ‘the cloud’, so it must be good! More DLP: Yes, content security providers offer Data Loss Prevention. In most cases, it’s just the subset of DLP needed to detect data exfiltration. And regular expression checking for outbound documents and web requests is good enough to address the majority of content leakage problems, so this is a good addition for most customers. By and large we hear from satisfied customers who implement a dozen or so content policies for specific violations they are interested in detecting, and find the analysis techniques sufficient. Deployments of this type are far less daunting than a full featured soup-to-nuts DLP platform, so we hear far more success stories and less about shelfware. Users Are Employees Too: Scams, fraud, and phishing attacks continue to hammer those uninterested in security, and the IT managers who support them. The content security vendors know that nothing else matters to some users besides getting to their Facebook pages on their lunch hour. It also means these users are unusually susceptible to phishing attacks, drive-by malware, and account compromises. In and of themselves these attacks are fairly low-yield and low-damage. But a compromised computer on a corporate network acts as a launching pad for all sorts of network mayhem. Content security providers can no longer claim the “Insider Threat” is your biggest security concern, but they will let IT managers know they help mitigate damages from stupid human tricks. Next up in the hit parade is Data Security. OK, repeat after me: WikiLeaks, WikiLeaks, WikiLeaks – and you’ll start to get a feel for this year’s RSA Conference rally cry. Share: